One thing the Church of God has always preached, though never truly believed, was that we are all free moral agents who have the ability to choose right from wrong. That sounds logical to anyone outside of Armstrongism, but not to members. To choose to reject utterances from a leader, or understand that certain teachings are piles of crap, or even discern when church leaders are liars, carries a weaponized reaction. To choose differently than the established order was a direct pipeline to the lake of fire and being screamed at by a minister or some ordained flunky, or worse, being tortured by the Germans and placed into concentration camps. No one wanted to see their children hung up on meathooks because of disregarding the words of a minister or church leader.
It also always seems that the most abusive and aberrant COG's out there are the ones who claim members have the right to choose, and that is what Stephen Flurry is doing in the Philadelphia Church of God. PCG is considered by most in the COG movement to be a disgusting legalistic church that is damaging its member's lives (and wallets).
Lil'Stevie writes:
When you hear the word power in the context of the Bible or God, you probably think of seas parting, dark clouds rolling, lightning striking, the universe—God’s power. But there is another power talked about in the Bible—that God gives to each of us. In fact, it’s a power we’ve had since birth. Though it is not God’s spiritual power, it is a tool that God uses to help us grow, overcome and build righteous character.
This gift is the power to choose. Not even God controls this power (except in Himself, of course). Wow! Could there even be such a thing as that?
This power of choice is so significant that it determines whether you are blessed or cursed. We can choose the way that will result in much happiness, joy and abundance. Or we can choose the way that inevitably leads to heartache, struggle and frustration.
Right off the bat, Stevie has to subtly threaten PCG members. If they choose differently than him or his daddy, then they are cursed. If they are cursed and leave the church then they will live miserable lives filled with frustration and struggle. Anyone who has left PCG or any other COG group and is totally free from Armstrongism knows that this is a lie.
There is cause for every effect. That is a law! God says that whatever we sow, we will eventually reap. Whatever the effect, there was an original cause. We must truly realize the power we have in choosing!
To choose to go against the PCG and its leaders is to go against God himself. Members need to be constantly told that their lives will be miserable and worthless because God has totally abandoned them. God is just waiting for people to choose wrongly so he can make them all miserable.
What are you doing with this power? Is the way you use it setting you up for a productive and fruitful career in God’s Family?
Here is the just of the matter. To be loyal to the PCG is guaranteeing you a place in the godhead as a future god or goddess where you will be able to pass out judgment and rule over people and possibly even be given a world where you will be its god.
The Bible shows clearly that without God’s Holy Spirit working in and leading our lives, we will never attain true happiness and success. We need God’s power—no doubt about it! But this article is not about God’s power. It’s about your power—and what you are doing with it!
Stevie then goes on to quote from two books, one from 1930 and the other from 1906. God forbid if anyone in the PCG ever quoted from a book that was published within the last 5 years or so. But, because Herbert quoted it, it just to be considered scripture, worthy to be added to the continuing book of Acts. These books are about right "thinking" and setting goals.
Lil'Stevie then adds:
Herbert W. Armstrong said in his autobiography that he “often wondered if it is not really better for a young upstart to be conceited, self-confident, cocky—and with it, ambitious, energetic in trying to accomplish something—than to be an ambitionless, spineless, lazy, shiftless fellow utterly lacking in spark, drive, and the zeal to try to accomplish something worthwhile.
Now we know why PCG and so many of the other COG's are filled with such bombastic self-righteous cocky leaders. Herbert said it was ok! And, when you are in the PCG and read something that Herbert said then it is as if God himself put it into his mouth.