As King of the Church of God, Gerald Flurry and his little band of minions is the "advance team" preparing the world for the return of the creature he calls "christ." King Flurry tells his members they are the "transition period" right now. He then goes on to claim that this "transition period" is just like a dilating cervix that has started contracting to prepare for birth.
The prophecy surrounding David’s throne has tremendous depth. It is about our birth into God’s Family. It all begins for us when we are born again into the Kingdom of God, ruling with Jesus Christ forever.
We are part of a transition movement into the very throne of God and Christ ruling the world. This is the first step into Christ’s headquarters’ rule. Having this throne ought to make the rule of Christ on David’s throne far more meaningful and real to us! We will be used to solve this world’s problems. We must think like God’s kings and priests! We have the throne that Christ is going to rule from—and we are in that transition period right now!
Look at the transition period in a physical birth. That process happens in three stages. According to BabyCenter, “The first stage begins when you start having contractions that cause progressive changes in your cervix and ends when your cervix is fully dilated. This stage is divided into two phases: First, early labor: Your cervix gradually effaces (thins out) and dilates (or opens). Active labor: Your cervix begins to dilate more rapidly and contractions are longer, stronger and closer together. People often refer to the last part of active labor as ‘transition.’”
It is called transition because it is right after this that the mother begins pushing, which is the second stage. It is the transition to the actual birth. The third stage, after the baby is born, is the delivery of the placenta.
We should think seriously about this because Mr. Armstrong said that physical birth is a direct type of our birth into the Kingdom of God! It happens the same way, but on a spiritual level (John 3:3-6Why is it that when ever a Church of God leader cannot prove one of his "revelations" that he has to refer to it as being on a "spiritual level?").
Did our receiving David’s new throne start our descent into being born again?! Are we now in the pushing stage into our birth in God’s Kingdom?
Surely God would give us a dramatic sign of when this pushing stage begins! Keep this understanding in mind when you look at the terrible evil in this world and the trials coming upon God’s new royal Family.
We must see spiritually and realize we are in a transition stage! This is different from what it has ever been before. We have the very throne that Jesus Christ will sit on and rule this world from forever! We are transitioning right into becoming the Bride of Christ. At that time, we won’t have these physical problems anymore; we will be God beings!
Is it Gerald or Stevie who owns the title "That Placenta"?
5:55 - LOL - and not just a chuckle. That made me laugh.
You have to push! Push! Push for the Kingdom!
Push! Push! Push for the Kingdom!
Push! Push! Push for the Kingdom!
Soon You Will See The Crown!
You have to push! Push! Push for the Kingdom!
Push! Push! Push for the Kingdom!
Push! Push! Push for the Kingdom!
Soon You Will See The Crown!
Considering their god and their version of the kingdom, wrong symbol and mataphor! It’s not the cervix, it’s the sphincter.
The PCG is more like severe constipation relieved by taking a carton of ex-lax. It is a big turd coming out.
"The PCG is more like severe constipation relieved by taking a carton of ex-lax. It is a big turd coming out."
Wasn't one of their people turdgeon?
Trying to get permission from the minister to attend PCG is like having all your teeth extracted without a pain reliever. That's the truth and I'm sticking to it.
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