Sunday, March 29, 2020

Idiots in the Pulpit: "Whatever you do right now, don't you stop tithing...even if you have lost your job!"

Far too many present-day Church of God leaders think they and their followers are immune to the coronavirus.

Whatever you do, you must NEVER stop tithing if you lose your job during the shutdowns!

All of us with ties to the Church of God movement know, all we need to do is substitute Dave Pack, Ron Weinland, Gerald Flurry, Bob Thiel, Vic Kubik, Gerald Weston and most of the other splinter leaders in place of Ken Copland's name and we hear the exact same thing.  Their god needs your money! Even though you have lost your job, they deserve your money.


Byker Bob said...

The biggest idiocy associated with this virus is now being perpetrated by Jerry Fallwell Jr at Liberty University.


NO2HWA said...

Fallwell's stupid actions now have potentially infected the student body:

Anonymous said...

"Our God is so powerful that He can destroy you in the Lake of Fire if you do not eventually obey Him!"

"Our God is so powerful that He knows your innermost thoughts!"

"Our God is so powerful that He can raise and lower mountains, and can raise up stones to do His will."

"Our God is so powerful that He can raise the dead, turn matter into spirit, and create and destroy universes!"

"Our God needs your money... and we're here to collect His money for Him."


Anonymous said...

Well, transcribe Copelands prayer and email it to his organization with every article announcing more deaths.

Feastgoer said...

Plenty of U.S. churches should thank the President and Congress for providing them with $120 per churchgoer from the latest stimulus bill.

Not to mention $120 extra for the Feast.

Anonymous said...

I watched a Kenneth Copeland program where he claimed that when Adam was naming the animals, God was whispering in his ear, telling him what the animals names were. So forget about any freedom or self responsibility in his church. These churchianity churches are all totalitarian. HWA followed these churches rather than Christ.

Anonymous said...

Yes tithing.. The RCG brethren received yet another email from the ministers, telling them that tithing is not just giving money to the Work, but also a way to share ‘HOW BLESSED you are to escape the tribulations’ ......

Sounds like a David Pack slogan to me: Either way you pay!

Anonymous said...

In David Pack's RCG cult, the more you believe him and pay him, the greater the tribulation you will get -- right now!

In the end, you will have the great shame of having fallen for and having supported one of Satan's really bad false prophets.

Tonto said...

What an assbite . Any of these kind of guys in the Protestant , or COG equivalents need to "walk the walk".

I might be a bit impressed if they ate wild locust and honey, and wore camel hair, and walked to their events, like REAL prophets and the Messiah did!

Anonymous said...

When you slip that tithe under the church door cough on it first. Jeeeee-sus will protect them.


The RCG brethren received yet another email from the ministers, telling them that tithing is not just giving money to the Work, but also a way to share ‘HOW BLESSED you are to escape the tribulations’ ......

The letter I received from Jesus Christ said if I seek to save my life, I will lose it and there was no charge associated with it.

I thought it was too late 2 1/2 years ago when his highness Pack told the poor widows who wanted to clean out their bank accounts; "they should have done it sooner, I hope it is not two late".

This just confirms all the more that the RCG is a "pay to play" and a "pay to save" organization".

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Dave is telling his members that unless they give him their money, they will end up in the tribulation. It's extortion.

It's mind boggling how heartless he is in asking widows to clean out their bank accounts.

Byker Bob said...

I wonder if most of the followers would perceive any sort of lesson if their leaders actually fell to Covid-19. I tend to doubt it.


Anonymous said...

I wonder if most of the followers would perceive any sort of lesson if their leaders actually fell to Covid-19.

They would believe that their leader had too little faith, and that God struck him down to put a better lead in his place. Or at least that's what their church would subtly insinuate.