Saturday, July 20, 2024

Another NEW COG Group: When WIll This Craziness Ever End?

@misterdifficult #cults #CultSurvivor #armstrongism #WCG #comedy #WorldwideChurchOfGod #sarcasm @exRestoredCOG ♬ original sound - misterdiffiCULT

Hat tip to MisterdiffiCULT for discovering a new Worldwide Chruch of God splinter group. This one is a splinter of Dave Pack led by Vidal Wachuku. It is called the Church of God Without Walls. Holy Hanna! What a quagmire of irrelevance Armstrongism has descended into!

Apparently, he got a few Restored Church of God folks to join him along with their money. After all, money is the official purpose of any COG. It's not leading people to Christ. It's all about leading people to men along with their money. These self-appointed leaders all need to keep money flowing into their pockets so they can maintain their expected living standards. Their donate button is featured on the front page of their website, right at the top.

Church of God Without Walls is a congregation of believers, many from other splinter groups, that believe in the True Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed by Mr. Herbert W Armstrong. 

With a group that spans continents we meet frequently on digital and social media such as Zoom, YouTube and Facebook.

I pastored congregations of The Restored Church of God in the state of Florida, USA and the Caribbean Islands from February 1, 2012 to November 30, 2021. I was later transferred to the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, Texas where I was responsible for the congregations in most of the state and parts of Louisiana, USA from Dec. 1, 2021- Dec. 29, 2023.


Byker Bob said...

Ach du liber! These guys have just got to keep milking that Old Covenant, don't they?

There aren't even supposed to be splinters! Each time a splinter starts up, it's the result of rebellion! Generations of rebels rebelling against rebels!


Anonymous said...

These splinter-of-a-splinter leaders lack credibility. Wachuku accepts Dave's authority to ordain him, but rejects Dave's authority in other areas. But if Dave was so wrong in so many other areas, and his teachings shouldn't be recognized, doesn't it stand to reason that we shouldn't recognize Dave's ordination of Wachuku?

Anonymous said...

Church of God Without Walls is a congregation of believers, many from other splinter groups, that believe in the True Gospel of Jesus Christ as revealed by Mr. Herbert W Armstrong.

The statement contains contradictions as the fake apostles prophetic /end time/ millenial kingdom gospel is not the Gospel of the Bible. Strangely each splinter claims to preach the true herbie gospel.

Anonymous said...

Church of God Without Walls is a congregation of believers, many from other splinter groups

This is either a lie or outright hubris. It sounds like Wachuku is claiming that members of other groups are members of what he now defines as "his" group, meaning that he is eligible to receive their tithes and offerings. How convenient!

Anonymous said...

People sang Wachukus praises when he left when RCG had released a cruel letter in an attempt to damage Wachukus's reputation, but it looks like Wachuku is capable of destroying his own reputation without the help of RCG. What is most disturbing is that his wife said that him starting his own church was rumors. This was the end of January. Wachukus followers then revealed they pay them tithes. It was said that Wachuku didn't leave RCG but they left him. To see that they first began uploading in February shows that this "rumour" was never a rumour and they knew that. Therefore, they lied.

It is interesting. As someone said above, Wachuku accepts Dave's authority in ordiaining him but rejects him in other areas. It shows that it's all about power and gain. Wachuku is just another opportunist and fraud. The fact that the donate button is the first thing you see when going to the website is revealing. They are so proud and only care for money. It is sad to see what Armstrongism does to people. I hope others do not join his church and that it fails giving him the opportunity to reflect and step down.

ExRestoredCog said...

A splinter a day keeps God away!

ExRestoredCog said...

And the donate button for what? What are they planning to use it for? You can create a website of this low quality for free. The literature is taken from HWA and therefore requires no money to share. Creating videos of this poor quality is free. There is no buildings to be paid off. So again, I ask, why the donate button? The fact they are taking tithes from people is extremely concerning. They reject Pack but are all too happy to accept the ordination and use it to their advantage. All to happy to mention his ministry in RCG as well. It just shows what it's all about: power and gain.
I was saddened to see that Wachuku did this. I wouldn't have expected someone like him would sink this low. There are good people in these Armstrongism cultd and then there are the bad who thrive in these environments because it strokes their ego. But it's most sad to see the way it eats good people up and causes them to do things like this.

ExRestoredCog said...

too* cults*

Anonymous said...

The group should be renamed The Church of God Without Balls, as its leader lacks the courage to fully reject Dave Pack. Wachuku should reject his false ordination and simply practice his Christianity without trying to take money from others.

ExRestoredCog said...

I'm sorry, correction: Wachuku wasn't ordained in RCG. He was ordained in WCG so that is why...

Anonymous said...

The solution to the endless splintering in these groups is respect for members rights. But rights are of the Devil in the Church of Herb.

Anonymous said...

Ah, but I bet they are church with walls when someone calls them on the carpet for teaching, or tries to leave peacefully.

Tonto said...

Looks like it will be another CHURCH OF GOD WITHOUT "HALLS" !

Anonymous said...

So everyone should have stayed with Joe Snr....

Anonymous said...

Its sooo sad that there are people who are set to just take advantage of the people of God, people who just want to please God and do the right things (imperfect as they may), Men like these thing its a good thing to take advantage of them and steal from them, wooow. its a sad story indeed but one day their will get their reward in full .

Anonymous said...

Well, 4:41, most certainly the people who take advantage are in reality atheists masquerading as spiritual guides. I don't believe that the true, science-based atheist has such an evil heart as the advantage-takers.

Anonymous said...

Well you know all about that "Tonto"

Anonymous said...

Also, many? Like who. I heard there are only a few that followed him out. There aren't many at all. A congregation of believers doesn't need to be taking tithes and offerings, too. They do zoom calls and sometimes meetings. What are they using the money they receive for...

Free Your Mind said...

Will they not get cold if they meet together, as the wind blows through the spaces where there are no wall?