Wednesday, July 17, 2024

St Paul at the State Fair



Anonymous said...

Bacon, I can’t, I won’t. I don’t like it.
But then I am Jewish, but I do recall bacon being served at mealtimes in the cafeteria on our kibbutz many a time.
There were other options available also for those who observed the Halacha laws.
It’s doubtful that Paul ever tasted ‘pig’, being an observant Jew.
However the book of Acts gives us guidelines to these ‘delicacies’.
Your pick and choice.
I’ve made mine.
Looking forward to the comments……….

Anonymous said...

Known for years how bacon is openly eaten by so called 'super deacons' and the elite.....

NO2HWA said...

You should tell us more about life on the kibbutz. It sounds fascinating!

COG blighter said...

The text loophole makes room for the bacon to be made of turkey, or beef (bacon)!

Hey the MN State Fair is essentially in St. Paul at city limits.

RSK said...

I might indulge in a little andouille once in a great while when making jambalaya, but that's about it. Too bad Paul's Hellenistic friends probably werent too big on French cuisine. :)

R.L. said...

Please walk with a frown past the 4-H "lean hogs" barn. :-\

Anonymous said...

Beef bacon can be good, but turkey 'bacon' is nasty processed junk that resembles proper bacon about as much as Dave Pack's religion resembles Christianity.

RSK said...

You're not wrong.. turkey in general I find worthless. I think beef bacon works best if you cook it in the oven instead of the frying pan. My wife tried that on a whim and we were surprised at how good it was.

RSK said...

What's a "super deacon"?

RSK said...

I dont know, 9:54, having written the lines about conscience, he may have been in such a situation at some point. I was reading an article recently regarding a theory that the domestic pig was probably imported to the Middle East by the Aegean Philistines. By Pauls time it must have been far more common.