Tuesday, June 6, 2023

Dave Pack: " Daniel’s 70-Week Prophecy Has Already Been Fulfilled" and other idiocy


Play It Again, Tammuz


Novice prophecy enthusiast David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God déjà vu’d his audience on June 3, 2023, when he delivered “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 446).” Most of the message should sound painfully familiar. The Hebrew month of Tammuz is back to being worth sitting about after becoming a dirty word following last year’s string of pitiful embarrassments.


Dr. Ranney, you should have someone check the drinking water at Headquarters for lead contamination because everyone over there seems to be suffering from lethargy and annualized amnesia.


In 2022, Tammuz was all the rage starting in Part 376 until it was kicked to the curb in Part 383. Since The Restored Church of God does not seem to archive their own information, here are a few notable quotes from last year.


Flashback Part 378 – June 15, 2022

@ 23:07 So, this is a critical thing to understand. We’ve got the right month…I’m now convinced if nothing happened in the month of Tammuz, I would be weeping.


@ 32:10 And God’s people around the world, I’m telling you, if you’re sitting on funds, don’t! You’re gonna lose it soon after, anyway. So, why not gain eternal life with it?


@ 37:27 God help us if it doesn’t come ‘cause we’re gonna wait a year. I won’t be telling you we’re gonna wait a month. That’s impossible. You could throw my own words back up against me if you will. You can't wait a year. This world won’t allow that.


If any of the brethren actually did that, it would be their last act as a member. Get your hugs and kisses before you attempt to hold David C. Pack accountable even when he instructs you to do so.


Flashback Part 379 – June 25, 2022

@ 18:23 It’s impossible that God doesn’t start to ‘revive His work’ on Tammuz 1 in the year of His choosing…I believe that no less certainly than I believe the seventh day is the Sabbath.


@ 19:14 Now, if I’m gonna get rid of the Mystery of God and make this plain, I was never in a position to be able to say that with absolute bold emphasis. It cannot be any other month. You can go home tonight and put your head on your pillow and rest absolutely secure with that knowledge.


There are many more, but you get the point. The Tammuz Debacle of 2022 was already covered extensively. Consider this a mini-primer.


The Kingdom of God Arrives on Tammuz 1

Sunset on June 19, 2023


Oh. One other small item of note from Part 446.


Daniel’s 70-Week Prophecy

Has Already Been Fulfilled


Oh, yes, he did.



When Dave uttered his first few sentences of Part 446, I knew he would ignore his Pentecost failure as if it had never happened. He is that guy who crashes his car into your house at 3 AM and just gets out and walks away. Well, that never happened. There is nothing to talk about because it just never happened.


There also sounds like something is wrong with him. He struggles to get his words out but eventually finds his stride. This feels like further proof of his deterioration.

Part 446 – June 3, 2023

@ 00:07 Since we all know that [throat clear] the first group to be dealt with is this generation and the Sixth under the Sixth King, you know, every every message [double throat clear] if if the only gonna be um, well, we’ll see we’ll see about more, but every m-every message could open looking at society daily worsening to prove we don’t have another year.


What? Remember, these are his first words after Pentecost failed to produce anything he said. He begins to address it later, but only by framing it with keen insights.


@ 05:36 It will help us. It will resonate powerfully. We all know we’re running outta time here. But are there any things that needed to be cleared up? Well, about eight days ago, I began to suspicion some things.


@ 16:07 The fact really helps to guide us, and I suspicioned this starting last Friday. That’s why I sent an email before Pentecost.


He believes that one paragraph annuls and excuses two hours and fifty-seven minutes of blather the brethren were pressured into listening to and taking notes about. Those that skipped Parts 444 and 445 had the last laugh when they read the Friday update that prepared the brethren for disappointment.


@ 16:35 Now, I wudden’t quite sure how God was gonna do this. What kind of a year we were looking at. But, eventually, it became clear in my thinking, and I suspicioned that we were gonna wait a few days and, sure enough, we have.


His point is that he suspicioned before it happened that they were "gonna wait a few days," and he was right because they did.


Except…David C. Pack is a liar.


Pentecost was Sunday, May 28. Part 446 was on June 3. Six days apart.


During that Friday cop-out update, Dave was precise about how long their wait would be.


Prophecy Update - Friday, May 26, 2023

…The case for a delay beyond Pentecost is there, but it cannot be long…One viable instance has us waiting exactly one more day, and another one two more days.


His suspicioned theory had Jesus Christ establishing a kingdom one or two days beyond Pentecost. Monday or Tuesday. Yet, four days later than that, he is crowing about how he knew that.


The man cannot be trusted with anything he says. Even when he quotes or paraphrases himself.


@ 21:32 Now, if you just accept that…then the Kingdom of God has to start on Tammuz 1. It’s impossible.I’m gonna give ya many more points…The Kingdom of God has to start on Tammuz 1…And since it’s a little over fifteen days away, it should be on everybody’s mind…Tammuz 1 is June 19th this year. Next year, it’s July 7th. Way out there.


Quotes like the next one make me wonder just how mentally numb David C. Pack is. Is it possible he is so out of touch with reality that he is incapable of understanding that others outside his head do not experience the world as he does? Is he able to even consider others?


@ 22:36 So, this should have everybody’s attention focused right now.


Should everybody have their attention more or less focused than they did on Pentecost last week?


Statements like this convince me David C. Pack suffers from acute forms of mental illness. Something is very wrong with him. His attention span is shorter than a cat chasing a flashlight spot on the carpet.


As time passes, Dennis Diehl's observation becomes more and more evident. David C. Pack only lives in the present. He cannot remember the past and does not consider the ramifications of the future.



Part 446 – June 3, 2023

@ 40:32 Now, you should have enough now that nobody could ever ever ever talk you out believing that the first year of the Kingdom of God…it’s coming on Tammuz 1.


@ 45:39 I could have given you more [proofs], but there’s no possible way to defeat that.


Future Dave is going to collaborate with Past Dave to defeat Present Dave. Just like Present Dave defeated Past Dave when Past Dave challenged the Better Future Dave to teach what he could not.


Flashback Part 445 – May 24, 2023

@ 1:15:23 I mean, if it’s not Pentecost, it’s gonna take a better person than I to ever be able to explain it. It’s just above my pay grade.


@ 1:21:58 But, if it’s not Pentecost, then I don’t know what it is.


@ 47:33 Only, finally, trial and error, piecemeal…hit and miss…we’ll have given you that many that point to Pentecost that appear to make it impossible to move away from.


Curiously, during Part 446, there was no mention of trial and error, hit and miss, or piecemeal understanding. Perhaps the effectiveness of that thinking only works the first time you try while touting how right you finally are, only to fail again. We can all hope this unbiblical concept is permanently retired alongside Stone-Cold Math and the Trumpets Solar System.



Part 446 – June 3, 2023

@ 55:42 …but I’m gonna throw you a thought, then we’re gonna go take a look at a verse the church has never understood. I’m gonna shock you with rudimentary math.


Dave cannot seem to learn he really needs to stay away from math.


He peruses Daniel 9 and the 70 Weeks Prophecy verses. Trying to follow his logic too closely is to journey into madness. Worldwide Church of God prophecy buffs may be more interested in how he reached his conclusion, but this is typically the type of content I skim past. How he got there does not matter since I suspicion he will soon backpedal and throw the Uno Reverse card on this concept anyway.


@ 1:01:30 I'm sorry. I don’t know why I never did the math or anybody else ever did. The seventy weeks are over. They’re gone.


@ 1:02:02 The seventy weeks are over. It's after sixty-nine, and nobody paid attention to that.


Nobody else on the face of the earth throughout history ever counted the numbers of Daniel 9 and the calendar years like Dave did. Right.


His mathalon is five painful minutes. For those genuinely interested in hearing his explanation, write to exrcgwebsite@gmail.com. I think you will be wasting your time, but I am happy to indulge you if you are curious.



It is hard to believe we have come full circle. Dave is teaching Tammuz like he did last year. The RCG Ministerial Conference is just around the corner. And exrcg.org is approaching its first anniversary.


David C. Pack’s repeating patterns have been so well-documented people must be staying in The Restored Church of God for reasons that defy faith in God, belief in the Bible, and trust in God’s government. All the signposts scream they are giving their money to a biblical fraud and false prophet.


If the brethren are willing to let their Pastor General dwell on Tammuz for the next 42 days, then that is on them. If you want to peer into the future, read the articles from last year.


Do not be surprised when you circle your wagons down the same trail of Tammuz in 2024.

Marc Cebrian

See: Play It Again, Tammuz

Crackpot Prophet Says Computers and Smartphones Mentioned In Daniel

Our favorite self-appointed Church of God prophet has been searching the bottom of his barrel of swill to discover a NEW biblical understanding that NO ONE in the Church of God has ever understood before. 

It has to be pretty rough knowing you possess a mind that is so magnificent that no one in the history of Christianity has ever been able to interpret the Bible such as our Great Bwana of Africa and of 100 Caucasians does. Preordained by God when he was creating the foundations of the world, our Great Bwana to Africa and to 100 Caucasians was selected out of all humanity to rise up in the perilous end times to preach a final warning to the world. That has to be a heavy burden if it were true. 

Sadly this is all a creation of his deluded mind starting in the early 2000s when delusions of grandeur started playing with his mind. Those delusions have caused him to say some of the most outlandish and unbiblical things ever. Of course, some of those unbiblical things being said come from the fact he has had no real training in the Bible, hermeneutics, or eschatology. Cherry-picking for sure, but not in Bible learning.

That all brings us to today where he has interpreted Daniel 12:4

Now, there are several biblical prophecies I believe are supportive of the existence of computers and apparently AI in this age. Notice something from the Hebrews scriptures, also known as the Old Testament:

4 … Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase. (Daniel 12:4) 
Computers, followed by the internet and smart cellular telephones, have helped fulfill the above.

Proof-texting Bwana Bob seems to ignore the numerous studies that have shown how smartphones have dumbed down people. That is part of the reason some few have fallen for the lies of Bwana Bob. Uneducated in Biblical topics they fall for the doom and gloom scare tactics of the Great Bwana. They see the world falling apart around them and they gravitate to his lunacy. 

As the Great BWana to Africa and 100 Caucaisns has mentioned before, he sees artificial intelligence as a direct threat against this superfantabulous ministry, and of his own self. The Great Bwana to Africa and 100 Caucasians sees the Beast rising up using it and then directing its minions to use Ai to imitate Bwana Bob and make him say all kinds of bad things through the Ai. The narcissism runs deep in this one! No Ai ever needs to worry about initiating Bwana Bob and making him say outlandish things. He already does that on his own!

The Apostle Paul warned the following related to the last days:

1 But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come … 13 … evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. (2 Timothy 3:1,13) 
AI looks to be part of that.

Bwana Bob is also the Great Waffle Maker of the Chruch of God. Notice how he waffles around in the next quote:

The following New Testament scriptures support the view that to some degree, advanced computer software, which may or may not be considered as ‘artificial intelligence,’ will be used by the coming European Beast of the Sea dictator (Revelation 13:1-10) as well as his Beast of the Earth (Revelation 13:11) accomplice:

11 Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, and he had two horns like a lamb and spoke like a dragon. 12 And he exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence, and causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed. 
13 He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men. 14 And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived.

15 He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed. 
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666. (Revelation 13:11-18)

Bwana Bob needs to set his captives free in Africa, since most are associating with other Sabbatarian groups anyway, and tell his 100 Caucasians to go learn about Jesus instead of his teachings. He then needs to devote his time to his business and his family. Spreading heretical pseudo-Christian lies does no one any good.


Monday, June 5, 2023

Living Church of God Members Need To Be More Open To Instruction, Suggestions and Correction!


I feel sorry for Living Church of God members for constantly being in a state of unworthiness. Week after week it is one correction after another. There is always something that they seem to be doing wrong.

This week LCG members are being told that they need to not be convinced their opinions are right but need to be open to instruction, suggestions, and correction from the ministry. I think we have all seen how well this has worked out over the decades with LCG ministers, starting with Meredith and Weston!

So get on your knees this week and beg God to give you more of the spirit so you can easily be entreated.

Are You Easily Entreated? The Apostle James describes a Christian using God’s Spirit as “easy to be entreated” (James 3:17, King James Version) or “willing to yield to reason” (Amplified Bible, Classic Edition) or “reasonable” (New American Standard Bible). Such a person will not be so convinced that his or her opinions or actions are right that advice from others is ignored. The Bible reveals that Solomon made a similar observation: “The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise” (Proverbs 12:15). Solomon also stressed the importance of being receptive to advice (Proverbs 19:20, 27; 22:17), and he repeatedly warned that serious consequences come when we ignore advice (Proverbs 8:36; 29:1). A humble and converted Christian will not overestimate the value of his or her opinions or actions but will be teachable (like David’s attitude in Psalm 25:4) and open to instructions, suggestions, and correction. Real Christians are easily entreated!
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail

Notice what Winnail left out from the scripture he quoted:

James 3:17

But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

When...WHEN has the ministry of the LCG practiced mercy? What about being "without impartiality"? We all know how well they have NOT done this. And then there is the pesky point of hypocrisy. 

LCG has had to deal with this from day one when Meredith remained in WCG in order for them to pay his attorney fees, court costs, and final judgment awarded for slandering Leona McNair. Then, once he and the church lost the court case, he bolted to the Global Church of God that was already set up for him, to jump ship into without ever having to do any work or get his hands dirty. Then he stabbed Raymond McNair and others in the back, took all their money and members, and started another splinter group. Oh, and don't forget Herbert Armstrong banishing him to Hawaii to learn some humility which he was unable to do, and whined to HWA about how he was being treated.

Sadly, for far too many in the COG ministry hypocrisy is the title that is most appropriate for them instead of minister/pastor.