Tuesday, June 16, 2020

LCG: Leaders who will rule with justice and mercy

I have to laugh every once in a while knowing that the boys in Charlotte read the blog here. One of my criticism is that LCG, as well as most of the other COG's do not lead with grace, justice, and mercy. Then, I had someone send me this today:
The Path to Justice: We are living in an age when lawlessness, rioting, and looting are viewed as legitimate ways to attain social justice for almost any cause (2 Timothy 3:1–5). From a human perspective, it is tempting to want to support a cause that “seems” right in our eyes (Proverbs 14:12) without fully understanding both sides of the issue (Proverbs 18:17). While it is noble to want to alleviate suffering and injustice, we need to remember that this is Satan’s world (2 Corinthians 4:4) that is permeated by his spirit of lies, envy, hatred, and violence (Ephesians 2:2Galatians 5:19–21). The goal of modern social justice warriors is to improve the world by human efforts without the need for God or a Messiah (Isaiah 59:4–514–15). However, our Creator is a God of truth and justice (Deuteronomy 32:4) who hears the cries of the poor and oppressed who look to Him and wait on Him (Job 5:8–9Psalm 17:1–2). Christians who live by faith need to remember that Jesus Christ is coming back to establish judgment and justice on this earth (Isaiah 9:6–7), and He will need leaders who can rule with justice and mercy (Psalm 72:1–4) and point people away from the unfruitful ways of this world (Ezekiel 45:9). This is why we need to develop the mind of God (Philippians 2:5) and wait on God to change society. At that point, we will have the opportunity to show the world the true path to justice (Isaiah 26:7–9).
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail  

Sunday, June 14, 2020

King Louis Dave's Empire

 double click to enlarge

From an RCG source:

Google maps recently updated. You can see all the homes now and his new stupid extravagant garden.   Restored Church of God compound

My favorite thing is the Giant Eagle parked right in front of his empire! Imagine how Jesus is going to feel when he returns to Wadsworth and sees that blocking his path! Poor Dave, he just can't quite ever make the mark.

King Louis XIV garden.
Ahh, the fruits of RCG brethren giving all...

Guess which house is Dave's...

Ambassador Drive...how quaint. Can any of these men leading their own empires ever come up with an original name? All they can do is imitate and they fail miserably at that.

Self-appointed COG Prophet Claims Demons Are Behind COVID-19 and Brexit

Only in the mind of a deluded self-appointed Church of God prophet can one come up with this kind of stuff and think it worthy of being preached about.
COVID and Brexit Driven by Demons?Could Satan or any of his demons be impacting the economy of the world and Europe through having both the coronavirus outbreak and the British Exit (Brexit) from the European Union? Did governments tend to react in a way causing ‘self-inflicted’ damage to the economy? What about actions from the European Central Bank? Has demonic involvement been asked by the German press? Does the Bible teach that Satan is the god of this age and that the world is under his sway? Will involvement from Satan and his demons lead to the rise of the Beast, False Prophet (Antichrist), and the gathering at Armageddon according to scriptures in the Book of Revelation? What event did the late Worldwide Church of God Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong feel would trigger the prophesied unification of Europe under the Beast? What about ‘miracles,’ signs, and lying wonders? What did Jesus say that Christians should do? What about prayer and the kingdom of God? Will you fall for Satan’s lies and deception? Dr. Thiel discusses each of these matters and more.
It has always fascinated me on how much more powerful COG demons are compared to the almost nonexistent and powerless Christ they claim to follow.