Why can't Winnail and the rest of the boys in Charlotte ever have a word of encouragement for their followers? It is alway something they are doing wrong.
As usual, the focus is upon their "kingdom" and not on the One they should be encouraging their members to be looking towards. Focusing upon a mythical COG created kingdom where they will be kings, priests, and literal gods ruling over planets takes the focus entirely OFF of the One they claim to be following.
Big Picture or Loose Bricks? Solomon wrote, “Where there is no vision the people perish” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV and NKJV). Jesus told His disciples to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15), to warn the world and Israelite nations of sobering events to come (Matthew 24), and to prepare a people to rule with Him in the Kingdom (Luke 1:17). This is the big picture we need to focus on. However, some can lose sight of this big picture by focusing instead on personal concerns, and issues not clearly defined in the Scriptures. By contrast, Abraham was big-minded when dealing with Lot (Genesis 13). David kept God’s overall plan in mind when he was persecuted by Saul. Esther put the welfare of her people above her own, and Jesus urged His followers to focus on the Kingdom instead of personal problems (Matthew 6:25–34). While Jesus saw the Pharisees’ zeal for details, He admonished them for their lack of vision to see the big picture (Matthew 23:23–24). Let’s keep our minds on the big picture instead of looking for loose bricks.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail
2:19 wrote: “ Why can't Winnail and the rest of the boys in Charlotte ever have a word of encouragement for their followers? It is alway something they are doing wrong.”
The mirror image of that comment is never, so it seems, considered by the biased critics who couldn’t control themselves in order to live what they accepted at first. They couldn’t live up to the demands of the Bible so they have to blame others for their failures. So:
“Why can’t NO2HWA and the rest of the critics on BANNED BY HWA ever have a word of encouragement and/or an actual positive alternative to what they believe the ‘Armstrongist’ (a totally false labeling in order to belittle a whole class of people) believe?”
Besides, if one wants to use labels, then the critics here are children of the INQUISITORS, who tortured and killed those who did not believe what the Inquistors believed. For, the things the Inquisitors here argue for are based on the ancient Inquistors’ teaching.
Thus, it would only be fair to call the critics here the Inquistors, for that is their heritage. Versus calling others Armstrongists.
And, don’t forget the mass problems with the priesthood. Isn’t it fair to respond equally to the weaknesses of the people of the Inquisition to maintain a level playing field? Especially considering our modern day Inquisitors here and their constant complaints trying to make themselves look so innocent.
Remember the old saying, “turn about is fair play!”
Let the level playing field begin.
All of what shadowy Doug wrote is propaganda aimed at keeping the people enslaved on his tithe farm.
His use of Holy Scripture to promote conjecture is very dark; for example, in his second sentence, Doug cites Matthew 24 as an admonition to warn imagined "Israelite nations" - while verse 14 of Matthew 24 says that the Gospel is for all nations - and does not identify Israelite nations.
Then a few sentences later Doug unwittingly again references his imagined "Israelite nations" by writing this:
"However, some can lose sight of this big picture by focusing instead on personal concerns, and issues not clearly defined in the Scriptures."
Doug's "Israelite nations" are not clearly or even vaguely defined in the Bible.
The COGs define those nations by re-writing the information they received from HWA - who stole his ideas from others - while claiming it was truth delivered to him from God.
I'm praying that the people of LCG will have a profitable Sabbath by challenging every sentence Doug writes with the light of Holy Scripture.
Wow, left LCG about two years ago and they are still repeating the same weekly comments. I remember my regional pastor would make the person giving announcements read this out in full each week. It is almost like these things are repeated and repeated in order to sear the mind against thinking- it encourages people just to tune out and nod their head. Mind numbing, and a good thought stopping tactic.
Aw….is 5:07 having a bad day? I can here the crying all they out here in the mountains!
Hey Anonymous at 5:07: perhaps you are rather new to this site.
A while ago, I used to re-write and post Doug's recycled blurbs in a manner that was more scripturally accurate and encouraging.
I posted my refreshed versions in hope of showing my COG associates what they are missing.
Unfortunately, I don't think my re-writes were generally well received and my COG associates stated their preference for Doug's style.
I guess they were not to at-home with encouraging verses - like those that depict Jesus as the Savior who does all you need to "qualify" or more correctly, enter eternity.
Everything I write or say about the doctrine of justification is tuned out by my COG associates.
Justification by Jesus does not exist in their harsh world - and they are unfazed by each scripture I offer on the subject.
COG repetitive propaganda has been effective in addicting these people to regular beat-downs from their leaders.
Therefore, I gave up on trying to post re-writes of Doug's dark missives and instead, dedicated efforts to praying for the lost people of the COGs - sometimes I post those prayers, with hope that some will find encouragement and freedom.
Maybe you could share an example of how you encourage your brethren; a piece on Justification would be refreshing and most appreciated!
Aw…Inquisitor 6:50 thinks someone is crying, “ Aw….is 5:07 having a bad day? I can hear the crying all they out here in the mountains!”
Too bad that is a poor attempt to cover his/her failure to see what is going on here.
No, Inquisitor, I am having a wonderful day, because this is the new day Yah has made. He makes my day every day! The truth is finally coming out.
Offer a real, and positive alternative. You can’t, so belittle and criticize as Inquisitors do.
Oh, I am not an “Armstrongist “ either, so don’t even try. I know fake criticism when I see it, and so every other honest person. Follow the Bible and you won’t be an Inquisitor much longer. You might even begin to show things like, love, joy, peace, patience… you know the fruits of the Spirit, and not the works of th flesh. I am praying for you.
So, what does real faith, that is non-Inquistor faith, offer?
Well, it starts with a strong foundation to stand upon. The unmovable Rock.. on that foundation there is nothing to fear.
It continues with a love in the heart for all people. No one is left out of that love.
And continues with a respect for the good qualities of all, even when they don’t recognize it themselves..
Next, it involves a motivation to help everybody who wants it, to help them become the best they can be in this life.
It includes prayer for all that their lives become useful and productive as they guide their mind to serve their Creator and their Savior!
Further, it involves positive encouragement and inspiration to help others to grow in grace and knowledge.
Next, it works to sublimate negative attitudes towards those who are striving to overcome, and instigates positive help for those who want and need fellowship with like minded people.
And it encourages fellowship with those who are just beginning the road to conversion, change, and repentance.
Real faith causes one to feel the pain of others, and to strive to help turn that pain into solace, growth and fairness.
That faith does not strive to harm, disturb, discourage, etc. those who are going through a personal and painful crisis.
That faith causes one to encourage their fellow humans to become the best believer in the Messiah they can possibly be.
And, it turns people into real unadulterated racists, that is to work to help any person of any race to become the very best they can be without negative criticism of any kind.
And, among many other things, to help others to grow to the highest level of physical, mental, and emotional, and spiritual achievement and maturity possible!!!
That’s what following the Messiah is all about.
Try it, guaranteed you will like it.
I think that certain people have been conditioned by their church leaders to believe that other people want to torture or kill them for their beliefs. That is not the way I see them at all! I regard the ACOG members in the same way in which I see schizophrenics, the developmentally disadvantaged, people with extreme and irrational obsessions, victims of electroshock therapy, and the mentally unstable. I pity them, because I don't see any cure or solutions to their mental illnesses during this lifetime. Sadly, I can't even find it within myself to exempt members of my own family from this classification.
So, if anyone feels persecuted or under inquisition, they need not! The leaders exposed here reflect the maladies of the group in general, and often are more advanced in their disease than those who follow them! These are sick groups. It's a shame that when some members recover from the sickness and leave the groups, they are marked and reviled for no other cause than regaining their sanity.
Torquemada is not a poster here! So, it's difficult to fathom where the paranoia might be coming from, and I can't imagine the anxieties some must be feeling, but we really don't hate you guys! We'd like to see you healed and living normal, stable lives where you are no longer exploited and made codependent!
Hope that helps!
The focus on the big picture exhortation is similar to the tribulation is very near claim. It asks the member-victims of these cults to ignore the constant abuse from the church crazies and the Gestapo behavior from their ministers. By contrast, the church loonies and ministers insist that their rights be religiously respected, as well as giving themselves the right to be monstrously vindictive.
One standard for me, another for thee.
God gives hope for our future. God doesn't beat us up so the leadership isn't hearing from God because they don't have a relationship with Him.
Stop enabling abusive leaders. Leave.
They don't hear from God. They don't represent Him.
Stop enabling abusive leaders. Leave.
They don't hear from God. They don't represent Him.
"Esther put the welfare of her people before her own."
, Mordecai informs Esther that if she remains silent and doesn't act to save her race, that she and her family will also perish. There's no putting other's welfare before her own here.
Doug needs to re-read the book of Esther. In Esther 4:13-14
Since churches live off charity, it's unsurprising that they teach putting others before one's self. According to this line of reasoning, members should put their church first in their will, and ignore their children and grandchildren. Isn't this what the Pharisees taught?
Has anyone ever experienced a minister putting other's needs before their own?
In lording it over members, aren't the ministers of The Double Standards Church of Rod putting their own lusts first?
"Focus on the big picture" is what ministers say when it's obvious that the leaders are getting so many of the small details wrong. But it's not a Biblical principle. The Bible tells us to be faithful even in the smallest things (Luke 16:10
6:45 - "left LCG about two years ago"
A lot have left:
- LCG must be less than 900 Members by now -
I knew once strongman Meredith departed it would fall apart.
Coming soon: budget cuts, like at troubled RCG
Doug doesn't really get what the big picture is, because they leave things out of the big picture. The loose bricks are actually the leaven that leavens the whole lump. They want to rule, but they can't even rule themselves. How is Dougie going to rule when he is violation of the law that he proclaims? And yes, they love to lord it over you. I remember in this very church a minister kicking out a family simply over a difference of opinion or disagreement. Does that sound like they understand the big picture? Does that sound like love?
Anon, Thursday, June 29, 2023 at 7:54:00 AM PDT, wrote
, Mordecai informs Esther that if she remains silent and doesn't act to save her race, that she and her family will also perish. There's no putting other's welfare before her own here...

"..."Esther put the welfare of her people before her own."
Doug needs to re-read the book of Esther. In Esther 4:13-14
...Isn't this what the Pharisees taught?...
...Has anyone ever experienced a minister putting other's needs before their own?
In lording it over members, aren't the ministers of The Double Standards Church of Rod putting their own lusts first?
Will Doug re-read, as you suggested he do, the book of Esther? Time will tell.
Anon asked: "...aren't the ministers of The Double Standards Church of Rod putting their own lusts first?"
Well, yes, but Doug can't get those lusts out of his life any more than the Pharisees could. Why not? James tells us why.
Incidentally, the Mickey Mouse (MM) magical kingdom photo associated with this thread is a good one for Doug to view, b/c he does believe in such a kingdom to come very soon with the return of "another Jesus," which is part of Doug's "another gospel," to begin a reign on earth to last 1,000 years. Well, for Doug, we already have a MM kingdom and don't need another one.
But what may lusts have to do with Doug and yes, other fellow hirelings (thinking similarly) who fled the former WCG/HWA organization? Pharisees was mentioned. Here's Jesus' words to the religious leaders of His day:
"Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do..." John 8:44
So, why/how might lusts affect Doug and his fellow former fleeing hirelings?
Back to James!
"Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5
That is what God inspired James to tell the religious leaders, and members, and tares associated with God's Church. They were all driven, inspired by "another spirit!" Why wouldn't Jesus and James inspired words still apply today? Believe it or not, but...
Time will tell...
No one has to leave because an Inquisitorist says so. Just because they can’t handle an honest response to their bias and distortions doesn’t mean someone has to leave in order to give the Inquisitorist freedom to run roughshod over everyone else.
Comment was made saying: "...Why can't Winnail and the rest of the boys in Charlotte ever have a word of encouragement for their followers? It is alway something they are doing wrong.
). Jesus would tell Doug and his fellow hirelings who fled WCG this: “For I say unto you, That except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 5:20
; John 8:44
; James 4:5
, etc. Satan's ministers would think similarly, so says 2 Cor 11!
) through Jesus (I Cor 8:6
) Christ, our Passover sacrificed for us, took care of salvation for all human beings: each man, woman in his, her own order as determined by God, and then subsequently take the brute beasts (Eph 6:12
; 2 Peter 2:12
) made to be destroyed away from us; it's a perfect long-range done deal Plan of Salvation.
As usual, the focus is upon their "kingdom" and not on the One they should be encouraging their members to be looking towards. Focusing upon a mythical COG created kingdom where they will be kings, priests, and literal gods ruling over planets takes the focus entirely OFF of the One they claim to be following...."
Winnail and all of the hirelings who fled the HWA/former WCG organization want to hang on to their $paychecks$ (that's their primary focus) and each hireling's organization wants to outdo the others and be #1; however, to do so they must put thumbs down on the people, a form of Fear Religion, and strive to make the people think they have a part in their salvation (with focus on SELF: not God or Jesus Christ), but still they cannot measure up to the demands of these hirelings, who aren't earning their salvation either.
You can't earn it, but the hirelings want to keep that $mammon$ flowing into their coffers, so their retirement is secure for THEM hirelings.
Doug’s righteousness is a SELF-righteousness (Phil 3:9
So, what should Doug do? Invent a mythical, magical, kingdom for his followers to strive to qualify to enter: one with "another Jesus" very soon to arrive to reign on earth 1,000 years.
It almost sounds like a satanic attitude. Well, wasn't there one who had an attitude to be #2? No, #1, like the Most High God? If Satan were in charge, how would he do it? It's in 2 Cor 11:13-15
God forbid these hirelings and false prophets learn that God, by the power of His Spirit (Zech 4:6
When will the "thumb's down" yoke and burden of Fear Religion be lifted, and removed, from off of all of humanity? When these hirelings take their focus off of SELF, and focus on the One who will be at His Father's right hand until all enemies (including Satan after that thing exits the pit and messes up this world again) are subdued?
Time will tell...
How can they focus on the big picture in the church when the "little picture" is full of holes and loose bricks?
It's become what's in the eye of the beholder, that is, their loose bricks are yawners but your loose bricks are worthy of immediate excommunication!
They want us to come with our gifts to the altar but they won't let us or help us be reconciled with our brethren. (No one wants to make a splash in the church because it bothers them to get wet a little) (Mt 5:23-24
Tell the elders to get ready for more losses if they don't repent of their abuses, neglect and injustices, not to mention their illegal divorces and remarriages, and idolatry of the corporate office and image.
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