Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web of Corrupt Leaders
King Gerald Flurry has replaced the Royal Family

Look again at the time frame of events related to the change in the throne.
In November 1996, the PCG began plans to print Mystery of the Ages. That same month—on November 15—the stone of Scone was transferred to Scotland. Mystery of the Ages was on the rise, and that stone of destiny was faltering—and it is no longer the stone of destiny today.
About 10 months later, on August 31, 1997, Princess Diana was killed in a car crash.
Did the royal family of David’s throne lose some of its protection from God? I don’t know for certain, but it is interesting that it happened within a year of England surrendering the stone. God does give special protection to those who have the throne of David. He also punishes them for their sins more acutely than He would others.
When God gave the revelation about the new stone on January 16, 2017, the royal family of Britain was displaced as the royal family of David’s throne. That was a signal of terrible things to come upon Britain, as well as a sharp decline of America and Judah. It was also an indication that we would see a rapid decline in Britain’s royal family.
Look at what began happening to Britain’s royal family almost immediately after this change.
The Queen was 91 years old at the time and obviously near the end of her reign. Her husband announced in May 2017 that he would step down from his royal duties later in the year. In its June 30, 2017, issue, Newsweek published a feature article about Prince Harry, in which he said that when his grandmother dies, nobody wants to assume the throne. “Is there anyone of the royal family who wants to be king or queen? I don’t think so, but we will carry out our duties at the right time,” he said.
Well—God is relieving them of that responsibility!
The royal family of Britain is no longer royal in God’s eyes, and I don’t think they are very royal in anybody’s eyes. They are the ex-royal family of David’s throne—the very throne that Christ is about to rule from forever!
This is a universe-shaking event! Surely the angels have been shaken by this. And it is a very moving and stirring event to God the Father and Jesus Christ. This is reality—not a reality show, but reality!
The Philadelphia Church of God is now the royal family of God’s throne! That is something to ponder!
The royal family, in my opinion, are just some old rich people who talk funny and won’t ever sit down and have a Budweiser and listen to Charlie Daniels with me.
But, they are also an excellent example for Gerald Flurry in that they realize that it is perfectly normal for people to lighten up and relinquish their responibilities and duties as they become old. Flurry acts as if this is some sort of curse because they gave a rock back to the country that gave it to them. It reminds me of the plant named “Arthur” in Mad Magazine.
So since January 16, 2017 it's been King Gerald I, not Queen Elizabeth II.
Odd, a year and a half has gone by, but no one seems to have noticed. Long may that continue.
Gerald freaking Mc Flurry should ponder that Lady Di was at the time of the incident not a member of the Royal Family but a divorcee, not unlike the PCG is a divorcee of the family and kingdom of God.
Prince Harry's democratic statements that no one is craving the position of their respected mother and grandmother as she is handing over more duties to the next generation are completely misconstrued.
England did not surrender the scone stone. It is returned to scotland and can be used any apropriate coronation occassion since the UNITED kingdom is ruled by the same person.
The only thing moving and shaking is the "alzheimers" ridden brainwaves of burger king mcflurry (religious fastfood) OR the ground beneath his idol storage facility due to the marvels of fracking in the oklahoma basin.
MI5 by this time must by now have closed the file on this treacherous anti head of state group since it claims the royals have already been deposed.
I deplore the agent having assembled a little report since his team leaders must have shaken their heads in disbelied before assigning the agent on less infantile groups.
And for those pointing out that Lady Di still was a member of the Royal Family, I would say that the purpose of a ferocious rant is intended to score a point, not so much be 100 percent accurate. I mean, what to say when the relieving of duties of a 94 year old Philip person is construed as a curse from God
He's royalty now, he can switch from drinking Old-Milwaukee to Budweiser!
The royal family of Britain hasn't had any power to actually govern for over two hundred years. The British throne is powerless and is largely just ceremonial in nature. In a nut-shell, the royal family is powerless and are only figure heads. Gerald Flurry is like the royals in that he is powerless but he has much less of an influence on the public then the royal family of Britain. The idea that he thinks he is the new royalty of England is laughable.
Mental illness.
When does the bull shit end? Six pack Flurry will be dead soon, and then what?? PCG will crumble even further. That is my prophetic word!!
This guy has lost it. Is anybody buying it? Or do they think they just have to sit there and take it because it's the "one true church" and they can't leave?
If Flurry is the new king of England why doesn't he fly his jet to England and demand that queen Elizabeth get off her throne so he can sit on it. Jerry, get to it, I am waiting!
Well Questeruk. It has been prophesied GI, GII and GIII.
Does anyone know how PCG British members are taking this news ? Are they expected to reject a well respected, hard working Monarch for Gerdld Flurry ?
"Does anyone know how PCG British members are taking this news ? Are they expected to reject a well respected, hard working Monarch for Gerdld Flurry ?"
Questions like these are as "stupid" as fathers expecting their children to get out "soon".
I mean, don't you ever watch the news on North Korea and how announcements are received????
A huge round of applause, a new musical (parade) and then the expectation of "more exciting news."
I experienced this with my our father when he was in his 80s. He played silly games to try to compensate for his increasing mental, physical frailty. For instance, he would look at me with a 'you are looking at the face of God' facial expression. I felt embarrassed for him.
This is a prime example of one of the main problems with religion. Gullible people, which included me at one time, latch on to weird and insane beliefs simple because they regard religious leaders as being the mouth-piece of God. Somehow there still are a handful of gullible people who still follow this clown. This is much more common then just the COG. I know people in mainstream Christianity who follow men with a lot of kooky ideas.
This is so ludicrous it's pitiful. I mean, I now recognize what a deluded fool I was to fall for Herbert's BS, but this is so ludicrous as to make one wonder how any sentient human being can fall for it.
Oh, while I'm on here, why is it that we can sometimes publish a comment by just clicking "I'm not a robot," and then have to navigate those stupid pictures the next time?
Thing is, the English monarchs just sat above the stone for coronations. Its not like they held court from it daily. Even after returning it to Scotland, its still to be used at the next coronation.
But Flurry's been talking this kind of royalty nonsense for decades about spiritual thrones and making kingly decisions from Edmond and so forth, I suppose it shouldnt surprise anyone that he's coming up with more reasons to perpetuate it.
Does Mr. Gerald Flurry know how rich he is.
The Queen is estimated to have a personal net worth of about $425 million, according to Bloomberg. That includes the $65 million Sandringham House and $140 million Balmoral Castle.
But that’s what she inherited. As monarch, the true windfall for her and her family comes in vast amounts of property kept in trust for her which generate significant income. Last year her 15% share of the income was valued at approximately $54.5 million.
The trust is called the Crown Estate and includes the Crown Jewels and Buckingham Palace. But also in the trust are major sections of central London, including nearly all of Regent Street and half the buildings in St. James. The Crown Estate has 263,000 farmed acres; billions of dollars in industrial, office, and retail properties; about half of the U.K.’s shoreline, and almost all the seabed to the 12-mile territorial limit. The total value is about $16.5 billion. Queen Elizabeth and family receive 15% of all the money — $363 million annually — made from the rents, lumber, agricultural products, minerals, renewable energy production, licensing of rights to run undersea cables, and more...
But that isn’t the only source of income. The Queen also receives money — $19 million last year — on the income from a parcel of properties totaling 45,549 acres called the Duchy of Lancaster. (Prince Charles takes his pay, more than $27 million, from the income on the Duchy of Cornwall, a separate 53,400 acres.)
Doe the archeologist at the Israel dig have any idea what a nut job Flurry is??? This could come back to haunt her.
Does Mr. Flurry know that it was the custom of the English royalty to chop off the heads of rivals to the throne?
Never have I seen the game "Pretend" take such real-life propaganda.
"Let's Pretend this Rock is actually the Rock Herbert Armstrong kneeled at!"
"Let's Pretend this Rock is the very Throne of God."
"Let's Pretend that I'm the real King"
"Let's Pretend the PCG is a Royal Family!"
"Let's Pretend this is a Universe-Shaking-Event!"
"Let's Pretend this Rock is a New Throne Combined with the Law"
Either he's not pretending - and that should be the scary part to anyone and everyone - or he's pulling off such a far-out, crazy whack-job con job intentionally that would almost deserve an Emmy if it was a screenplay. Whatever he's doing wouldn't matter a hill of beans if the congregation didn't swallow it hook, line, and sinker like they do.
Why didn’t you know? It’s a “spiritual thing” of which “the world” cannot understand! It’s just another little goodie that will be dropped on the world as the prophecies finally kick in, and the Flurrys are suddenly seen as being the gatekeepers for it all. Until then, it’s part of the secret gnosticism that has always puffed up Armstrongites.
As anon 7:09 my question Nck was not stupid. It is stupid to underestimate the British. I very much doubt they will accept this, behind closed doors, like a news propaganda film showing the North Koreans in the public squares.
Gerald Flurry departing far from scripture will put more lost sheep on the wander.
I can see it now, at Sabbath Services at PCG.
"Please be seated."
*All respectfully rise for His Excellency the Royal Gerald! R! Flurry!"
*Two People Move Lectern In synchronization*
*Two People Move in The Stone Of Herbert to much oooh and aaahhhh"
"Stone of Herbert is placed on a Royal Purple Silk Garment*
*Flurry Comes In Dressed In A Robe and Crown (bought at Party City USA)*
*Flurry Tries To Sit On The Rock*
*Flurry tries to preach, but the Rock is jabbing into his coccyx and causing cellulite craters to form on the gluteus maximus*
*Well GREETINGS my fellow...* OW....
*brethren, here I am, sitting on the very throne that Je... OH OW!!! *
*The Very throne of... OH MAN THIS THING IS JUST JABBING!!!..** OWWW!!!!!
*The Ver....er.... OK, someone bring that lectern back in..........*
I hope you saw my "".
To me it seems he can accuse anyone of sin like a Trump Kim dog fight. And the folowers will clap.
But hey I' open for unexpected surprises coming from 009.
The only royal throne is in heaven where God sits with Jesus Christ at his right hand.
Too bad Gerry has no clue.
My question is how many robots have commented on this site for those of us to have to click that box?
(of course, "Jacobs Pillar Stone" being used for centuries by Scots sitting their dirty butts on it is funny too.)
What I want to know is where is Flurry’s Meghan Markle type princess? How can the new PCg royal family be authentic without refreshing their gene pool?
12.01 PM
I agree, there are limits to how far ministers can depart from scripture before they lose credibility in the eyes of their followers. I believe the PCG has overstepped the mark on this one. The members are probably shrugging this off with a 'so no ones perfect.'
America is just as deluded as North Korea, but it's done in more subtle ways.
The term "British" is legacy, since the British people are fast becoming a minority in their own country.
Wow. Just...wow. He is seriously looped.
It's difficult to imagine anybody believing this, but I'm sure plenty will just smile and nod and follow along.
Life is a delusion, 9:16. We’re all just looking into a mirror of our own souls.
Treason Act of 1848 is still a valid law in the United Kingdom and states:
"If any person whatsoever shall, within the United Kingdom or without, compass, imagine, invent, devise, or intend to deprive or depose our Most Gracious Lady the Queen, from the style, honour, or royal name of the imperial crown of the United Kingdom, or of any other of her Majesty’s dominions and countries, or to levy war against her Majesty, within any part of the United Kingdom, in order by force or constraint to compel her to change her measures or counsels, or in order to put any force or constraint upon or in order to intimidate or overawe both Houses or either House of Parliament, or to move or stir any foreigner or stranger with force to invade the United Kingdom or any other of her Majesty’s dominions or countries under the obeisance of her Majesty, and such compassings, imaginations, inventions, devices, or intentions, or any of them, shall express, utter, or declare, by publishing any printing or writing . . . . . . or by any overt act or deed, every person so offending shall be guilty of felony, and being convicted thereof shall be liable . . . . . . to be transported beyond the seas for the term or his or her natural life . . . . . . "
Gerry is about to go to a place of safety in Australia!!
Well how ironic, it looks like the prophecied Son of Perdition has finally come on the scene. He should change his name to Mad King George.
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