Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Ron Weinland: There Was No One To Teach Me About The Job and Function Of A Prophet

Poor Ron.  He had no one to guide him on what a prophet should be doing or how to function as one.  Kind of reminds me of Bob Thiel.  Since he has appointed himself the job of prophet he too has not understood anything.  Armstrongism is filled with these kind of crazy men!

We will now return to that sermon given on February 2, 2008, that was entitled, “The 144,000 Are Sealed!” Earlier, I mentioned some of what I said in the very beginning of that sermon. At that time I did not know that God had made me an apostle to His Church back on Pentecost of 1998. All that I grasped was that God was working with me as a prophet, but I didn’t fully comprehend how. There was no one to teach me about the job and function of a prophet in God’s ministry. This was because there was no such position used by God through Philadelphia or on into Laodicea until the time God placed me into that position.
Ron's weak impotent pussy-whipped god was too bored to inform Ron he was wrong.  His god must have had a great laugh watching Ron make an ass of himself.
As an apostle and minister to God’s Church, it was my responsibility to preach and teach about this to God’s people. Based on how God had trained me to exercise judgment with all truth we had to that moment in time, I concluded that God was revealing to us that on that specific day in February of 2008 that the 144,000 had been sealed. I was wrong. Yet if God had desired to do so, He could have revealed that it was not on that specific day that the sealing had occurred. God had only revealed that the meaning of the 1335 days was about the sealing of the 144,000. I drew the wrong conclusion from what was revealed, as I only understood part of what was being revealed.

Weinerdude then closes his epistle with talking about how great it was to set dates for his christ to come and to have it all fall into place. "christ" hasn't returned on any date you have set yet.

Ron Weinland: There Is No Way To God Or Even A Relationship With Him Except Through HWA and His Teachings

Ron Weinland, the convicted lunatic celebrated his 64th birthday in prison as a felon this this past week.  Being imprisoned allows him a lot of free time to write absurd memos to his dwindling flock and his co-conspirator in criminal activity, Laura the second witless witness.

His latest blurb has this about there being only one way to God.  He's not talking about Jesus, he is talking about HWA being the only way.

During Philadelphia, there was only one way to come into the Church of God and to receive spiritual knowledge of the 21 Truths that the Church was built upon during that period of time. That one way was through what God revealed and restored to His Church through a single human being   God’s apostle at the time   Herbert W. Armstrong. There was NO other way for one to enter God’s Church or to have a relationship with God.

Once people came into God’s true Church, they entered into judgment and were then being judged by their own judgments   whether such were righteous and based upon God’s word or not. 

Van Robison on "Sacred Cows"

Sacred Cows

Pet beliefs among the many different groups of church goers and believers in God are many.    Indeed there is something very strange about human beings, in that pet beliefs form and shape what people think and do.  For example the sacred cow of some groups is to "keep" the Saturday Sabbath.   In reality they don't "keep" the Saturday Sabbath, they just think they do.   They think that by going to church on Saturday, they are set-apart from all others who do not.   Well yes, they are set apart as quite odd and cultist.  No doubt God must think such people are really quite strange, because indeed they are.   God is not impressed and does not assign brownie-points in heaven for Sabbath observers.

Sacred cows are for humans, not for God/Jesus Christ.   Jesus taught that LOVING others is paramount and considered Sabbath observance as irrelevant, and naturally He would because Jesus Christ IS the REST those who understand enter into.   When Jesus and His disciples walked through farm fields, plucked and ate corn-on-the-cob, the religious self-righteous accused them of "breaking" the Sabbath.   Of course Jesus could care less what they thought, because He was commander and chief of the Sabbath.   Far more important to Jesus, was not plucking corn on the Sabbath, but humility, love and compassion, which was foreign to the pastors of the common folk.

Religious sacred cows, such as "tithing" and "obeying those who have the rule over you", Sabbath observance, "Holy" day observance and such are all totally inconsequential to "love your neighbor as you love yourself", "do unto others as you would have them do unto you", "blessed are the peacemakers", "blessed are the meek", "blessed are the merciful" and so forth.

Will the self-righteous church goers ever see the light of day?  MOO MOO!

Van Robison