Saturday, June 30, 2018

How Can You Trust Today's Self Appointed COG Prophets?

Church of God News had the following post about Norbert Link and his prophetic predictions of how the world is rapidly coming to an end.  This is nothing new to anyone who has even the slightest contact with the Herbert Armstrong's Churches of God movement.  One self-appointed prophet after another has come out with sure predictions that have failed in the most epic fashion.  None of them seems to ever remember that scripture condemns every single one of them when just ONE of their prophecies fail. Yet, they go on day in and day out uttering some of the most absurd, baseless and idiotic predictions imaginable.  The seven biggest liars in the Church of God today are Flurry, Pack, Malm, Thiel, Weston, Link and Weinland.  They get all hot and bothered with silly end time predictions and scenarios and totally ignore anything about Jesus Christ.

The question is, how can you trust Link's predictions or ANY of the others when it is based upon the failed prophecies of Herbert Armstrong, who's failures go back as far as 1935? When the very founder of the church you are a part of told one whopper after another, each epically failing, how can we trust any of these men today? Other than Weston, every single one of these men appointed themselves as prophets and church leaders. Weston inherited his mantle, the rest placed it selfishly upon themselves.

COG News posted:
Church of the Eternal God
In Standing Watch, 28 June 2018, Norbert Link says that the actions of Donald Trump and the reactions of European leaders are leading to war between the European Union and the USA – not just a trade war, but a real war, the great tribulation.
He offers a free booklet, The Great Tribulation and The Day of The Lord, which states on p. 16: “Incredible as it may seem, the United States and Great Britain, as well as other Commonwealth nations, will be overthrown and enslaved by their former ally and friend—the United States of Europe, led by the modern Assyrians.”
(This scenario – the modern Assyrians being Germany – was part of the end-time prophecies of Herbert Armstrong, to which a number of ex-WCG churches hold fast.) p.55: “… another “Elijah” must come to prepare this world for the second coming of Christ. God has given this role of an end-time Elijah to His end-time Church. There should be no doubt that Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, who is considered by many as an apostle and who served as Pastor General of the Church of God until his death in 1986, began to fulfill this role.” 
In the Plain Truth magazine, June/July 1934, Mr. Armstrong set out the timeline of end-time events in his article What is Going to Happen: 
“These prophecies above considered, then, indicate that we may expect the present world-wide depression, time of trouble and fear of war to CONTINUE until the year 1936! This in spite of the NRA or any man-devised remedies for the present trouble! 
And at, or quickly after that time, we may expect to see the heavenly signs of the sun and moon becoming dark, the stars falling — and the heavens rolling back as a scroll, showing the SIGN of the coming of the Son of man IN HEAVEN. 
In the July 1935 issue he declared, in Mussolini Goes To WarEven as you read this, he is marching to ARMAGEDDON! HERE is the most astounding prophecy of the hour! Heretofore unexplained! Now being startlingly fulfilled! The Bible foretells every step Mussolini will take  
Mussolini shall establish his palace, as capital of the revived Roman empire, at JERUSALEM! 
The Plain Truth magazine was not printed in 1936 or 1937. Publication was re-started in 1938 without any reference to these failed prophecies.

PCG: We would not be acceptable to Jesus unless there was a new stone for him to return to

The power of the Stone of Herb is taking on a legend all its own the more Flurry talks about it.  Now Flurry claims that Jesus would never have been accepted by humanity when he comes again unless the PCG provided him with the Stone of Herb to sit on.  Who knew that some dirty old rock deposited by some ancient glacier in the middle of Oregon, millennia ago, would end up being the most significant find of the 21st century!
Ferrar Fenton says “or” and Young’s Literal says “and,” based on the Hebrew grammar. One of our staff who has studied Hebrew wrote me explaining, “The conjunction ‘and’ is similar to using ‘or’ since both of them combine two subjects together, rather than separating them, as ‘nor’ does.” This indicates that the two offices or individuals spoken of here—the scepter and lawgiver—are not separate; they are now combined into one. Genesis 49:10 combines the law and the scepter.
This is talking about us getting the new throne and the new stone with the law of God! Remember, if you have the law, Mr. Armstrong said, that presupposes government—or, in this context, the scepter. It is all together now—the scepter and the law!
This prophecy is specifically referring to the time when the new throne and the royal law combined, which happened on January 16, 2017. When God combines the scepter and the law, things really begin to be heightened spiritually. The scepter must be ruled by the royal law now, and the royal law must be applied to that scepter promise—“until Shiloh come.”
Jesus needed a new throne to legitimize his coming and it had to be combined with enforcement of the law.  Screw grace, mercy, and justification.  The law trumps AND the book of Genesis!
 Before Christ’s return, we had to have David’s throne. We needed a new throne combined with God’s law to be appropriate for Jesus Christ to accept when He returns. Genesis 49:10 specifically describes the fact that we have the new throne of David in our possession when Christ comes!

Friday, June 29, 2018

PCG: Getting ready to flood the earth with new textbook in the World Tomorrow

The twisted mind of Gerald Flurry continues to run amok with one outrageous claim after another. His idolatry of all things Herbert Armstrong is sickening to watch.  Besides the Stone of Herb in his collection, Furry calls HWA's Mystery of the Ages the second most important book in the world.  It will soon be the text book of the entire population of humanity in Flurry's kingdom to come.

Habakkuk 2:17 is about the destruction of Lebanon, which was at one time the jewel of the Middle East. God is saying that the entire Earth will soon experience that kind of destruction! The Laodiceans will have to go through this because they are lukewarm; they aren’t excited or on fire for what God has given them. And some of them ended up fighting God and trying to destroy His truth!
But notice where this all leads: “For the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea” (verse 14). We are getting ready to fill the Earth with the truth taught in Mystery of the Ages! After the Bible, this will be the main textbook in the World Tomorrow. It is the instruction manual God will use to teach all mankind! This will be the number one book that all mankind will study, after the Bible, because it decodes the Word of God! It contains the most wonderful message you could possibly hear. As God’s kings and priests in embryo (Revelation 1:6), we are preparing to teach the entire world from this book!
After all, it is more important to emulate Herbert Armstrong and ready Mystery of the Ages than it is to emulate Jesus Christ and read Galatians or Romans.