Wednesday, November 11, 2020

United Church of God: Stressed Out During the Current Political Environment and Covid Times? Let Us Calm You Down


Ah, just what church members and the world needs, UCG calming everybody down. Who knew they were able to do such things? 

Given their track record of rebellious ministers causing numerous several church divisions are we expected to look to them for direction on how to be calm and peaceful? Seriously?

So many people in the United States are anxious and depressed. This anxiety and uncertainty knows no borders. It stretches around the globe. Psychologists talk openly about “election stress disorder.” People were already fatigued by the never-ending coronavirus pandemic and the rioting that swept through our country a few months back. This is now compounded by the uncertainty of a national election that has not yet ended, with both sides claiming victory and/or fraud. While relative calm existed on the American election day, civic unrest now froths in U.S. cities. This all takes its toll. In the United States, essentially 50 percent of the population is guaranteed to be unhappy with the final election results, even depressed and angry, no matter what the outcome. It’s a tough time. 
This angst of anxiety even threatens the bond of love and peace among some of our brethren! Our words between us have power and we must be careful not to weaponize our words, inadvertently indulging in accusations and counteraccusations, judging and condemning each other, and causing offense. 
We must maturely and sensitively realize that many people—both in the Church and outside—hurt deeply, even feel torn apart, on all points of being human. While we must remain true to our mission and purpose, we must also exercise spiritual discernment, and as the apostle Paul writes to us: “Let us aim for harmony in the church and try to build each other up” (Romans 14:19, New Living Translation). 
How are we handling the tumult in our midst? The answer is vitally important because the proper response allows us to plant our feet firmly on the ground, put our shoulders back and stand firm, even when earthly forces storm and howl around us. 
We must remember who we are as Christians. We must remember our calling more than ever at this time. We must not forget our primary citizenship. When we surrender our lives to obedience at our conversion, we are granted citizenship in a coming Kingdom that will last forever, one that God Himself preserves for us in heaven, awaiting the return of the King of kings to this strife-torn planet (Philippians 3:20). 
We need to confidently fix this in our mind—no matter the outcome of any earthly election. God is still in charge! We can boldly embrace these words: “Remember this and stand firm . . . I am God and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying ‘My counsel shall stand’” (Isaiah 46:8, 10, English Standard Version). Personal from the President

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Living Church of God: LCG members are to take questions to the ministers and MUST follow the decision given and NEVER try and correct or save the church

The reason COG leaders despise questions

Living Church of God leaders just cannot handle LCG members confronting them with questions or even daring to "correct" the church or "save" it. Nothing irritates Weston and his boys more. How dare church members question them! When members do have questions over doctrine they are to go straight to the ministry and MUST, I repeat MUST, follow whatever decision is handed down. No questions asked!

One of the biggest weapons and lies the church has used over the last 80 some years is that if someone leaves the church they are in the bonds of satan at that point. That's why disfellowshipping and marking are such important tools in the church. Putting fear into people's lives is vitally important and keeps them compliant and under control.

The problem LCG and the COG as a whole has is how can any member ever really trust the leadership to make the right decision considering the enormous mess they have made of the church.  Hundreds and hundreds of splinter groups all led by bellowing fools and self-appointed prophets who think they know more than anyone else. It is a disgusting mess.

Beware of Misguided Ideas: 

The Apostle Paul warned, “in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons” (1 Timothy 4:1–5) and that many will not listen to sound doctrine but will prefer to ignore advice and follow their own ideas (2 Timothy 3:1–64:1–4). The Apostle Paul also warned that critics from within and from outside the Church will try to divide the Church to gain a following (Acts 20:29–31). He pointed out that Satan will try various ways to mislead people (2 Corinthians 2:11) by appealing to the human desire to be independent, or be recognized as an authority, or as being important (3 John 9–10). Numerous issues threatened to destroy the early Church: different ideas about foods, hair lengths, the resurrection, circumcision, or following a particular leader (see 1 Corinthians and Galatians). However, Paul’s constant advice was to “guard what was committed to your trust” (1 Timothy 6:20), to “hold fast” to what you have been “taught” (Titus 1:9–11), and “avoid foolish disputes” (Titus 3:91 Timothy 6:3–5). When questions do arise over doctrine, the biblical example is to take the issue to the leaders of the Church for a decision and then follow that decision (Deuteronomy 17:8–11Acts 15:1–31). Nowhere do the Scriptures encourage individuals to take it on themselves to correct or “save” the Church. That is something that Jesus Christ will take care of in His time as He “builds” His Church (Matthew 16:18).

Have a Profitable Sabbath,

Douglas S. Winnail

If Robert Thiel Gave The Sermon on the Mount


Now when Bobus saw the crowds, he went up on a mountainside and sat down. His disciples came to him, and he began to teach them...

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