King Poutine VI
David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God has kept himself plenty busy after the most important Ministerial Conference since Acts 15. It was important for, you know, reasons…I suppose?
Four messages since the Conference between June 17 and June 24 have crowded my To Do List with a fifth scheduled for today, July 1.
“The Greatest Unending Story!" Final Parts 453 and 454 were followed by final Part 455, and then, final-maybe Part 456. Cross your fingers that today’s post-vacation “all is well, and we are on track!” Part 457 means the Series is over. Finally. My advice: Do not choose to die on that hill.
Having a group of four messages totaling over five hours to examine together serves a clear advantage. The evolution of doctrines reveals discernible patterns. You can also tell when Dave is sure about his malarkey, as opposed to when he long-windedly soft-pads a weak premise. Some “knowledge” comes and goes. Others stick.
The usual date-setting continued unabated. Well, until he realized it was not his assignment far too late.
The Kingdom of God Arrives on Tammuz 1 (June 20)
The Kingdom of God Arrives on Tammuz 5 (June 24)
The Kingdom of God Arrives on Tammuz 12 (July 1)
These dates are not new if you regularly visit the website. They are posted even when a corresponding article is not.
Even though today is another soft failure for David C. Pack, that is not why you are here.
“One Is” Not Hitler
During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 453)” on June 17, 2023, Pastor General David Crowl Pack of The Restored Church of God, located in Wadsworth, Ohio, USA, identified Russian President Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin as the prophesied Sixth King of Revelation 17.
And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
Behold the face of the Sixth King!
And warm greetings to our visiting comrades from the Russian Consulate. More on that later.
The identity of the Sixth King has been held for two weeks. One fascinating observation is that during all four messages, Bold Dave never uttered the sentence, “Vladimir Putin is the Sixth King.”
So, how did he pull off identifying the Sixth King as Mr. Vladimir Putin without stating it plainly?
By association.
I suspicion Grandpa Dave was being extra cautious just in case the Russkis caught wind of his little declaration hobby. Or maybe he wanted some level of plausible deniability when he needed to moonwalk this doctrine as he did twice with Pope Francis being the Man of Sin.
There are more quotes than usual on purpose. This article aims to be exact and precise in substantiating the claims of David C. Pack just in case a foreign government agency happens upon this. Stranger things have happened.
The Journey To Coronating A King
Part 453 – June 17, 2023
@ 00:21 Well, truly, we’ve reached the end. I have to tell you from many perspectives, I look forward to giving both these messages almost as much as anything I’ve ever covered…But a short follow-up message is in order. I don't know if it's short, but it focuses on the Sixth King.
@ 02:20 And if we can identify the Sixth King with great clarity and detail. Let me say that again. With great clarity and detail. If, instead of thinking we're looking for him, that, in fact, we are staring at him, that will tell us we are very close.
@ 13:59 We’re still clearing out the Mystery of God…Who is the Sixth King?
Twenty-eight painful minutes later, he finally circles around. Being concise is not his strength.
@ 41:57 So then, who is the Sixth King? Are we looking for him, or currently are we now staring at him? Three weeks ago, I identified him, and the men around me know that I did. I said, It’s gotta be this man. But I thought, No, it can’t be that man because that man has got to be someone inside the Kingdom.
To David C. Pack, what is the point of being right if nobody is around to bask in it? Knowing quietly for yourself is for fools.
@ 42:40 So, I eliminated who I knew the Sixth King was, and everybody around me, the ministers that walk with me, my wife, everybody knows that about two days before Pentecost, I figured out who he was.
David C. Pack desperately craves a great cloud of witnesses, proving he figured it out before anyone else. If you establish who knew first, you confirm who God reveals it to. Despite a perfect record of failure, this supports his legitimacy.
When it comes to the perception he is directly used by God, Dave gets cocaine hungry about nonsense like this. The Spirit of Error is crying with laughter.
@ 42:59 So, if I can prove to you that the Sixth King “now is,” …then the Kingdom has to be on top of us.
@ 43:53 My job right now is to tell you about a man who becomes, in many regards, the most powerful metric in the Bible.
David C. Pack puts all his legitimacy chips on the table. He must accurately identify the Sixth King of Revelation 17 for prophecy to commence. By doing this, he bankrupts Herbert W. Armstrong's great claim to fame about him, accurately identifying Adolf Hitler as the Sixth King in the midst of World War II.
Dave must increase while Herbie must decrease.
@ 52:08 He [God] says He picks a man who wanted to know His heart and mind, so if this is correct (and it is), and it’s because God wanted to reveal it at the end. I didn’t reveal anything.
Meaning if he is wrong, it is God's fault. David C. Pack never shies away from blaming God.
The introduction of Part 453 established the main topic of the “one is” Sixth King of Revelation 17. One hour later, he finally rolls up his sleeves.
@ 1:03:02 We might ask, Would we expect that the Sixth King would be a Mede? He would be a Russian.
@ 1:03:20 Vladimir Putin is known to admire the great Russian Czars. I’ve read a lot about this man.
@ 1:03:44 Here’s what his first name means: “to rule with greatness” or “peaceful ruler” and “ruler of the world.”
Dave piles on the "proofs" pointing to Mr. Putin for twenty minutes.
@ 1:22:05 “Putin Projects Defiance At Economic Forum.” He’s almost the front page every day of the Wall Street Journal.
If it is in the Wall Street Journal, it is crucial to prophecy because the Wall Street Journal is important to Dave. What other means could God use to relate information to His prophet? Audible communication is out of the question.
@ 1:24:44 Somebody thinks it’s some who thinks it’s somebody else. All right. Who else? And what alternative is there? I know it’s him. Everything lines up.
@ 1:25:45 I didn’t just come to this. I finally came to grips with it. That there’s not time for anyone else. The Sixth King now IS. And nobody else has ever known it. We have to know it.
@ 1:30:12 So, this is all faith-building. If your faith didn’t grow as a result of hearing this sermon, then there's something wrong.
There is something wrong if people are still there listening to this.
My faith DID grow during this sermon. My faith is that David C. Pack is a false prophet, a false apostle, and a blaspheming liar. My faith grew that David C. Pack is not led by God or inspired by the Holy Spirit. My faith increased because David C. Pack spews foolishness upon the brethren of The Restored Church of God, and everyone there should flee fast enough to leave a cartoon hole on every wall.
@ 1:30:36 You’re seeing prophecy fulfilled.
@ 1:31:00 It’s no longer just “Mr. Pack just telling us what will happen.” It’s happened. He’s here now. It’s impossible that it’s anybody else.
@ 1:31:26 I’ve been studying Vladimir Putin since he worked for the KGB. He speaks fluent German and worked in East Germany. I understand the man.
Great minds think alike.
The Sabbath was not yet over for the unfortunate souls in Wadsworth on June 17. After suffering through a rushed meal, Dave delayed their evening plans for another eighty-seven minutes.
Royal Apéritif
Part 453 – June 17, 2023
@ 09:05 Now, let’s think of one other reason why it’s easy to know it’s Putin.
That is as close as he gets to the perfect, YouTube-worthy statement I was listening for.
@ 10:17 So, in the end, even though it shoulda been easy to see, it wasn't. But, in the end, it's not hard. It’s easy. You just there are very few candidates. You gotta be in Europe. That’s the center of Christianity.
@ 11:16 In the end, it’s a no-brainer. But not until God removes from our thinking first that Mr. Armstrong (was wrong on Hitler) and then and we’re sorta, “Okay, wait a minute. There’s one more.” But then, the next thing, it gets kinda gets your mind looking, “All right, this guy is he’s alive on earth today.” That’s the way I saw it.
Dave once again hauls Herbert W. Armstrong out to the curb for garbage pick-up. The man went to his grave believing a big, fat lie. How many lies will Dave be clutching when they lower his casket?
@ 12:59 Why did we only identify the Sixth King now?
@ 1:15:19 So, the Series is over. Simplicity truly reigns.
The next quote is Dave projecting his desired outcome sprinkled with the “who else” rationale.
@ 1:23:45 You’re convicted about the Sixth King. That’s what you could look at your own convictions. Who else could it be? And, you know, it’s in some ways it’s an easy thing. It's here, and so I would imagine everybody is convicted about it. I’ll be shocked if people aren’t.
The bored-face lion food young people slumping in their chairs are not convicted. Their parents are not buying it either, but they hide it better.
@ 1:24:01 I gave a fraction of this after lunch Thursday to ministers still in the room, and it was obvious to everybody. So you heard a message this afternoon that was, I believe, absolutely convicting. No one could ever tell me it’s anybody else.
The Bobble-Head Ministers thought it was obvious? Now, that is shocking.
After Russian President Vladimir Putin was correctly proven to be the Sixth King of Revelation 17 by David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God, all that was left to do was to keep re-emphasizing it.
Dear Skimmers: Please keep reading. You will not regret it.
Maintenance Mode
Part 455 – June 21, 2023
@ 02:05 But, you think of Moscow and think, "Well, that’s not really Europe.” We know it’s Europe because it’s the Sixth King, but one of the things that Putin is so upset about, and the reason he won't destroy Kyiv [Ukraine], it’s because he knows it’s the ancient capital of his country. Truly, a European capital.
@ 07:05 We could ask the question (incidentally), If we had another year, would God have Elijah rise and poke the bear? Literally, go poke the bear. The Russian bear? No. There’s no evidence of this…He’s primarily a metric. Just, you know, one IS, or one IS here, or one IS now. Think of that way.
Even Bold Dave would not want to poke the Russian bear.
Dave reports on the Russian coup that was thwarted that morning while framing how it ties into Bible prophecy.
Part 456 – June 24, 2023
@ 07:12 …and he decided to stand down when he was 120 miles from Moscow. It was gonna become a civil war, and it would have threatened the Sixth King. Now, you might wanna consider the devil knows there has to be a Sixth King. And to threaten and stop that at the last minute would be a goal of his. The devil always wants to frustrate the purposes of God.
@ 08:00 …this man has to be in a condition of IS. Not WAS. One IS now. One IS here. He can’t be overthrown.
Comrades, Mr. Putin shall be blessed and succeed in all his efforts going forward.
@ 08:28 Suddenly, the Sixth King, more powerful than all the others, combined and tripled and quintupled. Suddenly he's under tremendous threat from one of his friends. And just as suddenly, it’s as though God intervened, and he stood down and flew into exile in Belarus, where you can (if time goes on) you can be sure he will be killed.
@ 1:42:50 This is a deeply unstable world. Putin threatened all the nations of the West, “Do not get involved in this insurrection.”
Welcome To The Real
Part 455 – June 21, 2023
@ 07:47 Another year, we’d have to really tip-toe and be careful that we didn’t say something that could create great problems. It’s enough that I’m saying now. So, I would like you to think about that. We’d hafta unless God wanted us me to go out and actually indict him. Why? Why? It’s never happened before.
Dave and Brad turned out to be right about me in one aspect, after all. I just can't keep my big mouth shut.
Oh, yes. I really did. Moments ago, this email was sent to the Russian Consulate.
Subject: Mr. Vladimir Putin: You Are A King!
Date: July 1, 2023
Dear Mr. Vladimir Putin,
I trust you had an enjoyable breakfast.
My name is Marc Cebrian, and I live in The United States of America. I thought it would be of great interest to you to learn that a local minister has declared to his entire church that you are a crucial element of Bible prophecy.
David C. Pack is the Pastor General of The Restored Church of God ( He is both an apostle and a prophet. More compelling than this, he is That Prophet Elijah. Since you and he are both mentioned in the Bible, it seems you would have plenty to discuss upon meeting in the future.
As David C. Pack revealed the meaning of the Mystery of God during his over seven-year sermon series, “The Greatest Untold Story!” and after much toil and consideration, God revealed to David C. Pack that you, Mr. Vladimir Putin, are the Sixth King of Revelation 17:10, as recorded by the Apostle John on the island of Patmos.
This profound knowledge was brought to light during “The Greatest Untold Story! (Part 453)” on June 17, 2023. Did anything feel different to you that day?
And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
It must surely be exciting news to learn you are not only a king, but your rise to world fame and power was foretold in the New Testament Bible. This was always meant to remain a secret until the appropriate time/season. Now is the time!
Everyone owes David C. Pack their gratitude for bringing this important matter into unmoving clarity.
One of the side benefits of being the personage prophesied to be the “one is" is that you will experience more tremendous success in your efforts for European domination. You shall be blessed in your efforts, and none of your enemies will be able to prevail against you. As an added bonus, you cannot be harmed until Jesus Christ returns to earth. That is truly something to ponder.
If you would like to hear further details on this matter, please contact David C. Pack at The Restored Church of God Headquarters in Wadsworth, Ohio, USA.
Here is their contact information:
RCG Communications
The Restored Church of God
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Marc Cebrian
P.S. – You may wonder how David C. Pack is qualified to make such claims. It is because, from a very early age, he learned how to doodie in the toilet and not in his pants. Once you both meet, he will be happy to tell you all about it.
Marc, I'm hoping that was a real email to Vlad. That would be funny as hell. If it's real, I hope they respond to you. Lol.
The last time anyone shared ACOG prophecy with world leaders was when David ben Ariel (not to be confused with Ariel Bender, guitarist for Mott the Hoople) went on a writing campaign to German politicians "reminding" them that they had a prophetic duty to fulfill. David even wrote to Arnold Schwarzenegger asking him if he had any interest in running for office in Germany. Guess he got tired of waiting for the HWAcaca to be fulfilled and was working to accelerate it.
Marc is taking a different approach, more or less sharing some religious humor with ol' Vlad, but it should be interesting to see if there are any repercussions either from Dave, or from Mr. Putin. Maybe it will be a red flag that piques the NSA's interests in the RCG!
The poutine is here for.... well, obviously only one reason.
Happy Canada Day to all!
The Western media does not and never did understand Russia. Pack is an idiot.
Why didn't the Russian economy collapse as expected? Why didn't the Russians overthrow Putin as expected? Why didn't the Russian military collapse as expected? It's all wishful thinking, which is self-delusion. Don't base your prophecy on the retarded media.
I thought it was supposed to be Hitler coming back from the dead, or at the very least Franz Joseph Strauss!
Anonymous said...
At the end of the video he talks about Oregon. I had to do some research online about Oregon's history involving black people after slavery. Very interesting topic. I wonder what happened to Worldwide?
Portland, where I live now, is still called "The Whitest City in America" and it is. I worked in Lake Oswego, the wealthiest section of Portland and they still quietly call it "No Negro". A client showed me their home sale papers that stated that the home was never to be resold to Black, Hispanics, Chinese etc... They are just now, even this week in the news, negating those contracts.
Van Port, was a northern suburb and exclusively Black. The men and families were ship building during WW2. When the war was over the White community wanted Vanport gone with the people and had plans to shut it down. Alas, a real flood destroyed it before they could and the job was done for them.
Portland was a hub for WCG with several churches back in the day as in. All gone of course. Recently WCG's replacement, Grace Community International, folded. The Portland Library, where HWA spent his "Six months of intensive study", still exists pretty much as it was. Garner Ted was born just north of me here and the Hinson Baptist Church, where HWA was baptized is still open and looks the same as it did in the 1920's. It was founded in 1896
Dave says "@ 42:40

"So, I eliminated who I knew the Sixth King was, and everybody around me, the ministers that walk with me, my wife, everybody knows that about two days before Pentecost, I figured out who he was. "
Actually, and Preterism would tell us, that was figured out shortly before 70 CE and the fall of Jerusalem, by the author of Revelation.
Revelation 17:10-11
10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
Five are Fallen
Julius Caesar 100 to 44 BCE
Octavian (Augustus) 63BCE to 14 CE
Tiberius 14 CE to 37 CE
Caligula 37 CE to 41 CE
Claudius 41 CE to 54 CE
Nero 54 CE to 68 CE
Galba 68-69 CE
Vespasian (Who conquered Jerusalem in 70 and finished at Masada in less than the 3.5 years predicted by the author of Revelation before Rome would be defeated and the Messiah Jesus would return.
Anonymous July 1 at 5:53PM - OF COURSE I really sent it. That is why I took a snapshot from my Sent folder. Just this morning, I wrote a follow-up email to the same group providing quotes from the article so the Russian Consulate does not think it was a joke.
I also forwarded a copy to the Wall Street Journal just in case they are as big a fan of DCP as he is of them.
PS - Who's the poker now?
Poutine's like jambalaya - a lot of people make it, but doing it well is another story.
Is Putin's head in the photo a bit distorted, as if he had hydrocephalus (water on the brain)? This might explain Putin's poor judgement. Something else the two have in common, brain damage. One had water on the brain, the other has crap for brains.
Dave Pack said:
; 2 Cor 11:13-15

states that the "one is" existed hundreds of years ago when he was writing Revelation:
, 8:20-21
; Ezekiel 38-39, & Doug Winnail Gog exists over 1,000 years from today: after Satan exits pit & not"very soon" to happen!]
"...@ 1:03:02 We might ask, Would we expect that the Sixth King would be a Mede? He would be a Russian.
@ 1:03:20 Vladimir Putin is known to admire the great Russian Czars. I’ve read a lot about this man.
@ 1:03:44 Here’s what his first name means: “to rule with greatness” or “peaceful ruler” and “ruler of the world.”..."
Has Dave Pack (believing Putin is some 6th head/king), like Doug Winnail (believing another Jesus very soon returns to begin 1,000 year reign on earth, instead of remaining with His Father until all enemies subdued/put down), been snared by the father of lies (John 6:44
"And [that] they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will." 2 Tim 2:26
Time is telling.
Is John, the one inspired by God to pen the book of Revelation alive today? Rev 17:10
"And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, [and] the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space."
So, how can Putin be some 6th head/king? The 6th head has to be Rome, and why not?
Head 1 Egyptian [Ezekiel 29:2-6
Head 2 Assyrian [Jeremiah 50:17
Head 3 Babylonian-Chaldean [Daniel 2:37-38
Head 4 Medo-Persian [Daniel 2:39
Head 5 Greco-Macedonian [Daniel 8:21-22
Head 6 Roman "one is" [Revelation 17:10
Head 7 Gog "other is not yet come" [Revelation 20:8
Any still believing the Babylonian-Chaldean empire is the 1st Head of the Beast are still deceived/snared by another one of Satan's counterfeits, but...
Time will tell...
"Vespasian (Who conquered Jerusalem in 70 and finished at Masada in less than the 3.5 years predicted by the author of Revelation before Rome would be defeated and the Messiah Jesus would return."
? Why is "he" blessed - Daniel 12:12
? "He" survived!!!, is still alive!! (??)
Thanks Dennis for the comment. The "3.5 years" is 1335 days from AV 10, 70 AD to NISAN 15, 74 AD, all inclusive - Josephus, Wars, VII,IX,1; Daniel 12:12
Glad this is real. It will be interesting if they respond and what their response will be. If Davey doesn't like you now, he'll really hate you after this, lol.
PS. I hope Dave's compound doesn't have any tall buildings as Vlad has a way of making people take flying lessons out of top floor windows.
Now all we need is an AI generated baby Pack coat and tie, seated in a leather chair with the buttons to go with baby Putin- they'd make a great pair. Reminds me of a song...
I hope some big wigs get to enjoy Marc's email!
That photo of Putin is the recently developed movie de-aging technology.
"movie de-aging technology"
If someone here did this, could you do it with Bob Thiel? It would put a burr in his saddle. Heh heh!
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