Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Davey Pack's Dire Warning For All COG Members For New Years Eve 2020


Davey Pack, the most superfantabulous COG leader (after Bobiniah Thiel, of course) has delivered a stern warning to all Church of God members who are not heeding his call. Everyone should be prepared to die on December 31 just before midnight.

If I were a  betting person, I would bet my entire savings that his creature he calls "christ" will NOT return on New Year's Eve. It will not return the day after or next month or next year at this same time. Davey is a liar and a fraud. 

How many times does he need to say this crap before his members and the lap-poodle ministers that stand in awe of him wake up and admit he is a liar? Can these men truly be this naive? Even their other idol, Herbert Armstrong, would slap them across the face for being so incredibly stupid.

According to David C. Pack we are all going to be found unawares on the night of Dec 31/2020 eating and drinking with the drunken, not watching for our Lord. He will supposedly come that night and destroy us for not accepting the manifestly glorious servant who was sent before Him to prepare the way. Part 276 was his "final part" once again...

Just how many FINAL sermons does this fool need to preach? How many FINAL sermons do Restored Church of God members have to sit through before they wake up?

Restored Church of God Scrambling To Find Out Who Is Leaking Dave's Sermons


Dave's lap poodles in Wadsworth are struggling to find out who keeps leaking Dave's crackpot sermons to the unclean masses of COGland. While the above memo from Wadsworth looks benign, it is not. 

As Dave sinks further and further into madness, they struggle to keep things looking awesome in Wadsworth, even though some of his right-hand men know deep in their hearts that Dave is batshit crazy, they still feel a need to defend him. 

They are not willing to put their faith in the God that they supposedly follow and step away from Dave's madness. They have been part of the system that has instilled in members' heads that to do so is an immediate loss of salvation and that erroneous belief is ingrained in them.

Monday, December 28, 2020

Davey Pack Reveals New Date For His Creature "christ" To Return On

This is sure to tick off sanctimonious Bwana Bob Thiel, the great savior of Africa, and to 299 caucasian members. New Years Day is the day he hates the most as it is a double whammy for him. Pagan New Years Day and football. 

Davey Pack the most superfantasmic prophet to ever exist in the Church of God has revealed that his creature "christ" is returning on New Year's Eve! This is another insult to the delicate man-boy Thiel because he failed to see this in his dreams.

What a kick-ass New Year's Eve this will be! Wadsworth must be so excited!

Dave Pack: Can’t Stand Smug People As He Says, I Can't Shut Up Now, I Have Learned Too Much: Christ Should Have Returned Before Christmas, Or Something.

Now, here's another point. We have kept the word of Christ’s patience a long time. We might ask, how much longer would God expect, generally speaking? It's easy to be patient for the last, you know, one or three or five days, whatever it is, um, If this is the last message. that part's easy, the hard parts behind us. 

Now, I could take a long time to explain this, but I came to understand something about the month of Kislev - this Kislev. The foundation of the ancient Zerubbabel Temple was laid on Kislev 24, this is Kislev 26. And there were 14 different places in Haggai and Zechariah that stress the importance of that day. I wondered could it actually be that day, which was Thursday two days ago, right before Hanukkah started Thursday. Could actually be that day? Well, no, then we’d know the day and Christ would have known it for thousands of years. Can't be.  

So, it's got to be, is it close to that day? You go read it because here's what God says in Haggai [2:18-19], “Now on this day. This day, when the foundation of the Lord's House was laid…” And I looked, and I thought, OK, you have the ancient Zerubbabel, then you have this crisis Zerubbabel with seven eyes – it means out of Babylon. Then he laid he laid the physical foundation stone in a temple back, you know, 2,500 years ago Christ is the foundation stone; he laid the foundation stone of a spiritual temple. Would he pick the same day? Call it “foundation.” That was a physical stone; we're all spiritual stones and don't you lay any stones on that stone back there 2,500 years ago until you make note of this day, “I'm going to bless you on this day.” Well, it wasn't 924.  

So, I began to realize I'm going to have to give another message. I've learned too much. God's people do not know what is about to happen. They don't know! They have some ideas; they don't know they're going to meet the Father right away. They don't know the great supper and the wedding supper are the same thing. They don't know the fire’s one day. They don't understand exactly these things about how Elijah comes first, and he's the twig, and once you see that twig it's a lock. It's a lock. The question would be we're trying to figure out talking about whether or not, uh, uh, it's around the end of Kislev. 

Couple other interesting things. You, you weigh them, give them whatever, whatever value you give them. Because most of most of the Book of Zachariah was written in Kislev. The whole back of Haggai stresses the importance of Kislev. And I began to [think] - it never crossed my mind – I really, “Oh, I was born in Kislev. Would that be a, would that signify (just a question) with that signify…” I mean, the odds are you know eleven to one against that. I was born in Kislev, would that be the signal to me that maybe the twig, and that's why we're very close? 

And Mr. Schliefer, my right-hand man, was also born in Kislev two days before I was, a few years later, alright? And um, so I just noted that – “mmm, I don't know.” But here we are, there's three days left in Kislev, is, is there some indicator that it's around 924? Well it’s not 'cause we've already started the beginning of 927 and not everybody's even heard this. Could it go on into Tevet? Would it be the first day of Tevet? I don't know because then you have exactly, uh, umm 9 months until, you know, the devour month. Would God want to do it that way? I don't know. I am not saying he would, or he wouldn't. It can't be both. 

An interesting thing, this is important: in John 10 – now, we're entering the third night of Hanukkah, I want to just throw that out there – when Christ introduced this monster wolf in John 10, the Antichrist, who is the man of sin, who's the thief, the murderous thieving destroyer, And there are thieves, and robbers, and strangers who see this wolf, and they run off; their hirelings are run off, he's the evil shepherd, and he's warning all about this and telling the whole story about how this porter goes and works with him, the only other place where it says he commanded the porter to watch. And then the porter watches, and then there's this monster coming. I will tell you, Christ taught that in John 10 and brought to light the man of sin, he was speaking during Hanukkah. So now is he telling us this is going to go down in Hanukkah? Well, there's a little under 6 days to go in Hanukkah, because Hanukkah starts in in, in um Kislev and ends in Tevet.  

Here's another interesting point. There is a fast that begin, that, that, that occurs in this First Kingdom, and that fast is on Tevet 10. There's another one in the fourth month; 10th month, 4th month, 5th month. In the 7th month they're supposed to fast right after Trumpets. God said I'm not going to hear you. But there's a fast on Tevet 10. Tevet 10 it just so happens is Christmas. If Israel is supposed to fast by Tevet 10, then Christ has to come before Christmas, which might be the man of sin, who is a Pope coming “in his season,” the Christmas season. The Catholics make Christmas the biggest of all. They’re the most Pagan, the most heathen group, big as they are, and it's their season. Is that… I'm just throwing out all these things. One thing, time is running out. It's been a long time. We have to be getting close.  

Daniel was unsealed. I finally understood every element of Daniel this week. It all came together – and twice God says, “When that book is unsealed at the… now the end.” It's go time. So why did I finally understand Daniel – Daniel 12:4 and 9 talks about this period – why’d I understand that right, right now? I had to explain it. I never understood Daniel 7 correctly. Or some things in some other verses. I used to think the man of sin was that guy in Daniel 11 'cause they looked alike. Well, because they're both popes and he had to separate them. One was the season, one was the year; year later. So that's important. Then of course is the basic question, why would I learn it all now? Well, it's obvious, so we can wait another year. Trying to be facetious.  

Then, of course, there's the fact that the last message everything turns on what was its content. It was designed by God to prepare the way for the Father. You didn't even know, and I wasn't, I wasn't, I didn't believe he was coming – maybe his spirit would stand here, whatever. I had that wrong. Well, until the brethren had been prepared for the Father and all the things – that's what it said, “The things that are going to shortly come to pass…” a fire for one day, the man of sin has proof moved in. Until we understood all of that – had the day of Christ in the right place, and it wasn't the day of the Lord, they’re 10 months apart – we weren't ready to go. 

So, content is critical. The content of this message is not explaining “be sure we got all Revelation right,” it's laying out the whole plan of God from Aardvark to zebra. You know, A-Z as we say. The whole thing, the whole bible on, the whole book. So, content would suggest this is the last message. I've asked, “What would I say next week?” The only thing I could do is drill deeper. 

Now, I'm not saying it's as certain as one to a quadrillion to the 4th power. I'm not, I'm not doing that, but I'm telling you there's an awful lot of things that line up. Just an awful lot of things. Both – it's funny: uh, I'm called the fig tree, you know, both of my servants, my, my assistants rather, Mr. Habboush and Holcombe were born in the month of Shevat, which is the month of Figs, which is kind of an interesting thing. I don't make a big deal of that stuff, I don't, but it is kind of interesting. Mr. Schleifer born in Kislev, would that be because, because I'm raised in Kislev and then Christ comes in Tevet? Or would it be both of them happen in Kislev? They're just things that I would, I would leave you with. 

So. If you're not on fire - and I would, I would, I would adjure you, brethren – watch. Everything suggests now, but I can't give you the day in the hour. I don't even know how long it will take for everybody to hear it. I don't know how you can show the servants and they don't all hear it. But if you're not on fire about this, you're asleep. There are some among us who will be asleep. We got some smug people among us, you'd be surprised. I don't go around telling people, ‘You're smug and you're not,” but I mean, I can look out in an audience and see somebody who's smug. You know, we gotta face like a wooden Indian, I mean, I can tell. I mean, I can tell who's onboard and who's not. Now, let me go further. If you now leave this church for even a splinter, you are almost suicidal without knowing it. I don't even know if you could hear all of this and get included if you blew it off and went to a splinter. Maybe you could, maybe God would be merciful. You heard five years or most of it and then left. You know, “Where is the parousia? My Lord delays his coming, I'm outta here, I'm gonna go get drunk.” Like those, you know, different warnings. 

And finally, if you go to the world – you go back and you give up everything – you have a death wish. You were a sow or a dog who has returned to the mire. I'm just warning you. I'm warning you. To the, to, to, to the mire or the vomit. 

It would seem to me. It would seem to me. That this message – could we say so very obviously? – appears to have prepared the way before God. 

Let's watch. <end> 

Dave Pack: After Infecting His Wife With COVID Tells His People That If They Leave The RCG They Are Wrapping Their Hands Around The Death Star

After making a complete ass of himself by declaring his creature "christ" was returning on the Last Great Day this year, Dave has been machine gun firing one idiotic excuse after another as to why his "christ" delays his coming. His excuses have been so fast and furious even his own ministers can't keep up with his nonsense.

Transcript 02:48:51-03:05:43 Sermon 273

[Ezekiel 3:16] “And it came to pass (verse 16) at the end of (a week) seven days that the word of the LORD came to me, saying (again, So here we go), son, a man, I have made you a watchman to the house of Israel...” I'm just telling you again, I know we've gone over all this, God says, but in effect, I'm telling you again. “Therefore, hear the words in my mouth and give them warning from me.” 

Then it says, “When I say to the wicked...” And then it talks about what he's supposed to say, that they're going to die, and so for, you tell 'em. Speed-read it, brethren, go on down. The wicked man may die in his iniquity, but you better tell him. “But his blood will I require it your hand.” 

You could say in a way I'm telling all of God's people, with or without ears to hear, I'm telling all of God's people do not go into this fire and do not leave this church. If you leave this church, you just wrapped your hands around a death star. Don't do it, it's a suicide. It's a. It's a suicide wish – a death wish. Don't do it. 

But I'm just putting my own twist on this for the moment. 

Verse 19, “If you warn him and he turn not, then he'll die, but you've delivered your soul. Again, When a righteous man does turn from his righteousness, commit iniquity, (and so forth”), and then you warn him, and he can do the right thing at the wrong thing, 20 and 21. “And the hand of the LORD was there upon me; and he said...” Now, look, here's what God told him, and I never understood this. Where does it, how does it fit. “Arise, go to the plain, and I will there talk with you.” So he spoke with him again! “...the river Chebar: and I fell on my face.” Verse 24, “then the Spirit entered, made and he stood me up. And here's what he said in verse 25 – I wonder what, you know, I’d read this since I was a kid in college – “But you, O son of man, behold, they'll put….” I'm sorry, verse 24, “Then the spirit entered me, and set me on my feet, and spoke to me, and he said unto me, go shut yourself within your house. (I want you to go isolate yourself). But you O son of man, behold, they'll put bands on you, and shall bind you with them, and you shall not go out among them.” It's almost like we're going to lock you down. You're not going anywhere. 

And I did I had COVID. It wasn't pleasant. My wife got it and I was stuck for a few weeks. Then I wanted to be careful, and by then I saw this, but I wasn't sure exactly how to apply it. 

“… and you’ll not go out among them. And I'll make your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth, that you shall be dumb, and shall not be to them a reprover: for they are a rebellious house. But when I speak with you (how? Moving by the Holy Spirit), I'll open your mouth and you'll say to them, thus says the Lord God, (and so forth).” And then the application is explained there.  

Now it's not exactly the same today. But I just found it interesting: I went longer than I had after speaking for nine straight years, or five straight years. I went nine weeks and didn't speak, and I've never done either, and I will never do either one again. But it's just interesting that circumstances threw me away from the pulpit and it was because I was supposed to really think a lot about this. I'm even on a campus, by the way, where I didn't go off the campus. I don't know if I've been off, maybe, I don't even know if I've been off the campus in nine, in nine weeks. I'm not sure if I have. We live in paradise, why would, why would you? I, maybe I did, but I can't remember. 

Now we could ask why would God clear up all of this? Let's do some summarizing. Why would God clear all of this up after so long unless less he is ready to send Christ now? The picture is clear - I guess if Christ doesn't come then maybe next week I'd be back and we drill deeper on things that we went through about like bullets come out of a machine gun. I know that and I apologize, but it's gone a while so I want to be done. 

There is a final ration. If there was something else to be said, what would it be? It has to be a final message. We've seen all the verses. How might we know this is the last message? There's a few additional things that I find interesting, I'm gonna lay them out, that create a powerful narrative. Or we'll say, call it, call it a supposition. First of all the big 25 had been here for a long time. We could just start by saying the twig is due – just start there. 

I was shut up in my house for 9 weeks. You give that whatever value you want to give it. Never happened before. And it was beyond my control until about the 5th week or so. And then I realized I was learning some things, and I waited, and I wasn't sure I was supposed to speak again. I wasn't sure, and I thought, well, maybe the wait could go on. I talked to several men. And, um, so, uh, that was that.