Monday, September 26, 2011

You Are All A Bunch of God-Hating Functionally Constipated Sleepy Sheepie Nicolatanes!!!!

For all of you that have dared to disagree with Apostle Malm, one of his acolytes has this to say about you!

COMMENT: In reply to your detractors, who pose the “who do you think you are…” challenges, we should see their contempt as exposing the defective orientation that it is.

It reflects the God-hated Nicolaitane condition, which allows only those ‘ordained’ to be authorized to speak in any capacity.

No, in fact, the general membership are obligated, and may we say ‘commanded’, to speak out and speak often among themselves. Malachi 3:16-18 says it as well as anything could. It is our acceptance of the “only the ministry can speak / if anyone speaks, he’s making himself out to be a minister”  mentality that exposes our biblical misalignment on this matter.
Not only does our ‘ministry’ impose that prohibition, but our membership seems also trained to have that same reaction.

The Nicolaitane establishments have done their job well in that department. We were often reminded of the “pray and pay” situation, with the failure to emphasize the obvious, but unspoken follow-up: “you have no say!” It is our failure to use the faculties God has given us that largely accounts for our functionally constipated condition.

The ‘body’ in concert could have prevented many of the apostasies and abuses, but we created way too many ‘sleepy sheepies’!!  We have more liability for our own demise than we choose to admit. The real question is, “who do they imagine THEY are?”

They facilitate a condition that Christ plainly states that He hates (Rev.2:6&15) and frustrate one that He greatly appreciates! (Mal 3:16)

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Apostle Clarifies His Legitimacy, Says Tribulation Will Start Early 2013 and Says He only Has A Year or So to Live

A couple of things from the Apostle today.  He has a new command for the FOT - you are to study Deuteronomy every seven years.

 We have a command to study through the Book of Deuteronomy every seventh year at the Feast of Tabernacles.  Very few COG organizations have ever done that so they do not understand that Deuteronomy is a final warning of the consequences of disobedience and the blessing of obeying God.

The Apostle also seems to have been getting a lot of flak lately about people thinking he is starting a new "church."  He claims he is not, but lays out what he is specifically anointed to to do:

1)   I see myself as providing a wake up call, a kind of early warning, a kind of watchman’s warning that things are finally coming to a head.  It is my purpose and I have always declared that my purpose is to wake people up, to shock  if necessary, but to get people to begin to think, to question, to study diligently, to seek God with all their hearts and to turn to him; in preparation for the trials to come.

I am not trying to start any group; I am trying to wake up ALL the groups!

2)   I honestly believe that we are at the very edge of the hour of trial and that the tribulation of Jacob’s trouble could begin within a very short time.  It is my personal opinion that the final false prophet the abomination, could be set up in Rome as early as mid Sep of 2012, and the tribulation could begin within the following 75 days.

But in order to cover his ass when his prediction fails, which it will, he takes the easy wayy out:

Regardless of whether this does come in 2012 or a year or two later, we can all be properly prepared by turning to our God with whole hearted, zealous, passionate, enthusiasm.

Indeed if this does not come for a very long time, the situation in the COGs still requires a revival of zeal and godliness before our light flickers out and God turns away from us.  We tend to think so very much of ourselves when we are NOTHING unless we are zealous for our Father and our Maker.  God will NOT forsake us, yet we are forsaking HIM by our lack of zeal for him and his ways; and our sins have come between us.

3)   The ongoing situation in the COGs is one of deepening lukewarmness and laxity rather than a revival of zeal for God and his commandments.  This falls directly into the prophecies of Laodicea. 
4)   I am very ill with the end game complications of diabetes which runs in my family; and I do not have more that a year or two left, without a miracle from God.  I have no interest in pleasing any man or organization, my only interest is in pleasing God.  That places me in a position to reach out to ALL the groups and to ALL of God’s people with the wake up call.

5)   I believe that the brethren and elders consist of: A. the deeply converted, B. the lax and lukewarm and C. many tares.  In short ALL the groups are a mix of these three.
6)   I expect that God will send his two prophets to take his faithful and that they shall reveal themselves through meeting the biblical description and shall have the power to remove God’s faithful who will choose to respond to them.  Then my job will be completed.

7)   A small number who have learned to stand on God’s word and not to idolize men, will respond and leave the groups; the groups will remain and they shall be destroyed, for God will destroy the idols of the people.  God will force the decades old spiritual babes to stand on their own spiritual feet.

It is my mission to give the warning; to boldly declare that the Eternal is God and beside him there is NO other!!!

I am trying to wake people up and get them questioning, thinking, proving, studying and turning to our Father with all our hearts in a passionate dedicated zeal for him and his ways.

That is may agenda; I will not lie to anyone.  My agenda is to give an early warning,  to encourage questioning and truth seeking; and that will divide the zealous and faithful from the lax, lukewarm and faithless.

COGWA/UCG Poaching Saga Continues

The behind the scenes shenanigans of Jim Franks continues.  Malm had this to say (below)about Jim Franks and  Gary Petty today:  Gary was in school when I was in Pasadena.  He always had a reputation of wanting to be seen as this great spiritual person.  If halo's could glow any brighter his would have been up there illuminating the entire earth - at least in his assumptions.  By having his face presented on TV around the world I am sure he is feeling very grandiose!  It would not surprise me if he took the money and jumped ship, but I would hope he was a little more ethical than that!

It is amazing to  watch as each successive COG reincarnation is more corrupt than the previous organization all the while claiming they are the most righteous.  What disgusting men!

Jim Franks requests that:   “Effective immediately, please send all donations to the Chase bank processing facility. The address they have assigned to us is:
Church of God, a Worldwide Association, Inc.
P.O. Box 731480
Dallas, TX 75373-1480

This is apparently where the accountants live and work and does not constitute the setting up of a church office.  The actual location for a church office has not yet been officially decided.

It is reported that Jim Franks is working hard on a sweet package to lure Gary Petty from his position as the UCG television presenter.  Jim is reported as justifying this with his peers by claiming that hundreds of people, perhaps a thousand will follow Gary into COGWA.