Friday, May 4, 2012

Van Robison on "Sheep Herders"

Sheep Herders

Churches and pastors are sheep herders.  Sheep of course are followers of their shepherds.  Sheep don'' think for themselves, they just bah, bah, bah.  Sheep will follow their leader.  Amazingly, Jesus stated that His sheep hear His voice.  Quite astonishing is the fact that church goers DO NOT hear the Shepherd Jesus Christ, but instead they hear the voice of their pastor or elder of their particular church affiliation.    Many sheep heard the voice of Herbert W. Armstrong or Garner Ted Armstrong or any one of a multitude of other voices that pretended to been shepherds of God.  Virtually anyone who will do the research with the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance, will find under the word "shepherd" in the four Gospels, that Jesus NEVER once referred to anyone as "shepherd" other than Himself.  So where does that leave the church "shepherds" who call themselves "pastors" or "elders?"

A great many sheep herders in the pulpits of churches are really wolves in sheep's clothing.  Wolves devour the flock and the sheep are fleeced.  The sheep live in need, while the wolves live in splendor and luxury at the expense of the naive sheep who cannot think.  The sheep give their wool and go without, so that the sheep herders will have plenty.  Sheep herders in the pulpits always deceive the sheep and take advantage of them. Sheep herders in the pulpits always bleep "follow me" and I will give you eternal life, because I speak for the Great Shepherd.  Of course the sheep herders are really wolves and only the few ever sense the danger they live in and escape.

Van Robison

Another Painful Truth Home Run

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Does the Bible Contain All Answers To Human Living?

On one of my Facebook groups I subscribe to there was this comment the other day:

Was the bible really meant to be a "hand-book" for Christian living? Do we always have to have a biblical reference to support the ideas we hold about life? When i keenly examine the life of a guy like Paul, i don't see him quoting old-testament prophets or even Jesus himself every-time he desired to make a point; he just spoke from the heart (like there was a fountain of wisdom within him).

Too many times have I heard in Armstrongism that every thing we need an answer to can be found in the Bible.  All matters concerning daily living, morals, and spirituality are to be found within those pages.  But is it ALL there? 

For some it might be, but for the vast majority of people it is not.  What the Bible has become is a weapon to destroy those of unlike minds or beliefs.  When it is used like that it naturally turns people off.  That is part of the reason that fundamentalist Christianity is looked upon so unfavorably by so many.  Scripture seems to always be quoted to silence people, disenfranchise people, or condemn people.  Where is there hope in that?  What kind of example is that to people that might genuinely profit from some of it's teachings?