Sunday, October 15, 2023

Philadelphia Church of God And Its Fraudulent Gospel Message Roadshow


We have all watched over the last several years as the Philadelphia Church of God has taken its Celtic dance propaganda on the road to try and bamboozle the unsuspecting public that they are receiving a gospel message. They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars building dance studios on the cult compound to cater to  Flurry's grandkids and others to learn Irish dance. These wanna-be Michael Flatley's believe they are dancing the sacred dance of David and of the Israelitish peoples.

This shere lunacy got spurred on by the absolutely asinine idea that the dirty rock they dug up in Oregon, which Herbert supposedly prayed at, was to be the new coronation stone that the creature they call "christ" would come back and sit upon after wiping out 1/3 of humanity. 

PCG has spent millions in tithe money to fund this traveling shitshow of absurdity. They have just completed a seven-week roadshow with this production. Apparently, some members have dared to complain about the cost this has incurred on the church, its members, and the families of the dancers. 

So, to dispel these nasty rebellious rumors spurred on by Satan himself, the PCG instructed Lil'Joel to spread the good news about this awesome gospel message. After spending more time in the closet coming up with the proper things to say, he wrote an article for the Philadelphia Strumpet.

COGNews had this up the other day:

Irish Dancing? Why are we doing this? 
In the November-December 2023 issue of their magazine Royal Vision, Joel Hilliker writes:

“My wife and I were able to join the seven-week CelticThrone tour this summer.

This show is the result of years of work God has been doing, working with families and providing opportunities.

Yet for most of those years, we had no idea where it was leading.

Our pastor general didn’t have a master plan to one day stage a traveling show to perform for audiences nationwide. Surely God had that goal in mind, but He had to gauge our interest and commitment. Mr Flurry supported and encouraged the program, but it was every family’s decision whether to make the sacrifices needed to attend classes and competitions.

Did you notice that the members were being tested to see how they reacted to this shitshow? If it had failed then the members would be at fault. They failed the test. 

After all, EVERYTHING that goes wrong in the Church of God movement is the member's fault, never the idiot leaders' fault, just the members.

I’ll be honest: I was not very excited about it. It required significant travel and great expense, absorbed a lot of time and energy, and provoked much disappointment and many tears – such as when competition results failed expectations and dashed hopes.

At times I thought, Why are we doing this? Is this really best for my family?

The answer, for me, basically came down to one thing: 
This is what Mr Flurry wants. God’s man is encouraging it; he’s opening doors and providing opportunities – so we are going to do it.” 
Is Joel Hilliker subtly questioning the diversion of increasingly great resources toward an entertainment that has little if anything to do with spreading the gospel?

It is no longer shocking to see the lengths that various Church of God groups will go to NOT discuss Jesus or anything about the New Covenant that they are "supposedly" followers of. Instead, these COG's continually look back to the good old days of the Old Coveant when all the rules and regulations were laid out for them to follow. That wonderful period of time when their god was eagerly looking for ways to destroy humanity. They look back with wanton desire at Hebrew prophets and personalities who were strong men of faith wishing and believing that they could only be like them. The hero worship of these guys by the PCG is appalling. Imagine if they put that much energy into actually being a follower of Jesus!

Jesus has to be up there in that heavenly kitchen thinking, "What the Gehenna fire is wrong with these people? After all this mess with Bob Thiel, we now have to deal with this. Ghastly days, all they had to do was simply follow me and be at rest and at peace."


Anonymous said...

Jeez I remember watching this show countless of times when I was in the cult, literally a waste of money for nonsense.

Anonymous said...

My parents wanted to see this when it was in Nashville. I was shocked at how bad it really was. You need to remember this is a production meant to feature Flurry's grandchild and that it is amateur at its best with college, high school, and what looks like elementary school children. It was interesting to watch the guys. Hopefully, whenever they decide to leave the PCG, they will come out of the closet and live authentic lives and not be repressed in order to impress their leader.

Anonymous said...

I found this article today while googling the church:

It's from someone who grew up in WCG and how her childhood was affected by it. I found it quite moving and thought others here might want to read it as well. I don't mean to hijack this thread, perhaps the webmaster could make it a separate post if he so wishes.

Here I am, in my 50s, and still processing this stuff. I sometimes wonder if I was more affected than most. A life wasted...

Anonymous said...

The PCG has some brilliant writers on their Web site, then they go do stupid things like the new Stone of Destiny, Gerald being the new king of England when the British royal family is supposedly wiped out during WW 3, and insisting that some OT historic scriptures means that Trump must return as president. And not forgetting, they want to dig up the Ark of the Covenant so that it can be put in harms way just prior to the tribulation.
This is typical of most ministers in ACOG-land. They often come across as super mature when speaking from the podium, but then behave like knuckleheads as soon as they walk off the stage.

Anonymous said...

Looking at the big picture, this is an example of what comes into a religious movement when the gospel is filtered through a human leader. Everything you see happening in the Flurry organization is a reflection of the personal tastes, likes and dislikes, world view, and governing philosophy of Gerald Flurry! Much of this is his approach, his own personal canon, his gnosticism, applied to the teachings if Herbert W. Armstrong, through whom everything that built the WCG was filtered and reflected.

PCG is Armstrongism in microcosm. If you investigate any and all of the splinters, you will find a similar pattern in each! Consider this carefully every time you hear the words "God's Church" or "God's Ministers", as you are being chastised or exhorted to support another example of man-made additions. Jesus didn't start and nurture a dancing troupe, or in International Cultural Foundation, or collect artifacts like Jacob's Pillar Stone! He sent His disciples out barefoot and with no money to evangelize! Some of the disciples apparently had a fishing boat, but it was no luxury liner comparable to a corporate jet. And he certainly didn't impose punishments upon or mistreat his followers!

Armstrongism is a whacked out perversion of a church, nothing like the first century at all!

Anonymous said...

If you think the Old Testament is nonsense, you should read the Talmud. The OT is mild in comparison.

Anonymous said...

"Here I am, in my 50s, and still processing this stuff. I sometimes wonder if I was more affected than most. A life wasted..."

Maybe you are an HSP. Or were a true believer. Or both.

Anonymous said...

Signs of a HSP (Highly Sensitive Person).

Anonymous said...

"Everything you see happening in the Flurry organization is a reflection of the personal tastes, likes and dislikes, world view, and governing philosophy of Gerald Flurry!"

This is also true of all psychologists and psychiatrists to various degrees when dealing with their clients. They often consider their patient "cured" when they adapt their world view and philosophy.

Anonymous said...

Flurry is a LYING FALSE PROPHET!!! His claim that HWA spread the gospel to the world is now proven to be a LIE with 20/20 clarity. 99% of the world does not even know who he was. Flurry is a just a fraud just like he was when he was when he was arrested for being drunk & tried to bribe the arresting police officer two times.

Tonto said...

Time for some COG group to come out with a "German Goose Stepping Troupe" tour!

Anonymous said...

Good one, 10:12! Reminds me of the old Mad Magazine cartoon. Caption read: "Be careful. The guy you are making fun of because he has told you he is a Martian might actually be a Martian!" The cartoon depicted a little guy with a funny hat pointing his finger at some teenagers and them blowing up!

For years that informed my attitude towards HWA. And then 1975 didn't happen. To me, it is hilarious that 1975 still has not happened, although I just read an item in the news that horrible viruses are being released by the melting of permafrost. In a way, it is kind of looking like Revelation around here! But, part of our residual imagination was inspired by HWA, and stuff triggers it from time to time, we laugh at ourselves, and then continue our daily lives.

Anonymous said...

is Gerry's Irish Tommy Bartlett show as peppy as Bob T.'s cartoonland follies

Anonymous said...

Gerald Flurry is something that Satan sent to waste people's time, energy, and money.

Anonymous said...

Gerald Flurry is the gospel suppressing, family wrecking, Jesus's identity stealing, false prophet who bought the copyrights to some of HWA's old writings so that he could edit them and change them while falsely claiming to be holding fast to all of them.

Anonymous said...

1034 He's certainly wasted my time, and I've lost friends to that terrible organization.

James said...

Was lil Stevie in Israel recently?

Anonymous said...

ooh someone can be Klink, one can be Schultz & one can be Hogan

Anonymous said...

The Bad Purpose and Rotten Fruits of False Prophets like Gerald Flurry

Bad Purpose: The very purpose of false prophets like Gerald Flurry is to lie, steal, destroy, and kill. Gerald is just doing what Satan sent false prophets like himself to do.

Rotten Fruits: No good can ever come of a false prophet like Gerald Flurry or his satanic imposter cult the PCG. This becomes clear if you look at the actual behavior of Gerald or any of the godless, wicked, and malicious characters that Gerald set up in his PCG's “ministry.” That false prophet Gerald, his fake “ministers,” his elders, and his deacons/deaconesses are all a bunch of busybodies who can never leave other people alone. They always have to be doing evil to someone. They never do any good at all. Their whole purpose in life is to do evil to other people.

Anonymous said...

The only good that Geraldic the Heraldic brings is to the Edmond, OK land tax assessor 💵💵💰

all the red brick tithe-financed facsimilie bldgs. that mimic Pasadena heyday but out in the red dust of OK

in the 14400 block of S. Bryant Rd.

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately not….. he belongs in Gaza tho