Thursday, June 29, 2023

UCG Is Planning Early For It's Annual Christmas Family Gathering

Bah, Humbug! 

Now listen boys and girls, when you enter the hotel make sure to NOT look at all the pretty Christmas decorations and the beautiful Christmas tree. Do not even think about having a Christmas cookie! Also, please remember to wear earplugs at all times so that you are NOT tainted by the evil satanic Christmas music playing around the hotel. 

Remember to bring lots of the Holidays or Holy Days booklets to scatter around the hotel and conference center complex to do your part in spreading the gospel! Always carry a couple with you in case anyone wishes you a Merry Christmas, then you can hand them the booklet. What a great opportunity you have to share the gospel and thwart Satan!

Winter Family Weekend - New Location! 
Although we’ve just entered summer, plans for Winter Family Weekend have begun! WFW this year will be held at a new facility—Champion Mill Conference Center in Hamilton, Ohio. Everything is conveniently all at one location. 
We’ll stay at the new Warehouse Hotel at Champion Mill and use the brand-new huge sports facility featuring 14 beautiful hardwood courts and 14 sport courts. 
You won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to gather together for Sabbath services, seminars, sports, dances and activities for all ages. 
Plan now to attend Winter Family Weekend. It will begin Friday evening, Dec. 22, and end Tuesday, Dec. 26, 2023. 
Watch for further updates on and a special video preview!


Anonymous said...

"Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Joyful & Triumphant.. Hallelujah Chorus - powerful and heartfelt praise music to Christ where almost everyone recognizes the words.
"God inhabits the praises of His people who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth." Most Christmas songs are powerful praise & worship songs. Satan, of course, hates praise, worship music & unity - just what you would expect from the Armstrong cult. Can't have that.
Don't spend money on your family.
Give it to the cult where the cult leadership lives a lifestyle you don't.

Anonymous said...

"Oh Come All Ye Faithful
Joyful & Triumphant.. Hallelujah Chorus - powerful and heartfelt praise music to Christ where almost everyone recognizes the words.
"God inhabits the praises of His people who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth." Most Christmas songs are powerful praise & worship songs. Satan, of course, hates praise, worship music & unity - just what you would expect from the Armstrong cult. Can't have that.
Don't spend money on your family.
Give it to the cult where the cult leadership lives a lifestyle you don't.

Anonymous said...

I read the Armstrong booklet that talked about the Christmas tree. He cherry picked a verse & built his false narrative around it. I read the whole book and chapter. It has ZERO to do with a Christmas tree or Christmas. That changed me. It broke trust. I have never forgotten reading the whole chapter and then the full book. I was angry and said to myself, Herbert W. Armstrong, you will never lie to me again..I threw his booklets into the 🔥 pit. He said something else stupid like Santa has Satan in his name. Applying Armstrong's logic, God is a d o g.

Anonymous said...

If you read the whole chapter instead of his scattered verses on different topics and study what was going on in the culture at that time, his books should all be burned up.

Anonymous said...

God made everything & called it "good."
God made trees, colors, horses, and
St. Nick who was a real person who made presents for children and who was much loved for his generosity to his community. God gave us His creativity to make wreaths, balls, lights, snowmen and snow sculptures, sleds..God put into us creativity and giving which is His own nature. Since He says that "He is our Father," it is natural for His children to celebrate Christmas. Satan did not create anything nor does he own anything. Satan did not create day or night or the moon or sun. Stop promoting big time loser Satan. Satan only owns sin & iniquity.

Anonymous said...

Christmas is a wonderful holiday.
It promotes Jesus & spreads His Name to the world in praise & worship music & reading out loud His life story..
I never went into debt. It is called a budget. You just draw 1 name and set a limit $30. Simple - good food, good fun, good music - wonderful family memories

Hypocrisy NO2HWA said...

Hypocrites who's stench of hypocrisy is enough to reach God in his third heaven.

Anonymous said...

Armstrongism falsely links money issues to Christmas spending . Herbert W. Armstrong demanded 30% gross. He threatening people with their salvation if they had common sense & refused to give it to him. Herbert W. Armstrong demonstrated no financial accountability. He made broad sweeping generalizations just like LBGTQ does today to force an agenda. He used Christmas gifts and birthday presents as an excuse not to spend it on your family but to give it to him and his gangster pastors to squeeze the last cent out of people and remove joy from their lives while he had his private plane, seduced people with expensive gifts, took cruises on new ships, had live in doctors, etc. What a horrible human being.

Tonto said...

I dont participate in religious holidays that are not Biblically mandated. However, one does not need to be superstitious about secular holidays either. One is not tainted by looking at a Xmas tree, or a McDonalds Shamrock Milkshake , or Kandy Korn.

They are "meat before idols", and Id have no problem eating a steak that was offered before an idol either. God has ordained the days and Sabbath, thru the scriptures, and tells us NOT to mix paganism and his worship together, and is quite clear about that.

Anonymous said...

A lot of the people who hang out at the UCG could just as well go back into the world, but they want someplace to go where they can behave badly and do evil to others while pretending to be religious and playing church.

Anonymous said...

The UCG can switch its followers over to its X-mass Weekend custom and then discontinue the Feast of Tabernacles.

Anonymous said...

That picture on the UCG's literature of the tree with ornaments reminds me of someone who said that Christmas tree ornaments, like Epstein, do not hang themselves.

Anonymous said...

What I have never understood was why HWA didn't simply embrace Hanukkah. Did he not ever read John 10:22-23?

These latter day dufusses do their Winter Weekend, when they could be observing a holiday which came from the intertestamental period and we actually have verses in scripture indicating that Jesus was in Jerusalem and at Temple in observance of it. It does not make sense to embrace so much of the Jewish culture, yet to exclude something that Jesus found to be noteworthy.

Anonymous said...

Being sneaky seems to be a common thread in cults. I watched a female Jehovah's Witness walk in a weird way (closed position with her arms) walk up to a TSA podium (she was a TSA employee herself) which was her next sitting position. I followed her in that position. Sure enough. She left her Watchtower doomsday little booklets there. Cults are so sneaky and deceptive. She regularly tosses out judgemental remarks and speaks fear into the air. She is not respected like the other cults.

Anonymous said...

I brought that up because it was mentioned at the beginning about them going to winter retreats & bringing their cult materials with them leaving them around. Jesus never acted like that. He was out in the open.

Free Your Mind said...

Most COGs have a Winter Family Weekend. I do not believe in Christmas, it is not biblical. So I still do not understand why COGs who also preach against Christmas will blatantly have a Christmas get-together and think it is okay by calling it "Winter Family Weekend". Why not have a family weekend on a different date if it is not to do with Christmas?

Anonymous said...

What is wrong with you all? There is absolutely nothing wrong with getting together on a weekend where hotels are willing to provide such good discounts, since it is a slow time of year for them. It is also a time where everyone is off school and work. It has nothing to do with x-mas, but everything about developing relationships...which is nothing you would know about.

You all are people I would never want anything to do with; negative and idiots.

Anonymous said...

Dumb, just plain dumb. Think about what you said. "why not have it on a different date". Because this date is perfect. The hotels give discounts, and everyone is off work and school. Plus it gets us away from having to deal with the stupid x-mas stuff!

Anonymous said...

This Winter family that puts these things on must be a really big family with members in all the ACOG splinters. You'd think that with all of that influence they'd be able to unify the splinters to finish the work!

Anonymous said...

You know what I think is funny, that those who are posting putting down the COGs: 1) have absolutely nothing else better to do, 2) do it to somehow feel better about their own pathetic lives, 3) are attacking the people not because the people are hurting them in anyway, but that they are somehow angry about what happened 20 plus years ago.

I would never put it passed anyone of them to turn in anyone who keeps God's laws when the time comes that anyone keeping the Sabbath is persecuted.

It is like anyone who cannot keep their mouths shut when trolling people on social media. Everyone thinks that he or she has the right to criticize and shame people for no reason but just to be a jerk.

Anonymous said...

Boy oh boy, 1:05, you have totally busted us! How could anyone from the COGs think on this insightful level??? I do have one request though. Would you please comment under your given name, rather than as "anonymous"? I need it for my list which I am preparing for the Germans.

Anonymous said...


Herbert W. Armstrong taught the observance of the weekly, seventh-day Sabbath and the annual festivals in three different times (lunar months) of the year with their seven annual Sabbaths that are all listed in Leviticus chapter 23 as being given by God.

HWA did not teach people to observe the man-made customs such as Purim or Hanukkah, even though they are mentioned in the Bible.

HWA taught against the various unbiblical, man-made, pagan-based customs such as X-mass, Easter, Halloween, etc.

Nowadays, in the Laodicea era of the church, many people want to bring in their own Winter Family X-mass Weekend custom and add it to their annual calendar of events.

Anonymous said...

Note to LCG, UCG, and COGWA:

Do NOT come up with a Spring FAMILY Easter Weekend custom, or a Fall FAMILY Halloween Weekend custom, like you did with your Winter FAMILY X-Mass Weekend custom.

Anonymous said...

"Herbert W. Armstrong taught......"

"HWA did not teach....."

"HWA taught against......"

Why are we citing a man as an authority on anything at all fifty years after it became known that he was porking his poor, helpless daughter regularly for ten whole years???? This is a man who should have died in prison!!! An embarrassing man whom God left flapping in the breeze in 1972-75!