Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Robin Webber: "We’re humbled to be custodians of such devoted tithes and offerings..."

I find the following comment by Robin Webber, in his "Letter From The President" April 28, 2014, to be appalling in its arrogance.

One of the main reasons Webber and others plotted and schemed to start UCG in the mid 1990's was to keep their salaries in tact. While it was partially doctrinal, it was more about money than anything else.  All of them sat there taking salaries till they had enough money ready so they could continue their comfortable lifestyles. As they were plotting this new church, they were stealing tithe money from members of the WCG.  If they were not "good stewards of devoted tithes and offerings" at that time, why is today any different?

Any plans approved and implemented at this conference are only made possible by your faith-filled generosity that attests to your understanding of God’s spiritual blessings having touched your lives and your outgoing and out-flowing desire that others might be recipients of God’s calling. We’re humbled to be custodians of such devoted tithes and offerings and will strive our best with God’s guidance to boldly, yet humbly, preach the gospel, make disciples and care for you, the flock of God given in our charge.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Stephen Gilbreath: I Became An Auditorium Usher So I could Usher and Open the Doors When Herbert Armstrong Was Resurrected

My favorite Church of God lunatic is back again with a more fun.  Fast forward to the 8 minute mark and listen for a few minutes as Gilbreath gives HIS version of the Receivership and the blocking of doors.  He is appalled that Herman Hoeh  opened the Auditorium doors for the Receiver or Deceiver as Gilbreath calls him.  He is too blinded in his worship of HWA to realize that Herman Hoeh was NOT happy with the way the WCG was reacting to the Receiver and said that the church should have been cooperating.  Then he gets to the fun part.  He says he started volunteering as an Auditorium usher so that when HWA was resurrected he could be there to open the doors for the faithful. 

Watch the video from the 8 minute mark through 12:30 and be appalled.  He invites HWA to come onto his set and speak. after looking up to haven HWA appears!  Amazing!  I know for a fact that if HWA came back and found Gilbreath preaching all hell would break loose!

Saturday, April 26, 2014

David C Pack Says "Ignore The Man Behind The Curtain, I'm Not Longer The Powerful One"

Poor David C Pack!  
Exposed as a liar for all the world to see.

Ever since David C Pack was publicly humiliated last October when his dramatic prophecy failed to materialize, he has been hiding out in Wadsworth.  The Restored Church of God then became the laughing stock of the Churches of God. Dave has never recovered fully from that.

Surrounding himself with The Sixteen, they are plotting his come back, though this time they are being more methodical in it.

He is also suffering from some health issues with his lungs, so that has kept him sidelined too.

No matter what Dave says now, far less people will not pay attention.  That has to be a bitter pill to swallow, especially considering how important Dave thinks he is.  With less people listening in and probably never to join him, it means less money.  The bottom line in the RCG revolves around money. Dave still thinks that all COG tithes and offerings belong to him.  Now that the  money is not rolling in, Dave is having to face some financial issues he had not planned on.

All those new buildings in Wadsworth are taking a financial toll on Dave.