From a COGE source:
In the MR-COGE - Mentally Retarded Church of God Eternal, Jon Brisby digs deep into the lint of his spiritually empty pockets and comes up with a doozy of a sermon about not worshipping superheroes (Beware Superheroes) to present to his elderly congregation. I guess he thinks his aged congregants are sneaking those evil comic books into their nursing homes and worshipping images of Batman. Maybe it would be better for those old people to send that comic book money in to the church that way Jon can afford to continue his perpetual world tour which produces zero results.
Jon goes on to tell his mentally retarded congregation that they will one day be super heroes! You know... God as God is!
It appears Jon Brisby is becoming a serious contender in the COG Leader Challenge of producing the wackiest, time wasting sermons, which distract their followers from blowing the dust off their Bibles and learning about the Gospel.
I finally have to admit that the Church of God gets stupider every day it exists.
Who the hell actually worships superheroes in fiction? This sounds like a classic case of making things up to complain about.
Most super heroes and James Bond types have admirable qualities and are portrayed as fighting the forces of evil. This is in contrast to contemporary Christian churches who want their members to be passive and docile.
I remember one minister complaining in a speech that Hollywood heroes are always rebels. By church culture, yes. In the secular world it's called assertiveness. After all, James Bond and Batman are no push overs.
Religion is all theory, opinion, speculation, and hope. Some would say wishful thinking. If you have an ideology of your own, you should not throw the first stone.
Superheroes carry more Godly attributes than any COG leader or minister does.
Here is the irony of all this. This man Jon Brisby requires worship. I have over the years heard from a number of our deceived brethren over there that they have to look to him. I have heard some even say that because they do not understand their Bible, they must look to him. Now tell me that is not fertile ground for man worship? Brisby believes in succession, he has stated this in past messages. The mantle was handed from HWA to Cole to him as he has said. So tell me now, who's worshipping super heroes? His message would have best served the brethren if he would have told them not to worship him.
Cole left in rebellion. This cult of Cole is illegitimate along with Brisby.
First those dirty Sunday Christians were worshipping the sun, Christmas trees, Easter bunnies and the cross. Now they're worshipping superheros?? When I'm God as God is, I'm gonna fly into their house and smash their Christmas tree and crosses and anything with the letter T in HWAs holy name.
Does that make Pack "The Riddler", Thiel "The Joker", Flurry "The Penguin" , Weinland "Two Face" and Cox "Lex Luther"??
Maybe Brisby is "The Borg Queen"!
Super Heroes or Super Hypocrites – Which?
All the fake “superheroes” in comic books, television shows, and movies just pretend to fight evil while they actually slip in utter depravity. Their own ideas about right and wrong, and good and evil, are not according to God's laws in the Holy Bible.
What would some false god like Thor, who is trying to make a comeback in recent Hollywood movies, know about God's laws? What does God think about people looking to false gods like Thor?
Without the God of the Holy Bible, people can end up looking to fictional characters pretending to be insects to save them from evil, such as Spiderman.
Superman has now come out as bisexual. Actually homosexual. The reality is that a Superman actor cannot really fly. He can try to go faster by riding a horse, but can fall off it and end up unable even to walk.
Batman and Catwoman were physically attracted to each other. They were two people pretending to identify as two different animals and then pretending to have an inter-species romantic relationship. What utter confusion! No wonder that so many kids these days are so totally messed up. No wonder that they want litter boxes in school bathrooms.
These actors (hypocrites in Greek) are setting a very bad example.
Unfortunately, even in the WCG, the “superhero” GTA was really just a sinful superfucker, sort of like the fictional James Bond character except that GTA sometimes had to pressure the girls into going along with it.
The problem, Truth, is that the mantle was not handed to Raymond Cole by HWA. Raymond Cole was so ultraconservative that he would not allow ministers from out of town to speak to his congregations unless they wore a white dress shirt. It had to be white, not blue, yellow, black, or red. When HWA revised the divorce and remarriage rules for the church, and changed Pentecost to Sunday, it was all too much for Mr. Cole, and he started his own conservative version of a WCG, keeping the original doctrines. How is that any different from what Bob Thiel did to Roderick Meredith?
Jon Brisby inherited nothing. Of course neither did HWA. He used COG-7 until he amassed a following that could be self-sustaining, took it, and ran. Neither did Rod Meredith. He stuck the WCG with the tab for his slanderous remarks about Leona McNair, and then morphed his following into Global.
What Armstrongite minister has not fabricated some sort of legacy for themselves? Some of them have left "the church" two or three times. They all have a dark side, or at least some very dark elements!
I wouldn't necessarily say that about Cole. I know he started going off the rails towards the end of his life, but strokes and church strife will do that to you I guess.
SABATRON! OK, now THAT is funny.
Be careful Tonto crossing the Borg Queen as not to get assimilated,"Resistance is Futile"
If he preached about Jesus being the ultimate, perfect Superhero who saves the world (did he?!?)... then he's not wrong.
The Borg Queen is HWA. He's still ruling the splinters from the grave. The Mini-Me Borg Queens are the splinter leaders.
This blog exists because resistance is not futile.
Why would anyone look upon these gogs as the original assembly of Yahshua when they can't even tell you the Names of the Father and His Son? Christianity is the only religion on earth that does not know the Names of the Gods that they claim to follow.
You actually thought the litter box hoax was real??
Raymond Cole was convinced and believed that HWA received the Truth from God through his Bible Study. RCG/WCG followed the Truth/Doctrines (e.g. Monday Pentecost, Divorce and Remarriage) for 40 years from 1934-1974. When the changes came in 1974, Cole refused to change because he believed that revealed Truth does not change since God does not change. At least, he was sincere and committed his whole life to preaching the Truth unlike the other splinters' leaders who left in 1995. He was the only Evangelist who held on to the Truth. Ironically, he was disfellowshipped for following the Truth because he believed that if Truth can be changed, it means that WCG never had the Truth in the first place. He was not a rebel in that sense. He had principles which was a rare commodity then. He was not a hypocrite. His job was to preach the Truth no matter if he was and still is labelled as stubborn, ultra consecutive, self-righteous or whatever. He fought the good fight until the end.
Disclosure: I am familiar with Armstrongism and WCG since the 60s and COGTE since the mid 70s
Oh SABATRON!, you're my hero!
Please visit this blog regularly and tell us how you're going to punish those evil, falsely so-called Christians!
Cole was the guy who threw a fit over duck meat, right?
7.07, you keep mentioning Raymond Coles beliefs and motivates. You state that he wasn't a rebel or hypocrite but only following what he believed was the Truth.
But how you you know this? Last time I checked, only God can read people's minds?
I just read Raymond's open letter on his church's Web site. He keeps repeating that HWA's teachings were all revealed Truth from God. In fact, several articles ago on this blog, this "Truth" was shown to be a cut and paste from COG7. Plus he claims that the work stopped on Herb's death. Really? Billions are going to die in WW 3, but no more warning. Only the two witnesses during, but not prior to WW 3. How responsible is that? How loving is that?
I've noticed that these open letters from various groups are very similar. They claim that everyone else has fallen away except them, the new true remnant.
Ya know? The funny thing is, when I believed what HWA had to say about prophecy, one nagging thought was always, "I really wish I didn't know this! It would have been much better to just have it happen suddenly rather than my having to agonize over it for my whole life!"
Then 1972-75 came and went, and I realized that HWA was full of $h*t. Well, actually full of himself. Oh well, guess it all ends up being the same thing.
It seems as is HWA always wanted to de-emphasize Christ & exalt HIMSELF! Flurry is a pathetic wanna be false PROPHET! Maybe Spencer's Gifts can come out with some Halloween likeness masks of HWA, Flurry, Pack & Gerald Waterhouse to get everyone in the fall festival season to HAVE THE BEST FEAST EVER!!!
I don't believe I ever heard anything said by HWA about Raymond Cole, or why he left. However,HWA did have a pattern of labeling people who would not go along with new truth as being "Sardis", or "dead". The reader is left to discern whether the change in D&R doctrines and proper day for Pentecost were new truths, or if HWA had actually left his own church. At the very least, Mr. Cole violated the WCG's principle of "Government from the Top Down", and no longer wished to ride along in HWA's convertible. Was he right? Look at how many years COGE went without any write ups here. They were certainly not the runaway super blessed "correct" splinter that everyone has been waiting for. None of the others are either.
I grew up in the WCG from 1958. Raymond Cole was the evangelist in the NYC area in the middle 60’s, and was single handedly the cause of my PTSD to this day. His sermons were angry and loud and traumatizing to a kid who had to endure hours upon hours of lecturing and threatening. In particular, his Passover sermons with graphic depictions of Christs crucification. He preached a fear based religion, and HWA hired him for just that I am sure.
There was quite a contrast between Raymond and his brother Wayne, who initially pastored Pittsburgh. I and my family, occasionally attended both churches. In the early days, we were considered to be brethren from outlying areas who had no local church.
is in the New Testament of the Bible, They had their ways of explaining away that scripture's connection to excessive and unjust punishment, but such punishment was the cause of all my anger and hatred.
I've got PTSD too, and I find it totally believable that yours is traceable to Raymond Cole. Mine was caused primarily from my parents diligent adherence to the Child Rearing booklet, but the constant talk of the Germans and the tribulation and the end didn't help.
Most people don't realize that PTSD never goes away. I've learned to channel it and to use it in constructive ways, but I see it as something that was completely unnecessary, caused by my parents and their crazy church and its ministers. It was much worse when I was a church member, but decades later, it still surfaces. Let's just say I've experienced all of the reasons why Ephesians 6:4
One of my siblings had a medical condition called enuresis. Every morning for ten years he started the day with a horrible angry spanking for peeing in his bed. He fell asleep every night in fear of waking up to something he could not help having taken place. My parents should have known after 1 week of no change that he could not stop this on command, but the spankings went on for all those years. They even got worse as my parents decided that he was being horribly rebellious. Eventually, he outgrew it during his later teens, right on schedule of all the medical books on the subject.. But we all know what HWA/WCG taught about the medical profession!
COGE has a super villain that claims he can pray people dead. That villains predecessor claimed to have the authority to damn people to the lake of fire. Yes super villains don't want any heros around. Don't admire characters of justice, shut up, get in line, pray pay stay. Pay being the most important
Do you really want to be like Jon Brisby's old “retards” and observe Pentecost on the second day of the week rather than on the first day of the week?
Counting inclusively from Sunday to the morrow after the 7th sabbath, sabbath being shabbath (Hebrew) the 7th day of the week, not shabua (Hebrew) meaning the entire 7 day week itself, in 50 days can only be a Sunday.
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