Tuesday, August 22, 2023

True Christians Must Read These Books So They Can Teach In The Kingdom!

It has always been fascinating watching and hearing Church of God leaders expound on how important their writings and teachings are and that those writings are so important that they will be used in the Kingdom of God, whenever it may happen. The arrogance of these blithering buffoons knows no end!

Who in their right mind thinks that a little group of crazy Americans will be teaching the entire world how to live in the world tomorrow? These highly favored Americans are far more important than any of the Christian martyrs who died in the faith and were dynamic leaders of their time. 

The example that COG leaders have set in this day and age sends us a strong signal that that world will be one miserable hell hole to exist in for 1,000 years. Who in their right mind thinks God would place the likes of Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, or Herbert Armstrong in charge of anything in the kingdom of God? Cowardly little men who cannot even talk about Jesus! But, ask them about a strong hand from someplace that wants to spank the world and they can't shut up!

Today, the most pathetic of our current crop of Church of God leaders, the Great Bwana Bob Muzungu Thiel, had this to say about his vitally important writings that will be used as textbooks by teachers in the Kingdom of God:

Now that books are more widely available than in New Testament times, books from ministers can also assist in teaching end time Christians. 
While we have many, the following look to be particularly applicable to the ‘instruct many’ prophecy related to predominantly Philadelphian Christians:The Gospel of the Kingdom of God The Beast power will be promising a humanitarian utopia that he will not truly be able to deliver. 
Philadelphian Christians who understand the gospel of the kingdom will be able to better explain why God’s kingdom is the answer. This booklet is available in hundreds of languages. 
The MYSTERY of GOD’s PLAN: Why Did God Create Anything? Why Did God Make You? This book answers some of the basic questions about the human life and what God’s purpose is. 
Universal OFFER of Salvation, Apokatastasis: Can God save the lost in an age to come? Hundreds of scriptures reveal God’s plan of salvation Most in the world do not understand the plan a loving God truly has for humanity. 
Continuing History of the Church of God This is a short overview of church history and shows that it was the Church of God in Asia Minor and Antioch that stood up against many of the early heretics and that the beliefs of the early Christians are best held by the Continuing Church of God. 
Who Gave the World the Bible? The Canon: Why do we have the books we now do in the Bible? Is the Bible complete? The end time Beast power will feign support of a religion that will be considered as ‘catholic.’ Since the Church of Rome claims it gave the world the Bible, it says it alone has the right to interpret it. This book helps explain where the Bible came from, what the correct books are, what the best manuscripts are, and the fact that it was the Church of God who maintained the chain of custody of the books–not the Vatican or the other Greco-Roman faiths. 
Hope of Salvation: How the Continuing Church of God Differs from Protestantism The true Church of God is NOT Protestant. This book gives extensive details as to why that is so. Plus goes in depth to explain to Protestant and others that it is the Continuing Church of God, and not the Greco-Roman faiths, that best practices sola Scriptura. 
Beliefs of the Original Catholic Church While the Roman and Eastern Orthodox Catholic churches believe they have the original faith and that is backed up by the writings of those they call the “early fathers,” the reality is that they have deviated from the Bible and early Christian leaders–most of which they call ‘saints’ on many serious and core doctrines. The information in this book is well expected to “instruct many” in the time of the end. 
Now that does not mean our other books and booklets are not important to know–and they can also be referred to–and all are found at the following link: CCOG Free Books and Booklets. 
Non-Philadelphians will not know enough to instruct many in this age. Oh yes, they will teach people during the millennium. But, the lack of knowledge of church history, development of heresies, and proper prophetic understanding will prevent most non-Philadelphians from fulfilling the “instruct many” prophecy in Daniel 11:32

What an absolute stinking pile of crap! There is not a single book, booklet, or article dreamed up by the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu that will EVER be used in his mickey mouse kingdom. His kingdom only exists in his narcissistic little mind. Heck, even his so-called "jesus" he rarely speaks about doesn't exist!

Because some of what people in the world will be interested in will be a bit historical, and to them unique, the listed books were written. These books are part of the CCOG preparation for the short work. 
If YOU are willing to be used by God and will support the true Philadelphian remnant leader, God may well have YOU instruct many. Either directly, or at least, indirectly.

Anyone who willingly wants to be used by God will NOT be part of the improperly named "continuing" Church of "god". This is an indisputable fact! 


Tonto said...

I will give Thiel credit as being the "most prolific" in output of the cadre of Pack, Flurry, Cox, and himself. The guy must be hyperactive or manic, to produce as much hubris as he does.

DW said...

Bob, you have got a nerve. How dare you claim to adhere to Sola Scriptura!! You lying little, petulant, arrogant man. You wouldn't know any of the five Solas (which are ONLY adhered to in Protestantism, you fool) if you tripped over them. They are the foundation of what the Protestants fought and died for. You have outdone yourself with this claim. If I thought you were an idiot before, now I know you are just a Wikipedia, cliffs notes PHONY.

I could fit both you AND what you know about the Solas in a thimble.

Anonymous said...

....."and will support the true Philadelphian leader"......
It's money falsies want. And I have wondered how many more words are on Thiel's site than in the Bible.

DW said...

Oh, and I forgot to mention the most obvious fail of all. You tout Sola Scriptura, while hocking your filthy booklets at the same time!?!? You are the walking, talking, flapping personification of cognitive dissonance.

Anonymous said...

"The guy must be hyperactive or manic, to produce as much hubris as he does."

Lots of stuff but nothing substance. Imagine being married to this guy and having him as your father. He has to spend multiple hours a day sequestered in his little office writing this junk while ignoring his family. He is doing the same thing his father did to him, ignoring his family.

Anonymous said...

Five Solas: 1 Scripturally grounded; 2 Christ focused; 3 faith driven; 4 grace-saturated; 5 God dominated.

ThomasPaine said...

I don't blame geraldtol, li'l bobby thiel, packman, ect for not mentioning Jesus. That is what us atheist do. We deny Christ by our words and actions.

Anonymous said...

The Catholic church has deviated from the Bible? No poop, Captian Obvious. The real truth is that the Bible was not written by Jesus or anyone who personally heard him speek, but much later than that, much later than commonly supposed. By the time it was written down there were so many deviations from the original message that nobody knows what it really was.

Anonymous said...

I thought Thomas Paine was a deist, not an atheist. Thou shall not take his name in vain.

Anonymous said...

I wonder. The writers of many of the books of the Bible are unknown. Would a COGlodyte minister have the lack of ego, the self-effacement to allow one of his booklets or articles to simply be unknown?

I also am forced to laugh! Why on earth would anyone rely on a book one wrote as a human when Jesus is present to provide perfection on any topic? Based on the transfiguration, I am pretty sure that that flashbacks are one of Jesus' training tools. If He used flashbacks of some of the videos Bob prepares (uh, I use the word "prepare" very loosely!) from what we've seen, they are awfully embarrassing! But, if you wanna see crooked book shelves, pictures, and gaudy shower curtains as a back drop in the Kingdom, well, I guess!

RSK said...

Heh, I remember a rumor repeated around the end of the 80s that in the Millenium, Mystery of the Ages would somehow be "the final book of the Bible". I think that was more just members kissing HWAs ass in absentia, I don't think I heard a ministurd say that. But the way these things got around, maybe one did.

NO2HWA said...


They said that in Pasadena a lot. MOA was on par with the Bible. HWA was equal to Paul and other New Testament writers. Flurry still considers it so.

The other thing that church ministers said would happen is that HWA's teachings and others in WCG would be included in the Book of Acts. Since that book technically does not have an "ending" like others, they claimed the book was unfinished and that examples of faithful WCG followers would be added to that book

RSK said...

Went to see what goodies Thiel has up today.
"Do Roman Catholic scholars recognize that early Christianity did not look like Greco-Roman Catholicism or Protestantism?"
What a dumb hook. Of course it didn't. Does Theil realize that the actors and the costumes of "The Ten Commandments" did not look like the Hebrews of the Exodus? Things get formalized by the vision of the times. Of course Jesus and the Apostles probably didn't do things wearing the ritual garb of Greco-Roman Catholicism. Of course they didn't have choirs singing in Latin while they prayed. Of course they didn't have relics and pilgrimages. What kind of fool actually thinks they did? Those all came later. You might as well be asking "Did early Christians tip waiters?" or something else silly like that.

Then he pivots into whether or not Peter was bishop of/died in Rome for much of the rest of the article. Not sure how that supports his attempted hook, except that he has to create this "faithful Asia Minor church" to oppose what he thinks is "the Rome faction" wallowing in paganism. Sure, given Rome's preeminence as a city, there were certainly Christian converts there. Did Peter visit them? Maybe, maybe not. Did he stay with them for a time and assume a leadership role? Maybe, maybe not. Did he end up dying there? Sure, it's possible, or perhaps he didn't. Maybe he died elsewhere and his remains were reinterred there. Or perhaps another Peter was around and the local lore about that man's grave got mixed up, like trying to find Kunta Kinte's grave based on slaves named "Toby".

What does any of this actually accomplish?

Anonymous said...

Wouldn't it just be a gas if the self-proclaimed apostles and prophets emulated St. John, and referred to themselves as "the disciple whom Jesus loves." Of course, that isn't sufficient status for these guys! After all, Jesus loves all of humanity. They want to be distinguished, and to get that name recognition going on and to be obeyed and receive the tithes! They just gotta see their exploits and adventures in the New Book of Acts. I think they maybe surprised at the next canonization event!

RSK said...

Oh yeah, the missing "Amen" in Acts! I forgot about that.