Thursday, August 24, 2023

Crackpot Prophet Plans To Soon Torture The Entire Planet With His Words

Our favorite crackpot prophet says he will soon do this:

It is my plan to one day cover each and every verse of the entire New Testament...

He continues: 

The Apostle Paul told the prophetic evangelist Timothy to:

2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. (2 Timothy 4:2
By intentionally covering whole books of the Bible, we have been doing that. And yes, that does include trying to convince, rebuke, and exhort, which those of you who watched the sermon series on 2 Corinthians 2 would have noticed.

This has to be what the Bible refers to as armageddon! Battling armies could not be as spiritually disastrous as listening to the Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel expound on the ENTIRE New Testament. Humiliated that Fred Coulter has his own version of the Bible in print, the Great Bwana Mzungu has to torture us with his version of how the New Testament should be interpreted.

We can be guaranteed he will rewrite Galatians and other NT books that speak out about the law being irrelevant to Christians. Jesus will still get short-shifted with the law trumping him.

Who needs armageddon when we have Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel:


Anonymous said...

GROAN. Bob!!: STOP, STOP, stop pontificating Mat 24:21. It has already happened. Jesus will come as in the days of Noah. Please! Will YOU FLEE to your supplement bunker and SHUT THE HELL UP.

DW said...

First of all, Bob better hurry up. I don't think he will live long enough to bless the universe with his exegesis on the Books of the NT. Frankly, it is crystal clear to Christians that Bob has likely never even read the Books of the NT. The unbiblical teachings and sermons he comes up with are proof positive that he has, at best, skimmed the NT and merged whatever stuck out to his warped mind with the source of his theology...Mystery of the Ages. All he is doing is changing up some of HWAs words and adding his own spin. But this only brings about yet another booklet theology cult, not truth.

The article yesterday about his claims to be the most faithful to Sola Scriptura (SS) are thoroughly debunked by...HIM! You cannot have it BOTH WAYS Bob. You can't claim you are leading the group that best represents SS after saying (in the same sentence) that you are NOT protestant! That makes absolutely no sense. Then while claiming to adhere to SS, you promote your booklets! Do you genuinely not see the screaming IRONY and HYPOCRISY in your statements?

To the members of CCOG, please think about this. Either your Chief Overseer is an idiot who has no idea what he is doing OR he is a liar. Either way, why would you stay in a church where your options are A. being led by a biblical fraud or B. a liar? Why would you stay in this group where the scandals are far more frequent than the Name of Jesus? This is not Christianity and digging your heels in deeper to defend the belief it is "original" Christianity is not going to get you any closer to making it so. I should think that by now, the members must be exhausted trying to keep up with the scandals and gossip and defending your leader gets you no closer to Jesus.

This is life and death stuff. Playing church is exceedingly dangerous as Bob proves to everyone on a daily basis.

The W.A. said...

The race is on. Since UCG hasn't started on it, either.

Anonymous said...

In a sense, I wish I could be around fifty years after these miserable little splinters (like I am now vis a vis Armstrongism), so I could hear what the revisionists and old timers have to say about Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Jerry Flurry, James Malm, Ron Weinland, and all the others who aspire to be the "Elvis of Armstrongism". I sense that these groups are far too small for much of anything to be remembered about them. HWA and GTA were as well known as some of the mildly popular movie stars of the day, or people such as Paul Harvey or Lawrence Welk. Or, some of the rock musicians who had some hits that just barely cracked the Top 40. These days, even Indy Rock performers are better known and more influential than ACOG splinter leaders. You can't really say "Why do they even try?" because plenty of people who are into singing, acting, or playing a musical instrument do it for the love of their art, and the fact that it fulfills a personal need deep inside of them. And, for some, it will never leave its confinement. But, I think that many of these folks actually believe that one day they will be successful, and resonate with the masses. It'd be sad to see the toxic ones succeed, but eventually some of them do! We may yet witness a breakout Armstrongite group once again damaging thosands of lives.

DW said...

You know, it just occurred to me. Bob cannot do an exegesis of every verse in the NT. It would be his total undoing. He would be signing his own "church" death warrant. But, for us, it will prove once and for all whether Bob REALLY cares about telling the truth or not. There is no way on Earth that he could undertake this project and come away having confirmed his doctrinal beliefs. No way. So, will he have the stones to tell the truth or just continue to deceive himself and others. My guess is he will make up some excuse as to why he hasn't had the time to get this done. Witch doctors and Satanists take up so much of his precious time.

Bob, you are going to run smack dab into dozens and dozens of verses that say the polar opposite of what you teach. And you would also run smack dab into a huge void-totally missing will be some of HWAs teachings, i.e. duality of prophecy and authority to replace Israel with the church, for example. Your head would explode from the cognitive dissonance. On the potentially brighter side, you might actually become a Christian.

DennisCDiehl said...

Bob does not have the Biblical or theological training or actual grasp of Biblical history, politics, difficulties and authorship to accurately go through the NT verse by verse unless he wishes to re-title himself as the head of the Discontinued Church of God.

Boblical understanding is a far cry from Biblical...

James said...

The 'man'is a infidel. With all this wasted labor of his taking up time, he is no doubt neglecting his family.

Anonymous said...

Right you are, James. There have been studies on both narcissistic parents who are deeply into their own pursuits and hobbies to the exclusion of their children and also of parents who are involved in high demand religions. The children of both are neglected, and do not have their emotional needs being met. This and other similar patterns have led behavioral scientists to classify those in high demand religions as narcissists.

Actors speak of breaking the fourth wall (directly addressing the audience). Bob Theil most likely believes he is breaking the fourth wall with God. It seems perfectly obvious that Bob's fourth wall is a mirror!