Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Weak PCG Men are Stopping the Flow of the Government of God

Things are not easy for men in the Philadelphia Church of God, and it is even worse for those women and children under them.  They have been conditioned to perform in order to please their masters and when they don't, the family structure and the government of God breaks down.  Rebellious, cantankerous wives are to be dealt with and TOLD just exactly WHO is in charge!

Think about that: The government in the home is the same as the government in the Church—and the same as the government in the eternal Family of God! The government in your marriage is the same as the government in Christ’s marriage!

You must get the government right in your home to prepare for those greater responsibilities. You have to rule well! This is a critical job in your family—and God gave that job to you. For your family to function, you absolutely must fulfill this God-given office.

It is easy for a man to defer too much to his wife. It is too easy to back off, to let her handle the child rearing, to expect her to establish order. But that is not the way Christ operates.

The direction for the body must come from the head. That means you must hold to your Head. Then you must provide direction, guidance, leadership and nourishment so your wife can hold to herhead! Otherwise you are blocking the flow of government from God, and cutting yourself and your family off from some of God’s blessings.

If you don’t do your job, you hinder God’s ability to lead your household. If you don’t step up, there will be confusion, and Satan will fill the leadership vacuum.
These are more comments by Joel Hillier.

Satan Watching PCG Members Who Do Not Date...He turns Them "Hard"

Its no wonder the women in the Philadelphia Church of God look like such sad sacks in church photo's.  They seem sapped of joy.  I guess sit is all because they have become "hard."  It seems that the women in the PCG can never get a break.  They are blamed for everything.

Joel Hilliker claims that the single women of the PCG have become "hard" because they have no men to protect them.  As a result, Satan sends worldly men from the world to woo them over to the dark side where they sink into sexual promiscuity and might even leave the church.

One single woman said, “We women with no men get hard because we aren’t being protected by anyone.” That is usually what happens when a woman has no protector: She starts to protect herself—and she becomes hard. Then some single men respond by saying, I’m not interested in her because she’s too hard! They simply write her off, without feeling any sense of obligation or responsibility toward her. Yet they may well be part of the reason she has had to harden and protect herself! 
These women occasionally need a man’s help. This woman said she really appreciates one marriedman’s effort to look after single women as sisters and doing maintenance or yard work for them.

Single women: Work and fight not to become hard! Look to God as your Protector—and even to the men in the Church where possible. Be close to your minister. As God’s representative, he fights to protect the flock. Don’t harden yourself! Exercise faith and patience.

Single men: Be a protector toward the single women in God’s Family! This isn’t something you can wait to do until after you marry. Do this in your dating. Care for and look after the single women. Look for opportunities to step up and take care of them. Every time you do so, you make God’s women feel more secure—and you strike a blow at your selfish nature.

And realize this: When the women get no dates from the men in the Church, Satan notices—and often begins to come after them with men from the world. Those women become lonely and more vulnerable to that kind of temptation. You can protect your sisters from that by helping them to know that they are very cherished members of God’s Family!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Final Construction Starts On Ambassador Campus

When the Worldwide Church of God decided to sell the Pasadena campus, it faced a lot of criticism because it did not remain the owners an lease out the land.  If they had done that, the church would have been endowed in perpetuity with money.  Local churches could have been built in communities where they could actually have made their presence known.

That never happened and now the church has shrunk into nothingness.  Instead, others are reaping the benefits.

The construction of townhouses on the Ambassador property are entering their final stage.  They are selling for between $2,000,000 - 2,750,000, all sitting upon land owned by someone else. Money in their pockets.
How Much Is An Ambassador gardens townhouse In Pasadena?
The Newport Beach-based developer will unveil a designer showcase home on Saturday with those features and more in conjunction with the release of the final 17 homes in its upscale Ambassador Gardens development in Pasadena. 
The home will be shown through March 29 as part of the Jamieson Place enclave of 39 townhomes and flats, where homes are now selling for $2 million to $2.75 million. 
Jamieson Place follows two earlier phases — The Bungalows and the The Grove. Since construction began in 2012, Ambassador Gardens has sold 57 homes. 
Situated on the lush grounds of the former Ambassador College, the 19-acre community is unique, according to Ben Besley, vice president of development for Insignia.

Being wise stewards has never the hallmark of the Church of God.

Caroline McGraw: You never know when truth is going to find you. But you need to do your part; you must open your eyes.

There is a great blog out there that helps people, especially women deal with the messiness of life, some of which is a result of abuse in the Worldwide Church of God.

You never know when truth is going to find you. Truth sets you free, and that’s the best news there is. But you need to do your part; you must open your eyes. You need to look around your small cell and see Truth next to you, ever patient, holding the keys. 
Truth is not outside; it’s there in the cell with you, close as your own heart. The Eagles had it right: So oftentimes it happens / that we live our lives in chains / And we never even know we have the keys. 
Sweetheart, I just want to give you a heads up. Someday soon, you will find yourself writing an essay in which you describe your childhood church. You’ll want to link to a basic description of the organization, so you’ll do some research. By this time, you’ve Googled the church before, but words like “cult” and “abusive” made you look away. 
You don’t see how your positive experiences—summer camp, close friendships—could fit those descriptions. You don’t understand how the warm, loving people you knew could be categorized by a word as cold as cult. You will feel confused, to say the least. 
But in the midst of your confusion you will realize how well you’ve been trained to obey. You’ll see how a wall—subtle but strong—stands between you and free choices. Before, you didn’t recognize the bedrock of control beneath the good memories: Trust us, don’t trust yourself. Don’t question. If you want to wear a Halloween costume, you’re misguided. Halloween is the devil’s holiday. If you don’t fast and tithe, if you don’t believe that this is the ONE (and only) true church … then you’ve fallen astray. 
So this time, you’ll keep reading the words you find online. You’ll learn about spiritual abuse. You’ll visit a support network for former church members. The whole process will be akin to seeing a car crash. It will be awful, but for the life of you, you won’t be able to look away.
She encourages people to tell their stories and to write them down and share them.  That's part of the healing process for so many that share their stories and experiences here about life in Armstrongism.

Telling the truth about your life will be the best decision you’ve ever made, because it will help you to forgive others, and yourself.

She gives public speaking appearances and has written several books.  What I found particularly intriguing is her work with L'Arche.  One of my favorite writers that help in dumping fundamentalism and transitioning out of Armstrongism was Henri Nouwen.  He spent the last eleven years of his life working at L'Arche in France and Canada.

L’Arche, a faith-based non-profit wherein people with and without intellectual disabilities share life together, is Caroline’s training ground for forgiveness.

You can follow her blog here and contribute your story.

Jesus and Bacon