Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Cretins For Christ: Ron Weinland "The Motherload of Wacky"

The Blabbering Fool Says There Are 42 Weeks Left Until Return of Christ

Ron Weinland (aka. Weinerdude), one half of the two witless witnesses says we have 42 weeks until something he calls a 'christ' will return to wreck havoc and judgment upon the world

Are you trembling at the mere thought?  Are you so scared you will return to the "faith once delivered?"

In the last section… “We are now nearing the fulfillment of such events from the Fifth Thunder and the sounding of Trumpets that bring devastation on the scattered nations of Israel. That which was to occur within months after the beginning of the final three and one-half years was postponed for two years due to God’s mercy that He granted (a result of the two-day fast of God’s people) is now nearing that same period for fulfillment once again. It will be a time of humbling and awakening for the greater remnant of God’s people who were scattered after the apostasy, who will be blessed to live on into the beginning of the Millennial reign of Jesus Christ.”
So we are supposed to believe that Jesus Christ delayed his coming for two years because Weinerdude's little cult fasted one weekend?  That worked about as well as Spanky Meredith's church wide fast for church unity!

Then, at the end of that Posting… “In closing, rather than a full three and one-half years of great suffering from massive worldwide devastation, God’s two end-time prophets are witnesses (Mr. & Mrs. Weinerdude) of the mercy and patience of God. This witness is at a time in the history of mankind when God’s judgment is being poured out upon the world during this final end-time. God’s judgment always has been, first and foremost, one of great mercy and patience toward mankind. Since this end-time world has refused to respond to such mercy (as it always has failed to do), now the execution of judgment has begun. A witness of two and one-half years is now passing and one year now remains.”

Time is running out! The countdown to Christ’s return continues to narrow. The truth is—God’s truth is—there are now 42 weeks remaining to the return of Jesus Christ as King of kings and the establishment of God’s government over all nations.

One year till Mr. and Mrs. Weidnerdude become "god's" and rule with a rod of iron over the rebellious world.  That is something to really look forward to......NOT!