The idolatry of Herbert Armstrong continues on unabated by Samuel Kitchen. I bet you did not know that HWA was so powerful that he was able to stop a nuclear war from happening. Sadly, with his death, a void has been created in the world, and world leaders have had no direction on how to run their countries since HWA died.
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."( Malachi 4:5-6)
"Curse" here means UTTER DESTRUCTION.Nuclear war qualifies as utter destruction and in this prophecy lies the answer to our question.God raises up a single man, and through that man He does a work, and by that work God stops nuclear destruction.This man must have had access to those who had the big red button. He must have met with the leaders of nations! The Kings, Queens, Presidents, Emperors, Prime ministers and other heads of state.He must have!Who does that sound like to you?In the face of nuclear war, Herbert W Armstrong met with leaders and talked to them about the way of peace, and what the Bible prophecies for our peoples and talked of how peace will only come about one way and those leaders heard him! Some listened.So nuclear war was staved off.
Jesus Christ used Herbert W Armstrong to reach leaders of nations around the world and to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God (fulfilling Matthew 24:14), and that stopped a QUICK DESTRUCTION.
Satan changed tactics.
Of course, he did. There is always a convenient excuse for why time continues to go on and COG leaders continue to be caught lying.
The landscape that surrounded nuclear war was changed by God. It was done through one man. God will intervene for the elect's sake(The Worldwide Church of God)and bring things to a close sooner rather than later.
That explains why time has elongated since Herbert W Armstrong was on the world scene.
His absence has created a vacuum. Nations are left to do as they will with zero influence from a true man of God. The Pope of Rome has attempted to fill that void, and not surprisingly will lead nations to war in the name of peace.
Time has been extended because as usual, the church is NOT ready. Church members cannot do anything right for the last 80-some years. Jesus has to sit there twiddling his thumbs until the church gets it all right. What a weak pathetic impotent god!
So time has been elongated to PURIFY the Worldwide Church of God. Satan is persecuting the Church(Rev 12:13). He has created a landscape of multiple choices, so you can let go of Herbert W Armstrong and the identity of the Worldwide Church of God, and fall prey to his traps.
The key is to stick with God's apostle and stick with what He taught, and stick with the identity of the Worldwide Church of God! Hold fast to what you have, not throw it away for something you determined is "better" for you.
Apparently, salvation still is unavailable for COG members unless they follow HWA and Bob Thiel, two of the greatest men to ever walk this earth.
Well there then now, all I can say is keep on not being ready churches! When my dad read us the US & BC in Prophecy one summer 1956 Saturday on our front porch, I began fervently hoping that none of this happy horse shit would ever happen. Of course I had no clue back then that it never would, because I still believed that my parents knew what was right. My favorite uncle had called HWA a fanatic, but when I asked my parents about that, they said my uncle was deceived and didn't know any better.
I never thought I'd make 30, and now I've been walking the planet for 75 years. "They" only deprived me of about twenty of those years, and yes, there was some permanent damage, but compared to some I actually got off easy. Herbie didn't get his way. Yay!!!
GTA put out a child rearing booklet. In essence, it advocated unleashing psychopathic violence against children for the slightest infraction. This also had the effect of grooming children to be later abused by HWAs ministers. Please explain how this turned the hearts of the children towards the fathers and visa versa?
Advocating that adult members cling to Herb the same way that children cling to their mothers skirts is condemned many times in the bible. RCG is one example of what happens when members do this. At this stage, a successful Christian should have out grown their initial teachers many times over.
HWA was estranged from his own children, interestingly enough.
Yes, Tonto! And apparently, the chapter regarding "special" father-daughter relationships was edited out of the childrearing booklet and the New Morality prior to their publication.
This guy kitchen has to be on drugs.
Herbert was never president of the USA for one second, nor did he have any qualifications to run for any office to reach any level of influence. Billy Graham was the friend to USA presidents. There are pictures of him with every president except Obama. Billy Graham's autobiography is thick with quality stories. His reputation was of a life filled with integrity. He demanded financial accountability in his ministry.
His book is loaded with pictures of all the world leaders that requested his presence. He did not drain his followers financially like Herbert W. Armstrong giving lavish gifts to get an audience. He and Ruth were given life achievement awards when Clinton was in office.
Herbert W. Armstrong was a salesman. He had no influence in the world.
The church will never be ready. It is full of Laodiceans, tares, and flawed humans. Do you think God didn't know all along it would be like that?
This guy kitchen has to be on drugs.
Perhaps Malachi was smoking weed.
Did Herbert Armstrong meet personally with Ronald Reagan? Leonid Brezhnev? Top Chinese leaders?
No. No, he didn't.
So how can anyone claim HWA stopped nuclear war?
Instead, HWA preached the imminent uniting of a European Superpower to conquer America!
Did that happen? Did the EU take him at his prophetic word and send military forces toward New York? Or Washington? Or even Pasadena?
No. No, that didn't happen, either.
So maybe some people need to calm down. A little.
Herbert W. Armstrong covered the USA, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and the democracies of northwestern Europe with television, radio, and magazine preaching. There were different language editions of the Plain Truth magazine. The common citizens were reached in these nations descended from ancient Israel.
In gentile nations where the government controlled the mass media of television, radio, and newspaper, Herbert W. Armstrong met with and preached to the kings, emperors, presidents, and prime ministers and their ambassadors and leaders in education. The leaders of the gentile nations were reached.
Fact - The only president that had no war during his presidency was Donald J. Trump who had conversations with every world leader. He was all over the globe. The world was fearful of North Korea. Not Trump
Herbert was long dead. Herbert had
no influence. People with influence are sought after because of their long standing reputation. They drain people of finances and purchase expensive presents to get an audience.
If you truly believe we have a 6,000 year lease on earth, you will be happy to know we have another 300 years left according to the Jews. Sell everything. Go to Petra where everyone knows you are going to hide with about 5 minutes of research. You can become part of the Jew's tourist attraction called "The Doomsday Cult Tour."
Herbert always promotes himself.
That was his message. "Do what I say or you are not called at this time. God has not called you to know the truth."
God's message to Herbert was, "STOP stealing my little lambs, you false prophet. Woe to you, you evil doer who speaks what I do NOT speak and does what I did NOT tell you to do."
Why the hell is there a comment here about Donald Trump? This post has absolutely nothing to do with Trump. Trump is no more a virtuous upright politican than Obama, Hillary, or Biden. They’re all garbage politicians.
Nobody knows what God says. All we know is what people say he says.
I was agreeing with 11:26 that Herb did not meet with the world leaders of his time. He did not meet with President Reagan, Russia, or Chinese leadership.
To call Herb a world influencer is easy to prove false. However, Billy Graham and Donald Trump get an A+.
3:22 - Leadership Influencers - If you could have asked the presidents and leaders of countries in Herb's day, they didn't meet with him. You would have to live under a rock not to have heard of real influencers like Billy Graham & Donald Trump. To compare Armstrong's influence compared to these 2 men. Trump got rid of the Johnson Amendment regarding churches & pastors setting them free.
Unbelievable ignorance on your part.
It's difficult to evaluate WWCG's impact during its heyday. The church's goal wasn't political influence but rather a call to repentance and warn of a coming WW3.
When it comes to religion, many people are secretive, so the number of people who read church literature or listened to the church's radio and TV programs is hard to discern.
It is obvious that HWA did not prevent WW3. Looking back, probably his biggest achievement was the constant controversy that seemed to always surround himself & the Worldwide organization. Actually during its heyday more people knew of GTA prior to his ouster before the false narrative that HWA was putting the church " back on track."
Looking back from historical context of America emerging from WW2 Herbert Armstrong was probably a low level government or C.I.A. informant.
Too many times within COG environments Herbert Armstrong the man is viewed from only a biblical or Christian context which usually creates huge emotional reactions in people which results in nothing but high emotions.
He may have not intended to dabble in whatever he ended up in but certainly he was alive in strange times of America's emergence from the aftermath of WW2.
In one former large workplace, it because obvious over a number of years that most of the people there had heard of the WWCGs teaching of humans becoming members of God's family and of the tribulation. And the knowledge didn't come from me. I think it was mainly spread through gossip.
In its heyday, there was no other church like it.
When people want something desperately to happen, they will sometimes be led by their zeal to pretend that it is happening. I recall surmising from the pulput in Big Sandy concerning HWA's visits to foreign leaders. In some cases, the government would go into crisis after his visit. Never mind that some of these governments were almost pepetually in crisis. The idea came from the dubious exegesis of Zechariah 4:7
"What are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain, and he shall bring out the top stone amid shouts of ‘Grace, grace to it!'"
But, of course, nothing momentous happened and most of the people in these governments would not now even remember a man named Herbert W. Armstrong. Apocalyptics grasp at straws trying to find something to support their misplaced, ill-conceived hopes. And their zeal naturally ferments into pathos. Next to failed end-time prophecy, for me, HWA's "ambassador without portfolio" activity was the most embarrassing theater in Armstrongist history. It is further saddening because I believe that many people in the Pews really wanted Jesus to return to fix things and bring about an ideal world. As they followed this theater, their hearts were in the right place - but their zeal overtook their ability to see that it was all just pompous drama.
I was in a geology laboratory class in college last century and the teaching assistant brought up an alternative view to evolution from the Plain Truth Magazine. There then ensued a discussion of the "World Today" broadcast. Various class members contributed what they knew. I was surprised at two things: How many knew of the broadcast and magazine and how garbled was their understanding of the message. Hardly a witness.
I will grant the premise that those on the fringes can and do exert their influences on the mainstream. What has changed America in the new millennium are these various influences from those who would once have been considered to be extremists.
I believe that HWA/WCG drew attention to several concepts, ideologies, and practices in ways which caused paradigm shifts in various circles. Back in the 1950s and '60s, as an example, very few religious leaders or church groups preached tithing. The WCG's massive income, considering its relatively small size, and the capabilities this brought to get out a message through the media, has provided the basic template for most of the successful televangelists of today. Speaking of televangelists, there was just a handful of them active in the mid 1950s, when the World Tomorrow was just kicking into gear. Today, they are just as plentiful as rock stars.
If many knew of the correlation between Christmas and Easter and ancient pagan celebrations, very few were speaking out about it, or even considering the possibility back in those days. Today, it is both known and freely acknowledged, and those holidays have been questioned and their influences diminished. Science, once almighty, has been questioned and subjected to mistrust. Trust in government, the news media, the medical profession, public education, has been diminished. Mistrust of institutions as a tool to further one's agenda was an underlying theme in many Plain Truth articles and World Tomorrow broadcasts. The idea that it was an enlightened elite who had the real answers who were sharing this mistrust was the overt message of nearly all the church's outreach materials. This was being fomented by Armstrongism, during the "Leave it to Beaver" era.
As if eternal hell fire were insufficient, fear of an imminent apocalypse as a motivator and vehicle for change was proven to be very effective by HWA. It scared many people into radically modifying their behavior, was not unnoticed, and has been employed very successfully by nearly anyone promoting an agenda. Other vastly more popular televangelists have even latched on to the HWA prophecy mold, teaching of a globalist resurgence of the Roman Empire, the mark of the beast, a tribulation, and the end of the world. Global cooperation, the United Nations, and a new "Star Trek" era were being heralded at the time when HWA and GTA were teaching their versions of prophecy on TV.
We, in the WCG, were the only ones who were discussing such things back then. You just did not see or hear that same material in the media or on the street. It was both radical and fringe for those times. It could be argued that the distrust which was sewn has grown to the point of being a destructive influence on America, and that even though the prophecy mold has continuously failed, the message has contributed to the downfall of the empire, and the unraveling of pax Americana. The message which HWA brought to the table may have failed. But the influences and techniques which he employed, the fear motivation and the distrust and dissatisfaction he has sewn have been embraced by the system, and remain as active, destructive forces, almost as self-fulfilling prophecies, diminishing snd bringing down the empire. He did the damage that the communists could only imagine doing!
Kitchen wrote: "..."Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord:
"And his disciples asked him, saying, Why then say the scribes that Elias must first come?
, did the Day of the LORD happen yet? No, that is scheduled for after Satan exits the pit, messes up the world before God via 7 Vials brings an end to the entire mess.
"And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse."( Malachi 4:5-6
"Curse" here means UTTER DESTRUCTION.
Nuclear war qualifies as utter destruction and in this prophecy lies the answer to our question..."
Answer what question? Is it: "Did you know that hwa personally stopped a nuclear war?"
That is so speculative as those verses, according to Jesus Christ, have all to do with John the Baptist and nobody else. And Jesus told us that of Himself He could do nothing. Yet, this Kitchen says that HWA did so much more: stop a nuclear war! No way! Just that thought alone should be thrown out with the kitchen sink!
What did Jesus Christ, who cannot lie, tell us? And His disciples caught the vision, got the point, that Jesus had John the Baptist in mind, and not HWA! Duh!
Matthew 17:10
11 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Elias truly shall first come, and restore all things.
12 But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them.
13 Then the disciples understood that he spake unto them of John the Baptist."
Why won't this kitchen believe Jesus Christ and the disciple?
Both John the Baptist and Jesus Christ were murdered: b/c of "whatsoever they listed."
Thinking about Malachi 4:5-6
Did John the Baptist turn hearts of fathers, children, and each to the other? Yes, read your Bible!
Did John the Baptist come before the Day of the LORD? Yes, of course!
He's sleeping, like HWA! Let them sleep!
War? We know scriptures speak of eyes/empty sockets and tongues disappearing from mouths, etc. The 7 Vials are for after Satan exits the pit. The first 6 Trumps are for before Satan enters the pit where there is only partial destruction (a 1/3 of this and a 1/3 of that). The Vials, scheduled for much later are virtually total destruction.
How do we know? Should Kitchen's highly speculative thoughts be thrown out with the kitchen sink? Should any Kitchens believe Jesus Christ and His disciples?
Time will tell...
Found this on the web. I feel like with a little tweaking one could actually convince people of this, lol
Don’t let the history books fool you! What Americans call “Independence Day” was originally a Wiccan holiday that honored the ancient goddess of freedom, Independencia.
Independencia was a quadruple goddess that represented the four elements and the freedom Witches found in using the elements to honor the Horned God and Great Mother.
Great bonfires were lit and the (originally Pagan) early Americans would light their wands and sing in merriment of the obviously pagan Star Spangled Banner. The American flag is covered in 50 five-pointed stars to represent the 50 Wiccans that were burned at the stake in Salem by the British in 1692 (what is today called the Salem Witch Trials.) The thirteen stripes represent the Thirteen Truths of Paganism that are held sacred by Seventh Level Wiccan Priests such as myself.
Our founding fathers were Wiccan and they had escaped Europe during the Burning Times to set up a new nation that would honor one incarnation of our Goddess, Americana.
Sadly, Benedict Arnold betrayed our Founding Fathers and they were burned at the stake at the future site of the Statue of Liberty.
The Statue of Liberty is today a pagan shrine that honors our Wiccan origins. It was donated by the French High Priestess Marie Antoinette in 1793, shortly before her own murder at the stake by the Evil Christians.
The 4th of July is Pagan in origin and spans back several thousand years to when the ancient Wiccans were first given fire by Independencia, it’s name come from the ancient words ‘Fuorrha’, which means ‘Fourth’ and ‘Joulia’, which means ‘July’.
Remember our history and remember the sacrifice of our Pagan Founding Fathers!
Happy Fourth of July! Happy Fuorrha Joulia!
Blessed be! )O(
RSK, you may be closer to truth than you realize.
What happened in July 1776? It wasn't the start of the American Revolution, which began in April 1775. It wasn't the last battle of the Revolution (September 1781) or the treaty that ended the war (October 1783).
What happened in July 1776 was that a group of Masons, pirates, and black marketers got together to try to co-opt the revolution for their own nefarious purposes. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and these evil men, through their so-called Declaration of Independence, rejected monarchy in favor of Luciferian revolt.
When Americans today celebrate the 4h of July rather than September 3 (Treaty of Paris) or October 19 (Surrender of Cornwallis), they are casting their lot with Satan the Devil.
Nah, RSK. I'll just go with this being the date on which the Declaration of Independence was ratified: July 4, 1776.
These are good celebrations, just like Christmas and Easter. None of which are pagan. The people I know that celebrate them are not, thus their celebration is not.
I have no opinion. I just googled "July 4 pagan" for entertainment, found that and snickered.
"What happened in July 1776 was that a group of Masons, pirates, and black marketers got together to try to co-opt the revolution for their own nefarious purposes. Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, and these evil men, through their so-called Declaration of Independence, rejected monarchy in favor of Luciferian revolt."
Absurd. I'm glad this is not the lens through which I view the world.
Whenever I see these claims of paganism, I always remind the perps that the pagans drank water, and most likely used it for some of their rituals. So, better not drink any water, or you might end up in the Lake of Fire!
Anonymous at 8:50 PM said...“The church's goal wasn't political influence but rather a call to repentance and warn of a coming WW3.”
The “great commission” (the goal) of the Worldwide Church of God was to preach the gospel (meaning “GOOD NEWS,” not “BAD NEWS”) of the coming kingdom of God to the whole world for a witness to all nations before the end of this age would come.
There was also an Ezekiel warning message directed primarily to the USA and Britain to repent of their sins or else be punished by God with war, famine, disease, and slavery.
Some general warning about a coming World War III is the sort of useless thing that some people without understanding now believe in.
2:57 PM
According to the Septuagint we’re already in the seventh millennium. So Christ’s return is past due.
7:40 AM
“Rebellion” against God Almighty “is as the sin of witchcraft” but rebellion to human tyrants is obedience to God.
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