Monday, May 12, 2014

Flurry's Mini-Me Auditorium Is Still Sucking Money Out of PCG's Budget

Mr. Mini-Me

Ever since Herbert Armstrong died Gerald Flurry has been attempting to imitate the man in any manner possible.  From dressing like him, combing his hair like him, building buildings like his, starting a "college", Imperial schools, magazines, booklets and TV shows, all in an attempt to imitate HWA.

Soon after Gerald Flurry finished his mini-me auditorium he claimed it was all paid off.  Flurry dedicated the building as the Herbert Armstrong Auditorium and imitated it in as many ways as possible with colors, woods, stones and actual furnishings from HWA's auditorium in Pasadena.  Flurry bragged on how dedicated PCG members were in contributing to paying off the building.

One of Flurry's cult members let it slip the other day that the "House of God" was NOT paid off and that PCG members still are fund raising to pay it off.  While members struggle to live a meaningful life they are occupied by raising more money to pay this off as Stevie and crew jet around the world doing silly broadcasts and living in Jerusalem so they can see Jesus return at the Mount of Olives.  Their apartment in the Jerusalem faces the Mount of Olives.  Why buy one there?  As the two witnesses they will need a home base while walking around Jerusalem in sack cloth and ashes as they proclaim its imminent destruction by the Great Whore or rampaging armies of Muslims, Germans or Chinese.  Its all so confusing after a while so its easier to raise money for some  building in the middle of Oklahoma

Honoring Mr. John Amos
Thank you Mr. Fraser for reminding us how much Mr. Amos should mean to us. I want to let you know how much he means to me even though I never met him by remembering him every year at The Feast of Tabernacles in his honor at “The John Amos Golf Classic”. I understand he was an avid golfer who loved the scenery of the courses as much as the game. The John Amos Golf Classic was started the year he died. It was started by a young man that had played golf with Mr. Amos many times and started it in his honor.That young man left the church and I felt it was necessary to continue to honor Mr. Amos in this way. So taking on the task of setting up the tournament every year seemed the natural thing to do. When the church began to build God’s House, we made the tournament into a fund raiser in Mr. Amos’ honor. I haven’t kept accurate records but believe we have raised about $3500 so far in the few years we have been doing it that way. We will continue to remember Mr. Amos and honor him again this year at the Sawgrass Feast Site in Florida. It will be a fund raiser again until God’s House is paid for. If you are going to Florida for the Feast, help us make this the best fund raiser yet by joining us at the 20th Annual John Amos Golf Classic.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

PCG: What Its Like to Be A Teen In Germany: Plenty of Beer but Beware of the Nasty Pig

PCG's German Teens Having Fun!

Only in Flurrydom would  you find a person supposedly telling what it is like to be a teen in Germany and find referances to beer and pig.  Given the rampant alcoholism by many PCG members, I don't think this needs to be included in a description of teenage life in Germany.

It is common knowledge that we Germans are big fans of our beer. Germans are the world’s second biggest consumers of beer, after the Czechs. Most popular is the Oktoberfest, a Munich-based beer festival (and the largest fair in the world!). In 2007, nearly 1,850,000 gallons of beer were served during the 16-day festival! Germans are also mad about pork—if there is a way to get pig meat into something, it will be done! Unclean meats are one big thing to watch out for when traveling to Germany.

PCG's Wayne Turgeon's Ungodly Advice On Punishing Your Children: Because Silly Children Bring Shame Upon Their Human Father and the PCG

Wayne Turgeon offering advice on child rearing and punishment????? Wayne?  The very same guy who treats members like dirt?  Wayne?  The only reason he is in the position he is in now is that he married into Flurry's family.  If he had not done that he would be just one more sorry loser from Pasadena, much like Steve Gilbreath is.

Wayne wants you to start disciplining your children at a YOUNG age.  You should only say no once and then start spanking and punishing your child.  Notice that he says if a child doesn't obey, it is your INVITATION to punish him/her.  In Armstrongism and Flurryism, that "invitation" means spanking. Not a wimpy little swat, but a pain inducing smack of a paddle or hand.

When children are young, they should be taught the meaning of the word “no.” This simple two-letter word, in too many cases, is not properly adhered to. You should only have to say no once; if the child doesn’t obey, then that’s your invitation to properly train and correct the child. If we fail to react, the child thinks no isn’t a word to fear. This could result in much more serious consequences than if we had punished the child for disobeying. If the child knows that no means no the first time, you may even save him from a life-threatening situation. If a child wanders away and begins running toward a busy intersection, “no!” may be the only thing that can save him. In that situation, how thankful a parent would be if the child had been reared to understand what no meant.

Rebellious kiddies in Flurryism MUST be brought under the LAW!  Get out your King James and tell your child what happens when he disobeys the 613 LAWS!

Rebellion in a child requires you to bring him under the law. If you do not, the child, rather than the father, rules the household. When a child breaks a rule because he resents authority, that is a serious problem which must be dealt with. We live in an age where we see many helpless parents openly challenged by their children. Our young people need parents who care enough to challenge them when their behavior might lead to tragic consequences. Parents have a God-given duty to provide their children the security of clearly established limits in behavior.
Punishment is always proportional to the crime.  That's what the god of Armstrongism does.  The more it is pissed the more painful the punishment will be.  Armstrognism's god loves to dish out punishment to law breakers.

We must always make sure the punishment fits the crime. After a child is punished for breaking a rule or disobeying a parent, he should be very repentant for what he did! If he is truly sorry, then you will soon see a happy child. If the child is not repentant after punishment occurs, we must stay with the correction until he does become repentant, no matter how long it takes. When a child’s attitude is still wrong after correction, that child’s attitude of rebellion has not been broken. There is resentment toward authority, either open or subtle, and it must be rooted out. If we can’t get our children to properly fear us quickly, we are in for a long lifetime of needless pain and suffering.

Then Wayne has the audacity to heap praise on Garner Ted Armstrogning's booklet on how to beat your child.  If you child will not listen to you then you MUST take it to the ministry where Wayne will tell you what to do. Wayne, like all ministers in Flurryism are God's instruments and when they speak God miraculous proceeds forth from them.

The Plain Truth About Child Rearing by Garner Ted Armstrong, published by the Worldwide Church of God, offers invaluable advice on this subject. Seek counsel from one of God’s true ministers. God has provided us with all the knowledge we need to do it right! But do we diligently seek after God’s knowledge, fully intent on applying it? Or, like so many in this world, are we experimenting with our children, hoping to find some method that will finally work?
Cranky kids who are sick or have allergies are personal weaknesses brought about by sin.  Remember that sin produces health issues.

We all have our strengths and weaknesses in child rearing. In addition, there may be other contributors to children misbehaving, like allergies or poor health. But other factors and personal weaknesses must not become excuses for our failures in properly rearing our children. As Herbert W. Armstrong said, there is cause and effect. There is a reason why children become rebellious.
Exuberant silly kids have no place in Flurryism.  I cannot image the hell that the kids at Imperial Academy do through daily with this kind of sick advice.  We saw the rampant child abuse at Imperial Schools under HWA's regime.  It is no different now under Flurry's regime.

What about silliness in our children? Obviously, we want our children to laugh and have a good time, but it should not get out of hand. When this begins to happen, the parent who is in tune with his child will say, “I want you to settle down.” The child should respond immediately. “The rod and reproof give wisdom: but a child left to himself bringeth his mother to shame” (Proverbs 29:15). This scripture mentions mother, but it also brings shame on the family name, which is the father’s heritage. Children left to run wild can also bring shame upon the Church, the mother of us all.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

E. W King All Excited About Monica Lewinsky's "Frontal" Attack

King is all a twitter right now about the "HOT" new story about  Monica Lewinsky's "frontal" attack on Bill Clinton.  Is he talking about her original escapade or is he assuming she is out now to help derail Hilary's potential bid to the Presidency?

Perhaps Mr. King needs to reread the Missing Dimension in Sex.  Oral sex is not looked upon favorably by Herbert.