Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coronavirus is a tool of The Beast Power!!!!!!!!!!! OH, NOES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is it that self-appointed Church of God leaders always need to be living in a state of fear?  Everything around them is one big huge conspiracy to shut them down.

Our most accurate Church of God prophet to have ever existed in human history is now claiming that the coronavirus is a conspiracy by The Beast power to make us a cashless society so that when it takes over it will stop our FAVORITE prophet from being able to spend money how he wants.

COVID-19 Leading to 666?  
The novel coronavirus of Wuhan, China fame, is now called COVID-19. It has also been called the ‘Coronapocalypse.’ Does COVID-19 have any prophetic ramifications? What did Jesus teach about pestilences and sorrows in the Olivet prophecy in Matthew 24? Could COVID-19 be the ride of the fourth horseman of the Apocalypse? Why was this type of disease expected according to the Old Testament prophecies in Deuteronomy and Leviticus? What has the US Centers for Disease Control warned about? What has the CDC reported about the flu? Were there lessons about fear and infections in the 2011 movie ‘Contagion’? Because of COVID-19, the World Health Organization (WHO), nation of Iran, and certain French locations are telling people not to use cash, but instead electronic forms of payment. The US Federal Reserve is now quarantining money repatriated from Asia to reduce the potential spread of the coronavirus on US currency bills. Is COVID-19 worse than we have been told or could this all be a ‘false flag’ event to encourage people to move towards a cashless society? If the thousands of deaths associated with COVID-19 are pushing parts of the world towards cashlessness, how much more likely will the ride of the fourth horseman and over a billion human deaths motivate people to move to making electronic payments that can be monitored? The Bible tells of a soon coming society that controls buying and selling to force allegiance to a coming European Beast power, known as 666 (Revelation 13:16-18). Does the ‘great tribulation’ begin before ride of the fourth horseman or with the opening of the fifth seal of Revelation 6? Do the words of Jesus helps us better understand the sequence of the four horsemen of the Apocalypse and the start of the Great Tribulation? Will the ride of the fourth horseman help lead to the rise of 666? Is that ride very close? Dr. Thiel addresses these issues and more.
Yes, COVID-19 is helping lead to 666.


Anonymous said...

The day that ANYONE shuts down Robert Thiel will be proof that there is a loving God!

Byker Bob said...

I just don't get it. Anyone with any experience with the Armstrong molds, shibboleths, and stereotypes could concoct the same scenarios as all these idiots keep cranking out and publishing as if they think their writings are novel and insightful. Everything is always leading to the rise of the Beast power and the end and very soon. 'Cept it never happens.


the Ocelot said...

First it was HWAs failed WW2 prophecies Then 1975 in Prophecy Then it was 9/11 Now Corona What next?

nck said...

The northern European nations are fighting "euro bonds" as an "aid package" to the southern nations.

Eurobonds and a banking union will seal the European Union as a single nation.

This might just be a "drill" or it might push the emergence of a single European entity, which it is really not at present.


Anonymous said...

Who prophesied 9/11 Ocelot ?

Hoss said...

*** Warning: Sarcasm ***

Bob has something here, but he's not quite right...
COVID-19 has been allowed to occur to stop COG Climate Change denial! With factories shutting down, less traffic on the roads, fewer aircraft flying,... there will be less greenhouse gas production! And China is leading the way, with noticeable improvement in air quality in some of the heavily industrialized area!
At one time, Bob did accept that anthropogenic climate change was occurring - although he would decide what events were caused by climate change and what were not - but when the Pope threw his support into mitigating GHG production, something must be wrong.
So God is using COVID-19 to put Bob back on track!

Hoss said...

Anon 245 Who prophesied 9/11 Ocelot ?

A lot of people, after it happened!

Anonymous said...

ncr April 1, 2020 at 9:54 PM

The reality is the EU is failing. It won't be long before it disbands.

nck said...

Yeah PT.

I know we are disagreeing.

It only takes Deutsche Bank or another system bank to fail for Europe to definitely unite with Eurobonds and a banking Union. Once that is accomplished politics will follow.

HWA was VERY MUCH RIGHT that an economic crisis would pull the EU together.

Follow the money my friend to find the truth, not your or anyones political leanings or preferences. Big money is telling the EU to unite financially the rest is humbug, just politics and a bunch of people with opinions.


nck said...

And Painful Truth.

If in any case Italy would contemplate to "leave the EU" financial markets would wreck Italy within 48 hours. It will NEVER happen if you understand economics.


Anonymous said...

I just don't get it. Anyone with any experience with the Armstrong molds, shibboleths, and stereotypes could concoct the same scenarios as all these idiots keep cranking out and publishing as if they think their writings are novel and insightful. Everything is always leading to the rise of the Beast power and the end and very soon. 'Cept it never happens.

April 1, 2020 at 8:07 PM

Bob Theil is an F-ing idiot. I've been dealing with that nutjob for almost 20 years. The "virus" is not from the Beast Power, but is a pestilence caused/allowed by the Creator. (Matt 24:7) Get your mind around it. The plagues are beginning. HWA never had a clue as to what he was talking about concerning prophecy. I grew up with his crap ever since I was 6 yrs old and his psychotic teachings affect my family to this very day. I remember reading "1975 in Prophecy" when it came in the mail before I was 10,in the early 70's. I went to AC, and started several split-off groups, to my regret.

BB likes to have fun with his failed delusional experience with the WCG, much as does DD. That is not my problem. Just because HWA was a whackjob cult leader does not mean that there is no Creator, or that scripture is wrong. How much more proof do you require BB, than what is laid before your eyes? If you think this "virus" is not related to the Creator, then why do you bother posting here, or believing in scripture? I am beginning to think you are a closet dwelling atheist.

Face the FACTS: Trump IS the King of the North. The USA/NATO rule the planet under Trump. The G7/Club of Rome ARE the seven heads and ten horns of Rev 13. The next Imam/Mahdi from Iran WILL be the King of the South. Russia/China (BRICS) nations ARE the Kings from the East. These things really ARE happening, and yes in your lifetime. The EU is one of the ten horns (zones) of the Club of Rome...Google it.

But you, like my sister's family still stuck in WCG-land, will dismiss all of these PROVABLE VERIFIABLE FACTS and dismiss me as another HWA wanna-be. I hate HWA and everything he ever stood for. He has done irrevocable damage to my family. He was and is WRONG on prophecy. I guess you think the virus, Trump,G7,Club of Rome, NATO, Iran, BRICS etc etc will just drift away and then the big scary beast will come and take its place. Grow up BB, you are LIVING in the Beast Power, otherwise called the FOURTH REICH. Welcome to the party.

Go ahead, prove me wrong.


Anonymous said...


I personally hate the EU. It is a repressive system run by un-elected bureaucrats.
The way the union was structured every individual nation pays interest on their own nations debt instead of like the USA, the fed holds a centralized debt. The business cycle is different for the individual nation states within the EU. This causes problems. Even Germany said that if they had to brunt the cost of federalism they themselves would exit the union.

So there are two major problems, one is you must have all sovereign debt be guaranteed by all members as you must have a centralized bond market where entities who receive euros in trade and other financial transactions can convert these to interest paying bonds at a key stroke like the treasury market which is why dollars and treasuries are still king. Germany's refusal to guarantee others debt will be its undoing. When countries in southern Europe needed a much weaker euro and Germany and other northern countries refused, these countries had to take on massive debt to offset the lost of control of the currency. Margaret Thatcher warned about this.

To pay for this debt they had to raise taxes, cut government salaries and jobs, cut pensions, social benefits, etc. With this much capital removed from flowing into the real economy and reducing disposable income and living standards, businesses started to suffer and laying off or closing down. Unemployment went shy high especially with the youth 18 to 24 which is still a problem today. As consumers and businesses started to have problems servicing their loans, this created a domino effect and non performing loans took off. This created the banking crisis and adding to it was Draghi's policies which has destroyed the traditional banking system all over Europe along with the bond markets. Merkel is also to blame as she forced bail ins and not allowed bail outs by taxpayers which caused capital to flee even more to dollars, US equities and treasuries. Look at the DAX chart nck and tell me if that look sustainable.

Italy has a long history of revolutions and yes it would undo Italy but they will survive.
2021 as most likely date it begins. Sorry if I sound like profit thiel with suggestive tones but all this above was necessary to show you the why's that this WILL happen.

Perhaps I will write a article at some point in the future on this subject.

nck said...


Thank you for your call to create the EU (unity through debt sharing) and making my point. A point that is heavily resisted by the northern and Eastern countries. No I do not believe Italy will be able to withstand an attack by the financial markets like Greece. Greece's economy is just a major city in Germany Italy would be reduced to the Stone Age outside a EU trade block.

I believe that the USA will be a transformed nation after covid. Only year long tax increases can save the USA now. As most nations have moved their gold from the NY vaults over the past 2 years it will also mean a massive shift from its position in the world as China an Russia have the USA by the balls now.

I am definitely NOT in the camp of the profits of doom. We do have a chance to transform into Herbert W Armstrongs predicted "better" world of tomorrow now.

The benign agricultural dictatorship with green energy and Monsanto and Cargill solving world hunger. Crime eradicated through (voluntary and mandated) mobile phone monitoring, DNA tech solving health issues and longer life span (heck even on this blog we have DNA experts spouting their knowledge, (do you even know what science lies ahead in the next 10 years?) It's great, to paraphrase the astute leader of the USA.

The World Tomorrow Utopia is upon us and if you want to know what that means read every single book and article by Dr Kuhn on China.

No more Brownie points but "social ranking points" instead in trade with a peaceful, balanced society lifting billions out of the poverty that is to befall the West.


Anonymous said...


Gold is not money and is meaningless as we are not on a gold standard nor can we return too such a system.

nck writes: Thank you for your call to create the EU (unity through debt sharing) and making my point.

No I didn't. You twist words and meanings. As to herbies world tomorrow, your smoking crack as you attempt to rub your religious shit in my face. Truly, you are delusional.

nck said...


Delusional PT deems himself more knowledgeable on hold reserves as all the Central Bankers of the world combined who shipped gold from the USA the past 2 years.

Delusional PT does not understand that the introduction of Eurobonds equals the emergence of a European single State.

Delusional PT read religion the moment I invoke HWA, whereas a good read of my posting reveals NOTHING of a religious nature.

I'm on crack? By your own admission you are on "chernobyl"!


nck said...


Before you write your article inform yourself that your call for "burden or debt sharing" = Eurobonds.


Anonymous said...

Nck, you're right, the coming socialist New World order will be great. For those in charge! Lifting billions out of the depths of poverty while stealing the wealth of the rest of us.

Remember, to be lifted out of poverty can mean to barely keep ones head above that poverty line.

The New World order will have a couple million in the ruling class living the high life. With the other 7+ billion people barely staying afloat in the ocean of semi-poverty, but hey, at least they were lifted from bottom.

Not being in the ruling class I fully expect my current $800,000 net worth to soon be worthless because of people like you thinking that man can bring utopia to this world. It's a good thing that I care little about mammon.

You're a very sick puppy!

nck said...


Good thing you heeded the "simplify your life" warning.

I'm not causing this. I just marvel at the outcome of the predictions that have ALL been right so far.

Of course I do have my hooes up that this will pass in a few weeks, the sun will kill covid and the statistics will show it all came down to a bad flu and a bad dream. Of course I will be anticipating the economic stock bounce from there.

Or we will meet in FEMA Camp 000666 through the fence. I will be in 000667 as "the neighbor of the beast."

Take care, keep you distance, wash your hands, save the health system, save lives.

Goodbye friends from the heart of darkness....

nck out

Anonymous said...

Nck, I personally think it will pass but I'm not sure if the next, or the next will pass. The bible speaks of a coming world ruling beast power like the one that I mention in my 7:58am post and I fully expect it to happen in the next 10 to 20 years, but not because HWA predicted it. He was a fool.

Ten more years puts us at 2,000 years after Jesus' death, we have been living in the last two millennial days since then. People can pooh-pooh this all that they want but as you said many biblical prophecies have come true so far. Biblical prophecies, not necessarily HWA's interpretations. If he was right in any way it's because he stole the ideas of others.

I personally think this is an early warning of what's going to happen in the next ten years. If that is the case, with the socialist two trillion dollar "stimulus" plan I expect my net worth to go up about 1.5% in the next few weeks but the buying power will drastically be reduced in the coming months.

Oh well, it is what it is!


nck said...

Well km.

I endorse the freedom of religion.
I am of a breed of freedom fighters in the defense of peace and prosperity.

I am just blessed with a memory that does not forget anything. Kinda rainman turned rainmaker.


nck said...

Who remembers the YA's singing in the Feast films?

From Oliver: Who will buy.

Well this Passover the USA is selling 10y and 30y treasury against flimsy interest rates.

If no one buys ITS OVER.

But I trust my friend km who says it will pass. The socialists will find a solution if the market falters. I'm sure. China will buy, they must feel a little e bit guilty about this situation they got us into.

We can't have more personnel walking of aircraft carriers because they can't afford to continue sailing. They need to protect Abraham's seed Seagates.


Anonymous said...

"But I trust my friend km who says it will pass."

I think the virus hysteria will pass, I have questions about whether the buying of our worthless debt will continue. Which is why I think the value of the dollar will fall, possibly drastically.

I'm not a virologist, my daughter is, so therefore I don't know for sure if this will pass. I'm also not an economist, I'm just a damned bricklayer.

btw My daughter is on a team working on a covid-19 vaccine at the University of Pitt.


nck said...


I'm kinda hooked on the covid porn.
Its like those bad B movies from the eighties with 2nd rate actors or stars that would only become famous 10 years later.

Personally I'm balancing 2 opinions.

The "it will pass" or the grim scenario of extended "1984".

I went over the top here after noticing the denial of viral infections in cog world. You're lucky with a daughter grounded in the facts whilst, like me, obviously struggling with the rapid changes forced upon us.

I wanna return to normalcy, where we can exploit the poor nations again, destroy the environment and have others produce our goodies...... , or perhaps something good will come out of this for a while.


the Ocelot said...

No one But I bet a fresh set of new ones came in it's wake

Anonymous said...

The cog world are mostly idiots yet I still travel amongst them at times. The home school, conspiracies everywhere, anti-vaccine, anti-doctor, anti-just-about-everything mentality I have never had. I'm close to my non-cogland family, I have close friends outside cogland, and most of all I don't need any advice from a former Ambassador college student. I've been an independent (meaning anti-corporate cog) sabbath keeper for nearly 30 years. I'm perfectly able to do my own thinking without influence from either side, the cog crazies nor the hate everything WCG just for the sake of hate.


Anonymous said...

Gary, thanks for posting my posts. I'd much rather have a non-antagonistic relationship.


nck said...

Keep going strong km.
I have on my desk the notes of the refugee Pilgrim father church in the diaspora, condemning a single person who stubbornly convenes with them, but keeps harping and insisting on the Saturday sabbath issue to the annoyance of the council.

You remind me somewhat of that stalwart independent (and perhaps irritating in the eye of the beholder) individual.


Anonymous said...

Nck đź‘Ť


Anonymous said...

Alex Jones