Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Rumbling With The Philadelphia Church of God


Those conspiracy-laden boys in Edmond Oklahoma have found fertile ground for their endless stream of conspiratorial pseudo-Christian nonsense

While urging their members and teens to stay off Social Media these guys make full use of it on RUMBLE

For a group that claims to be "not part of this world," they sure love to wallow in its pig slop.

Here are just a few of the topics that PCG is proud to post:


Anonymous said...

It is pathetic how some of the churches of God have prostituted themselves to being painted-up whores for all of this stuff. Christ gets short-shifted by them all.

Anonymous said...

Political Muck

These days, it is easy for fake splinter groups like the PCG to forget all about preaching the gospel (meaning GOOD NEWS) of the “soon coming” kingdom of God and get bogged down in endless political muck to waste everyone's time.

The PCG started off by immediately doing away with the Great Commission to preach the gospel to the whole world for a witness to all nations by saying that HWA had already done it. The PCG came up with a “new commission” to supposedly “warn the Laodiceans” by constantly raging away against any WCG people who would not support a perverted runt like Gerald Flurry, the “little book” plagiarizing, gospel suppressing, Jesus' identity stealing, family wrecking, self worshipping runt who edits and changes HWA's writings while pretending to be faithfully holding fast to all of them.

Anonymous said...

Trying to put myself into the shoes of the regular members for a bit. On one hand, I've always said that you could know the opinions the individual members held on any given topic just by reading the flagship publication. In this case, that is the Trumpet. All who have been assimilated by the PCG Borg most likely are proud of their church's participation in these discussions. I'd bet they even see this as their church backing good, and combatting bad.

Shifting into my mindset of 50 years ago, I did take serious note of it when HWA remarked that if he were Nixon, he would burn the White House tapes (Watergate era). That position did not strike me as being morally or ethically correct for a minister supposedly dedicated to God's Law. (Uh oh! Now I've done it! Mr. Blinders is going to come on here and say that he was at church that day, and HWA said no such thing!)

And, there were other embarrassing things which were put into writing. So, if I were a PCG member today, it's likely that I would have retained my capacity to be embarrassed by any number of things the leaders said and wrote. I'd like to hope thatI'd have the good sense to leave, but these people have a lot of hooks in them.

Anonymous said...

The load of bravo sierra on the PCG website is mind-boggling. Is the PCG funded in part by extreme right-wing organizations?

Anonymous said...

The PCG gives Trump and the right a bad name, and all the conventional churches that I'm familiar with give the left a bad name.

Anonymous said...

Another example of the ignorance and bull-headedness of mankind.

The W.A. said...

The Edmund team should check with those radio stations which canceled Dr. Thiel. These might be a perfectly-fitting replacement.

Retired Prof said...

Anonymous August 23 at 1:20:00 said...

"The PCG gives Trump and the right a bad name, and all the conventional churches that I'm familiar with give the left a bad name."

Russel Moore, Editor in Chief of Christianity Today, said some ministers report that some Christians think Jesus gives Christianity a bad name. His teachings are "weak" and "don't work any more." The Sermon on the Mount, for example, is "full of liberal talking points."

No wonder the COGs generally make so little mention of Jesus. His teachings don't fit their right-wing values.

Anonymous said...

Many years of lead exposure and prediction addiction finally caught up with those boomers.

Anonymous said...

"Obama is a fraud"

Yeah, but so are 90 to 100 percent of politicians. So is Gerald Flurry. They are rather selective in their outrage. And they want you to listen to the same media that have been covering up the fraud for a dozen years or more. Those are the only "reputable" media, ya know. Duh.

Anonymous said...

Some great comments here!

In the mid 70s, Australia was being buffeted by the Leftist Whitlam government: This was too much for a local PT editor and regional WCG executive, Abrahams, who penned an alarming "article" called "Socialisation by Stealth?"

Why are Armstrong execs so rightist? It's because these nouveau-riche are pushed into higher tax brackets and don't like paying all their wealth taxes!

It's called the "Dennis Miller effect": When Dennis Miller was a struggling comedian, he was Leftist, but when he became wealthy he turned Right!

Anonymous said...

The PCG and GRF were wrong from the start and have only gotten worse over the years. So, glad to be out of that mess!

Anonymous said...

The really bad politics, corruption, and injustice is in the PCG cult. They do all of their own evil in God's name.

Anonymous said...

On the other hand, it is good that a splinter group lays its cards on the table. We know that they are Trumpies. The pre-1995 WCG was not always forthcoming about what they believed. They pushed the idea that they believed in salvation by grace through faith but created a non-Biblical ancillary doctrine of Qualification which was essentially salvation by works.

Overt signs of inapparent agendas can be useful. Some Afro-Americans did not want to see the Confederate Flag outlawed. The flag told them where they were not welcome in a precise way. No need to engage in a risky discovery process. These videos comprise a "billboard" that tells us what this little, sideshow denomination believes in. It saves a lot of time.

It also has the "birds of a feather" effect. The overt display indicates what kind of people they want in their membership. They want to attract people whose value system is compatible with Donald Trump's value system, apparently. It looks like they offer a mash-up of Trumpism and Armstrongism. My guess is that the nexus between these two ideologies involves White nationalistic viewpoints. If that's what you want, this denomination is the place to be. They rest of us are warned off.

The fervor for Trump on the part of religious people is a conundrum for me. People who claim to have a high view of morality and man the barricades against abortion, happily bow before someone who is ethically impaired. Not subtley ethically impaired but quite blatantly so. To me, personally, this is like a phantasmic scenario where a group of First Century Christians decide to support Nero.

I don't mind conservative politicians who want to call upon the wisdom of some past ideas. I don't even mind a few controlled disruptions in the status quo. But if you turn to a person who is trying to gut democracy for personal again to get this, you are playing with fire.


RSK said...

PCG's bought totally into the popular "right-wing" movement - which isn't always bad, but they've moved towards some serious fringe elements. They're literally reciting talking points from memes about a "cabal" and Obama being the "puppetmaster" and "martial law" and other wild speculation now. At this stage the only weirdness I haven't seen them delve into is ascribing supernatural powers to JFK Jr.
Now, the old WCG publications from the 80s that I recall - they could veer towards that area at times, but it was usually in the vein of their perceived end-time timeline. Sure, it was forcing events to fit a preconceived notion, but at least there was a degree of "removedness" (I know that's not really a word, just the best I can come up with); a sort of "we are called to be separate" mentality. Yes, that glass wall got broken from time to time but it was usually in personal comments from sermons and the like, not as much in the publications.
PCG's jumped the shark and gone for just straight rumormongering, which is nuts. I don't know if GF has fallen for the nonsense or it's being done because his capabilities are reduced and he isn't fully aware of what his group is putting out there. Maybe they think its good marketing to trap more tithe slaves.

DW said...

PCG better hope that no IRS employees see any of their political stuff being spewed from the pulpit. They would yank their tax free status faster than Gerry can say I love you and worship you Mr. Armstrong.

Anonymous said...

I am a conservative and even I think this is a load of garbage. True conservation do not get wrapped up in this conspiracy shit! Flurry went onto Rumble to feed into the frenzy of nonsense that dominates there. They found a ready audience with bait-and-switch headlines. It's only later in their articles do you hear about Herbert Armstrong and the lies of Armstrongism.

Being conservative is about fiscal responsibility, keeping the government out of people's lives and bedrooms, respecting the rule of law, and having a strong military that does not get involved in other nations' internal problems as we have been prone to do under Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden. Dumping billions into Ukraine and giving the people of Hawaii whose lives have been devastated $700.00 is appalling.

Lake of Fire Church of God said...

Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 12:33:00 PM PDT said, "Being conservative is about fiscal responsibility, keeping the government out of people's lives and bedrooms, respecting the rule of law, and having a strong military that does not get involved in other nations' internal problems as we have been prone to do under Clinton, Bush, Obama, and Biden".

MY COMMENT - Not according to a regular writer here on Banned, Loonie Lonnie. These conservative beliefs make you an extremist according to him. Last year, I articulated pretty much the very same beliefs that you did, and he labeled me an extremist. I went back and forth with him on which of my policy beliefs made me an extremist and Loonie Lonnie WOULD NOT SAY. Finally, after going back and forth, he cowardly sent me some generic description of Extremism. When I read it, it sounded more like Loonie Lonnie was the extremist.


Lake of Fire Church of God said...

Sometime during his first term, I made note in my Sabbath Services Notebook a quote from a Worldwide Church of God pulpit calling Richard Nixon "an end time President." (I am writing today from my Florida home and do not have access to my Sabbath Services notebooks as they are located in my Maryland home so I cannot provide which WCG minister said it). Since WCG labeled Richard Nixon as an end time President, we have had Ford, Carter, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II, Obama, Trump and Biden.

Armstrongism has successfully transformed "the end time" into "a lifetime".


RSK said...

Heh, I wasnt even born yet when Nixon was President.

RSK said...

But I do remember reading HWAs line about Carter and Reagan being "little incompetent men" vying for the presidency.

Anonymous said...

Stephen Flurry’s “secret” ambition has always been to become a Fox News style presenter . Hence all the political garbage he slurs forth every day as he tries to emulate his heroes , Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity 🤦🏻

RSK said...

"Some Afro-Americans did not want to see the Confederate Flag outlawed. The flag told them where they were not welcome in a precise way. "

Dont know that it was ever "outlawed", but yes, the "green book" was gone by 1966. Now we have to use more context clues.

Anonymous said...

I remember when the PCG wasn’t political, when we were told that we do not interfere with any politics and not to vote because God’s government is the true government. I guess PCG members forgot about that.