Showing posts with label UCG Crisis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label UCG Crisis. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Did One UCG Minister Forsee the Current Debacle 15 Years Ago?

From a Yahoo board:

When UCGaia was created there was one individual, unknown by me, who knew about
the potential for "fractions and factions" to occur. How do we know that?

For what it is worth, there was a special memo written by a concerned minister
regarding his "Hopes for Indianapolis." That memo, which follows, was read to
all in attendance on the last day of the Indianapolis Conference, May 2, 1995,
by Victor Kubik, to all of us there.
CAN IT EVER BE? That cohesive, Christ-led entity that we all want so dearly?
Or does Indy seal our fate to fractions and factions? The hopes are high, the
stakes are critical. Indy will be either a dawning of a New World Tomorrow, or
the proof of our folly.

PIE IN THE SKY is what the detractors say. Some of them are us, you know.
Our "leaders" have already laid foundations and are even laying superstructure.
The meek words of just a few weeks ago... "We've just started this in case it's
of any help, but we'll gladly dissolve it" are seemingly replaced with corporate
structures lauding the wisdom of "follow me." Has "unity" already slipped to a
cliché, a buzzword of egotists? I've seen that once people invest time, money
and gain supporters they "have God's blessing." After all, they prayed about

Dissolution of their structure for a greater cause becomes too great a defeat.
The show must go on.

WHAT IS INDY? It's a chance for a ground up, New Testament organized body of

WHAT WILL INDY BE? I know what you and I want it to be. But do you know what
many see it as? Separate leaders of several pre-formed groups pushing their
system at each other, followed by the winner selling it to the ministry. The
ministry is invited to view the outcome and cast in their lot, depending on who
"wins" and if they like the smell of it.

WHO LOSES IF INDY FALTERS? The churches back home. The little flocks who are
staking their faith in Indy. The loyal pastors who have forfeited everything to
wait on Christ and to come learn His will for their next step. I hope He's
there. He resists the proud and gives grace to the humble.

Just some concerns and fears ... I don't know what it WILL be, I know what it
MIGHT be and what it CAN be. I'll be there in support. Be careful who gets
control. Make sure it's God.

Today's UCG Resignations 1/4/2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

"Sometimes in life there is NOTHING left to do but have a good laugh (or cry)."

I have watched, listened and participated in the WCG/COG perspectives since I was 14 years old.  I was a minister for 26 of those years. I am now 60.  Life seems to last only about 15 minutes which I did not know when 14.  And while I am more known for my writings on topics on abusive religion, ministers and churches, or taking another look at the real origins of anything from the Bible to human origins, my heart goes out to all of you as you watch your organization implode, once again.
Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at this moment.
Always say “yes” to the present moment. What could be more futile, more insane, than to create inner resistance to what already is? what could be more insane than to oppose life itself, which is now and always now? Surrender to what is. Say “yes” to life — and see how life suddenly starts working for you rather than against you."
Eckhart Tolle

I knew the vast majority of the full time ministers in all the COG's when they were just kids. You know, the "wasn't that just 15 minutes ago?" thing.  We had a lot of fun together not knowing what the future would have in store for all of us who went into the ministry, sincerely and with great hope of being in the right place, teaching and believing the right things, the right way in the right Church.  Phew....what a ride. A few of them, mostly those who are now their own one man show, seem to show signs of mental and personality disorders that can more easily hidden in a ministry as quirkiness and narcissism in religion looks more like sincerity and how most of the characters in the Bible acted.  Don't be fooled. It's still a personality disorder by modern standards and some, perhaps don't need more followers but rather medication.

 I see these kids and friends, now old or at least older and think, "If I only knew then what I know now."  But that's not how it works.  We say that experience is the best teacher but the tuition is high.  Let me tell you, experience is the ONLY teacher and the rest is all hearsay.  

"We're all here to learn."
"Welcome to Earth School"

Since being terminated 12 years ago, ( I wanted to be but didn't know how to leave my congregation of wonderful friends behind or even what to do with my life now), I have had to face many things. I have made mistakes in processing the experience. It brought me anxiety, repressed anger which leads to depression and a boatload of doubt and "what's next?"  I stomped my feet in ways that didn't help and was divorced.  I have made a few but lost most friends.  Since sarcasm is anger turned sideways, I wrote sarcastically to put a sharp edge on my experiences and new perspectives.  I have learned that most depression is anger that you feel you have no right to express, (a common feeling with ministers towards HQ) or that doing so will exact a price too high to pay. (also a proven truth )

 You will go through the same things because what is happening is no small thing.
"If you understand, then things are as they are.  If you don't understand..then things are as they are."

Perhaps a little advice based on experience of loss and dis-illusionment.  Actually disillusionment is a good thing for why would we want to have illusions...?

First of all...Breathe.   You can't fix it all and you won't solve it all.  All you can do is be yourself and follow the path you feel you have to be on.  See where it goes.  

Secondly...Step outside the box of having just one source, leader, group, organization, minister or ideas about how it all is.  There are bigger boxes of truth and reality than those defined by the COG's or any religion.  They are mere sign posts along the way but a sign post is not the same as the destination.  It just points the direction and sometimes they get pointed in the wrong direction by pranksters.

Thirdly...Don't read your Bible too much. You'll never be able to process this doing that.  Everyone does that so no one can find a reason to drop their guard, share the experience as it really is and give each other a really big hug.  It divides.  As I have noted, the COG's add to themselves by subtraction and multiply by division.  I would encourage the COG administrations, boards, councils and humans to have a big meeting, not just for those that agree with them but for everyone.  Just be there and start with a big hug.  Let your tears flow and keep looking each other in the eye until you realize one of Buddhisms great observations...(The narcissists and those with genuine personality disorders will not be able to do this so don't expect it.)

"Sometimes in life there is NOTHING left to do but have a good laugh."
(or cry)

I'm not really here to give advice, just observations of what, to me that journey from age 14 to 60 so far has taught me.  Some would say I have learned nothing, but they are very very wrong.  I would love to speak to those who have had their hearts and hopes handed to them over the years in a paper bag with a pat on the head and a hearty "be warmed and be filled, we'll be praying for you."  They aren't.  They just say that.  I miss teaching and speaking what seems to me to be a better form of "the truth."  

I'd also like to say, that in my experience, Denny Luker is probably one of the most  sincere and kind humans beings I have ever me.   I know he is not sleeping.  If he reads this...Denny, don't put the ice cream in the cupboard to hid it from your wife when she caught you pacing the kitchen when WCG was imploding..  :)  I remember the details of your last round of this!

 I KNOW he has no idea where and how this all has come from and what the hell has happened.  We were great friends at one time and are not at this point only due to time and distance.  I would however love to have a chat with him about letting people be themselves and that "we all need to speak the same thing," is neither true nor possible.  Where two are three are gathered together, in reality, we have two or three different ways of filtering our world, life and experiences.  And it's ok....

My heart is with you though I don't believe as I once did.  My heart is with most pastors who were friends and probably can't eat very well, sleep very well and wonder what's going to happen to them personally as this unfolds.  They are losing their friends and having great anxiety or not depending.  I don't miss it.  But I do understand it.   My heart is with the member who agonizes over why church has to be so hard and drama ridden.  Their are reasons, but I'll save that for another time. 

In my opinion, this is the overall problem we all face  in this life of thinking we have to find the one true church, truth, doctrine, interpretation and reality amongst all of the chaff.  In real church history, there never was one true church. Before the body of Jesus cooled, the struggle over who understood it all had divided up nicely and would only get worse.  I won't show you the proof in this letter, but Peter really hated Paul and Paul really disliked Peter, James and John.  He called them "reputed pillars" and then bragged he learned "nothing from them..."  wow!  Luke made fun of Peter, as did John who thought that denying and betraying were the same. He always refers to Peter along side a comment about Judas. There was a reason for that.  There is truly nothing new under the sun of pastoral/member relations.

"Identification with your mind creates an opaque screen of concepts, labels, images, words, judgments, and definitions that blocks all true relationship. It comes between you and yourself, between you and your fellow man and woman, between you and nature, between you and God. It is this screen of thought that creates the illusion of separateness, the illusion that there is you and a totally separate "other." You then forget the essential fact that, underneath the level of physical appearances and separate forms, you are one with all that is."


More UCG Resignations 1/3/2011

UCG Crisis: Is This Really A Fight Between the Tkach Men and the HWA Men?

Interesting comments on the Shining Light blog today about the UCG crisis:

BACKGROUND TO THE FRANKS LETTER:  At the Dec 15th meeting between the two sides, Dennis Luker gave permission for the dissident meeting to go ahead for the purpose of  implimenting an amicable split.   Jim Franks was not present at this meeting between the two sides and had personally denied any association with the dissident group. 
This flow of events in no way absolves the dissident faction from working to split United, it only helps to explain the Franks letter; and the subsequent events.  In fact, BOTH sides have been working to split UCG for a very long time.

On Dec 7-8th Jim Franks resigned from the Council.   On Dec 15th a meeting was held between representatives of both sides and it was agreed to split amicably with Dennis Luker giving prmission for a meeting of the dissidents. Jim Franks was NOT present at that meeting and had denied any connection with the dissident camp. On Dec 17  Jim sent the email published earlier, showing his involvement in spite of his earlier denials. On Dec 19 the meeting of dissident leaders was held to make important decisions.  On Dec 21 Jim Franks resigned.  On Dec 23 the United Real Time letter was posted and the mass resignations began.

Certain people on this Council  were Joe Tkach men all along and were firing those who objected to the Joe T teachings right up until they jumped ship at the last hour to infiltrate the new organization being formed in 95-96.  This resulted in intense infighting within UCG from the very beginning. Fighting between the Joe T style men and the HWA style men.

Some of those who have resigned from UCG and are joining the new COGaWA are also in this group of Tkach types and are moving to infiltrate the new group.

This split was preordained from the very beginning; and now it has arrived.  Those who want an HWA style church [as evidenced by the choice of name] are leaving; the Joe T style men remain.

Those who want an HWA style of autocratic leadership are using the emotions involving LA and calls for “Servant Guide Leadership” to attract supporters.  In fact, the HWA style had absolutely nothing to do with “Servant Guide Leadership” and everything to do with maintaining a ministerial caste system over the people.  Those well meaning folks, taken in by the pleasant words will quickly find this out.

I am speaking of those in leadership roles and not of the overall elders or brethren here.  I do know that several elders who were actively disfellowshipping those who disageed with Joe T have resigned from UCG and joined the new COGaWA.  I am writing in broad generalities and I do understand that there are exceptions on  both sides. 

Both sides are wrong!  One side is using many people’s respect for a man to establish themselves  in dictatorial power and authority; with the only doctrine truly vital to themselves: HWA’s take on GOVERNMENT. The other side is diluting the practical application of its doctrines, even more rapidly than the first side; until the people will agree to finally changing them in writing.

The Joe T folks who now control the Council continually say that they are not, and have no intention of changing doctrine.  Yet in practice both sides have already sidelined much doctrine.  The Happy New Years on facebook, the willingness to associate with paganism and participate in Christmas and other pagan festivals with the excuse of attending extended family reunions, the emphasis on grace and love to the exclusion of the Father and the practical definition of love as the keeping of God’s commandments; are clear trends toward the kind of Charismatic Evangelical nonsense that Joe led the WCG into.

Michael Machin Resignation Letter to Roy Holladay: "WHO IS BEING HONEST?"

December 27, 2010

Dear Mr. Holladay,

Your letter to me dated December 21, 2010 states, “As a result of your recent actions the honest thing for you to do is to resign as an Elder and member of the General Conference of Elders of the United Church of God.”

I appreciate your bringing up the important and much discussed word “HONEST”. I have honestly attempted to assist scores of other ministers solve the divide and conflict in UCG. This resembles the tragedy of a house on fire. In this case the house is the UCG which caught fire a few years ago and since then many firemen (ministers and other concerned members) have tried to have access to extinguish the flames and save our family and home. Those in control have refused to allow them in, calling them “rebellious”, “divisive” and “power hungry”. The most polite name we’ve been called is “uninformed”. None of those names apply to any of the concerned men that I know. WHO IS BEING HONEST?

In a letter dated December 24, 2010 Mr. Victor Kubik requests that I not be allowed to speak in a UCG church service. Quote, “He is an officer in a competing church that will be drawing members from UCG.” I would think everyone in leadership would be concerned for the family members fleeing the burning house. Leadership has been beseeched over and over again to let the firefighters in and by no means has every attempt been made public. We did not cause the fire but we do hear the cries for help from inside the house.

It is insulting when the word “COMPETING” is used in talking about the brethren. No one should be COMPETING for the members. They are not a BUSINESS and it is telling that Church leadership would look at them that way! They have the same Father in heaven and the same relations with God any other called out one has. Surely you have noticed a great many members are not waiting on the ministry-AKA firefighters. They are mature and dedicated to God and are fleeing the burning house without assistance. Mr. Luker says over and over there are dear and precious members in other houses and he loves them all. And so he should. Why would someone call it competing to build a home for those escaping a burning house when the doorkeepers themselves won’t allow the firemen access?

It is also stated in your letter that I have violated Biblical standards, the Code of Ethics for the ministry and the criteria for an elder to be in good standing in the United Church of God. Have we really fallen to this low point? I was even copied on the Criteria for an elder to be in good standing for my information. God’s Word was always to be above the By Laws and Constitution. I am sure glad Phinehas didn’t wait till he got the “all’s clear” from those above him before he acted on behalf of the Children of Israel and stopped the plague that had already killed 24,000. How many more casualties must we be responsible for?
I have no choice but to resign. The UCG is being destroyed. Many are looking for a new house that needs builders and I am honored to be among the ministers and members who are setting their hands to this work, His Work.

I look forward to the day we will work together unified with God, the Father and Jesus Christ.


Michael Machin

UCG Minister Chris Moen Resignation Letter


Dear Brethren of Mansfield and Canton congregations, 

In October, 2010 I began researching both sides of the arguments regarding the current crisis of the United Church of God leadership. On December 4th, 2010 I was one of 57 elders who signed an appeal letter to the President, Mr. Luker, in hopes to preserve our UCG church organization intact without a separation.
The appeal letter stated this position: “We have supported the governmental system agreed upon in 1995 and this letter is a confirmation of working within that system. Our deepest hope is the complete healing and the effective continuation of the UCG.”

The appeal letter stated this goal: “The workable—and what we believe is biblical—pathway to proper functioning as a church… is an open…face-to-face meeting between current and past leaders of the organization for the purpose of identifying and removing the obstructions that impede the function of the United Church of God.”
By December 13th, it appeared that an impasse in efforts to find reconciliation among our leadership had occurred, and that a separation was inevitable. The resulting separation we are seeing is an issue of not being able to walk together since there is no agreement. (Amos 3:3).

This period of time will be extremely difficult for our brethren, as they try to figure out what has just happened in our beloved organization. In my church announcements yesterday I expressed that at this point in the crisis in UCG, every member will be personally affected regardless of whether I--your pastor--stay or depart.
As of today, with deep love and affection for all of you, I’m sharing my personal thoughts with you. I will be resigning from United Church of God effective today.

My reasons are reasons of conscience. Some brethren may be very upset with Angela and me for resigning from UCG, but in the long run let’s all hope there is a higher purpose that God will fulfill for the good of the Church of God and for all of us. Mr. Denny Luker said in his recent sermon to the Winter Family Weekend audience (Dec. 25th) regarding the separation, “if we keep our eyes on Jesus Christ as the head, something good will come out of all this.” And he said, “we are not anyone’s enemies here (in this crisis).” 

Mr. Luker also said, “I don’t blame any of my brothers in Christ; Satan is the author of this (crisis). “I have said to the ministry, if you cannot in good conscience support this present Council of Elders or my presidency, if you feel for some reason that we are so bad or so wrong, that we are incompetent, that we’ve disqualified ourselves, that we’re unrighteous, or whatever, if you cannot support us for whatever reasons may be, then my recommendation would be to do the honorable thing and resign.”

Like many of you, I had been praying daily that no separation would occur, but if a separation would still occur, that God would give me a clear understanding on what to do, and how to still guard the gospel and shepherd the brethren. This has been a daunting task for me, but yesterday I came to a peaceful decision. 

I wish to thank so many of you for your words of encouragement and support these past few months. They’ve been helpful to me as I kept vigil, watching for a “Jordan River” to open before me to show me the path more clearly. The greatest concern in my heart has been in preserving the security of the brethren within Mansfield and Canton, and to reassure the brethren that I will continue to shepherd God’s flock that has been entrusted to my care. I have not changed in any way as the person you have come to know.

Our Mansfield and Canton congregations have brought Angela and me enormous joy. We have seen the growth, and shared in the beautiful peace and fellowship each Sabbath. With you, we have comforted those who have suffered loss and cheered in welcoming the newborn. We have shared blessings in Mansfield and Canton that other congregations only long for.

I don’t want to sway the membership either way, but I do pray and encourage each of you to seek more understanding about the most recent issues on both sides, so as to be able to make careful judgments. This will still take some time, perhaps weeks or months. By growing through this process, I believe you and I are preparing to discern even greater spiritual challenges ahead, and to eventually judge angels. Even with my separation I still believe the “battle” is not the brethren’s at this time, but God’s. For some time, I encouraged our brethren not to take any “sides” or make any “moves” unless and until things become very clear, out in the open, and where fruits can be evaluated. In good and clear conscience, keeping all these things in mind, I felt a need to separate from the organization. Indeed we still pray for our leaders, as Paul sought prayers for the ministry: 

“…brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you…” (2 Thess 3:1)
“Pray for us; for we are confident that we have a good conscience, in all things desiring to live honorably.” (Heb 13:18)
I believe, as Mr. Denny Luker also stated in a recent sermon, that we are all still one body of Christ, if we have God’s Holy Spirit. Let’s all hope that in the future we come to focus on the things that we have in common rather than the things that divide us. This should be true for members in any group—United Church of God, the emerging new church organization, or multiple other Church of God groups who share our values.

Brethren, please know that as your pastor, I am not leaving my calling as an ordained minister of Jesus Christ. This calling is understood to be directly from God, and God willing, I will continue to fulfill this calling for many years to come. I will not try to influence or persuade any UCG brethren to change their affiliation. I will not criticize UCG, its leadership or its members. I separate in peace with HUGE gratitude for all that United Church of God has done for Angela and me, and with HUGE gratitude for the way all of you have treated us and welcomed us from the beginning, six years ago. I will continue to be available if any wish to ask me questions about what has brought us to this point, without disparaging any individuals. I am not far removed from any of you. I will ALWAYS be available should you wish to reach me.

I have offered to help with any details to affect a smooth transition for the remaining Mansfield and Canton, OH congregations.

God’s mercy on all of us, and God’s kingdom come!

In Christian love,
Chris & Angela Moen

Another UCG 'Evangelist' Resigns

Sunday, January 2, 2011

The Buffet Churches of God

Check out Douglas Becker's latest article on the UCG Crisis:

Read the entire article here:  The Buffet Churches of God

As we head into 2011, things just don’t look that good for United. At current count, it appears that 30% of their ministry are fired or left. The UCG lost about 10% of their membership in Latin America due to a controversy over a couple owning a day care center who let their employees work into sunset on Friday nights in the winter and on Holy days. United said no and that the couple couldn’t be members in good standing. This is ironic, since the UCG is adamant that their own members not only can conduct commerce on the Sabbath by eating out in restaurants, but are encouraged to do so. One would think that this would be a glaring inconsistency and invalidate their entire eschatology, but somehow the cognitive dissonance is not just dismissed, but embraced. If you give it some thought, maybe this isn’t so weird, if you consider in what high esteem they hold Herbert Armstrong, the false prophet, who based his prophecies on the abundantly disproved heresy of British Israelism. Anyway, since United took such an intransigent stance with the couple, the ministers south of the border thought it so unfair and not just left, but formed their own CoG.
Amidst this turmoil, those left in the UCG are becoming restless. Some are saying that Dennis Luker is trying to destroy United. This is patently silly. He’s not trying. A number are beginning to have some difficulty with the doctrine of the UCG. What do you think it may be? Eating out on the Sabbath? Church Governance? No and no. You may be as startled as I was to learn that the newest issue causing division is… wait for it… Postponements. Say what?!? Postponements? That’s totally weird. There are other things you would think would come to the fore first, even though this issue has been fomenting for the last 8 years under the radar. It’s like Lutherans objecting to their religion because of Martin Luther not proposing to keep the Sabbath.

Even More UCG Resignations Today 1/2/2011

More UCG Resignations 1/2/2011

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Official Wild World Church of God Pastor/Church Rebellion Guidelines

Official Wild World Church of  God 
Pastor/Church Rebellion Guidelines

Please consider the following guidelines should you feel the need to rebel against the authority of God’s true leaders, church or government. Please be concise and ministerial.   We will get back to you about the most appropriate format that your rebellion should take so as to inflict the most skepticism, mistrust and eye rolling amongst the sincere seekers in the COG’s.  We will do our part to insure the success of your rebellion.   
It’s what we do best.
1.    What is the nature of your rebellion? We beg you to be original. Answers containing the terms “remnant”, “144,000”, “the faithful”, “God says”, “Eljah”, “Two Witnesses”, “that prophet”, or overuse of “I” or “Me” and other such exclusivism on your part, will be returned for rewrite.  

2.    Please proof text your reasons why you are right and we are wrong. All scriptures from Genesis to Revelation are valid but we give more weight to your proof texts from the Major and Minor Prophets. Any rebellions not containing the phrase “but there will be a great falling away first”, etc will be rejected out of hand as mere pablum for the brethren and a sign of a boring ministerial career on your part.

3.    Please split Old Testament and New Testament proof texting 40/60  It is important to those watching the show we give the impression we are a New Testament/New Covenant Church.

4.    We expect curses on us, a pox on our head and fire called down upon us, so please be original. Points will be deducted for clichĂ©’ and plagerizing the prophets out of context or original intent. Know your story!

5.    Please try to quote your proof texts in context. While we realize we all have the knack to make a scripture mean what it never meant, we have to appear that we are not , in fact, doing this.  Both our causes will be damaged if we violate this rule.

6.    Please be specific when accusing the leadership or the brethren.  Terms such as “they”, “those fools”, “the administration”, “the people”, “us”, “we” and “them” are too generic.  We want names! 

7.    Please be SURE to quote the appropriate falling away, deceived by Satan, in the bonds of iniquity, hireling and so on, scriptures to add weight and a sense of rightness to your cause.  Poorly worded or unsubstantiated or unscriptural outbursts will be a source of lost points as well.  We’re looking for emotion and clarity of thought.  I know this is expecting way too much.  We promise to do our part to match your expectations of our own responses.

8.    Please have the appropriate number of clandestine meetings with elders, deacons and members BEFORE you reveal your rebellion.  A minimum of 3 clandestine meetings, no less than eight hours long EACH, preferable held at night and during the week are required before we will even consider your rebellion valid. Points will be deducted for short meetings, poorly attended meetings and meetings held on the Sabbath where we are to be singing “We are not divided, all one body we. One in hope and doctrine. One in chariteeeeee”  Major points will be deducted for NOT singing the appropriate hymns during the duration of your rebellion.
Also, anyone falling out of the window during your sermons or meetings on the rebellion are points DEDUCTED!  It is not proof of your rebellion skills. I shows you don’t have a watch.

9.    Please do not bill HQ for all personal calls relating to your rebellion.  We can’t afford to underwrite the cost of talk, talk, talk and endless emails and paper explaining your position worldwide or at church. In every war, you have to pay for your own bullets and bombs. We also will not pay for meals out or renting facilities for the rebellion. While we suspect you are lying anyhow and we will be proven correct, please tell the truth on your monthly expense forms. We have now added the appropriate “rebellion expense” category to our expense forms and expect you to use them appropriately. Forms not listing any rebellion expenses during the breakout of an actual rebellion will be return unpaid until you can fess up to the differences between Godly and rebellious expenses.
10.   Points will be awarded for the most references to Mr Armstrong.         However, we expect that you personally to have known him and were actually present when the quote was given.  Co-worker letters, booklets and articles by HWA are second hand sources and we consider them hearsay. Mr Armstrong was always surprised at how many letters and articles he wrote and for good reason. Points will also be deducted for saying “It’s God, Christ, Herbert W Armstrong, (Garner Ted when appropriate) myself and a few leading evangelists that God is working through.” Like you know this? These comments will be thrown out of the discussion. We want names as we said and we expect “a few leading evangelists” to be defined.
11. Rebellions must stay within the “time, times and half a time” principle.  Rebellions that go on and on will require the participants be placed in an On and On Anonymous class.  We have to carefully schedule our scandals and rebellions so we must ask you adhere to a beginning and end date of your rebellion.
12.  Church wide fasts called to fuel the rebellion are illegal. No one can think correctly when tired and hungry. Those who ordain themselves to a higher rank during the actually breakout of the rebellion will be dismembered with cause immediately. Also please note. Any self ordination sermons given in less than four straight hours will not be considered sincere and you’re elevation to the next rank will not be recognized. Please call Dave Pack for details on how this is best done. We also would consider not ordaining yourself with multiple and exclusive titles during the rebellion to be an act of slackness on your part and your form will be returned to you with suggestions on how you can make it more convincing.
Rebellion and division is not a pleasant thing.  But it can be done right and with God’s blessing. No matter what happens or your obvious skill or lack of skill in implementing a rebellion in God’s Church, we will pray for you, not wish you ill will and hope for your genuine repentance that will be evident to all in time.  One again, proof text, proof text, proof text!   Make those puppies scream at us! Extra points can be given for rants on “The Chosen People” and “We are Israel.”  We promise to do the same to you.
One final note even though 12 is a sacred number and we are done.
Please know WHY sheep drop little round balls of dung, cows gravitate more to pie shaped dung and horses and elephants have straw in their dung. We cannot take ANYONE seriously who does not know sh….well you know. And then, once again be ashamed for all this baloney we inflict upon each other over nothing in this present evil world.
Happy Trails and warmest regards
Dennis C Diehl/Rebellion and Revolt Dept representing all the Churches of God united in love and hope. Now…let us prey and let the games begin!  J

More UCG Resignations 1/1/2011

UCG Resignations January 1, 2011

The master of spin doctoring - Spinelli Pinelli - has now split from UCG.  Will he continue to lie through his teeth as he smiles and makes pretty his new splinter cult as the one and only true church?

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Are UCG Members Catching On To Jumping Jack Salyer?

Salyer has jumped from one COG splinter group to another in the past few years.  It seems like once he gets in a new group all hell breaks loose and churches start having problems. Let's send him to Meredith and Flurry's groups next!  Maybe he can run back to Meredith 'with trembling lips' like Raymond McNair did.

This little tidbit was on a Yahoo forum :

Apparently it breaks down by area. I understand the Houston area, which is a large church area for UCG, has lost up to 70 % of the membership, as well as in the Kansas church areas the majority of membership has gone with Greg Sergeant. Whereas in Louisiana apparently, the church membership has stayed with UCG mostly, even though Mr. Salyer left.

Three More Before Bedtime

Shouting Matches, Ethical Ministers, Men of Integrity........NOT!

Imagine heading into church one day and having your former minister stand there and tell you that you would be having church in  the same place, same time, same minister, only the church name had changed.

The shouting matches are happening too.

Those ethical Christan ministers who left to form splinter personality cults would NEVER do such a thing would they?  No sirree Bob!  Ethics is the number one priority of all those splitting off UCG and for those remaining in UCG.  These are men of integrity!  Yep!  Men of integrity................excuse me as I puke......

In Bethlehem, PA, Roy Holladay spoke.  Paul Luecke had already resigned, but King Finlay [UCG elder and father in law of Clyde K] was there. After the meeting  there was a pot luck, and after that what amounted to a shouting match. Brethren surrounded Roy Holladay and barraged him with questions.  There were angry folks on both sides, but mostly on King’s side.  Roy Holladay reportedly maintained his cool throughout.

King Finlay announced that they would be meeting in a grange the next week, but in 2 weeks they would be meeting at the normal UCG place at the normal time and that Paul Luecke will be their pastor.  He said those remaining with UCG could meet at 10 in AM.  Since then, I have heard that some of the members going with King Finlay and Paul Leuke  and told them they didn’t agree with treating their friends that way.  Now they are going to meet at the grange and leave the UCG group with the normal meeting place. 

Reportedly, Bethlehem’s sister congregation, York [about 15 people] apparently the local elder there is going with Paul Leuke and they are combining with the Bethlehem group. 

In WV, John Foster got up in his congregations and told them they would be meeting same place, same time, same pastor, just in new church.
I was told that much the same thing went on in areas of Florida and Texas.
Local corporations were set up to facilitate this split and then will join loosely together in Jan.  Later as they prove unable to stand alone, a new conference will meet to reassess and build a stronger more centralized oraginization.

UCG Resignations 12/30/2010

The Start of Today's UCG Resignations 12/30/2010