Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Restored Church of God Makes Up More Excuses As To Why Christ Failed To Return


A Most Pathetic Update


Yesterday was not a good day at the Headquarters of The Restored Church of God, especially on the third floor of the Hall of Administration. The mood there was as somber as a morgue because Jesus Christ did not return on The Feast of Trumpets as Pastor General David C. Pack had been "rushing to call it out" for several weeks.


Dave must have been wandering around with a shell-shocked, blank expression. Maybe it was because all his prophetic theories faded as the sun set across the international date line, or, more likely, it was due to the initial Holy Day Offerings Reports trickling in from the field ministers.


It was a bad day for Headquarters. It was a bad day for all the members of The Restored Church of God. They really do have to cancel their lunch plans for October 5.


A “Pathetic Update” (formerly known as Prophecy Update) was posted in Member Services yesterday. By far, this is the most “we do not know what is going on” announcement the ministry has ever made.


David C. Pack is more confused, desperate, and utterly “beside himself” than ever before. The walls are closing in; you can feel it in this short posting.


If I highlighted the “interesting” parts of this, the whole block of text would shine like the noonday sun. Oops. Nobody should utter "noon" around Mr. Pack for the foreseeable future. Add that to the list, including (but not limited to) Tammuz, Av, Elul, Trumpets, Jerusalem, Habakkuk, Zechariah, and shade.


All the Dave Pack-enthusiasts out there might want to read this text slowly.



Dear brethren,


A few important words of encouragement. Sometimes stark choices are helpful in galvanizing the mind. So then—either the year 2022 is wrong, or a Trumpets start is wrong because it has passed and 2022 is correct. They can no longer both be true! Our choices are: (1) break off our watching, except for every Feast of Trumpets, or (2) continue watching on a daily/hourly basis knowing we are “in the window” of a first Kingdom that many verses say must come in harvest. Know this!


It appears impossible for many reasons to “break” the metrics that point to 2022. Believe us, we have tried! (Just think of the queen’s death or that the Kingdom comes in a year after summer ended—or even now with Hurricane Ian that there may be no Safety Harbor, FL, Feast site, what does this mean?) However, Trumpets can remain a useful guide—as the Col. 2:16 “shadow”—in front of an imminent Kingdom.


It is important to note that the days of the first Kingdom—those days, the last days, days of the Son of Man—now become literal days, not parts of a single long day, which returns to its place as the day of the Lord. You may have fun trying to think of all the clues about how long we have suspected this Kingdom may be and where the Sabbath and Atonement and the 8 days of the Feast of Tabernacles and Last Great Day all fit “in one month.”


David C. Pack



The Last go First. The last point is worth examining first.


…and where the Sabbath and Atonement

and the 8 days of the Feast of Tabernacles

and Last Great Day all fit “in one month.”


He is already planting the seeds of preparation for the “meat” of Part 395.


This non-prophet/non-psychic will let you in on a little secret: I do not have “special” insight into the mind of David C. Pack. The members who have left know Dave will circle around after Trumpets and look at the rest of the fall Holy Days. This is an annual occurrence.


Only the still-blind inside RCG will be surprised by this. Sadly, some members are still experiencing medical-grade denial by willfully riding the RCG Nonsense Rollercoaster. These people get angry if you express your concerns, take you to the biblical woodshed, and then snitch you out to the nearest “minister.”


Even members of the Headquarters congregation no longer talk about the prophecy series. Their expressions tell the tale. The only ones who want to talk and continue to be “excited” are not the ones you want to open your mouth around. Any expressed concern would scratch the bubble of their perfect little reality.


The pod people are not just in the ministry. They sit next to you. They made their famous au gratin potatoes for the meal. They spread mulch in the garden beside you. They ask how your mom is doing. They put their green envelope in the basket Monday with a heart full of joy.


Do not fall asleep around them, or they will pull a Donald Sutherland on you.


The Restored Church of God is not the same place I left in March of 2021. I hear stories from people leaving…wow…it is getting worse there.


A few important words of encouragement.


I will call “tom foolery” on that one. The words in the text are neither important nor encouraging.


…either the year 2022 is wrong,

or a Trumpets start is wrong because it has passed and 2022 is correct.

They can no longer both be true!


Why am I still amazed when the passage of time makes the truth evident, yet they announce that as if it is an unusual phenomenon? “They can no longer both be true!” Duh. A big fat DUH.


So much for the God-inspired preaching of David C. Pack not so long ago.


Part 394 – September 24

@ 00:22 Time has grown serious. It’s become now or wait a year.

@ 13:05 It’s now or never. Time is serious.

@ 18:01 So, is it a coincidence we’re learning this right now?


The only “coincidences” that occurred are inside the corrupted mind of a false prophet and false apostle. A deluded, desperate man clawing his way to a legitimacy that will never be.


@ 07:25 Well, how come nobody who’s ever lived ever saw it before?


Because it is pure fantasy.


@ 37:23 …and waiting to the 1335, which, on God's authority, has to be Trumpets…


David C. Pack. Pastor General of The Restored Church of God. Professional Blasphemer. This one statement shows this man's contempt for God's name. God's name has no value to him; remember when he invokes it.


What does the Bible say the origin is when someone goes beyond a “yes” or a “no?”


@ 39:17 At 11:33 tomorrow, you’ve made it.


The history books can now add the entirety of Parts 393 and 394 to the "God never intended" this “ridiculous” content that “never made sense” taught by a “presuming” prophetic fraud.


It appears impossible for many reasons

to “break” the metrics that point to 2022.

Believe us, we have tried!


I volunteer to take a crack at this. The “metrics” are more worthless than the paper they are written on. That is not my opinion, but an undeniable fact.


Since 2013, all the metrics and all the math and all the proofs over the years have led to one thing: Failure. The Feast of Trumpets on Monday is only the latest in a long series of “Hey, God is not with us!” statements.


…Trumpets can remain a useful guide…


I giggled like Kevin on The Office when I read that. The “useful guide” is what NOT TO DO.


David C. Pack is determined to prove to the world that he is special and right. He will continue to burn through cash and people to do that. And it is a goal he will never achieve. God will not allow it.


It is important to note that the days of the first Kingdom—

those days, the last days, days of the Son of Man—

now become literal days, not parts of a single long day,

which returns to its place as the day of the Lord.


In other words, “Just go ahead and ignore what I said in Part 394 and, please also ignore that embarrassing Member Services posting from Friday. Those of us at Headquarters have no idea what is going on and accidentally clued you in on that.”


It isn't. It is. It isn't. It is. It isn't. That is the RCG way. And we are supposed to trust these same people when they say, "Jesus Christ is the Mighty Angel of Revelation 10," or "the Father is the God of the Old Testament," or “Elijah is just a title?” No thank you.


Brad, Ed, Jaco, Ryan, Ken, Tim, Carl, Andrew, Jim, Salasi, Frank, Mike, and Raymond…please rate from 1 to 10 the current Panic Level inside The Restored Church of God. Just leave a number in the comments section.


You may have fun trying to think of all the clues

about how long we have suspected this Kingdom may be…


That does not sound like fun at all. None of this is fun for those still inside The Restored Church of God. None of this is fun for those with family and friends trapped inside The Restored Church of God.


This latest announcement screams desperation and disorder emanating from the RCG leadership. The enablers at Headquarters know David C. Pack is a false prophet and false apostle but lack the strength and courage to do anything about it.


All we can do is hope that the brethren take action.

Marc Cebrian


Anonymous said...

This Just In: Guy Who Never Existed Fails to Make an Appearance! Details at 11...

Who could have predicted this? Anyone but a prophet, I'm guessing

Anonymous said...

The man is living in a make believe world. No reality, no rationality, no basis for truth, just a bunch of made up fantasy. Delusional at best. Why anyone with half a brain would entertain this madness is a mystery.

Byker Bob said...

Perfectly logical explanations. Jesus and Father God have the power. Dave Pack claims to serve Them, to have guidance from Them, and to speak for Them. Every time Dave makes a forecast, They have the power to make it come true, or to make it appear as if Dave does not know his butt from a hole in the ground. Throughout the pages of the Bible, God has always had his servants' backs. He has allowed Dave to continuously fall on his face!

So, you members of the RCG, for every failed date, God has plainly told you, "Dave Pack does not speak for Me!"

Do the math! How many times does God need to tell you the same thing over and over again before you take Him seriously??? Why do you continue to give Dave more credibility, more of the benefit of a doubt than you do to God?


Anonymous said...

Anon, Wednesday, September 28, 2022 at 3:28:00 PM PDT, wrote:

"The man is living in a make-believe world. No reality, no rationality, no basis for truth, just a bunch of made up fantasy. Delusional at best. Why anyone with half a brain would entertain this madness is a mystery."
Dave needs to check in with God the Father, the God of the Old Testament, and pray to Him asking that He let Dave know when Jesus no longer sits on His Father's right hand, then send us all an email message...

Matthew 22:44 "The LORD said unto my Lord, Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstool?"

Will Dave eventually come out of his make-out Mickey Mouse world of fantasy, which is probably something like Doug Winnail's Mickey Mouse Millennium of another Jesus very soon to return to earth and reign here for 1000 years?

How much can the Father's right hand handle?

Time will tell...


Anonymous said...

God is not the author of confusion! And what do we see emanating from the Wadsworth Compound?Total and complete madness and confusion!

jim said...

Helpful and pertinent comment BB,

"Throughout the pages of the Bible, God has always had his servants' backs. He has allowed Dave to continuously fall on his face!"

So true

Byker Bob said...

Correct, Anon @ 1:20 AM! Total and complete madness and confusion at the splinter known as the strictest, most legalistic of the ACOGs!

Once again, Herbert W. Armstrong taught that God would reveal the true meanings of prophecy exclusively to those who taught and practiced obedience to God, which of course HWA defined as obeying the tenets of the religion which he compiled and started, based on his intensive studies in the Portland Public Library, and revelations allegedly directly from God. There is no doubt or wiggle room that he inexorably linked these two in his basic equation.

So, it's not just a simple matter of "Oops, we got the prophecy wrong!" It also must absolutely follow that HWA got the obedience part wrong as well! God has not honored obedience to the tenets of Armstrongism by revealing the correct interpretations of prophecy to anyone within the Armstrong realm. A supposed "sign" of the "True Church" has been disproven by Armstrongism's abyssmal failed interpretation of prophecy! They did not get what they taught us right, either in matters of prophecy, or in their teachings of what constituted obedience to God. One side of the equation goes down with the other! The ACOG leaders know this, which is why they teach that the prophecy has not failed, but has rather been delayed in fulfillment (pick whatever excuse of the day for the failure). By continuing to concentrate on getting the math right, there is no need to end to the "fund raising" which keeps these ACOG organizations lucrative and afloat!

HWA quoted the scripture about God not doing anything without first revealing it to His servants, the prophets. He also linked the end times to the key indicator of Jesus' Olivet discourse, or Olivet prophecy, with the rebirth of the nation of Israel being the putting forth of the tender branch. Over the years, HWA revised his definition of the length of a generation so that the generation which would not pass in the Olivet prophecy was switched from the WW-II generation, to the baby boomers who were born at the same time as the rebirth of Israel. HWA and the WW-II generation are gone at this point, and so many of the baby boomers are rapidly fading.

What is happening at RCG will happen in other ACOGs as the leaders and members continue to age, become desperate for the validation of their lives of sacrifice, a validation which can only come through the fulfillments of these prophecies, and as they watch each other die. Sanity will only prevail if the membership begins to concentrate on Christian values, and Christian living, rather than placing prime emphasis on the old HWA prophecies, his hook that "You can be spared from these horrors by becoming oart of a very special group, the group to which you are being called right now by the fact that you are hearing this message!"


DW said...

Dave cannot and will not ever, ever, ever admit he is wrong and a false apostle/prophet. He cannot do it, because it would mean his entire life has meant nothing. His entire purpose for living the last 50+ years will have meant nothing. He has lost his family and come to this horrible record because he was first deceived by HWA and then turned right around and did the exact same thing to the members of every church he worked in, until.....EUREKA! Start my own splinter and then I decide what doctrines mean and how to interpret Scripture. Only one problem..he has no more clue than HWA did when it comes to understanding the Word of God.

Anonymous said...

What will happen to the Wadsworth Compound after Dave and the RCG have folded and are gone? The real question is, who gets to keep all the assets? (houses, property buildings,... and lets not forget the horses).

Anonymous said...

Pack's math is off because he did not properly take into consideration the raid on Trump's residence, the pipeline explosion, the referendums that took so many people outside Mog and Magog by surprise, the latest nuclear test in North Korea (one of the Kings of the East), the recent actions of the Bank of Japan (another King of the East), Biden Hunter's laptop, the transgender shop teacher, postponements, the slowing of the Earth's rotation, and a host of other things that he seems to be too incompetent to grasp the prophetic significance and spiritual depth of.

Anonymous said...

The bank will foreclose on all the property after the collapse of Wadsworth Compound.

Anonymous said...

God is REAL

RCG is a Fake Church
DCP is a Fake Shepard
RCG have Fake Ministers

Anonymous said...

Marc, thanks for providing all the juicy details about DCP and RCG. You seem to have an inside track. You have provided some video clips, like his asking members to send in all their money by selling assets. You also have other video clips. You also seem to have full transcripts of his sermons. It's amazing that David Pack has not been able to figure out so far who the mole or moles are who attend services at headquarters. I think DCP is a lot smarter than we give him credit for.

The kind of access thru moles you are demonstrating is unprecedented. I believe it is impossible, because DCP would have figured out who the mole is and put a stop to it long ago. Therefore, I have reached the inescapable conclusion that you are colluding with DCP and engaged in trying to deceive genuine members of God's Church.

DCP went rogue a few years ago. The crap he puts out about Jesus Christ returning this week, this holy day etc. which you 'religiously' share with the audience here is not what he believes in. He is colluding with Flurry of PCG, other 20-25 leading ministers from other COG organizations who have gone rogue. They think they understand prophecy better than anyone else on earth. But since they have gone rogue (means collaborating with the enemy in USA to avoid being the victims in the Great Tribulation - they still believe it -) they have decided to become the victimizers instead of victims, because they claim German ancestry.

All that he puts out about Jesus coming this day or that day is to throw people off track. Just deceive as many as possible is the goal so that they are caught in the Tribulation. Again their twisted thinking. Marc, you are colluding with DCP in the scheme.

Too long to provide all the details about Flurry, DCP and others who have gone rogue and this is not the correct forum for me to do so.

After posting this, I will skip everything you post because you are engaged in a "diabolical plot" (to your thinking, because you and DCP think you are so smart and can twist things around so much that you can fool everybody).

Anonymous said...

Nuts are coming out of the woodwork.

Anonymous said...

To see the extent of damage that Davie C has caused, one only has to read the comment above about Marc working with Davie C. The mental and emotional damage is astounding.

Anonymous said...

6:41 wrote: "After posting this, I will skip everything you post because you are engaged in a "diabolical plot" (to your thinking, because you and DCP think you are so smart and can twist things around so much that you can fool everybody)."

Then stop reading his stuff! Bloody hell! If you are so delicate that you dream up a conspiracy then just stop reading. The previous comment at 7:29 describes you perfectly!

Anonymous said...

Sell the horses Dave! You've lost your moorings. Your ship is going down. Time to get a new career.

Anonymous said...

Why would anyone (in their right mind), think the Restored Church of God has anything to do with Jesus Christ and The True Church that He is the head of? The RCG is nothing but a sham group of people who claim "special religious superiority", yet are proven to be impostors by the very book they claim to believe in and represent. RCG is led by a religious imposter and charlatan whose mind has lesf the realm of reality a long time ago. In RCG is imploding and is disolving right before our eyes.

Marc Cebrian said...

I apologize to everyone for my "diabolical plot." I was not as good as hiding it as I thought. I first schemed with DCP when he pulled me into his office. The scene from the movie, "The Departed" in Martin Sheen's office is almost a verbatim conversation. Brad was Mark Wahlberg. Gerald Flurry was on speakerphone.

This took place before I "quit" and then went dark for a few months as our plot to deceive the world was taking shape. I practiced to strengthen my twisted mind. Then, the trap was sprung.

Surprise! It was Agnes all along!

It is sad that Anonymous Sept 29 at 6:41pm is...anonymous. Maybe we can get a coffee and discuss how you think I should have done it. The next time I re-invent myself, I need to avoid super-sleuths like you who have it all figured out.

DCP will have to go back to teaching truth and give up all this intentionally-wrong prophecy business. Drats.

Anonymous said...

Well done Marc! The guy is crazy.

Dawn Blue said...

The fact you wasted time thinking on this & then writing it.I mean I've heard some wacked out theories in life but you take the cake. I can assure you as the Prodcer of the show on HID TV. That lots of research & time has been put into making sure that ONLY the truth & facts are published on air. Mr. Cebrian also does the se for his written published articles. If they weren't then I still wouldn't be producing a show with him. I'm not covering up for him or running a side show reality TV series. Lies would severely affect WCTV which is ran & funded by the citizens. The city officials wouldn't allow it because they & HID TV could be subject to a lawsuit. No offense but DCP isn't worth losing everything over to lie so the sake of ratings. I highly recommend seeing a specialist to make sure you're okay & not having mental health issues. Good day.

Anonymous said...

Crazy dude at 6:41 wrote: "After posting this, I will skip everything you post because you are engaged in a "diabolical plot" (to your thinking, because you and DCP think you are so smart and can twist things around so much that you can fool everybody)."

I supposed the armed police at the front "gate" was also a diabolical plot Dave and Marc dreamed up. Dude, you need to lay the crack pipe down for a few days and clear your mind.

Anonymous said...


I know men in the COG movement can't stand women telling them what to do or correcting them, but Dawn Blue just fried your ass! This has all made my day. Hilarious!

"The city officials wouldn't allow it because they & HID TV could be subject to a lawsuit. No offense but DCP isn't worth losing everything over to lie so the sake of ratings. I highly recommend seeing a specialist to make sure you're okay & not having mental health issues. Good day."

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Marc and Dawn Blue! I have the utmost admiration for both of you for exposing the lies of David C Pack. My spouse is trapped in the church and believes everything Pack has said. It is heartbreaking.

Anonymous said...

I need to use my Master Card today because Dawn Blue's comment was PRICELESS!

I wonder if this was Bob Thiel posting that. No one here gets so publicly humiliated like this other than Bob.

Sandy Olvier said...

Anonymous said...

Sounds like the comment is another failed shakedown attempt from within RCG ministry or a rouge member. They probably attended meetings all week in order to scrip a narrative, shooting an anonymous arrow over their bow towards Marc and his marvelous reporting.

Anyone that has taken their blinders off and left RCG know that over 75% want this craziness to end one way or another. Some are trapped due to spouses or families or ministers or employees due to losing their paycheck, there is no shortage of current RCG members sharing sermon messages as a plea for help. The messages are sent in mass to the RCG membership with no way to stop members from sharing.

I'm sure Marc has more than one source within RCG that is reporting to him.

Dave isn't able to stop it, I'm sure he has tried.

It is what it is!

DW said...

It is most definitely NOT Bob Thiel, for two reasons.

1. It is too grammatically correct for anything written by Thiel;

2. If it were Bob masquerading as anonymous, it would SCREAM, "I, BOB THIEL, PROPHET..." There is no way on earth he could refrain from talking about himself in the third person for more than a sentence or two.

Whoever it is, I pray medication and doctors are in your immediate future.

Anonymous said...

Bi-Polar ...

The Sundown Kid said...

i have to believe this was tongue in cheek folks. personally my sarcasm meter went off the charts reading that lol

NO2HWA said...

I can assure you this was NOT sarcasm considering the numerous previous posts that I never let through. this one was just too rich and funny to let sit in the spam folder.

Anonymous said...

The point isn’t that Marc is a plant from DCP…..but the amount of time dedicated to DCP is the real issue…

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:05. No one is forcing you to read this blog. I am grateful Marc and Dawn continue to highlight Pack's absurdities. Until my husband leaves the group I want and need Marc's analysis of the lies coming from Wadworth.

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:05. No one is forcing you to read this blog. I am grateful Marc and Dawn continue to highlight Pack's absurdities. Until my husband leaves the group I want and need Marc's analysis of the lies coming from Wadworth.

How much more verbiage do you need to prove to yourself that Pack is a madman…?? I met Pack once in 1993 and that was all the proof I needed to realize how insane he is.

Maybe you need to consider others mental state of devoting their entire existence to covering a crazed nutjob and the effects it has on their spiritual lives….

Anonymous said...

"Maybe you need to consider others' mental state of devoting their entire existence to covering a crazed nutjob and the effects it has on their spiritual lives…."

How absolutely insulting can you be? It is people like you in the church that have allowed these sick men to have power in the church because you don't want to hold them accountable. People like Marc and this blog must hold these people accountable. No one's mental well-being is being damaged or their spiritual life by seeing these men held accountable. Those that are being spiritually damaged are those inside the Restored Church of God that sit there week after week lapping this up as truth.

It's time for you to shut up!

Anonymous said...

How absolutely insulting can you be? It is people like you in the church that have allowed these sick men to have power in the church because you don't want to hold them accountable. People like Marc and this blog must hold these people accountable. No one's mental well-being is being damaged or their spiritual life by seeing these men held accountable. Those that are being spiritually damaged are those inside the Restored Church of God that sit there week after week lapping this up as truth.

It's time for you to shut up!

Whoa…!!! Get aggressive much..???

First I’m not in “the church” so you are dead wrong off the bat.

Second I don’t hold anyone accountable I just don’t sit in the same room with these loons such as Pack. People who overcompensate by focusing their entire existence on one person are more likely to be as damaged spiritually as sitting in their groups.

Third why don’t you take your own advise and remain silent…it’s usually the best course of action when you are emotionally upset.

Anonymous said...

To Friday, 5:16pm, If you own your home or property and in a community property state, ask your spouse if anything should happen to him, will his half be yours. I asked mine that same question and I was told no. I asked him to whom would his half of our assets go to, and he wouldn't answer me. I knew he'd been talking with RCG, I found myself a good lawyer and proceeded from there. Good thing I did, my husband passed last year and I would have been in serious financial trouble.

Marc Cebrian said...

Can't we all just get along?

Anonymous said...

Don't quit Marc! Eze 33, 34. (hear nothing, see noting, say nothing = lied to, threatened, cheated, and deceived = blood in hands). You are a great Man! Keep going! Satan wants you silenced. You are doing more now for "God's work" than in RCG.