Showing posts with label Church of God. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Church of God. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Why Do The COG's Continue To Disgrace Themselves?

I had to laugh when reading the comments on Apostle  Malm's blog today.  One of his acolytes wrote the comment below and James responded.

Malm at least has a point for once that is worthwhile.  It is true that if the COG's would stop their stupidity, their disgraceful, hypocritical and lying ways, then we would have nothing to report.  95% of what is reported here is copied directly from COG websites and blogs.  It's their own words that condemn them!  Instead, day in and day out, they lie, they cause dissension, they abuse members, they cause deaths, suicides and untold misery.  The list could go on and on.  There is nothing "godly" about any the COG's!  Armstrongism has always been a cesspool.  Twenty five years after HWA's death and they are worse than ever. It's no wonder that not one single COG group is growing.  .

concerned observer
October 7th, 2011 at 18:05
And now spread to the e-rags which disgrace the COGs daily….
By their fruits you shall know them… PRECISELY! If we did not disgrace ourselve they would have little to write about! What ever happened to God’s command to be above any possible reproach and of a good reputation? James

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Salvation Is Only Available Through HWA

There are various web sites and blogs that just salivate at the mere name of Herbert W. Armstrong.  To them HWA is as important as Jesus Christ, and more so at times.  Jesus was an impotent little man who was unable to restore God's word to the earth.  That impotency lasted for 1,900 until HWA arrived on the scene reacting to a nightmare his wife had about the Sabbath.  We all know the path of destruction and human tragedy that has been left in the wake of this nightmare.

Families destroyed, marriages broken up, hundreds of suicides, unnecessary deaths, doctrinal confusion, close to 700 harlot daughters of his original church, and more.

That is all glossed over though by some of his more rabid followers.  Just look at the following comment today on Yahoo.  It is frightening to see the veneration and worship by these people of HWA.  Ancestor worship in China and Japan does not hold a candle to this kind of worship!

According to these people salvation is only possible through HWA.

I have to wonder just how many of God`s people have so soon forgotten that it was our great God who inspired Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, His Apostle, in this end time, who restored the truths of God, and to open all of our minds, including every Evangelist, every minister, as well as every one of us, to truth that is so necessary for our salvation!!! Truths that could not have been heard before, having received them from Mr. Armstrong!! Not only for our salvation but to educate us to be there as a part of His government to help those at Christ`s return for their salvation, as well as to be there for those on that "Last Great Day" to help them to receive their salvation!!! Will some be left out,  and behind, because of refusal to accept the truths that God has given us from His Apostles, including His last Apostle, Mr. Armstrong?!!
  Mr. Armstrong gave us these truths out of love for us and I believe that F___ O____ also gave us this forum with his love for us in upholding those truths!! I have tried to support Mr. Armstrong`s teachings and  F____ O____ desire to pass those teachings on when I succeeded him in the ownership of this forum. When someone asks to be a part of this forum, I basically ask two important questions: "Do you accept the teachings of Mr. HWA and do you believe that he restored the truths of God?!" I will say that about 99% never answered which tells me that they don`t believe, and this forum is apparently not for them!!
  I again ask, "Have some so soon forgotten?" I had posted, previously, the list of sermons that I keep in my favorites column that my wife and I keep listening to over and over again! I don`t know if any of you have kept the website for reference but I will repost it for those of you who would want to keep for your important salvation!! That posting will follow for those of you who are interested!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Wearing Ties to Church Makes You A Pagan Laodicean

The fun continues on the Church of Malm board.  Check out the sure signs that make you a  laodicean.  Watching a church service on the Internet is also strictly forbidden by scripture.
A COM acolyte writes:

Laodicean attitudes can be witnessed when women’s modesty is compromised by plunging necklines, short skirts, and tight form fitting pants. When men show up to present themselves to the Almighty God in casual wear; and, where men are called on for opening/closing prayer sans Sabbath wear i.e. coat and tie. These are some of the early and outward signs. Other signs could include watching Sabbath services frequently via Internet rather than attending congregational worship services – a practice rejected in Hebrews 10:25; or, tolerating other Sabbath compromises. Having a congregation peppered with cliques, or, a membership that does not readily extend hospitality to their brethren.
Individually and collectively we need to: examine ourselves; our attitudes; our conduct, and, our approach to Christian living, godly worship and dedication to God’s principles and commandments.

Pastor Malm's response about the demonic necktie.  Perhaps he should move to Iran where he would fit in better.

We should be neat clean and presentable when appearing before God. On the other hand there is no need to wear a tie which is a pagan phalic symbol holdover fron ancient Roman legions in Croatia. It may not be so considered today, yet this is an example of adding to God’s law which is forbidden. We are to be zealous for the law, we are not to add to it.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Blue Pointy Hats and White Robes

Are you ready to surrender your brain to your minister and start wearing the blue hat and white robe?  The blind obedience to the ministry of Armstrongism is appalling!  It is much better to do what you are told and not enjoy a cigar, some chocolate, etc., in order to show how submissive you are.  I guess he sees no disconnect between his fist paragraph where he says we are to do what a ministers says, but that the failure to follow such commands is not a sin.

There is no dispute that the church has legitimate traditions and the
authority to implement and enforce those traditions. The appointed
ministry could make an edict tomorrow requiring us all to wear blue, pointy,
scull-caps and long white robes. This would be within their authority, and any
member of the congregation who refused to wear a pointy cap could be
rightly dis-fellowshipped by that God given authority. I am unconvinced that
failure wear a pointy hat would be a sin, unless that sin was a sin against
church authority. Failure to wear a pointy hat would (to me) seem to be a
breach of rightfully implemented church tradition. Calling a transgression of
the pointy hat rule a transgression of God's law (SIN) seems to be a bit of a
stretch. Please feel free to correct me on this matter.

The no smoking tradition is based upon an extension of the principal that
our physical body is the Temple of God and that we must do what we can to keep
that temple pristine. This is a good and righteous principal; while recognizing
that this body is a temporary shell that is designed to fail and
thatover-working to "live forever" in the flesh, due to our own physical
efforts, is at best vanity and at worst idolatry.

I have witnessed far too many people in the church (particularly in
Southern California) who seem to be of the opinion that failure to self-medicate
with the latest herbal supplement cure-all fad; and a failure to do the Jane
Fonda work-out 8hrs a day, while enjoying yogurt colonics is also a "sin"
against the temple.

I find it amusing that simply breathing the air in Southern California has
been equated to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day.
I also find mildly entertaining the obese, diabetic deacon (with twinkie in
hand) railing against chewing on a green leafy vegetable (tobacco).

Nehemiah 8:10
Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send
portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our
LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength.

This is only one of many scriptures that show that as humans there is no
sin in enjoying what could be considered a "guilty pleasure" from time to time
(in moderation). Like chocolate cheese-cake, a drink of good whiskey or (dare I
say it) a fine cigar.

This scripture in Colossians:
Colossians 2:16
So let no one judge you in food or in drink, or regarding a festival or a new
moon or sabbaths,
is obviously not talking about smoking a cigar in particular.
but to be fair, the oft quoted:
1 Corinthians 6:19
Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in
you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own?
is obviously not talking about smoking a cigar in particular, either.

In conclusion, the church absolutely has the authority to make tradition.
That tradition could legitimately be a ban on smoking, prohibition of make-up,
high fructose corn syrup, and the implementation of mandatory yogurt colon
cleanses and pointy hats as a tradition for us to follow. I am simply not
convinced of the level of "sin" involved in fudging on these traditions, nor the
wisdom of the ministry legislating these types of "specks".

If I am ever so spiritually solid, that a major spiritual concern of mine is
my level of high fructose corn syrup intake, (or more particularly legislation
of my brother's corn syrup intake) then I can safely say that I am over-due to
get hit by a bus, and be whisked off to the kingdom.

B___ L____

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Why is Critical Thinking Not Practiced in the COG's?

Dennis Diehl - EzineArticles Expert AuthorI have always been taken back by the seemingly total lack of  Biblical  questioning by my former ministerial friends in WCG or in the membership over all.  It is amazing to me how little study into other ways of perceiving the Bible, it's history, it's construction and origins, its many contradictions real or imagined is done.

In the COG groups, the one man show type can get up and declare the Bible "clearly" shows the goofball to be an Apostle, Priest, King or Witness, AND FEW IF ANY QUESTION THE ROAMING AROUND IN THE BIBLE THAT IT TOOK TO DRAW THAT CONCLUSION.

"Duh, boss.  Whatever you say, huya huya...whatever you say." 

When Dave Pack goes on and on qualifying for membership in On and On Anonymous, why can't someone tell the man he talks too much and sees way too much of himself in the scripture.  Why can't someone say the sermons aren't always as amazing and never before understood as they are being led to believe. When he can't explain anything in less than two to four hours each week, where is the common sense of the audience?  When the man says either, "And yes, I am an Apostle," or "Send it in,"  blah blah blah...who are the people who just do this?  Are they defective of mind and common sense?

When Flurridians are told the Guru is "that prophet" or "God wants you to kiss your unconverted family goodbye and please no more talking to them,"  who are the nutcases that say, "ok, ok, whatever you say?"   Have they all been lobotomized?
Evolutionary author Donald Prothero notes...

"Looking over the shoulders of the hundreds of hard working , dedicated, self sacrificing biologists who spend years enduring the harsh conditions in the field to observe evolution in action inspires admiration in us real scientists.  This is in sharp contrast with the creationists who sit in their comfortable homes and write drivel about subjects they have never studied and do not understand."   (Evolution-what the fossils say and why it matters.  Page 113, Prothero)

This is also how ministers "do their hard work."  They skip along as good Bible and booklet readers.  Or as I have often noted, "piously convicted and marginally informed."
For as intelligent as GTA was, when he wrote about evolution as the authority on it for the Church, and why the Bible was right and science was wrong, he didn't know what he was talking about.  When Herbert Armstrong droned on and on about the two trees or the word "Elohim" and what it meant, he didn't know what he was talking about theologically.  When he said once in Bible study that dinosaurs were of Satan's world because they, like Satan, can't reproduce, he had no clue as to what he was talking about.  The current issue of National Geographic had dino eggs on the cover.

When Gerald Flurry declares this or that is God's way, he doesn't now what he is talking about.  When Dave Pack spins his sermons and mocks Plato, Socrates and the like, he doesn't know what he is talking about.  When he dismisses Albert Einstein because he had "wild hair,"  he has really run out of ideas and does not know what he is talking about. 

When Ron Weinland declares himself and his wife the Two Witnesses, well you's just bullshit.  When you see yourself spoken of in the scriptures by the prophets, it is not time to start a church.  It is time to get some help.  I ask why Ron never studies what else  the Book of Revelation might be, who really wrote it and to whom for whom about whom?  Of course, if he did or if any of the COG ministers read the other issues raised by that book, it might require taking a lot of fancy literature off the shelves and throwing them into the shredder.

But back to the original question.  Why do COG types and really most Evangelical Christian ministers or members lack the critical thinking skills that would provoke them to ask questions about how we really got the Bible, who really wrote it and why?  Those few who do have good critical thinking skills usually end up teaching them but not at church, disfellowshipped, excommunicated, marked and otherwise marginalized.  God may love a cheerful giver but He is not much for a clear thinker evidently.

When debating Art Mokarow over the issue of creationism vs evolution, his "Oxford trained" side kick on stage blurted out when I was recommending Evolution--What the Fossils Say and Why It Matters,   "I have that book!" I was so tempted to reply, "Well I suggest you actually read it."  However, I restrained myself.  Many have a Bible but few ask much about how it got to be.  The non-Sunday School answer can be pretty darn challenging to one's faith.  Perhaps that is the total reason right there.

He told me I was too dogmatic about the problems in the Bible and too specific, whatever that meant.  I asked him if he was the author of "God's Puzzle Solved?"  He said  yes of course and i noted the words  "Puzzle" and "Solved" are pretty specific and dogmatic.  He said that's not what he meant.  Uh huh.

So, let's try this.  A couple of years ago I wrote a series of articles entitled, "Questions Your Pastor Will Hate."   They can be found here:

Questions Your Pastor Will Hate-Part Five

And just for fun and as a bonus....

Now I admit the form was a bit cheeky at times in challenging us to look outside the box or at least how to even notice the Bible has contradictions, but I was processing my own "why was I not taught this?" experience. 

Art Mokarow assured me he had asked himself every one of those questions and that he was able to easily answer them to his satisfaction.  Good, I'm glad.  He had to say that.  It's like the Pope forgiving the guy who shot him.  He has to forgive him!!!!  He's the Pope.  He's a professional forgiver!  In the same way, if one is going to say the Bible is without mistakes or contradictions, one has to get a bit defensive at times, circle the wagons and ultimately feel sorry for the poor slob who even thinks to ask the questions.

So.  Do you even know how to ask questions about the Bible, its purpose, its real authorship, its politics, its errors (real or imagined) its intent?  If you know how to ask the question or what the question even is, why don't you?  Are you going to let others get away with telling you there are no questions or that questions are suspect around here? 

Enjoy the questions. You may or may not like them, but they are oft asked questions, they are not original to me and at least may help one ask enough questions when needed to maybe save them from believing just one too many made up answers that, in fact, are not so.

I think it matters to ask questions when in religion, there can be so much at stake for the questioner.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Church of God: The Center of the Universe?

Armstrongism has always thought of it's self as the center of the universe, the holder of all things Godly and pure, and home of the righteous faithful remnant.  This should put it all into perspective considering that Armstrongism has now splintered into well over 700 different personality cults.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Of Gods and Men

Armstrongism has taken a great deal of effort over the last 70 some years to denigrate Catholicism in it's various forms. Most of the accusations are made in complete ignorance because the only book most Armstrongites have ever read about Catholicism is Hislop's Two Babylons.  It has such a toehold in conservative Christian groups in the US that Armstrong and Ralph Woodward both bought into it.  Woodward wrote his own book based upon Hislop's book and HWA's interpretations.  Woodward finally decided a few years ago to really start researching the claims of the book and found that it was filled with all kinds of errors.  Woodward wrote a new book refuting his previous book, called The Babylon Connection?  You can read an article Woodrow wrote here  called The Two Babylons: A Case Study In Poor Research Methodology

All of that antiCathoilic vitriol that Meredith, Thiel, Malm, Flurry and others continue to spit out does nothing except make themselves look like complete e idiots.

Below is a movie clip of a new movie about Catholic Trappist monks in Algeria in 1996.  Can you imagine any Armstrongite EVER taking such a stand?

Xavier Beauvoir’s Of Gods and Men is a beautiful, extraordinary achievement. Understated at all times, highly sophisticated and understanding of its subject, beautifully scripted, it explores the life and death of the Tibhirine Trappist community in Algeria in 1996, during the civil war. The monks live a simple, self-sustaining life of prayer, kindness and service. As the political situation deteriorates, they find themselves caught in a shooting war, driven by Islamist fundamentalists. The army offers protection of a sort, but this raises other questions for the monks - questions of calling and integrity as well as a basic issue about whether life in an armed camp is actually compatible with what they believe their community should be. Do they stay or do they go? As Dying, Yet Behold, We Live!

A quote from one of the brothers in the monastery:

If a day should come, and it could be today, to fall victim to the terrorism that seems to be engulfing foreigners in this country today, I would love my community, my Church, my family, to remember that my life was given to God and this country and also that the sole Giver of all life was no stranger to such a brutal ending. They should also associate my taking off with so many other equally violent but anonymous deaths. My life is no more valuable than any other, nor less. Anyway, it lacks the innocence of childhood. I have lived long enough to know that I myself am part of the evil which, sadly, seems to prevail in the world, even the evil that could suddenly befall me.  

I could not seek such a death, and I could not die happy to see these people, whom I love, indiscriminately blamed for my death. That would be too high a price to pay for what could be called the grace of martyrdom by an Algerian, whoever he may be, above all if he is motivated by what he may believe Islam to be. I know the contempt in which natives of this country are already held around the world. I also know caricatures of the kind of Islam that encourages Islamism.  

For me this country, and Islam, are something very different. They are body and soul. This is what I have always said publicly, as I believe it and have known and seen this theme in the gospel I learnt in my first Church, at my mother's knee. This I have practised in Algeria, and always from the start in respecting Muslim believers. My death could, plainly, give substance to the arguments of those who think I am just naive, or a starry-eyed idealist. But they need to know that this will finally liberate my most ardent curiosity, in that I may be able, God willing,to submerge my vision in that of the Father, in order to see his Muslim children just as he sees them. In this thank you letter, which says everything about my life from now on, I want to include you all, friends of yesterday and today, and even you too, friend of my last moments, who will not understand what you are doing.  

Yes, even for you, I genuinely want to thank you and bid this Adieu, commendation to God, May we one day meet again, in Paradise, as happy thieves, if it pleases God, Father of us both. Amen.