Saturday, August 19, 2023

Philadelphia Church of God Embraces Michael Flynn


One thing the more aberrant Churches of God revel in is finding validation for their aberrant teachings in sometimes far-right publications and personalities. The more salacious the news the more it fits into their end-of-the-world scenarios. Eager to see a world around them severely punished for their sins, because they and they alone have been the most pure practitioners of Christianity since the first century, these self-righteous peddlers of conspiracy theories and outright lies of false prophecy channel their superiority by any means possible even if it means coddling up to less than credible personalities.

The Philadelphia Church of God has an Executive Speaker Series in their Armstrong Auditorium located on the fringes of Edmond, Oklahoma. Currently, the only "executive speaker" listed is Michael Flynn. Flynn started a traveling road show last year that fed into the disillusionment of many conservative Americas shocked at the collapse of society around them through corrupt politicians, wokeism, and rampant crime. 

Regardless of where you are on either side of that fence, people know there are serious issues going on in this country and that is what excites Armstrongists like Gerald Flurry. They see these issues as a sure sign of the collapse of the nation similar to the fall of Rome. As long as these things fit into their narratives they will use worldly men and women and so-called Christians while denigrating them behind their backs,

At this moment in time, the Philadelphia Church of God has found its useful champion, Michael Flynn.

Michael Flynn, United States Army lieutenant general (ret.) and former national security adviser, will visit Oklahoma on Monday, August 21. He will deliver a public lecture at 6 p.m. at Armstrong Auditorium, on the Herbert W. Armstrong College campus in northern Edmond, a suburb of Oklahoma City.

Flynn’s lecture is sponsored by the Philadelphia Trumpet newsmagazine and its “America in Crisis” campaign, which features lectures focused on solutions to the crises facing the nation at home and abroad.

“General Flynn’s perspective is extremely relevant to Americans concerned about the direction of our nation,” said Stephen Flurry, Trumpet executive editor and host of the Trumpet Daily podcast. “We hope to raise awareness of the solutions to these many problems through educational lectures such as these.”

With more than 33 years of service in the United States military, General Flynn’s career culminated in his becoming director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the nation’s highest-serving military intelligence officer. After retiring from the Army in 2014 and as a private citizen, General Flynn went on to serve in a variety of business, educational and non-profit roles. As an expert in national and international security, General Flynn is a prominent commentator and sought-after speaker on military and global affairs.

Flynn's Christian outlook is entirely based in evangelicalism, which to Armstrongites is anathema to their core beliefs. How quickly they overlook that as long as certain points fit their narrative.

It will be interesting to see what Flynn says in his talk Monday night, August 21, 2023, and whether or not the local press in Edmond is there to report on it.

He stirred up a huge stink this past week when he said the "Jews were willingly given to the Nazis and there were no guards" there to stop them from leaving.

The Jerusalem Post had this to say:

Former Trump adviser blames Jews for dying in Auschwitz
By JERUSALEM POST STAFF Published: AUGUST 16, 2023 18:10
Michael Flynn, a Christian nationalist who previously served as US national security advisor under Donald Trump, said that Jews were willingly given to the Nazis and said there were no guards.

Former Donald Trump adviser Michael Flynn blamed the Jews for the deaths of all the children who died in the Auschwitz concentration camp during the Holocaust.

Speaking at an event in Michigan at the beginning of August, clips of which have gone viral over social media, Flynn, recounting a trip of his to Auschwitz, said that mothers "willingly" gave their children over to the Nazis' trains to be shipped off to Auschwitz.

Flynn said that mothers would have essentially let their children be packed into the trains "like a sardine."

Later in the article:

However, his words about the Holocaust sparked backlash from the Auschwitz Memorial Museum in Poland, which described the flaws behind Flynn's accounts. 

We can be guaranteed that Gerald Flurry will report on Flynn's speech in glowing terms and as proof, the world is in serious trouble. It will also be interesting to see if there is a backlash at words spoken during this speech and if PCG will suffer any consequences. If there is, the PCG will claim it is the persecution that is spoken of in their Bible.


QanoNO said...

Oh the same general who said all the pedophiles were getting rounded up and put in prison, and that Trump was going to win the election and arrest Joe Biden and Obama? Fuck this guy, and all the lies associated with the Qanon tards. They duped all the idiots to keep them pacified. High level intelligence op. He was an Intel officer after all. Of course he'd speak at an Armstrong auditorium, a well known cia brainwash experimental religion that helped develop and exercise brain wash methods. And they share the Nazi sympathies

DW said...

One of the greatest evidences that Armstrongism is NOT Christian is this constant looking for signs of the end times, NOT looking for the return of Jesus Christ. Big difference. The more misery, the better. Squeeze it in to prophecy, whether it actually fits or not. See, we were right!! That is what they care about. Not the members' salvation and well being. Not preaching from the Bible, verse by verse, in proper context. Not preaching the gospel of our salvation from 1st Cor 15:1-4. No, just I am a prophet, pay your tithes, shut up and HWA/I am right. Unless you join THIS "church", no salvation or place of safety for you.

No wonder Christianity has always looked upon this movement as a heterodox cult to be avoided. Walter Martin's warning about WCG and off shoots in his book Kingdom of the Cults is vindicated, not PCG, RCG et al. Sick, sick, demonically influenced from the beginning. Flurry happens to be the worst of the worst, IMO, but that doesn't make the rest legitimate, just slightly less openly evil.

Anonymous said...

Here is yet another totally predictable event! Birds of a feather. It is totally compatible with the spirit of PCG, with one exception. In the realm of Armstrongism, the Jews are lauded! The pseudo-identity of White, English-speaking peoples has been so drilled into any of us who were ever part of the Armstrong movement, that 45 years later, I still identify culturally more with Jews than with any other collective of people, even though I realize that the genetics of this are both impossible and preposterous! Where would I retire? It would be to a home that serves Kosher foods!

Anyone who knows a single Jewish individual realizes that it is in the Jewish dna to speak out against injustices, often to their own detriment. No way were the majority of the Jews complicit in orchestrating the holocaust! On that lie alone, Michael Flynn deserves to be totally invalidated by any Armstrongite organization. Actually, he should be cancelled and banished! He's as bad as or worse than Bannon!

Miller Jones/Lonnie C Hendrix said...

Like many in the other ACOGs, the so-called "Philadelphia" Church of God's TRUMPet Magazine fully embraces the narcissistic, adulterous, dictatorial liar that personifies Trumpism. As I've noted previously, these folks have a tendency to fall in love with these narcissistic strongman types (like Herbert Armstrong). In short, they go from one cult of personality to another! They love to be dominated! I wonder if we could get anyone to bite on a little psychoanalysis of this phenomenon?

RSK said...

A number of the PCG writers are clearly in bed with QAnon shit. Have noticed it for the past year now.

Anonymous said...

Many people on this site don't seem to have one ounce of truth or good sense. Armstrongism must have done permanent damage to most of its victims. You don't really know anything about Trump, Nazis, the CIA, or even religion, despite pontificating all the time on these matters and many others.

Tonto said...

One of the biggest dichotomies that the COGs have, is that they are very overtly interested and talk about partisan politics, yet they dont vote, and forbid being an office holder as well.

Also, they are all big on the idea of a powerful USA military, but forbid military service as well. Let someone else die in their place. During the Vietnam war, the term for such type people was "chicken hawks".

Anonymous said...


Oh dear! Is someone having a bad day? I know it is hard to hold on when you see the world fall apart around you. But hang on. It gets better!

Anonymous said...

Interesting how much Flurry has cozied up to the Jews as of late with his archeological foundation and his past relationship with Dr. Eliat Mazar, showing off his plane, financial assistance with her digs, coveting her works at the tithe payer’s expense to be in tandem with HWA and the relationship he had with Eliat’s grandfather, Dr. Benjamin Mazar -to prove that the PCG is the “true church”. Then, having General Flynn speak at the PCG’s headquarters coven. Flynn has the same mindset, like the PCG, elites, which keep its members fueled and spirituality gaslit on auto-pilot. Wonder what the Jews in Jerusalem would think about Flynn’s visit? Flurry thinks he is going to warn the Jews, then present Christ’s throne to Him when He returns! This ignorant deplorable little megalomaniac, with a dirty dug up rock, Celtic tales, high priced Riverdancing, and a trail of a miserable ministry. He is not a man of God, but a false profit. Where is Jesus Christ in all of this? This church is full of lies, misinformation, contempt, and prejudice. Anything at this point to elevate and advance his diabolical narcissistic cult through any type of deception is a boost for them. It’s demonic and sick. I pray this house of card collapses quickly, beginning with the PCG and that the true exposure of Armstrongism wakes people up worldwide.

Anonymous said...

He ain't just having a bad day, 5:44. His problem is that he's one of Trump's neo-nazis, and gets butthurt when we expose them.

Anonymous said...

My opinion is unless you were there, how could you really know exactly what happened? This is a subject that Flynn should have avoided. He probably just wants to be controversial so, people will be talking about him. Even bad publicity is seen as notoriety.

James said...

Flynn,a useful idiot for Geraldtol.

Anonymous said...

@ Saturday, August 19, 2023 at 5:13:00 PM PDT

Well said!

Anonymous said...


Believe it or not it's completely possible to be a hardline conservative, and realize trump and Qanon was a bunch of lies and bullshit. To what end? To round up a bunch of gullible retards and lump them together for easy identification.