Wednesday, July 17, 2024

The Two Battling Worldwide Church of God Entities


Satan and Simon Magus are MAD! I say MAD!!!!!!! Satan is particularly mad that the original Worldwide Church of God never went away as so many claim. He is even more ticked off to learn that every single splinter that he helped set up along with Simon Magus is now known to be false. How can that be????

As crafty as Satan is he has been foiled by the Kitchen family as they hold on to the truth once restored by the Holy Apostle. Satan has really ticked off lately by stirring up more family division turning brother against brother.

On July 10, Samuel wrote:

On another note, my brother added me back to my old YouTube Channels, and I've made those channels available again! ALL VIDEOS ARE BACK!!!!!

Today, July 17 Samuel writes:

So Tim kicked me off those channels again. 
I had until tomorrow to be primary owner again. Had to wait a week until I could remove Tim and be the primary owner again.
Tim took them back, while I was getting Bible study and Church services ready. Satan DOES NOT WANT IT.

SO, WE LOST THE CHANNELS AGAIN. I tried to call Tim, he refused to answer. 

All of this upheaval started a few weeks ago when another COG splinter group went and filled out paperwork claiming the name Worldwide Church of God as their own, usurping Samuel.

Some of you may recall Ron Stephens who was well known during the doctrinal changes for sending out memory sticks of WCG literature and sermons. It was called:

Given the fact that numerous other COG-related sites have proliferated over the years with far better sites and resources, most people have forgotten about Ron Stephens until recently, when he reared his head and went after Samuel Kitchen.

Samuel shared this information about Stephens regarding his persecution of the Kitchen family over the years and his recent filing of a trademark of the WCG name:

Concerning the trademark filed by Ron Stephens...
The original trademarks, as seen in the publications and productions of the Worldwide Church of God and Herbert W Armstrong, is what I have been sharing all along and emphasizing.
On my family's page, A Voice Cries Out- Herbert W Armstrong, I have been authoring article and publications where I discuss and use the name Worldwide Church of God for many many years. Before this, I have saved conversations, with many people concerning the Worldwide Church of God.
Sometime after 2010, Ron Stephens came to know the existence of my family's online work.
He had created "HWA Storehouse", a project based on Malachi 3 concerning the collection of God's Tithes and Offerings. Mr. Stephens was NOT, and I repeat again, NOT an ordained minister.
He based his project on a misinterpretation of the prophecy in the book of Amos, concerning the "famine of the hearing of the Word".
God says in His Word, HE WILL SEND A FAMINE, and people will search and shall not find.
Ron Stephens evoked the idea, that those who had a flashdrive could find it in their homes. Like a bomb shelter peddler, his work was to oppose the Word of God.
This is eerily similar to the doctrine of GTA who said the place of safety would be in the homes of church membership.
So after coming into the knowledge of my family's work, we soon approached him and warned him of the sin he was committing against the Church. He was robbing God's tithes and offerings and touching that which he was not permitted to touch.
It was soon after, he was received well by a Nigerian group, who my family caught stealing our videos. The Nigerian claimed to be the successor of Mr. Armstrong and that all videos produced by the Church was his to use as he saw fit.
He took Ron Stephens in, and ordained him an elder.

Sounds like the African scam that ordered Bob Thiel and currently now uses him for money and supplies. 

Immediately Ron Stephens filed and registered a trademark called "THE ORIGINAL WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD".
Now he filed a new trademark in February 2021, for "WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD (WCG)".
This was the time my family was being hit, with family members being murdered.

What would any COG story be without a grand conspiracy theory? After all, they seem to be the lifeblood of the church. Here is a dozy of one:

In January 2020, my father was approached by a man who claimed he worked for the CIA.
The man told my dad, that something was coming down the line of command against my family, and he wanted to let my dad know it wasn't personal, he was just following orders and doing so to protect his own family.
Six months later my grandmother was murdered in a hospital.
Six months after that my mother died.
Four months after that, my dad died.
For two months, my dad was laid up paralyzed. He had a hole at the base of his head which had caused him much pain and it got an infection.
The doctors he visited in the ER, was the same doctors that were involved with my grandmother. So when we went to the ER, my dad checked himself out.
The next ER visit, was in another town.
He was admitted and was staying the night. He was feeling better.
During that night, men in suits began to enter his room and leaving. My dad asked the night nurse who they were, and was told they were with the FBI and FEMA.
He began to lose motor functions and so my dad called me, and checked himself out again. Within several hours he was better. But still dealing with the paralysis.
It was at that time, he caught a staff infection at the hospital.
He eventually had to amputate his leg. He was flown down to Chandler, Arizona where they performed the operation and he never woke up.
It was during this time of trial, Ron Stephens was rushing towards the Trademark office to file for "WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD (WCG)".
His trademark was filed in defiance of the knowledge of my family. We had been using the name, been defending the name, and been sharing the old publications and productions of the Worldwide Church of God and Herbert W Armstrong.
But my family was being murdered and taken out of the way. We were a threat to the system. And with my dad out of the way, the name seemed to be easy picking for Ron Stephens.

True COG members around the world need to STAND UP and defend the Kichen family! 

Those from the Worldwide Church of God, who was with Mr. Armstrong needs to stand up and defend us.
This new trademark is being used to attack this work.
It is also being used to ATTACK any man who may return to the ministry of the Worldwide Church of God.

Aaron Dean to the rescue, IF and only IF he repents of being in the United Church of God and returns to the one true faith. 

That's why I look at the original ordained ministry for assistance. Especially Aaron Dean. He can secure the original usage if he repented and stepped up. This will put an end to the destruction of the Worldwide Church of God and aid in the restoration of the Worldwide Church of God.
Because the documents show Aaron Dean there with Mr. Armstrong. The publications show a ministry. They show a church.

And if they shut down this work, they are doing so to take over and to fully destroy the Church. Any YouTube channel, any website is under threat! 

YouTube recently shut down Samuel's video site where he had posted hudnreds of HWA and WCG-related sermons and videos. This could have been instigated by Ron Stephens.

Samuel writes:

The deletion of the Worldwide Church of God Youtube Channel(@officialworldwidechurchofgod), that happened a day ago, was just another attack by Satan the Devil, the great HINDERER.

This matter on the Youtube website, is based on TRADEMARK LAW. It is a CIVIL MATTER on RELIGIOUS THINGS.
And while it is easy to expose this fake claim made by opposing parties to a reasonable human being, Youtube runs on automation.
Therefore people can THRUST a civil action against the Church, in order to SUPPRESS and HINDER our standing on the Youtube platform and cause damage before human intervention.
Are we realizing the time is at hand where RELIGIOUSLY POWERED PEOPLE ARE ENGAGING IN CIVIL ACTIONS AGAINST THIS CHURCH, as foretold in God's Word? I am waiting a decision from YouTube, as I appealed their decision, but we are now hindered!
Right now, until I can reach a human being, the uploading of the Bible Studies and Church Services has been paused.
The way that YouTube has it, is a system where these dissidents can launch civil action(reports) against us, and cause a great deal of damage before someone at Youtube will intervene, if they ever will intervene. Do we risk the damage? We are NOW being HINDERED like never before!
Now, someone is claiming a NEW TRADEMARK, and claiming to be the Worldwide Church of God by use of the new trademark. They are claiming "exclusive usage", by going after us.

In 2021 Stephens applied to register the name Worldwide Church of God as a trademark he owns.

Kitchen wrote on July 10:

If you look at the Trademark Office, on Ronnie D. Stephens new trademark(#90542251), he applied for CLASS 016 with description "Printed publications, namely, brochures, booklets, and teaching materials in the field of Religious, Social and Historical archived materials pertaining to the original teachings of the Worldwide Church of God and its founder Herbert W. Armstrong."
This was later removed.
He also applied for CLASS 045 with description "Religious and spiritual services, namely, conducting religious worship, marriage ceremonies, baptismal ceremonies, baby dedications, bereavement ceremonies, and religious counseling".
This CLASS was kept.
This is an attack on the MINISTRY.
Please pray for this brethren. Perhaps we can plea with the Trademark office, and explain this FRAUD, and have the trademark placed into the hands of a minister who is ON THE Pre-1986 ROSTER of the Worldwide Church of God, such as Mr. Aaron Dean?
The original publications, and productions of the Worldwide Church of God and Herbert W. Armstrong, is inclusive to Mr. Aaron Dean. He is included!
How do we know? The record shows! Ronnie D Stephens wants people to accept his fraud. The record he wants to OWN, exposes the fraud.
So maybe, we ought to pray and fast about this brethren. Let the true ministry of the Worldwide Church of God handle the wolves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be interesting to see how this all plays out since Grace Communion International holds the copyright to the WCG name. Though I imagine they could care less.


BP8 said...

Personally, I don't think "magic" and religion are a good mix.

The MAGICAL name of the church, the REAL WCG, the only one God recognizes.

The "sacred" name, the only name God answers to.

The sacred language, Hebrew, or "tongues", the only language that will guarantee answered prayer.

The MAGICAL calendar. Miscalculate, or miss the moon sighting and you're out of luck. The ship has sailed!

Having the spirit of Christ (Romans 8:9) and being recognized by Him is a FACT and works for me.

No, not a big fan of "magic".

Anonymous said...

I just shake my head at the wasted lives, and people letting people control them in such ways that their real personalities can never develop and express themselves. I believe that frustration over this is what spun GTA out and made him like he was. I can only judge by how it affected me. There were one hell of a lot of docile people in the original WCG, and that's something I could never be.

I just wonder sometimes, as an example, if the Flurry grandkids are all obedient little puppydogs, or if maybe some of them are on Youtube checking out Irish rock n roll. Have they seen Rory Gallagher's performance at Rockpalast, gotten into his Bullfrog Blues, and thought, "Now why can't Gramps be into Irish stuff that's really cool like this? Do the kids also know about Van Morrison and Them? Thin Lizzie? Gary Moore? If you're going to get into things that are extreme, why does it have to be some pseudo-Goth cult that lies to people to scare them out of their money? But, are they even curious?

When it does crash and burn, it must be like '69 AD for people like this, and it's sad to watch. But, it's going to happen sooner or later to all of them. They will all go down, just like the original Armstrong empire, and once that bubble is gone, will be condfronted with reality and living the rest of their lives. It ain't gonna be a pretty picture.

Anonymous said...

It's Battling Maxo of Twilight Zone against Ravishing Ronald of Looney Tunes.

The Kitchen twins, Castor & Pollux. Romulus & Remus.

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, this new-WCG and Ron Stephens. This is where this loser Michael Elertson has gone. We here in Canada know all about this mr. Mike Elertson. He is mean and aggressive. He is not too bright really. He loves to be authoritarian and yell at people and shoot off his overly ape-like mouth. The destruction he caused in Ontario ... And so Mr. Weston hires this Mike Elertson from the end of an unemployment line and because he was an AC grad. Then this Mr. Mike Elertson goes to Mr Bryce's Enduring Church Of God from which he is literally and seriously bribed back into LCG along with Sheldon Monson another hireling by Mr. Weston and Mr. Meredith. Elertson just can't say enough good things about his LCG ministerial masters. He's like a ravid dog on the leash and the leash is in LCG's hands, and he talks about how he was mislead and deceived by those of Mr. Bryce's group. But wait, then Elertson again leaves the LCG ministry. He ends up in Sheldon Monson's Church Of God Assembly group. And now we read of this same Mr. Mike Elertson latched onto Ron Stephens of the Neo-WCG. Oh yes and on the way Elertson drops his long suffering wife and their two little handicapped children and picks up a second wife. ... I don't think one need take Mr Michael Elertson of the neo-wcg too seriously as a minister, or for that matter as a decent and good man whatsoever. The issue here is not new covenant Sabbath keeping and the meaning of the Holy Days, and yes these things do come with salvation by grace through faith of our Lord Jesus. This has to do with a truly bad man who is emotionally immature and who causes trouble wherever he ends up. It's all about him. It can happen in any church group. I see on their webpage that they are promoting Elertson's services as a minister of God. And he has a bunch of his sermons up on youtube. Well, I believe that no one who wishes the services of God's minister need take this Michael Elertson seriously. I would be interested inhow Michael Elertson of the neo-wcg version 2.x explains and justifies himself. Or maybe he won't justify himself and pretend to be contrite. ... May God see our affliction done by these hirelings and these ministerial worthless shepherds of Zechariah 11:17, and have mercy upon us. Even so, come quickly Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Ah me! Maybe kitchens should look more into trademark law. Oh, ah me! What a sad WCG legacy it is!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Elertson conducted operations from a literal "bully" pulpit (along with Stephens/Weston/Bryce/Monson).

Doubtful that the report of him dropping his long suffering wife and their two little handicapped children then picking up a second wife, could be made up...almost has to be true when the whistleblower's grief & heartbreak basically shows through when writing the post.

Free Your Mind said...

Some small points, in the title you spelt "Entities" wrong, and at the end the proper phrase is "I could not care less".

In regards to the main article, who cares about the WCG name? Why are the Kitchens so concerned about that?

Do they believe that Worldwide Church of God name is some kind of magic token that guarantees salvation for anyone who belongs to it?

Maybe they believe that if they control the WCG, spin around on one leg three times holding one hand in the air, chanting "WCG is the only true church", that they will then be certain of being saved?