Monday, October 14, 2024

Beware of Cocaine Sharks At Your Feast Site!!!!!!!!!


The things that capture the minds of Armstrongite leaders are fascinating. Mark Armstrong warns us about cocaine sharks! Who knew?

Cocaine Sharks
As if sharks weren’t scary enough… A study conducted off the coast of Brazil found cocaine in the liver and muscle tissue samples taken from all of the 13 specimens they studied. The causes are thought to include insufficient wastewater treatment and runoff from illicit processing centers as well as the sharks actually attacking packages of the drug set afloat by smugglers. Waste and water samples also contain detectable contamination from cocaine. The exact effects on shark behavior are unknown. Similar problems can be observed with pharmaceutical drugs. One Australian study involved exposing guppies to various levels of Prozac found in water supplies. The effects of exposure to the highest concentrations were particularly pronounced in male aggression, physical traits, and reproduction over multiple generations. Individuals were encouraged not to flush unused medications down the toilet but many of the detectable medications find their way into the water supply primarily through waste processing. 21st Century Watch

The Most Pathetic Feast Prep Member Letter Ever

Imagine being part of dead Ted's group as you prepare for this year's Feast of Tabernacles and you get this uplifting member letter from your leader. If we thought Bob Thiel was scrapping the bottom of the barrel, Mark Armstrong puts him to shame.

The world is going to hell in a handbasket, though we have heard this exact same phrases for 8 decades now:

Greetings from Tyler, 

Here we are on the eve of the Day of Atonement, and worrying about our situation.  I can’t remember a time when we were in more trouble.  The Middle East?  Nobody knows what will happen, but it looks like Israel is going deep inside Lebanon, in essence pushing the terrorists back if they can’t kill them.

The media is all in. They’re non-stop in their constant accusations against the former President. Meanwhile, Kamala has landed on the cover of Vogue magazine Who’d have thought?  The left used to love Elon Musk.  After all he’s known for battery cars, and operating space rockets.  We thought they were all about saving the planet and making us drive cars we don’t want.  Wrong.  Elon’s been seen jumping around at a Trump rally, the kiss of death.  He wonders aloud how many years he’ll do in prison if they don’t win.

Top generals are warning that Trump will be a fascist dictator if he wins.  Didn’t we already go through a Trump presidency?  Was he a fascist dictator?  General Milley is putting out a warning that if re-elected, he will be.  The media is salivating over what kind of dirt insiders can throw, and who knows what’s happened in previous lifetimes?  I listen to his rallies, all of them, and don’t know what they’re talking about.  Wars?  We’ve got two dangerous ones in Eastern Europe and the Middle East.  Both, as you know, got underway afterward.

I saw an interaction with one of Elon Musk’s robots, and have to admit I was impressed.  The thing carried on a conversation with somebody.  Maybe there’s no stopping it now, especially since the price tag is only around twenty grand.  Everybody will have a robotic slave!

We’re getting ready to go to the Feast.  Yes, I know there have been hurricanes spawning countless tornados.  I’d rather chance it in Panama City Beach.  Maybe I shouldn’t have stopped flying to all the sites.  It was already miserable, and with Covid there were just too many regulations.  It was bad before, and it got worse.  Maybe these people do a good job, but don’t mind handing out abuse to regular Americans.  That’s me.  It’s all too much.  If they back off their airline authoritarianism maybe I’ll do it again, but don’t count on it. 

The new WATCH magazine has arrived at our office, and we’ll be bringing, or sending copies to each of the Feast sites.  You’ll get to at least see it at the Feast, and maybe page through it.  We are particularly proud of this edition, and I hope you’ll agree.

I hope I’m wrong, but I think we’re facing a dangerous time in America.  Something tells me neither side is going to accept losing the election.  What are we looking at?  Another round of the agitators burning cities?  Assassinations?  We have no idea what’s about to happen.  The left is smearing Donald Trump with every headline.  Having listened to almost all of the Trump rallies and some interviews, I’m not afraid.  Not of Trump, anyway. 

Mark should have said: Now that I have crapped all over your mindset, I want you to get ready for a fun feast as we are working to make it memorable...sigh 

I hope that all of you are getting ready to go to the Feast.  We’re working hard to make sure each and every one of them is memorable for all the right reasons.  


Why are so many COG leaders such miserable and angry guys? Does anything make them happy? It's like they make a concerted effort to depress their members so that they live in a constant state of fear. The more fearful they are, the more they cling to controlling gaslighting ministers to lead them

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Member Stories: Ex -Worldwide Church of God - Guest: Scott Williams - His Life In, then 10 Critical Dark Night Years


Born in to the church in Cincinnati, OH, Scott shares the painful 10 years after leaving - losing himself and struggling to survive. - experiencing a "dark night of the soul". He shares what it was like growing up as an Elder's son, his father giving his life to counsel the people who called on him to fix them since he was an Elder and there were no mental health services available in the church. Scott was expected to be perfect and the "example" and feeling in his school years that "they" were "of the world" and he was a special, called out one and just didn't ft in especially since the world was going to end in 6 months so why try. News of mom's critical life threatening illness with no treatment after he'd been gone 10 years. Experience with Mom and Sister at a Powerful Week Long Retreat and how everything changed - lights came on! He's very glad to be free now and with his mind back.