Thursday, March 30, 2017

LCG: Some members are shocked that Mario Hernandez will be the public face of LCG in Cuba

According to Gerald Weston, Mario Hernandez will be trotting off to Cuba to be the public face of LCG to the Cuban nation.  I cannot imagine people who have suffered mightily through the legalism of the laws of socialism, with many who have died because of it, would embrace more legalism in a church.  God is not bound up in the demands, rules and regulations of the LCG.  What the Cuban people need more than anything is freedom with grace, not arrogant narcissistic bubbling lectures by Mario on how things should be.

LCG is not presenting "original Christianity" to the Cubans. Besides, which version would they be presenting?  James version?  Paul's version? The Cubans will hear very little about Jesus but lots and lots about the law.

Now for that wonderful news. Mr. Mario Hernandez, our Spanish Regional Director, and Mr. George Schaubeck from Costa Rica recently visited Cuba, where God is beginning to do a work in an area that was once closed to us. How exciting it is to reach out to people who have not previously been introduced to original Christianity and all that this means! Messrs. Hernandez and Schaubeck visited with about 50 people in total, people who had come in contact with us via the Internet or personal acquaintances and requested we contact them. Some 30 people were already committed enough to attend a Sabbath service conducted by Mr. Hernandez. One man was baptized, but we expect many more will take that step in the near future, and we are now making preparations to hold the Feast of Tabernacles on the island for what we believe will be the first time ever! 
These truth-seekers are what the Bible refers to as firstfruits(James 1:18). They are stepping out in faith to join with others whom God is calling to do a Work at the end of the age. In a real sense they are pioneers of the age to come, the time that we refer to as Tomorrow’s World, when Jesus Christ returns to this troubled planet to set up His Kingdom. They are the called of God, and if they respond to that call and are chosen and remain faithful to the end (Revelation 17:14), God will resurrect them to be king-priests to teach these same truths to others (Revelation 5:9-10; 20:4).

Living Church of God: Are members struggling with hardening hearts

The poor LCG member just can never get it right. Apparently some LCG members are "hardening their hearts" and are no longer teachable.  In other words, if you dare question anything you have a bad attitude and have hardened your heart against the "truth" relayed to church members.  Why can't church leaders ever write anything positive for their member?  Perhaps talk about Jesus...though I know that is a big stretch.  When he is talked  it is by making church member feel guilty about crucifying him.

Are You Teachable? The Scriptures reveal that an important quality of character that God is looking for in Christians and future leaders in His Kingdom is teachability—the desire and willingness to listen and learn. Abraham was teachable and responsive to God’s instructions (Genesis 12:1-4). Moses was a very capable leader, yet he was also humble and teachable (Numbers 12:3). David’s attitude comes through in Psalm 119:33 when he writes “Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes.” Solomon recognized his human inadequacies when he asked God for wisdom and an “understanding heart,” so that he could learn to rule God’s people wisely (1 Kings 3:9). When Jesus said the meek and the poor in spirit are blessed, He was emphasizing their teachability and their willingness to learn and grow (Matthew 5:3-5). The Scriptures also reveal that when we harden our hearts to God’s instruction, we will reap serious consequences (Proverbs 28:14). We have been called to reign with Jesus Christ in the coming Kingdom of God—and being teachable is one of the keys to attaining that reward. Let’s strive to develop this most important quality.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

United Church of God Still Disgusted By The Cross

United Church of God's ignorant response to crosses at their upcoming feast site is just as absurd as Almost-arrested Bob Thiel's outrage at the crosses planted in the snow in honor of the Milwaukee COG murder victims. They still want to know as little as possible about the man they claim to follow while still pretending to be followers.

I wanted to let you know about one of UCG's newest feast sites. It is in Lake Junaluska, North Carolina.  
What gets me is that organizations like UCG continually preach against these so-called "false Christians" and their wrong doctrines. Yet, they meet for services on the Sabbath (at their church halls, and now this feast site). They are the ultimate hypocrites! They'll be telling the membership (at the feast) how "we are to come out of this world" and they are right there with those they adamantly preach against.
UCG posted this note on their site:
"On Lake Junaluska’s informational signs there are small crosses and there is a large cross at the far end of the lake. However, there are no crosses in the hall where services will be held."
--Former member of WCG and RCG

See previous stories here on Banned:

James Malm: People Who Wear Crosses Are Followers of the Anti-Christ

I Wish I Had 6-20 Hours to Be Able To Sit In Front Of All COG Members And Answer Questions...

...and then they would join me because of all the amazing truths I would tell them  Dave Pack is letting his mind wander again.  The overwhelming majority of COG members would rather trot to the lake of fire on a fast horse with a porcupine saddle than sit for 6 - 20 hours listening to his delusional mind babble on.  On top of all that, he apparently envisions himself a modern day Paul.

I wish I could sit down face to face with the whole church for about six hours and have what Paul did in Acts 20…went so long, Eutychus fell and killed himself, if you know the story. [laughter] I wouldn’t want that part, but we’d just resurrect him if that happened, I guess, like Paul did, and go on. But I wish I could have 6 or 10 or 20 hours with all the thousands of God’s people around the world—in one place—and just answer questions…just a giant Q&A session. I wish I could. There’s no way to do that, but let’s hold a survey for a moment about what we’ve learned. Go back to the subject of questions, and let’s ask a question before we get into the sermon. Would anyone rather I did not give so much detail? Should I leave points and details out? You know, less material, just less material?

I was trained by two of the greatest COG Exorcists and have the ability to discern demons

Dave Pack is also the world's greatest exorcist.  Is there anything the man cannot least in his own eyes?  It is a shame he cannot discern the demon staring back at him every morning in the mirror.

“…and in your name have cast out demons? and in your name done many wonderful works?” Now, let me stop. These are many who cast out demons. I finally understand why it talks about that. I knew, personally the two men…and I’ve explained this before, who knew more about casting out demons than any ministers in Worldwide. If you put me in there, the three of us cast out more demons than probably any other 300 ministers, because I had those two fine mentors, Frank McCrady and Jim Reyer. The first man is deceased; the other still alive at age 85.
And most ministers avoided demons like the plague. This is not something that’s common. Rarely did anybody everever cast out a demon. They tended to explain them away as psychological problems. I remember being at a Feast, as early as 1976, when a minister senior to me said, “Go get Dave Pack”—and I was only twenty-seven years old. But from then on, and before that really, because these men were so close to me…those two gentlemen…I learned most men did not deal with demons. They didn’t recognize them. They didn’t discern them, which is a gift. If you’re in the Body of Christ, discerning of spirits includes demons. They never dealt with them, so who are the many who cast out demons? And the many who did many wonderful works? Before I answer that question, verse 23 is shocking…