Saturday, February 17, 2024

World Renown Prophet Continues To Bear His Heavy Cross


I can't beleive he was stupid enough to say this. 


Dyslexic Prophet said...

Stupid is as stupid does. He should be interviewing roofers from the list provided by his local Better Business Bureau, and consulting with his insurance carrier!

I find it odd that a "prophet" (and prophets usually deal in knowing bad in advance), would not have foreseen the storm, and known that he too would be affected. Conventional wisdom is that there are better optics in simply getting everything fixed, and not saying anything about the damages to his readers or followers. Tough guys take their lumps and say nothing. Strong, silent types and all that. But, HWA set the example of scapegoating Satan for everything, imagining that that was a more powerful proof that he was God's chosen. It just looks pathetic when someone not blessed with HWA level charisma attempts to pull that off!

Anonymous said...

Remember the Psychic Hotline? It went bankrupt. You would have thought that a group of prophets would have seen this coming and done something to prevent it from happening.

Anonymous said...

The Dyslexic Prophet said:

"Tough guys take their lumps and say nothing. Strong, silent types and all that. "

Bob is a beta soy boy who doesn't have a tough bone in his body. Even his stint in the military never turned him into a man's man.

No matter how hard he tries he has no charisma. He is not even worthy to be in HWA's presence. In fact, HWA would have kicked him out years ago for insubordination and heresy..

Anonymous said...

Bob is not the kind of guy you could call up and say, "Hey, Buddy! Let's go grab a beer and hang out for a while." If by chance he decides to go, the conversation would be centered around him and how much he knows about everything.

If he had close male friends he would not be so focused on himself all time.

The fact that he writes so prolifically proves he has no male friends to spend time with.