Sunday, September 1, 2024

Stinking Pile Of Feculence That Claims To Be A Church Leader Maligns Dr. Stavrinides


Dr. Stavrinides died the other day and just like clockwork the ravenous wolves of Armstrongism started peeing on the ground marking their territory as they sought to malign his character and his faith.  

Most of this bad-mouthing has come from self-appointed stinking turds masquerading as faithful men of God who in rebellious fits of vile impertinence decided they were better than everyone else and started their own little cults. 

Castrated from the very start by Herbert Armstrong's very own words condemning their actions, these little men struggle to find position and honor in their tiny little apostate communities as they continually lash out at others who are better than they are.

This brings us today to our great Bwana Bob Thiel, the chief overseer of the improperly named "continuing" Church of a lesser "god". Nothing pops his holistic cork more than COG and former COG members being more successful than he is and having a better relationship with God than he does.

After he read the notice I put up on this blog and copied the exact information I posted on this blog, he set about maligning the character and faith of Dr. Stavrinides. Dr. Stav's religious knowledge, his historical knowledge, and his ability to debate and examine issues of importance make the superficial crap that was spoonfed the Great Bwana Bob by Armstrongism and his spiritual daddy, Rod Meredith look like baby pablum curdling on the highchair. Dr. Stav could have wiped the floor with Bwana Bob's so-called intellect many times over, but he was too good of a person to do that. Not so with Bwana Bob.

The Chief Overseer of Feculence starts off by claiming Dr Stav's church, where he was a Greek Orthodox priest, said he was God. Can Bwana Bob really be THIS stupid? Godly men who practice their faith will always be said by their associates, members, and others as God sent to them. In no manner whatsoever do any of these people claim the person is God. That is blasphemy in almost every branch of Christianity except in Armstrongism and Mormonism which both teach humans will be God.

Bwana Bob says:

No, Orthodox church, he was NOT “God sent to us as a church.” That is a blasphemous statement.

His parish wrote in his obituary:

We are truly going to miss you. We have learned so many things from him. He has taught us to love and respect each other.You were God sent to us as a church. Not only we got the best priest, we also got a very educated priest who just loved to teach and guide us in the right way. He never gave up on us. He always remained committed to the church, even having to endure a two-hour drive plus traffic from Glendora to Saint George Orthodox Church Hesperia. We are extremely grateful to meet you and spend lots of time with him. 
No matter how busy things got, he always made time for the people he cared about, and showed us that family always comes first no matter what. Everyone who knew him knew how proud he was of the people he loved, 
He stressed the significance of attending church and emphasized the need to prioritize it. He used to say, (We always should put God first before anything) 
Father Alexander had the Bible memorized. Any question you ask, he would say go to this verse and chapter. 

Here we have a group of people who recognized the God-given attributes that Dr. Stav epitomized and practiced to all around him. He epitomized godly attributes as all REAl Christians are supposed to be doing (except for Bob Thiel, apparently). He was not God on earth or sent as a God to his church. Greek Orthodox Christians would be appalled how some small-minded iniquitous man such as Bwana Bob would say this.

Bwana Bob continues on trying to malign him.

Dr. K. J. Stavrinides had been a member of the old Worldwide Church of God. 
After Herbert W. Armstrong died and the Tkach Administration was in place, he rose from being basically a little known teacher to being one who tried to persuade the membership to change and embrace the Greco-Roman trinity that was enforced by Emperor Theodosius.

Dr Stave was not a "little-known" teacher. He was highly respected by students, faculty, and church members for his intellect and his Biblical knowledge, something that Bwana Bob is greatly lacking in. He wrote numerous articles for church publications and was sought out by other institutions for his knowledge and expertise.

Next, the Bwana tries to smear his name by attaching him to Tkach jr and the God Is... booklet. The God Is...booklet was a wake-up call for many in the church to examine how we understood God.

Bwana Bob then tries to smear him one more time by stating he taught at Azusa Pacific University as if this is some kind of great blasphemy. APU is highly rated for its education, nursing, religious, and other teaching areas. It has also been in existence since 1899, something that Armstrongism was never able to accomplish with its three colleges or even its church!

Dr Stav's students rated him highly, something that Bwana Bob has never accomplished. Imagine at any point from this moment forward that anyone and I repeat ANYONE would EVER say this about Bob Thiel:

Again, I ask...will you ever hear ANYONE ever talk about Bob Thiel in this manner? Even his own church, the Living Church of God which kicked him out, never had anything good to say about him and still doesn't to this day.

Only those who are part of the highly chosen of Bwana Bob's cult are the faithful, chosen, and called by God. Dr Stav, not so much, and even worse for Tkach Jr.

It is those who truly hold to the original faith that are called, chosen, and faithful. 
Sadly, Dr. Stavrinides, Hank Hanegraaff, Joseph Tkach, Jr. and many thousands who had at least some affiliation with the old Worldwide Church of God fell away from being faithful. 
Do not follow their poor legacy.

No one in their right mind would ever be following the Great Bwana Bob Thiel. Do NOT follow his poor "legacy", if we can even call it that. In a few short years, no one will remember Bwana Bob, know what he taught, or will even be part of his so-called church.

Dr Stavrinides will be remembered for a long time. Bob Thiel, not so much.

Why Do They Stay?: Ten Reasons Why People Fail to Leave a Toxic Church and, in this case, David C Pack


That has always become the question with Apostle/Elijah to come/Joshua the High Priest/Messenger of the Covenant/ and over all Jesus incarnate to come, David C Pack and his Restored Church of God.

Ten Reasons Why People Fail to Leave A Toxic Church:

1. You don’t want to be accused of being rebellious. 

Spiritually abusive leaders make you feel like disagreeing with them is equal to questioning God. And we all know that bad things happen to people who question God, right? At least that’s what they want you to think. You don’t want to be labeled a rebel, or having a “rebellious spirit.” 

2. You are full of self-doubt. 

Abusive leaders make you feel like YOU are the problem. They say things like,

 “The reason you disagree with me is because you aren’t as spiritually mature as I am. You need to trust my leadership and submit to my authority like the Bible tells you to do.” 

They flip the discussion upside down and before you know it, you are asking for their forgiveness when it should be the other way around.

3. You fear losing your circle of friends. 

Sometimes we tolerate an unhealthy community simply because that’s where our friends and family are. The peer pressure to stay can be overwhelming. 

When given the choice of speaking the truth and losing your community, or staying quiet but keeping your community, the community often wins out.

4. You don’t want to lose your equity investment. 

What I mean is that you’ve invested so much time and energy into your church through the years that you don’t want to lose that investment. It feels like wasted time. 

So you stay a little longer, hoping it will eventually work.  

5. You like to be liked and needed. 

A legalistic system can be very rewarding. You might feed off of the praise you get for performing well. Or maybe you simply can’t handle the thought of people not liking you if you leave the community. Your low self-worth and need to please keep you trapped. 

6. You fear being wrong and losing your salvation. 

You might think that your group is spiritually off track and even abusive, but what if you're wrong? You fear that YOU might be the problem like they say you are. You’re not sure it’s worth the risk. This self-doubt causes you to do nothing about your concerns. 

7. You fear exposure, humiliation, and physical harm

You know that, if you leave, members of the congregation will trash your name and reputation. Sometimes even worse. You’ve seen it happen to others who left, and you don’t want it to happen to you.  

8. You fear not making it on your own.

Even though you know your spiritual leaders are wrong, you fear falling away from God without their strong input into your life. You’re not sure you can make it on your own. 

9. You lack boundaries. 

Maybe you were raised to believe that people had the right to impose their thoughts, beliefs, and will upon you. You don’t feel like it’s your right to question others or resist their power. You're used to being violated in this way. You feel powerless, and so you let the abuse continue. 

And the final reason you might not confront abusive leaders or leave an abusive church is because…

10. You believe God met you in that church.

There was a moment or moments when you KNOW that God showed up in a sermon, the music, a prayer, or a counseling session. This is strong proof to you that God is in your church and/or leadership. So how can you leave? The leaders will even remind you of this.

I don’t doubt that you may have had a God moment in an abusive church, but don’t take that as a justification to stay. Rather, see it as God’s grace and goodness showing up in the middle of abuse. He wanted to show you that he loves you and he’s with you. But that doesn’t mean that you should stay. It doesn’t excuse the abuse.

Please Do Something

If you see yourself in any of these ten reasons, just realize that you are not alone. These are common reasons why people stay in toxic churches and abusive relationships. My hope in pointing out these reasons is that you’ll find the courage to fight against your natural tendency to stay and be quiet. 

I want to encourage you to DO something. 

FYI… I created two videos that cover this topic. I posted them below.

If you’d like to learn more about how to recover from a spiritually abusive church be sure to check out my book Broken Trust. A recent reader said this about the book, 

I highly recommend this book to anyone who has experienced any type of spiritual abuse or church hurt. The book is excellent from beginning to end …Broken Trust deals with all of the issues along with solutions on how to go through the healing process. You can read almost 200 reviews on

You can read over 200 reviews of Broken Trust on, available on Kindle, paperback and audiobook.


Saturday, August 31, 2024

RCG's Mushroom Cloud of Joy


Mushroom Cloud of Joy

The perpetual cycle of astonishing discovery, exuberant preaching, inevitable disappointment, and necessary rediscovery continues at The Restored Church of God. Once again, David C. Pack proclaimed the date for the Kingdom of God's arrival because the Bible's mysteries finally became clear.

During “The Greatest Untold Story! (Parts 529-530)” on August 10, 2024, the Pastor General taught about a new 4-Year Kingdom that may or may not be a part of the already-settled First 7-Year Kingdom of God. As of today, that new theory remains a work in progress.

Tied into the 4-Year Kingdom is the start date when it all comes to a head. Not only will this be a significant day because Jesus Christ returns, but members of The Restored Church of God will receive salvation, and David C. Pack will prove to his naysayers he was right all along.

Guess which one of those he personally cares about the most.

As is Dave’s way, when he sells a new presumption, he candy-coats it with enticing words and feel-good ideas, making it more tempting to swallow.

Part 530 – August 10, 2024
@ 44:59 After all these years of waiting, it's talking to us. You’d have one more bombshell, I mean, a nuclear explosion. Almost a mushroom cloud of joy would spread over the whole thing, and you would know that the people who touch, just reach lay their hand on the middle of Av 16 this year, get eternal life.

Members of The Restored Church of God will receive eternal life on Av 16 this year. That should be something to keep brethren giddy about for a few days.


After David C. Pack’s failure on Tammuz 5, he proceeded with caution. But threw that out the window and dolled out more prophetic certainty.

Part 529 – August 10, 2024
@ 02:38 We know we know the whole Kingdom ends on Abib 1 in 2032, but where to put that initial four years of kingdom before God withdraws is is critical. Where does it go? It can't change the end, but it can change the beginning. Now, we are either waiting for Av 16, just under nine days away, which corresponds to the classic definition of 1335, or 45 days later for Trumpets, which corresponds to 1290, and armies hit Jerusalem, and God withdraws then or somewhere in between.

When David C. Pack poses a question or offers options, you can usually guess the answer based on how he presents it. He waved Av 16 under everyone’s noses enough throughout that they did not need to wait for his conclusion to figure it out.

@ 48:42 And then the bombshell proof after dinner. But we’re just gonna at least let’s let’s just start with the idea that maybe we’re pretty close to buttoning down this thing is happening in less than nine days. Let’s just say that.

For RCG members, doubting Dave’s authoritah is never an option. God chose him to preach this malarkey, and he will not let you forget it.

@ 1:05:45 Of course, just the fact that I’m commanded to watch on a particular day. We're anticipating the day, and those who left us are not. I’m to tell the church about a day that cannot tarry. All suggest the date was known.

David C. Pack enjoys dragging the brethren for a verbal ride, taking the back alley scenic route. There is no “short version” in his world.

@ 1:08:19 The Democratic National Convention starts, literally, the day the Kingdom comes.

@ 1:09:42 So, let’s let’s make a summary statement…which will help you understand how perhaps we should we should best see the 16th of Av. The Full Moon of Av. Or the Full Moon of The Father.

Did you forget how important Dave is? He must have thought so.

@ 1:12:24 God raises Elijah and anoints him and gives the Kingdom to the Little Flock of His Son’s at the full moon in His month in the month of Av.

When David C. Pack is fully recognized as Elijah the Prophet before all human beings, that will undoubtedly be a glorious day where mushroom clouds of joy shall fill the earth.

After the rushed Sabbath meal, Dave continued to dazzle his audience. Take careful note of his unwavering resolve for his own conclusions. A punch line is coming.

Part 530 – August 10, 2024
@ 43:43 Are we waiting for it as the absolute ultimate capstone that it cannot go by go past next Monday in the middle of the day, or is this just something for people way, way out there?

@ 44:30 We’re gonna count look at seven key things that will tell us should tell us that next Monday is a lock.

@ 44:47 And so you should know that your salvation is secure on Av 16 if you knew nothing of what I’m gonna tell you. You’d know it.

@ 1:04:35 So, I would say unless something is so radically different, I then I don’t I I I just we’re gonna hafta wait and watch [chuckles] how this all play out. I’d say it’s impossible we go past about 12:15 [PM] our time on Monday.

Av 16 began in Jerusalem at 12:15 PM on Monday, August 19, 2024.

You missed it because you did not miss anything. That was David C. Pack Failure #85 since March 2022.

The brethren had to wait 58 minutes into Part 531 the following week to hear Pastor General David C. Pack declare Av 16 was a big mistake flop.

Part 531 – August 17, 2024
@ 58:27 Nowhere in the Scriptures is rounding ever to a part of a month. Never. This said, I wanna just say I wanna draw a conclusion here. This said, I do not believe anything will happen on Monday.

@ 58:51 You can hope for it, but I strongly doubt it. I think it’s actually impossible. The 1335 that starts everything fits another way. That will come for with a great deal of fascinating information. It’s obviously, therefore, a period that must end in a full moon, start in a new moon rather than start in a full moon and end in a new moon.

David C. Pack admitted the opposite of what he taught was considered accurate. Current members should ponder this and ask themselves why they continue to pay him to lie to them.

Watching these clips back-to-back illustrates the insanity the brethren of The Restored Church of God tolerate. It exposes the shamefulness of the Headquarters hirelings who support it all.

Dave preached Av 16 one week.

Dave reversed Av 16 the next.


When people will receive salvation, when Jesus Christ returns, and when the Kingdom of God arrives are all deeply personal and eternally vital topics for all human beings. And David C. Pack continuously proves whether he speaks the truth about them.

David C. Pack is a hypocritical, blaspheming liar. Is it an “attack” when documents this?

Framing Av 16 with a broader context has chilling implications. David C. Pack made statements during Part 530 that should cause him to shudder in fear.

Part 530 – August 10, 2024
@ 1:16:14 God didn’t touch my lips. Not in any way that is often mentioned in the Scriptures…

He leaves the door open so that his lips COULD have been touched by God, but just not in the way mentioned in the Bible. This would mean what he uttered about Av 16 COULD have come from God.

@ 1:16:27 Or I I I saw Him. Or got a direct vision. It’s through His Spirit He’s made this clear.

David C. Pack credited God's Spirit with clarifying what he taught during Parts 529 and 530. In Part 531, he changed his conclusions and denied Av 16 was what he adamantly asserted. In fact, his conclusions were the opposite of what he said made them true.

There is the Spirit of Error and the Spirit of Truth. One of them guides David C. Pack.

Be warned, members of The Restored Church of God.

If you ever see smoke and fire rising to the sky near the RCG Campus, run for your life. That is not a mushroom cloud of joy.

Marc Cebrian