Monday, July 27, 2020

Living Church of God Is the Watchman...Out of which the prophet will arise

It is comforting to know that we have the Living Church of God to rely upon for the truth as it presents a FORCEFUL message to the world. They will be soon so powerful with that message that a prophet will arrive out of them. Bob Thiel must be getting excited!

The problem with this message is that it is the same one that Meredith and others have been spouting for decades and still nothing has happened.  But lo!  It is always just a few short years away.

The Church as a Watchman: Many churches today feel their sole mission is to tell the world that God loves everybody and that Jesus came to save sinners. While essentially true, there is much more to the biblical message. Jesus came preaching the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God (Mark 1:14–15). Jesus also told His disciples to be alert and watch for specific events that would mark the approaching end of the age and His return to this earth to establish the Kingdom (Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21). These prophesied events—droughts, floods, famines, wars and spreading violence, religious confusion, and moral corruption—will be making news at the same time that we see the rise of a political power in Europe with definite links to the ancient Roman Empire. This power will be promoted by an ecumenical-minded Roman Church. This end-time European power will be confronted by a rising Arab-Islamic power in the Middle East (see Daniel 7and 11; Revelation 13). However, just as God raised up prophets to warn the ancient nations of Israel and Judah that their ungodly ways would bring serious consequences, the Church of God today has a similar mission to function as a watchman—to “Cry aloud, spare not” and warn modern Israelite nations of the coming consequences of their sinful ways (Ezekiel 2; 3; 33; Isaiah 58:1). Delivering this powerful warning message must accompany the preaching of the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God.
Have a profitable Sabbath,
Douglas S. Winnail


Anonymous said...

Many of the troops today in Portland are without insignia and they don’t normally speak to the protesters, so we don't know who they are. Oh, we know they’re troops sent from the White House on order of Trump, but what if one day such troops also appear in Anchorage, and they take over the state there?
And they turn up to be Russians!
Nar, they’re the Assyrians and they took over NY and DC as prophesied by HWANo1;)
Now, of course, many still believe this prophecy by LCG, PCG and others.

Anonymous said...

They already had THAT-Prophet amongst them, but they cast him asunder:
His name is "Bwana-Bob, End-time-Seer, Great-white-Hope.

Anonymous said...

The holy spirit has affirmed to me that the war mongering ten nation United States of Europe interpretation of the Bible is correct. Nope, I can't prove this to any reader. Just my experience.

Anonymous said...

Since Islam was invented about 600 years after Revelations was written, Winnail is deliberately distorting what is written in the Bible!

This defines Winnail and the LCG as frauds!

You must always fact check and scripture check everything Winnail says and writes. Winnail habitually embellishes the verses he quotes to promote fear and deception, as evidenced by this quote: "This end-time European power will be confronted by a rising Arab-Islamic power in the Middle East (see Daniel 7and 11; Revelation 13)." Sure, Armstrongism has elaborate theories of who the different kings, peoples and regions are in the Bible. However, you cannot find the words European, Arab, or Islamic in these chapters sited by Winnail - because he is adding to Holy Scripture. Persia is mentioned in Danial 11. However, Persia is not Arabic. Islam started in the 7th century AD. Although Persia/Iran now is predominately Islamic, Daniel 11 discusses a Persian King whose Kingdom will not go to his descendants – no one can know who, or their religion.

None of this prophecy guessing was part of original Christianity - we have the records to prove that. All those who have grown old and died in Armstrongism over the many years that COGs have preached this contrived nonsense have wasted their time on conjecture that does not bring them closer to God. Winnail wants to whip up fear in the people to keep them in his church and away from knowing any of the concepts central to original Christianity.

Anonymous said...

Uh, oh. Doug Winnail believes an end-time prophet will arise from LCG?

He is playing right into Bitter Bwana Bob's hands!

Anonymous said...

Watch, be alert, heads up, whatever... the real message is not to watch out for Germans or pandemics or whatever scaremongering lurks. The message is YOU don't know when these things will happen, like the 10 Virgins, so watch out for your own behavior.
The only "watch" for events is when Jesus warns about armies around Jerusalem, and that is a local event for people living there to get out of town. It happened around AD 70 already, and the people didn't run to Petra! Also those Jews defending the city didn't think well of those who fled.
Oh, and there are warnings to watch out for false prophets, false teachers, scaremongers, greedy preachers, and on and on.

Anonymous said...

Doug Winnail, master of the foot-bullet. How long will it be before Weston makes Winnail LCG's regional director for Antarctica and puts Rod McNair in as his replacement?

Anonymous ` said...

"The problem with this message is that it is the same one that Meredith and others have been spouting for decades . . ."

Longer than that - centuries. In principle, Millerites have been talking this fabulous rhetoric since just prior to 1844. Going on 200 years. It is amazing how persistent a theory involving failed empirical results can be. From the Wikipedia article "Great Disappointment":

"Millerism was essentially a one-doctrine movement--the visual, literal, premillennial return of Jesus in the clouds of heaven . . . Coming to the Bible with a historicist scheme of interpretation and the concept that a prophetic day equals a real time year . . . October 22 passed without incident, resulting in feelings of disappointment among many Millerites and encouraging the scoffers and fearful. The Millerites were in total disarray."

It is heady for Apocalyptic Millerites to believe that they are seeing prophecy unfold in realtime. It helps to satisfy their craving for the miraculous - loving others simply cannot compete with the crash-bang excitement of the impending fulfillment of prophecy. It is just that this is an old, tired story and the lesson has been already learned by the educable.

Anonymous said...

4.49 AM
The two legs of the statue in Daniel are the eastern and western wings of the Roman empire. The ten toes are part of these two legs, so yeah, a European power.

Anonymous said...

@ 7:59AM, you're talking about creative interpretation, not about what the Bible says. For instance, you could just as easily say that the two legs are Shia and Sunni Islam, and work from there. Or that the two legs are the British Empire and the United States.

It makes no sense to talk about the Roman Empire as TWO legs until the split into Eastern and Western empires after 476AD, more than a thousand years after Rome was founded. Yet most Armstrongists take this for granted simply because people like Doug say it is so.

Anonymous said...

Hey Annonymous at 4:49, no where in the Bible is this dream statue defined as a European power - you and Winnail are just guessing. HWA did define this Beast Power in his quintessential booklet “1975 In Prophecy”. That book was proven to be lies and false prophecy before 1975. Forty-five years after 1975 there should be no more believers in this elaborate prophecy hoax - with an extended time line. However, Winnail recently praised that booklet as what got him interested in the COG. Winnail and the LCG love you waste people’s time and emotions on their guesses about prophecy but, they won’t teach the people about the biblical way of salvation.

Anonymous said...

10.50 AM
There's history to back check the dream statue. So no, Winnail and others are not just guessing.

Anonymous said...

If you were in the dog house with HWA, he sent you off to Bricket Wood. Where does Weston send those who displease him? What happened to James Meredith? Wasn't he transferred out of HQ? As these churches continue to shrink, there will be fewer people standing in line hoping to become the new "presiding evangelist." Who wants to be in charge of an organization on life support?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous of July 28, 2020 at 1:07 PM - you are correct - Winnail is not just guessing.
Instead, Winnail is outright lying!
If there were indeed Biblical proof to the European and Arabic/Islamic power, Winnail would have cited those verses. Instead, Winnail cited verses that do not specifically mention a European power or an Arabic/Islamic power (hint: Islam was not invented until 600 years after Revelations was written).
Perhaps Winnail did not have space to print the entire contorted Armstongist "proof" - but, when it cannot be proven directly from literal Holy scripture it is speculation at best and diabolic deception at worst.
If you disagree, provide specific scriptures (which WInnail failed to do).
Winnail, from his cheap hair dye to the foundation of his theology, is a proven fake!

Anonymous said...

11:20 AM, if as you say "there's history to back check the dream statue" why do Baha'is and Muslims and SDAs and Methodists have different interpretations, all of which can be made to fit "the history"?

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:07, James Meredith was sent to be an assistant pastor in his father-in-law's area.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said:

It is clear throughout the entire bible that God does NOT love everybody and only the elect will be saved. Read The Sovereignty of God, by Arthur Pink.

Anonymous said...

How did Doug make it to the top of LCG?

I loved my stint in Rhode Island; the state has multiple funky beats of its own and being sweetly tucked between New York, the Atlantic, and Boston is an explosion of opportunities for infinite fun. However, having Doug Winnail as a pastor was a definite low note to my New England adventure.

I used to think that taped sermons were anti-worship cop-outs. After a few sermons from Doug, I began praying for a tape on the drive to church each week.

I also spent drive-time theorizing which would be better for my tender butt; sitting through Doug's endless droning or spending another thirty-five minutes on the road into Boston to catch a better sermon.

Once I finally chose the Boston option, I learned many other Rhode Islanders had beat me to that self-preservation trick.

Doug's sermons, like the man himself, were very stiff, dry, and worn-out - but always true to Armstrongism. He never had new material. Doug did crack many jokes from the pulpit, but the congregation only laughed at the way Doug could not stop giggling over his own jokes.

I found it almost impossible to deal with Doug's preaching for just a few months - it was always the same few topics. So, how is it possible that such a deadbeat Doug could rise to the near top of a church, preaching the same old sermons, the same disproven theories? Is LCG so destitute of life that Doug is the best it can offer? Or is it that Doug's neutered nature makes him less of a threat to LCG's other authoritarian big gun slingers?

Anonymous said...

Not sure if Doug Winnail is saying a great prophet will arise from his church, or if he is saying that his church is collectively in the role of a prophet.

Said be Doug: "...the Church of God today has a similar mission to function as a watchman—to “Cry aloud, spare not” and warn modern Israelite nations of the coming consequences of their sinful ways"

That message is very different from St. Paul's stated mission of preaching Christ crucified for the remissions of sins.

The new testament writings do not tell converts to preach an Ezekiel warning or end-time warning. Instead, it instructs that each individual's end-time is near at hand, while presenting a Savior and a method of salvation.

Doug does need to give the peons a purpose for continuing to send in their riches to him and the end-time warning message has always been an HWA trick to ensnare the people to work for the church.

Maybe Doug's church needs to be in the great end-time prophet game to be able to compete with Dave Pack and Gerrt Flurry. However, the vagaries presented by Doug are only going to give Bob Theil, like the Devil, a foothold whereby he can insert himself into the role of prophet. Unless Doug is laying hold to that mantle? A hissy slapfest between Doug and Bob over who is God's true prophet may finally gain some notice for LCG in COGland.

Anonymous said...

the LCG etc etc are whacked on prophecy and consider it extreme blasphemy to teach any other version than HWA's "1975 in Prophecy". I remember seeing that booklet as a young kid back in the 60's when it came in the mail...I still have it setting on my shelf in my office.

The iron legs of Daniel's statue no doubt represents the Roman Empire, with four divisions:
1. Caesars
2. Napoleon
3. Hitler
4. Trump

The USA/NATO block represents the military power of the beast power, Rome 4. Trump is the King of the North, (Dan 11:40-44) as is obvious by his actions.

There will be NO "ten kings" rising out of Europe, as HWA/WCG/LCG/RCG/PCG taught and teach today. The EU is part of the "ten horns".

The "seven heads and ten horns" of Rev 13 are the G7/Club of Rome block. The Club of Rome has the planet divided into TEN ZONES of ruling authority.

Iran is the King of the South and is about to be invaded, per Netanyahu and the zionists, who are basically running the prophetic show all the way to Armageddon.

Russia/China are the Kings from the East in Dan 11:44 and Rev 16:12.

The battle of Armageddon will come down to a battle between the USA/NATO/Zionist block vs. Russia/China.

You can watch all of this on TV happening today.

I grew up listening to HWA's nonsense and split in 1993 to join the GCG, then off to the ICG, Dankenbring, and then finally left it all for good in 2003. Now we do our own thing based on scripture and the reality of current world events, which obviously the blind fools in the ACOG's refuse to admit are happening...right under their noses. The poetic justice is palpable.


Anonymous said...

It is funny that Doug quoted Matt. 24. That passage twice warns to beware of false prophets. LCG has been continuing the false prophesies of the WCG for decades. Those false prophesies were very specific in nature and in the timeframe that they would occur. If there were any truth to those prophecies that were prophesied to happen anywhere from 1975 to 2005, then Doug would now be shouting about their specific prophesy prowess. Yet, none of those prophesies have happened. Even a broken clock is correct twice per day, but the COGs cannot show one time they have been correct about prophecy. Pathetic, yes - but we warned in Matt. 24!

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:31 PM, in 1995 I listened to a Rod Meredith sermon in which he said Christ would return in "5 to 15" years. I dutifully wrote that down in my notes.

Fifteen years later, I left LCG, having proved Rod Meredith either a liar or a false prophet. Maybe both. Certainly God wasn't leading him, so why should I follow him?

Anonymous said...

3.08 PM
Why do different denominations have different interpretations of the dream statue? Because people are free moral agents with the capacity to choose life (the truth) or death (comfortable lies). If people genuinely want the truth, over time they will discover it.
I'm not aware of Muslims believing in the same dream statue.

Anonymous said...

Many of the troops today in Portland are without names nor insignias and they don’t normally speak to the protesters. But there are persistent rumors the troops spoke among themselves in Russians.
LCG then sends a Watcher to investigate.
Nar, they speak Germans.
They’re the Assyrians and before everyone had noticed it, they had taken over NY, LA and DC as prophesied by HWA, with Trump with his right thumb on the unclear button, though he lost with a large margin!
Herbert W Armstrong had always been right, always, Furry and LCG reaffirm.

nck said...

Of course they spoke german.
Oh, if just the Japanese had known those sounds over the radio were Lakota.


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
the LCG etc etc are whacked on prophecy and consider it extreme blasphemy to teach any other version than HWA's "1975 in Prophecy". I remember seeing that booklet as a young kid back in the 60's when it came in the mail...I still have it setting on my shelf in my office.

The iron legs of Daniel's statue no doubt represents the Roman Empire, with four divisions:
1. Caesars
2. Napoleon
3. Hitler
4. Trump

Ha! Talk about WHACKO! No wonder you went from one wacko group to the other! Still following Herbie's whacked on prophecies no doubt. One ting the ACOGs did was bring the wackos out of the woodwork.

Anonymous said...

Doug has preached that just before the tribulation, LCG will be known by most people in the world. If Doug could show scriptural evidence that Islam was foretold in the Bible - as in the Arabic-Islamic power he is referring to, he would bring great notoriety to church and thereby hasten the end time events.

Anonymous said...

Doug Winnail concluded with saying: "...Delivering this powerful warning message must accompany the preaching of the Gospel of the coming Kingdom of God..."

As already noted by others, Doug has not proven he really even has some worthwhile "powerful warning message" to give to anybody. In fact, it appears that Doug via another spirit delivers a message about "another Jesus," and "another gospel." Is all Doug has to say really just amount to some Junk Food, perhaps looking "good," but has nothing nourishing for anyone? Time is telling.

Doug still believes in the Mickey Mouse Millennium (MMM) where "another Jesus" reigns on earth for 1,000 years....part of the Good News, if you will, but how gospel, good news, is that. All enemies have not been put down. Satan is released from the pit after the 1,000 years for a short/little season/time. War worldwide again occurs after that 1,000 years along with more deception upon the entire world. Where is Doug's good news? What is Doug's gospel, and is it biblically - backed up, or not? After all, it is, according to Doug, supposed to be linked in with his "powerful warning message," is it not?

Well, time will tell...


Anonymous said...

I’m glad you had clarity of thought and enough reasoning power to come to and execute that decision. But, please help me understand why otherwise intelligent people cannot make the logical decision you did. Is it that they have so much emotionally invested in these churches that they cannot cut their losses and run? Or, are they truly brainwashed? I have family members who are mostly intelligent but have given a fortune to LCG. I’m concerned that they now lack financial resources to see them trough till their end on this earth.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
the LCG etc etc are whacked on prophecy and consider it extreme blasphemy to teach any other version than HWA's "1975 in Prophecy". I remember seeing that booklet as a young kid back in the 60's when it came in the mail...I still have it setting on my shelf in my office.

The iron legs of Daniel's statue no doubt represents the Roman Empire, with four divisions:
1. Caesars
2. Napoleon
3. Hitler
4. Trump

Ha! Talk about WHACKO! No wonder you went from one wacko group to the other! Still following Herbie's whacked on prophecies no doubt. One ting the ACOGs did was bring the wackos out of the woodwork.
July 29, 2020 at 4:54 AM

wow anon 4:54, your trolling skills really suck. Did you not read the rest of my post which is diametrically opposed to the WCG/HWA prophecy model..??? I left all of those groups because of this issue on their failure to reject clearly FALSE dogma from HWA. My position on prophecy has NOTHING to do with these ACOG's who still turn HWA into an idol. My teachings are based on reality and provable FACTS that you can watch on TV. Do you not understand the growing conflict between the USA/NATO forces and China? We have THREE carrier battle groups now within striking distance of China.

It's too bad that your trolling little mind is still infected with the HWA dogma that has destroyed so many lives over the last 80 years, or maybe you just don't have any real experience with HWA's dogma and don't understand what you are talking about....either way you make a fool of yourself.

Armageddon will be fought between the USA/NATO/Zionist forces vs. Russia/China. I've been saying this exactly on live TV and radio and in studies for the last 16 years.

HWA never came CLOSE to this analysis.


nck said...

What horrible listing of some of the greatest military leaders ever and number 4 a draft dodger.

I feel ashamed my family served under the other 3 because of no 4.


Anonymous said...

anon111, July 29, 2020 at 8:25 PM, wrote:
"...Armageddon will be fought between the USA/NATO/Zionist forces vs. Russia/China. I've been saying this exactly on live TV and radio and in studies for the last 16 years.

HWA never came CLOSE to this analysis."
Revelation 16:12 ¶ And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [come] out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, [which] go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed [is] he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

Anon111 is at least 16 years off in his/her prophecy, b/c Armageddon does not happen before the Mickey Mouse Millennium (MMM) where so many expect "another Jesus" to be reigning on earth. The Day of the Lord, Armageddon, the Heavenly Signs all happen after that thousand year period when the true Armageddon, when the true Day of the Lord, happens!

It will be a long time before some great voice says: "It is done!" Even Doug Winnail, also a MMM believer, has yet to realize his belief in the old HWA "Beast Chart" is bogus.

But, time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Revelation 16:12 [Open in Logos Bible Software (if available)] ¶ And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
13 And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs [come] out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
14 For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, [which] go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
15 Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed [is] he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
16 And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
17 And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.

Anon111 is at least 16 years off in his/her prophecy, b/c Armageddon does not happen before the Mickey Mouse Millennium (MMM) where so many expect "another Jesus" to be reigning on earth. The Day of the Lord, Armageddon, the Heavenly Signs all happen after that thousand year period when the true Armageddon, when the true Day of the Lord, happens!

It will be a long time before some great voice says: "It is done!" Even Doug Winnail, also a MMM believer, has yet to realize his belief in the old HWA "Beast Chart" is bogus.

But, time will tell...

July 30, 2020 at 8:29 AM

Ahh yes, now we have the word on from high, from the Apostle John. This guy always cracks me up with his sanctimonious diatribes and especially his references to the "micky mouse millennium". The only thing here "micky mouse" is John himself. That's a perfect nickname for him: the "Mickey Mouse Apostle John" (MMAJ). Bob Theil was once in te LCG like him...maybe the MMAJ is going to pull a Bob Theil and branch out on his own to be able to sanctimoniously diatribe onto his new-found victims.

No one here at Banned needs to hear your from-on-high preaching and Bob Theil-like blabberings and lengthy quoting of scripture. I have the sense that the MMAJ comes here to satisfy his closeted sense of authority over us less that worthy believers, much like David Pack or Gerald Flurry do in their cults.

I also find it astonishing that the MMAJ denies the plain teachings of scripture and continues to insult the Messiah with his nonsensical dogma about the timing of the Kingdom and his twisted views of reality. Armageddon leads up to the RETURN of the Messiah, and the BEGINNING of the millennium. He is saying that the "mickey mouse millennium" happens BEFORE Armageddon...!!! Sounds as bat-snot crazy as something Theil would say.

But, as the MMAJ likes to say:

Slime still smells


Unknown said...

Anon111 is the pot calling the kettle black.

Anonymous said...

I think most readers here missed something of HUGE importance Doug wrote - something earthshattering for the COGS!

This shocking statement may have been missed due his overall topic being his sham take on prophecy.

In his opening statement, Doug wrote, "Many churches today feel their sole mission is to tell the world that God loves everybody and that Jesus came to save sinners. While essentially true, there is much more to the biblical message."

Doug affirms that the sole mission of Christian churches telling the world God loves them and Jesus came to save them - is TRUE!

Unfortunately, Doug crashes his foray into preaching like an original Christian by then spending the rest of his message on typical COG speculation on prophecy, which cannot save anyone.

COG history does include cursory mention of God's love and Jesus saving sinners. However, the totality of the COG body of teaching is fear-based (not loved-based), with salvation based on the efforts of the individual (who is never able to keep the law well enough to earn salvation) - and therefore, hopelessly at risk of the wrath of God. GOG theology does not include sole reliance on Jesus for salvation.

Doug's approving of other Churches that are teaching about God's love and Jesus saving sinners – is historic. Doug just validated those who COGs call “so-called Christians” as having TRUTHS! These are truths the COGs do not have! THIS IS HUGE!

I agree that everything Doug writes needs to be scripture-checked because he is such an authentic, misguided Armstrongite. However, I believe Doug is at once conflicted as being a dyed in the wool COG practitioner and also someone who sees a bit of truth in mainstream Christianity.

To the poor and suffering people of LCG, Doug may be the best and only hope to initiate momentum in LCG toward teaching Jesus as Savior and bringing the church into the New Covenant.

Anonymous said...

Anon, July 31, 2020 at 5:24 AM, wrote:
"...COG history does include cursory mention of God's love and Jesus saving sinners. However, the totality of the COG body of teaching is fear-based (not loved-based), with salvation based on the efforts of the individual (who is never able to keep the law well enough to earn salvation) - and therefore, hopelessly at risk of the wrath of God. GOG theology does not include sole reliance on Jesus for salvation..."
Your comment relative to Doug's understanding of one's salvation is an interesting thought.

Peter said this in 2 Peter 2:1 "But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction."

Might it be that Doug's believing the individual's efforts/works determine one's salvation, that he actually denies that sacrifice of Jesus Christ? i.e., Doug is denying the LORD mentioned in 2 Pet 2:1 as though Christ's sacrifice was not sufficient enough?

Doug seems to deny glory that belongs to both God The Father and His Son for what they do.

Jude adds a similar comment, but relative to God's grace, by telling us this:

Jude 1:4 "For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ."

Is Doug denying the LORD?

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

Hello John: This is Anonymous of July 31, 2020 at 5:24 AM.

Yes, I agree you are correct on many points.

First, COG theology, as a whole, is a damnable heresy, as foretold in 2 Peter 2:1.

Therefore, Doug is indeed a false teacher of the very ilk of which we've been warned.

Yes, Doug and the LCG deny the glory that belongs to both God the Father and His Son.
The broad body of their work is characterized by scant mention of Savior Jesus. Their only use for the Savior is his releasing them from the bloody mess of laws requiring animal sacrifices. Yet, they find no occasion to venerate the blood of Jesus as being holy or atoning for anything they can't compensate for on their own.

Doug and LCG deny Jesus is a sufficient Savior capable of doing all that one needs for salvation. They reject Jesus by not relying solely him on for salvation. They seek salvation by their own works and spurn justification by the righteousness of Jesus.

Doug and LCG reject the Father; the breadth of their body of work demonstrates they do not care to discuss or know about his offer of a New Covenant. Instead, they insist on a weird hybrid of defunct Old Covenant law, minus all laws they find inconvenient, plus acquiescence to Jesus' death releasing them from laws pertaining to animal sacrifices and somehow, human foreskin sacrifice too (although it's still taboo not to practice circumcision). They petulantly throw back into the face of the Father his offer of the free gift of grace, along with his sacrifice of the Son as atonement for their sins. Instead, they defiantly insist that they will earn their own salvation on their own terms.

Yes, Doug and LCG find God's superior New Covenant to be wholly uninteresting and find the High Priest of the New Covenant to be entirely insufficient. Their false, rebellious theology is a lie from their father, Satan.

We agree that is the current condition of Doug and the LCG.

Yet, I believe that change, growth, enlightenment, is possible. In fact, I pray for that almost every day - some days I do forget and some days, fighting their unclean, pig-headed rebellion tires me to the point I give up.

However, it has only been recently that I've been gifted the feeling I should pray specifically for Doug. Yes, my human nature would much prefer to laugh at and condemn Doug (he is so very silly and objectionable); but, only by the blood of the Lamb, I am an overcomer.

I do see some hope in Doug and his willingness to say, or utter by happenstance, some statements that, contrary to COG theology, are actually true. For example, the poor, abused, and misled people of LCG need to hear that Christian churches do teach about God’s love and Jesus' power to save sinners - and hear that this is a true mission. That is a huge open-door contrast to what LCG teaches. I pray that the people of LCG will want to learn more about that mission and turn to the open door where they can learn more about it.

Colossians 4:3 And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.

Revelation 3:20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in.

Anonymous said...

Anon, , wrote, in part:
"...Yes, my human nature would much prefer to laugh at and condemn Doug (he is so very silly and objectionable); but, only by the blood of the Lamb, I am an overcomer.

I do see some hope in Doug and his willingness to say, or utter by happenstance, some statements that, contrary to COG theology, are actually true..."
I too agree with most of your points, as well, and Doug will also be such an overcomer; however, he does not yet realize how God will work it out. His focus will not always be on self like it is today.

You may not agree with this, but it is not human nature that enables one to laugh and condemn anyone, b/c human nature is "very good."

"And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, [it was] very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day." Genesis 1:31

That is the nature God gave to Adam and Eve.

There is another "mind," most don't consider, that exists and is evident within all human beings today:

"Do ye think that the scripture saith in vain, The spirit that dwelleth in us lusteth to envy?" James 4:5

That spirit is of Satan and eventually was allowed to be infected/infested within Adam and Eve, and their children; it's fruits are more than lust and envy (Romans 1:29-31; Galatians 5:19-21). That "carnal mind" impacts all of us to one degree or another. We are learning to hate evil.

There was always hope for Doug, for all of us:

2 Corinthians 5:18 And all things [are] of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation;
:19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, NOT IMPUTING their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. [{committed … : Gr. put in us}

Of course, God has "...veys to help one cooperate,"

And time will tell...

In the meantime, delightful Sabbath to you!
