Thursday, March 30, 2023

Bob Thiel's Self-Righteous Condemnation of Alexsandar 'Sasha' Veljic


Bob Thiel was not happy when Sashsa broke ties with him and started his own ministry to try and help the members he had abandoned after failing to correct wrongs in Africa, Serbia, and elsewhere.

Bob lashed out at Sasha and said his group was NOT a true church because they reject church government. Without proper church government, the church cannot be a true church. Bob ignores the fact that he rebelled against church government when he left WCG to go to the Global Church of God, then took his rebellious self-righteous attitude and joined up with Rod Meredith when he finally created the Living Church of God.

Rebellion is at the heart of Bob Thiel's so-called "ministry".

But, also notice how he quickly glossed over the witchcraft accusations coming from a people who are well versed in those kinds of actions in Africa. They certainly know more about it than Bob does.


Anonymous said...

Bob is such a self-righteous hypocrite!

Anonymous said...

Repeat after me, Bob. "There is no such thing as church eras."

Church eras are not mentioned in the Bible. Attitudes or spirits prevalent in churches in a sequence of cities along an ancient trade route are mentioned, but it is only human speculation that these cities and attitudes symbolize eras. HWA borrowed the concept of eras from others, and he chose what he thought was the best for himself, and the worst for the group from which he apostatized. However, anyone who was ever a part of the old WCG surely realizes that overwhelming brotherly love in no way identifies it. Obsessive-compulsiveness about the laws which HWA cherrypicked from Leviticus are what the old WCG typifies, and often to the exclusion of brotherly love. HWA did not realize that the two great commandments of the Lord work together, one plus one being much more than two in impact. He defined love for God in such a way that his version mostly excluded love for fellow man. We see evidence that Bob Thiel and others are continuing HWA's tradition so are therefore no more Philadelphian than HWA was himself.

The splinter leaders do not accept the concept of reformers. In case anyone missed it, that is what Sasha and Terry are. They are reforming Thielism. HWA thought he was reforming COG-7

Anonymous said...

Yes, the only thing that makes sense is Evans Ocheing and Radson Mulozowa joined forces and double hexed Dr Thiel to make him not see reality, I mean he admitted on his latest semon on Church Government, that someone put Bradoxs name on the Ballot and ran a fake election, all to fool us here in the USA, and he believes that nonsense/Me and Sasha are convinced that he's been Bewitched, as no rational person , let alone a leader in the Church of God , would say such a Fantasy land statement like that/ His Judgement is demented sadly on everything about Africa . Brethren wake up and smell the Coffee 🙂👍

DW said...

Once again, Bob only reveals his theological ignorance. You cannot blaspheme a human. You can only blaspheme God.

Bob just accidentally showed everybody his true thoughts about himself. Why am I not surprised? Nice try to deflect attention Bob, but you actually just told your "followers" everything they need to know about you. You start and end everything under the sun with YOU!!

The W.A. said...

If everything supports me, it must prove I have lots of love and I'm right.

If everyone turns against me, it proves they reject God's government because I know I'm right.

Does that sum up all of the posts this week? And is there a problem with that kind of logic?

RSK said...

Interesting, but I'm not going to pick sides in a spat of COGlodyte versus COGlodyte.

Anonymous said...

One thing for sure is that Sasha is a more polished speaker than Bob. H eknows his topics and does not jump all over the place with brain farts like Bob does.

Anonymous said...

Sasha Veljic is a way better speaker than Bob and knows how to stay on topic. That is why more and more of Bob's tiny small flock are leaving Bob and running as fast as they can to Veljic. Makes one wonder just how many people were tolerating Bob and his fake being a prophet nonsense. I think most were logging in to hear Sasha every Sabbath via Skype.

Even in Africa from the chatter on facebook you can see many of the African people jumping ship to the newly formed Hope of Israel Worldwide Church of God. The only one that doesn't seem to see this is Bob himself because he is just hoping that crooked Evans will be able to threaten more people to stay in the fold.

Cooked Evil Evans and Creepy pervert Radson should both be in jail but yet tiny profit Bob wants them to keep taking advantage of the CCOG members in Africa.

Does anyone know just how many non African members Bob Thiel has anymore? I know lots of his white members are fleeing fast.

Anonymous said...

Exactly my thoughts DW!

Anonymous said...

Every time communism has been tried, it has corrupted its leaders, and has killed the spirit of those governed.

In similar fashion, the factors that made Armstrongism such a screwed up cult were the doctrines, and the form of management or government that policed and enforced them.

Many people throughout history have kept the seventh day sabbath, and it has not made them miserable, or corrupted them. Others have kept the Hebrew holy days, and once again, they have been a source of joy as part of the culture of those who did. The same applies to the dietary laws, Kosher, or the Islamic equivalent. Tithes and offerings, if taught correctly and not exploitatively, have been a blessing for many.

What has totally fucked up Armstrongism is the enforcement of these things, with the constant evoking of the apocalypse and lake of fire as tools to enforce every thought and whim of the leader or leader upon the members. Lets face it, you can even make someone hate ice cream if you present it in perverse ways to a child! Women have hated living in opulence with a tyrannical husband. Employees have even come to hate their careers with a prestigious Fortune 500 company, despite the high salaries, if their lives are no longer under their own control. What Armstrongite leaders cavalierly term "God's Government", and use it to control, does not build character through free will. It makes people secretly hate, or at best, it is an obstacle in their development with which they must wrestle constantly because fear of the inevitable "bad attitude" has been instilled in them.

Bob Thiel, Dave Pack, Gerald Flurry and all the others who thunder about God's government from the top down are precisely the types of assholes to which this form of government appeals, because they do not have the personal magnetism or charisma, and the empathy, to say nothing of the ability to lead by example, that makes great leaders. So, they must rely upon harsh military-style authority coupled with threats and punishment (fear compliance) to govern. How can one love God and fellow man if one has leaders who use fear compliance to try to produce or instill that love? All of the good that we might do in our lives is of no value if it is coerced!

Anonymous said...

I've deleted COGWriter from my bookmarks. I no longer care what he has to say about anything. I've been thinking about doing that since he started with that prophet nonsense. Now it's done.

Anonymous said...

I’ve done the same Bob Thiel has lost all credibility. Not that he ever had much to begin with. What a disgrace to his family.

Anonymous said...

As I understand it, when Africans adopt a new religion they never really let go of the old one. They don't seem to see an inconsistency in holding two conflicting world views. They just merge them into one. This has been going on in religion for thousands of years. It seems that Bob was fooled into thinking he had some true converts.

Anonymous said...

Every time communism has been tried, it has corrupted its leaders, and has killed the spirit of those governed.

Well that was the purpose of communism.

"I am not a Marxist" -- Karl Marx.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, 3:23. So, if Satan were to initiate a religion, its purpose would most likely be to corrupt its leaders and kill the spirit of the members. As does Armstrongism!

Anonymous said...

Wow Bob must really live in a fantasy world. All these years of lying and saying he is a "Prophet" he must actually believe this crap. Imagine him being the leader of anything. What a joke.

Anonymous said...

There Is no church eras mentioned in the Bible. They existed contemporaneously in the first century as Now. Even it's a sign for his who can see.

Anonymous said...

Yes I agree.I know that the outgrowth of the word of the Bible will be well balanced sane kind and brave people. The work of our king has already set it up. We need no human leaders.