Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Two COG Blowhards Battling For The Soul Of Africa


We have all been witnessing the hilarious antics of the Great Bwana to Africa, Bob Mzungu Thiel over the last few years as he tries to encourage various church-hopping Sabbatarian groups to join his one true church. He has been "translating" certain of his books into as many languages as possible in what he claims is reaching the entire world so that's can usher in the end times.

His numbers are shrinking after continuing controversy in Africa involving adultery, witchcraft, money laundering, and other misdeeds.

On Monday, we received another 29 translations of our English language booklet The Gospel of the Kingdom of God – the number of languages we have our Gospel booklet in continues to grow as we take steps aligning with prophecies such as shown in Matthew 24:14 and Revelation 7:9.

While here, we received another 27 translations of our English booklet, The Gospel of the Kingdom of God,  as we continue to work towards Matthew 24:14.

This week we received twenty-seven more translations of our English language booklet The Gospel of the Kingdom of God. We have received over 700 translations and the number continues to rise almost every week. Let us all rejoice (cf. Romans 15:10) in that and not be “weary in well doing” (2 Thessalonians 3:13) as we  continue to take steps to prepare for the short work (Romans 9:28; see Preparing for the ‘Short Work’ and The Famine of the Word) as well as to assist with the fulfillment of various prophecies such as are shown in Matthew 24:14 and Revelation 7:9. Throughout the entire church age (which began at Pentecost in Acts 2 and which ends after Jesus returns with the seventh and last trumpet), no Church of God group has ever translated information on the good news of the Kingdom of God in anything close to the number of languages and dialects that we in the Continuing Church of God have had done.

As for Bwana Bob's actual church membership numbers in Africa, he has never been straightforward about it. 

Contrast that with another Church of God blowhard named Wade Cox. This buffoon claimed a few years ago that half the entire continent of Africa were now members of his cult. His words are about as credible as Great Bwana Bob Mzungu Thiel's words. It is a sad state of affairs that you cannot even trust COG leaders anymore, to tell the truth. Men, at least those who claim to be men, that should be setting the example of virtue and righteousness. Sadly these two qualities have been missing in the Church of God for decades.

Wade writes about his greatness:

Hi we have received another request for a consortium of 64 churches to join us this week as well as many smaller groups.

This was my general letter to the coords involved.
Dear Kandongo Joseph Ezekiel,
We are very pleased to hear from you and your request for induction to CCG.
Please have everyone study A1 and A2.
I have cced this to all national coordinators in the area. Joash Okiny Hamisi is TZ coordinator and he will arrange for your induction there. Jack Owuor will assist him as is necessary for your induction. We will locate you with local churches there and in other nations. Bizimana Bosco our East and Central African project officer in Uganda will contact you and arrange for inductions also. Habimana Pascal is coordinator for Burundi, Jean Ramazani in Rwanda and Mudimba Muhindo Lene is in the Congo with Jean Paul Nyonzima. George Onyango is Coordinator for Kenya and we are in the process of inducting another large church group in these countries that joined us last month and others.
It seems that we will have well over 40 churches in western TZ and Joash will talk with you about organising the west.
I would like reports from all Coordinators on the churches in their national areas and to arrange for their induction. Send Joseph your contact details also.
Warren and Sosten please arrange for the Zambia inductions with the others and advise me. (Warren is Coordinator for South Africa and Sosten is Coordinator for Malawi. Shungu is Coordinator for Zimbabwe).
Just for information this makes over 110 churches in two months before Passover of the Sabbath Year. Perhaps we have over 10,000 added to us in two months. How many baptisms and ordinations before Passover is anyone’s guess.

Church of God groups, like Christian missionaries, have for decades sought to bring the white man's version of God to people they consider savages or at least uneducated. They saw fertile ground to impose Western values upon these converts, or in the Church of God's case, impose innumerable COG versions of what each one deemed as true. 

These two Church of God groups are currently the biggest deceivers of the brethren in Africa right now. Neither one should be trusted as neither one actually follows the Jesus they both claim to follow.


Tonto said...

Meanwhile, PROPHET TONTO's domination of the entire COG in Antartica continues!

Video of more baptisms below...

Terry Nelson said...

Gotta laugh about this, once Radson Mulozowa is imprisoned for his crimes , Bob Thiel most likely will welcome back Sosten, the Guy in Malawi that Bob Thiel Disfellowshipped for Adultery and other crimes/ funny thing is Evans Ocheing and Bob still write him, so dont be surprised when Sosten is welcomed back to CCOG. as long as Evans says so, Bob must obey🤣

Anonymous said...

Wade Cox preaches from the Koran as well as the Bible, which gives him an advantage in reaching prospective African members. Bob's reliance on Catholic prophecies puts him at a disadvantage.

Anonymous said...

It is not Bob's reliance upon Catholic prophecies that is hurting his credibility, but the fact he perpetuates Armstrongist lies. He lost all credibility when he broke off LCG and started his own lackluster fringe cult of Armstrongism. Can there be a more boring COG to arise in the last 50-some years?

Anonymous said...

the only soul either will get is a Kia Soul crossover SUV

then they can give it to Evans & add to his burgeoning vehicular fleet

Anonymous said...

I wonder if Wade Cox teaches female circumcision. It wouldn't surprise me, considering the underlying attitudes towards women that permeated Armstrongism. The Koran would give him excuses to do more things that the Bible doesn't give him excuses to do.

I was doing some research for a novel I was writing about 5 years ago, in which part of the action took place in Somalia. I learned that just as many of our hospitals were founded by Christian churches here in the USA, many hospitals in African countries are Muslim hospitals. Some of the interviews I read indicate that if a woman is treated in any if these Muslim hospitals for something like injuries in a car accident, and she has never been circumcised, she is not released from the hospital without that being done to her. There are varying techniques, all of which result in the pleasure of intercourse having been removed. Imagine, deciding to travel to Mogadishu for the Feast, getting involved in a traffic accident, and your wife and daughters being circumcised before release from the hospital!

We have no idea how blessed we are to have the Constitution and Bill of Rights protecting us until we learn how other parts of the world treat their citizens.

Àyelböůrne, Elder on Ørgæñìa ⚖️ said...

hey, any of these bamboozling chalatan Podium Prefect corral bosses who either minister "to" Africa, or minister "in" Africa, ought to be double checking if their lummox-brain underlings there either approve of ghastly fem. circ. now or ever did in the past.

If even in the past, then the guy needs to speak pretty hard against love you 70 x 7 just yet until they all help put a stop to it

Anonymous said...

If what Wade Cox says is true, and highly doubt it, it does demonstrate that Bob Thiel is an epic failure in Africa, just as he is in the US, Asia, and Europe.

Anonymous said...

COGWA was adamant that those in their African congregation sing the parts in the COGWA purple hymnal exactly as written. I was recently reminded how inferior and dirge like the COG hymns are compared to the beauty found in the Baptist hymnal.

Anonymous said...

Just a reminder that there's no need to repent. One can live a lawless life and simply say sorry and ask God for forgiveness on one's deathbed. God is such a swell Mr Nice guy that He'll accept your apology and allow you into His kingdom.
So trust me, there's no need to repent or forsake evil. Everything will still work out.