Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Are You Thinking About Joining LCG, UCG, PCG Or Bob Thiel's Group? If So, "you are simply being tempted by a heresy".


Poor Bob Thiel, the little guy never gets a break. 😅 

Samuel Kitchen has come out proclaiming that anyone who joins ANY of the splinter groups are being tempted by heresy. We've known that all along when it comes to the Great Bwana Bob. The lies of Gerald Flurry and Dave Pack pale in comparison to the lies and half-truths the Great Bwana has dumped upon us all. From his crazy nightmares to the "enlarged upon" conversations that really never happened the way Bob claims, the absolute craziness he says has no boundaries. Rod Meredith understood this very well when he said:

However, Bob, your own remarkable vanity and “dreams of greatness” have greatly affected your ability to think clearly many times. Over the last few years, many of us have noted that you have begun to think of yourself in terms that are not realistic.  

Also, to abet your desires to be a “great one” in the Work, you have carefully and cleverly twisted and enlarged upon many things people have mentioned to you." -RCM 

Samuel Kitchen claims that Bob and all of the others are following in the footsteps of Simon Magus. Ouch! 

Unto those He sent out, Jesus Christ commanded in Matthew 28 to make disciples in all nations of the world, this to fulfill Christ's own prophecy in Matthew 24:14. This was a prophecy of the fruition of the Worldwide Church of God in this Philadelphia era.
Now, many have become confused. Since the death of the apostle, the people of God seem to be scrambling to different groups and different works, and that is odd.
Yes the Worldwide Church of God is the Church of God, the spiritual body of Christ. The organization was struck by Satan, in order to destroy a media empire, that could take on anyone who wanted to restrict information to the public.
The spiritual remains intact. The work of God is to continue to remain organized as it has been directed through Christ's apostle, to believe the one sent from God.
We are commanded to Hold fast, and endure persecution.
These c.o.g groups are merely other works, and they are restricting people's relationship with the apostle, and therefore Jesus Christ, and many are failing to hold fast.
Jesus didn't start a second church, or second work. The Bible holds true.
If the idea of another work intrigues are simple being tempted by a heresy. The heresy is the idea of another work, the idea of another church.
These ministers were ordained as ministers of the Worldwide Church of God. They were NOT an apostle, and so let's remember how Simon Magus claimed apostleship and started his counterfeit Church in competition against the true Church of God.
That's why I look at the Worldwide Church of God, and say the idea there is another church now is heresy. Heresy should never be supported. And that is something we all need to repent of.
Let us get back on the right track brethren!


Anonymous said...

" believe the one sent from God."

Samuel, then how do you explain that the WCG was run as a cult? There are many scriptures condemning this. Or HWA lying through his teeth by claiming that the end is "3 to 5 five short years away" for forty years? 1975 etc.

Anonymous said...

“The organization was struck by Satan, in order to destroy a media empire, that could take on anyone who wanted to restrict information to the public.”

By this reasoning Satan is stronger than God. The plain truth is this has always been a work of men God would not be supporting such stupidity for fifty years and then some including its prophetic lies and hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Ok. Here we have a basic lesson in Business 101, Little guys with a viable enterprise, but who are under-capitalized and lack legal representation are always prey to those who are bigger and have better resources. If they want what you have, they'll take it, and it will be all legal-shmegal.

Truth is, anyone could go after Sam and his family because it's not as if they own the copyrights on any of the HWA materials they're "preserving".

We've seen this before with Jules Dervraes and Don Tiger being ripped off. It's certainly a ripoff when someone gets a wild hair up their butt and decides to start a new splinter and steal members and their tithes from the parent splinter. And then there's plagiarism. Christianity is the only field in which someone can be plagiarized, and the victim will proclaim "Oh boy! Now more people are spreading my message! What a blessing!"

Who put the bomp in the rama lama d. dong said...

Richard Close plagiarized Frank Nelte about changing Jesus's own words in Matt. 11:30. Not only did Richard Close's "hierarchical" "proper church governance" administrator/overseer put a stamp of approval on the plagiarism, but the long winded public message was given the "green light" to post up.

Maybe that's why Frank Nelte or the Frank Nelte estate has no qualms over having it essentially word for word uploaded by another guy who promoted it as a "new truth" for (or from), "the end times", for the original writer to exclaim oh boy! now more people are spreading my message: what a blessing.