Saturday, April 1, 2023

Dave Pack: Jesus arrives April 12



David C. Pack of The Restored Church of God opted to initiate his self-curse three weeks earlier than necessary by moving the arrival of the Kingdom of God from April 22 [Iyar 1] up to April 12 [Abib 21].


Surely, nobody seriously doubted the inevitable arrival of “The Greatest Unending Story! (Part 431).” David C. Pack fulfilled everyone’s expectations on Friday, March 31, 2023.


One important item on the agenda was to establish that Iyar 1 is now just another day. This completes the third parameter calling upon the death of David C. Pack, according to David C. Pack.


Flashback Part 421 – February 18, 2023

@ 59:41 But it cannot change the duration of the month. I will die before I believe otherwise.


Flashback Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 29:41 So, I wanna state one last time, unequivocally, and I’ll just absolutely die on this ground. This is the hill I die on. It is impossible that Abib does not close [Iyar 1] with the Day of the Lord. Impossible. It’s unbiblical.


Flashback Part 426 – March 4, 2023

@ 42:23 I know that the way has been prepared…and if we had to wait ten years, or until I died, no one will ever tell me we don’t have this exactly right.


So much for the fear of tempting God.


Part 431 also has the shortest shelf-life of any message in the 400s. He declared the Kingdom of Dave would arrive on April 1. This means that many in RCG will not have heard the message until after it has already failed. But have no fear because Part 432 is already on the schedule for today to update the update.


Despite this message being mostly skippable, there were a few key points worth noting for the non-note takers.


•  The Kingdom of Dave is “surely” on April Fool’s Day.

•  The Day of the Lord is now on Abib 21 instead of Iyar 1.

•  The 1335 moved again.



There are many moments throughout Part 431 where you can pause to wonder how mentally ill David C. Pack must be. He restates past statements. He rediscovers past rediscoveries. He reaffirms past reaffirmations. And declares it all as if this was the first time.


No ex-RCG member was caught off guard when Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread became the updated prophetic fixation. The only person in RCG who seemed shocked by this…was David C. Pack.


Part 431 – March 31, 2023

@ 00:02 Wow. Are we out of time? No. Are we close? Yes. The graph still holds. But, the picture (believe it or not, as late as it is) is actually better than what you have.


According to Dave, Jesus Christ not yet being here is always “better” than having Him already arrived. This is a tune he has been whistling for years. Why does this sound so familiar?


Flashback Part 424 – February 25, 2023

@ 17:25 …Iyar 1 is better, is better than Abib 1 for the Kingdom of God.


The only way this is “better” is because he says so. Hopefully, those in The Restored Church of God recognize this as a blatant lie. But, if they are willing to stick with him after Part 430, they will just about accept anything.



Dave “forgot” verses that point to a Passover and Unleavened Bread prophetic fulfillment. He was the only one in the audience to do so. That should be alarming because he circles around to Passover every year.


Part 431 – March 31, 2023

@ 05:24 You’re gonna take the Passover in the Kingdom of God.

@ 05:42 So, I want you for a moment to put out of your mind all idea that this is nine days later on Iyar. The Kingdom of God must come nine days before that, and there still has to be ten days of Tribulation before that. So, the Kingdom of God has to come on the 21st of Abib. Has to.


This is the part where his third self-curse applied because the Kingdom of God no longer hinges upon Iyar 1. Those concerned about the finality of “has to” should be reminded of the fluidity of that phrase, along with its companion, “impossible.”


Flashback Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 30:09 It is impossible that Iyar 1 is not the Day of the Lord. Impossible.


Flashback Part 394 – September 24, 2022

@ 37:20 So, you have to accept that we are piercing and waiting to the 1335, which, on God's authority, has to be Trumpets…


Flashback Part 403 – November 5, 2022

@ 20:47 Now, if that’s true…it means, quite literally, that the Day of the Lord has to come in the Christmas season. It has to. It’s impossible.


Flashback Part 410 – December 17, 2022

@ 1:39:15 The 1335 has to be the coming of Christ and the starting of the seven years.


Flashback Part 429 – March 15, 2023

@ 13:35 So, now we know we count back exactly seven days to when the Temple came. Which has to be Adar 25 [March 18]. There’s no arguing with that.


No matter how tall the stack of Bibles David C. Pack rests his hand to swear upon, his words mean nothing to him and should mean nothing to you.



Dave uses goofy logic to support his recycled Kingdom of God during Passover season. He is famous for his “all or nothing” line of thinking that even Dennis still shakes his head at.


Part 431 – March 31, 2023

@ 06:09 Or Christ is saying, “You can keep the Sabbath when you want. You can keep Pentecost, fit it in some time. Keep Tabernacles or Trumpets or Atonement or any other time you want.” Of course, the world does. Fact, they throw’em out and keep Christmas, Easter, Halloween, New Year’s, and so forth. But, by law, the symbols have to be taken sometime equated with the Passover.


Only because Dave was able to string together verses about Passover is he able to declare that an April Fool's fulfillment is impervious to disagreement. Right, Dave. That is precisely what Jesus Christ says in those verses if this weekend is a bust for you.


The man does not fear God.


@ 16:57 It’s impossible to argue with this unless you can change the Sabbath or Trumpets or Pentecost or other Holy Days, which you can’t.



Using his disconnected third-person perspective, Dave removes himself from the criticism of what he has already done. Pay careful attention to his word choices.

@ 21:59 There is no license to put Daniel's 3 ½ days in front of the 10. And I battled that tooth and nail until I broke a code, and I understood it's impossible. It’s unbiblical to do it. There’s just no license that the moad, moads, and half a moad are in front of the 10. Half a day is in front of the 10, and you will see that. Which means this has to happen tomorrow. Has to. We’ll come back to the impossibility that is attendant with that.


“There is no license” is what he took upon himself already. Unbiblical is what he taught already. He attacks an idea as though he did not just teach it. Wow.


Remember this "has to happen" today, April 1. See why these entire 66 minutes are so short-lived?



Forced to do another back-door prophetic shift, the 1335 of Daniel 12:12 HAD to move once Iyar 1 moved. Dave must be regretting how adamant he once was.


@ 30:42 So, guess when the 1335 was? The split second Adar arrived, the 1335 arrived.


The 1335 began on February 24. After 20 days, it was retroactively moved to February 25. After 35 days, it moved a second time to February 21. The counter on the homepage has been updated.


But how can this be when Dave was so full of himself?


Flashback Part 423 – February 25, 2023

@ 40:09 And it became a much bigger and important signal to me, personally, since I was the only one correctly waiting for it.


@ 41:00 I’ll give you this clue: I’m the only one (and I wouldn’t have unless God showed me) I’m the only one who knew when it was.


Apparently not. Part 431 is the second time David C. Pack proved how Daniel 12:12 was not written for him. And exposed a second time how incompetent his god is.


This is the perfect magic of invisible fulfillment. Biblical events that already occurred can be moved at will based on the words of a man. The brethren of The Restored Church of God trust in a man rather than God. They have their faith in a false human idol.


By choosing to continue to sit in those chairs, they continue to reject the true God.



The bulk of this message is David C. Pack moving the prophetic couch all around the room, rearranging it perpetually. Why he bothers to spend the time to reconstruct the painful details and sequence of events based on an April 1 start for the Kingdom of Dave is a mystery.


Is he trying to convince the audience or himself?


The man sounds like a deranged lunatic spouting biblical nonsense. He goes on and on explaining how all the intricate events of the Bible shift from Iyar 1 to Abib 21. As an opposite of Part 430, Part 431 is mostly skim-worthy. Dave opens his mouth, flatulating brown noise that will be worthless by Monday.


This "eyes glaze over" message should inspire more participation in the Pencil’s Down, Don’t Write movement inside RCG.


What a colossal waste of time. A colossal waste for the Packian Triad of Fraud. A colossal waste for those at Headquarters. A colossal was for anyone in The Restored Church of God.


Part 431 – March 31, 2023

@ 56:16 We got this right. This is right. I couldn’t be more certain. This last 13 days was very, very helpful.


Insert chuckles and guffaws here.


Thus begins an impossible parade of impossibilities that will certainly be possible soon when nothing happens as Dave instructs.


@ 59:12 So, let me make some statements to you. And I wanna just be as emphatic, as bold as I possibly can be. Number one. It is impossible that the Kingdom of God does not come in Abib. You should surely see that. It is impossible that it does not come till the last day of Unleavened Bread. You should surely see that. It’s impossible. You’d have to break the Scriptures, just destroy them in many more places than I even read to you. It’s impossible. It's impossible that it comes in a year where the third day of Unleavened Bread is not a Sabbath. It's impossible.


@ 1:00:02 It is impossible (now for more than one reason) that the whole period is not 10 1/2 days.


@ 1:00:31 I’m gonna just say again. Impossible it’s not Abib. Impossible it’s not the end of Abib. The last day at the end of the day. It’s impossible that it can come in a year where you do not flee on day three, which has to be a Sabbath, just like AD 31. That happens again in 2026. And it’s impossible that the whole period is not 10 ½ days.



The Deathwish mentality is spreading in the Third Floor Executive Imaginarium.


@ 1:00:56 As we concluded a couple days ago, one of the men I work with just said, “Mr. Pack, this time it’s really,” (using the proverbial) “this is do or die. This is it.”


Whether it was Jim or Andy invoking self-death upon failure of their own creation, if something happens, their wives will be just fine. Those ladies will not be single widows for long. Suitors will line the hallway for both of them.


@ 1:01:06 There no way out of it. Do or die.


Since nothing will do anything today or tomorrow, that leaves The Packian Triad of Fraud with only one option. That is some pretty morbid thinking.


@ 1:01:10 Or we wait three years. I can’t come back to you on Sunday or Monday or whenever I’d next speak and tell you that we could alter the things I’m saying here now. We wait three years.


This is both funny and outrageous. The man could not pass 24 hours without realizing he needed to keep talking. An announcement for Part 432 was sent to the brethren before I could finish listening to Part 431.



April 1, 2023


Greetings brethren, 


Please note Mr. Pack plans to deliver a brief live Bible Study after services today at 6:30 p.m. (Eastern Time).


For planning purposes, the live stream in Member Services will be opened a few minutes before the message starts. 


Where possible, congregations should plan to listen to the message as a Bible Study. However, this should not replace Sabbath services. 


For those unable to join live, the message will be available to watch afterward.


Warm regards,

Church Administration



@ 1:01:14 I can’t come back to you on Sunday or Monday or whenever I’d next speak and tell you that we could alter the things I’m saying here now.


He can come back even sooner than that. And why does that statement also sound familiar?


Flashback Part 422 – February 18, 2023

@ 35:33 I’m not a hypocrite. I can’t stand up here and undo what I said in the last message.


Out of his own mouth, David C. Pack is a hypocrite. He can and will stand up to undo or alter what he just said. He has done it before, and he will do it tonight. Part 432 will further expose that David C. Pack has no idea what he is talking about.


That should give a new perspective to the validity of his Part 431 wrap-up.


Part 431 – March 31, 2023

@ 1:05:38 So, just think. You will see the new heavens, the new earth, the Father, and walk the streets of New Jerusalem, and meet the saints, and marry Christ in just something over eleven days. Again, I say, it will surely come. Or we have a long wait. Good day.


With the shadow of Part 432 already looming, the glory of Part 431 was short-lived.


Nothing will happen today. Nothing will happen tomorrow. Nothing will happen on April 12.


The brethren of The Restored Church of God are repeating a documented cycle of insanity they choose to continue with. Because God is not behind what David C. Pack teaches, no matter what electrifying knowledge is bestowed during Part 432, that will also be short-lived.


Marc Cebrian

See: Short Lived


Anonymous said...

I wonder if every time he comes up with a new prognostication, in his ego, could he be thinking "Smokin'! Ow! Somebody stop me!"

Nah. The clueless don't know that they are clueless. His delusion is just too powerful. His congregation would be much better off if he returned to giving sermons spelling out what color underwear Christians should wear.

Anonymous said...

His congregation would be much better off if he were to attack American football.

Anonymous said...

Crap...I have to work that day

Anonymous said...

What makes it so difficult to believe so many stick around with him is the surety with which he always speaks. For the next prophesied coming not to happen would break scripture! It has to come! There's no way around it. It's do or die! There's just no way it won't happen! For this to be wrong would make God a liar! Nothing else is conceivable! There's just no other way!

And yet...

Tonto said...

Dear Davey:

Just die already, or just SHUT THE HELL UP!

Anonymous said...

I figured it out. I know why Dave keeps changing his mind.

God underestimated how much truth mortal men could dig out of the Bible. But Dave keeps solving more complicated riddles. None of this was meant to be understood until after the return of Christ. But now that God sees how smart Dave is, He has chosen to delay events just so he can demonstrate his wisdom through more of Dave's brilliance.

DW said...

As Christians, we know that Scripture says God is SPIRIT and as such, He must be worshipped in spirit and truth. That is something you have never once done.

And the wedding is just days away? Let me know where you are registered. I bet Jesus needs a toaster. You disgrace His Holy Name every time you open your ignorant, arrogant mouth.

Anonymous said...

Or it would be better if his congregation listened to American Football. Some of the best emo music of the 2000s.

Anonymous said...

Honestly Marc, I don’t know how you do it. Just following all of this madness makes ME want to jump out a window! Writing about it is like riding on the razor’s edge. I hope you can get a mental break between posts!

Mark Wolfe said...

"The man sounds like a deranged lunatic spouting biblical nonsense."

I would agree.