The power of the Stone of Herb is taking on a legend all its own the more Flurry talks about it. Now Flurry claims that Jesus would never have been accepted by humanity when he comes again unless the PCG provided him with the Stone of Herb to sit on. Who knew that some dirty old rock deposited by some ancient glacier in the middle of Oregon, millennia ago, would end up being the most significant find of the 21st century!
Ferrar Fenton says “or” and Young’s Literal says “and,” based on the Hebrew grammar. One of our staff who has studied Hebrew wrote me explaining, “The conjunction ‘and’ is similar to using ‘or’ since both of them combine two subjects together, rather than separating them, as ‘nor’ does.” This indicates that the two offices or individuals spoken of here—the scepter and lawgiver—are not separate; they are now combined into one. Genesis 49:10
combines the law and the scepter.
This is talking about us getting the new throne and the new stone with the law of God! Remember, if you have the law, Mr. Armstrong said, that presupposes government—or, in this context, the scepter. It is all together now—the scepter and the law!
This prophecy is specifically referring to the time when the new throne and the royal law combined, which happened on January 16, 2017. When God combines the scepter and the law, things really begin to be heightened spiritually. The scepter must be ruled by the royal law now, and the royal law must be applied to that scepter promise—“until Shiloh come.”
Jesus needed a new throne to legitimize his coming and it had to be combined with enforcement of the law. Screw grace, mercy, and justification. The law trumps AND the book of Genesis!
Before Christ’s return, we had to have David’s throne. We needed a new throne combined with God’s law to be appropriate for Jesus Christ to accept when He returns. Genesis 49:10
specifically describes the fact that we have the new throne of David in our possession when Christ comes!
I believe that modern day Pharisees will do the same as did their counterparts 2,000 years ago. They have heavy preconceived notions which will cause them to reject Jesus. Can anyone actually see any of the ACOgs as being Jesus’ homies?
For a man who has a private jet his mind dwells in a very small space. He limits God way too much.
It's frustrating to read your articles and to find that your headlines don't match the content of the post and that the accusations you make against others are inaccurate. This is such as case.
Your headline says Flurry said Jesus would not have been accepted without the new stone. The quote from PCG's writings says it would not have been appropriate for Jesus to accept without the new stone. Very different, who is doing the accepting.
The sad thing is you are correct that Flurry's teachings are wrong and deceptive, but your headlines and the implications of them are deceptive and inaccurate also.
Flurry prophesied he would get the stone of scone, then lost faith in his own prophecy, so he made up a pack of crap about another stone.
Makes me think of the Happy Days catchphrase, Sit on it!
My good friend Gay notes: "Who knew that some dirty old rock deposited by some ancient glacier in the middle of Oregon, millennia ago, would end up being the most significant find of the 21st century"
OK now, origins are important. Flurry thinks the Stone of Scone comes from the Middle East, which it doesn't, so let's get The Flurrystone straight! :)
There is no natural granite in Oregon. This rock, IMHO, is an erratic,(not from here) originating in Montana and ice rafted across Western Washington State, down the Columbia, into the Willamette Valley and melted out in the Eugene area 15,000 years ago-ish when the 2000 ft high Missoula ice dam blocking the Clark Fork River burst and unleashing a couple of the Great Lakes into the area. The original wave, traveling at 60 MPH and maybe 800 to 1000 feet high, dropping to 400 feet high in Portland and then down to 200 in Eugene before washing back out to sea through Astoria.
It got to Eugene the same way the largest meteorite found in the US got down the street from where I work. That one is 32,000 lbs of pure iron and nickel that was ice rafted in the same flood. It was no doubt buried in the ice above Missoula and when the dam broke, it rode to it's final resting place down the street in West Linn, Oregon (The Willamette Meteorite or aka The West Linn Meteorite). In effect, it landed twice :)
Now, Jesus can sit on it if he wants, but being an erratic it might not be the best symbol. :)
PS Classic Church of God making a scripture mean what it never meant with glory and honor for the Imperial Leader (Dave Pack included) but lousy consequences for the average uncritically thinking member. Everyone outside these sliver cults (Dave Pack included) finds their teachings and insane view of theology and history ludicrous and self serving.
Picky, picky, picky 5:09. We’re debunking Armstrongism, and we’re having fun.
Hi ho Sliver! Away!
So Christ will return and sit on the rock throne of Herbert Balaam Armstrong. This assumes that Christ has no pride and has no problem with having His name smeared by association.
Exactly. I keep telling peoples that they is being picky when theys complain about mine grammar and speling.
That’s different, 1:32. Grammar and spelling are always indicative of your intelligence and whether or not your comments are worthy of being read by others. Before making any further comments, I’d advise you to study “How to Rede and Cpel Gud” by Ima Putz.
Some of our intellectuals like to involve science. A few of the dumbest-sounding commenters grew up believing that science was Satanic, and made you worldly instead of spiritual.
I don't always agree with you, but I did miss your rantings...oops, I meant writings!
What many on here don't seem to comprehend is that we can all have varying opinions on any number of things in this journey we call life, without having to agree with others whose opinion differs from our own.
I don't see how people can think you are so influential as to have your views sway their own; it's a bit of a compliment I suppose. I for one, am able to admire your convictions, without them swaying my own. But I guess we haven't all reached that point in life.
Jesus did not have long hair and certainly would not wear pink like some pansy.
BB @ 9:39,
I didn't realize you were just having fun. I took these posts seriously and felt that a complete reversal of the meaning of the article wasn't really helpful to your goal of debunking. Based on the headline I had relegated the article to the "fake news" category.
Thanks to the editor for making an appropriate change in the headline. Not quite as hard-hitting and emotion-generating, but more accurate.
Sometimes the truth requires being picky. You seem to have plenty of content without being misleading.
Those common pink buttonup shirts must really bother you.
I ain’t one of the headliner guys here at Banned. My content is always in the comments section. But, I always like to have fun at the expense of
Armstrongism. That’s not to say I believe in getting them dirty. Like if some reporter somewhere wrote that they practiced polygamy or sacrificed their children in rituals, I’d be one of the first to stand up and say “Hey! Now that’s a load of crap!” Funny thing is, they constantly do enough stupid and toxic things on their own that not even the most hateful ex member would ever have to make stuff up.
My brain is hurting from the flawed logic here:
"...Ferrar Fenton says “or” and Young’s Literal says “and,” based on the Hebrew grammar. One of our staff who has studied Hebrew wrote me explaining, “The conjunction ‘and’ is similar to using ‘or’ since both of them combine two subjects together, rather than separating them, as ‘nor’ does.”..."
Gerry, put that beer down and try to concentrate on Logic 101. I will even make it clear with analogies that you understand very well:
If a member:
- pays tithe regularly
- diligently studies your writings for the prescribed amount of time daily
the member will be counted worthy to escape to the place of safety.
If a member:
- pays tithe regularly
- diligently studies your writings for the prescribed amount of time daily
the member has not proved themselves worthy to escape. Said member does not have much time left in the church before being found out and gets cast out for doing one or the other but leaving the other undone.
If a member:
- does not pay tithe regularly
- does not diligently study your writings as prescribed
the member is definitely not worthy and ought to have been gone a long time ago.
Now, do you see how very different AND vs OR are to each other? They are not at all similar. One implies mutual dependence (AND) i.e all conditions/terms have to be true while the other implies any of them (or even both) can be true.
For some extra credit, NOR does not separate two things, rather it shows that both of those things are not true. i.e it combines/ANDs two negative things.
For some extra, extra credit, go fire the "Hebrew scholar" staff member who misinformed you. Since you have now learnt what is true about AND, OR and NOR, no need to hold on to the lies. "Prove all things and hold on fast to that which is true" implies we have to discard that which is not true, right?
Leaving no stone unturned, Bob Thiel jumps in throwing stones and stowing thrones.
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