CGI’s Bill Watson: How to be Spiritual by doing PHYSICAL things!
Lonnie Hendrix
CGI Pastor Bill Watson’s first Sabbath sermon of 2024 was aimed at inspiring his congregation to save up their money to observe the Feast of Tabernacles at one of CGI’s designated sites. Bill pointed out that Christ’s disciples should be seeking God’s Kingdom and his righteousness as their first priority (Matthew 6:33). Next, he proceeded to remind his audience that Jesus had admonished his followers to love the Lord your God will all of your heart, soul, and mind (Matthew 22:37
“How do we do this? What does this even mean? How is it that we’re showing God that we really do indeed love him? Where/how do we spend our time?” the pastor asked. His answer, of course, is exactly what one would expect from a minister of one of the ACOGs. Mr. Watson said: “The amount of time/investment you put into something illustrates how much you love it – how important it is to you.” For him that means how much time we are devoting to things like Bible study, prayer, and meditation. He went on to note that “The law is still in action in many respects.”
Yes, according to Mr. Watson, we should be keeping God’s commandments (I John 5:1-3, I John 2:5-6
, II John 6
). For him, that means Sabbath observance, festival observance, clean and unclean meats, etc. Mr. Watson believes that these commandments should define a Christian’s behavior – that they represent the best way to demonstrate that we love God.
Unfortunately, like most Armstrongites, Mr. Watson does not understand that Christ revealed a new iteration of God’s Law – those two great commandments which he referenced in his remarks. In the Gospel of John, we read that Christ said: “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34-35, ESV) Moreover, in that same first epistle of John which Mr. Watson referenced, we read: “Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us… We love because he first loved us. If anyone says, ‘I love God,’ and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen. And this commandment we have from him: whoever loves God must also love his brother.” (I John 4:7-12
and 19-21
, ESV) In other words, the best way to demonstrate our love for God is to actually love each other!
Mr. Watson, however, was persistent. “Is there something else that we could be doing?” he asked. For him, the very best way to demonstrate to God where our hearts and minds are at is to follow his “demands” in Leviticus 23. For Mr. Watson, these represent God’s expectations of his people. According to him, how diligently we handle physical things demonstrates how diligent we are with spiritual things.
Pastor Watson believes this stuff may not be important to us, but that it is clearly “important to God.” He went on to claim that some of his brethren within CGI “have marginalized the importance of these festivals.” In particular, Mr. Watson zeroed in on the lack of enthusiasm which some CGI folks have demonstrated for observing the Feast of Tabernacles. He noted that some Sunday-keeping Christians are more zealous in their observance of Christmas than some CGI folks are in observing the FOT. He even quoted the passage about taking tree branches and constructing temporary dwellings, and then proceeded to explain that CGI has “adjusted” those requirements (they stay in hotels). He noted that “we handle it the way we do.”
Mr. Watson believes that “words are cheap – actions are precious,” and that “we’re defined by what we do, not what we say.” I couldn’t agree with him more. In that first epistle of John that the pastor referenced, we read: “By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” (I John 3:16-18, ESV) Moreover, in his epistle, James noted: “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” (James 1:27
Mr. Watson believes that God wants him and his brothers and sisters within CGI to observe the Feast of Tabernacles. In my humble opinion, I believe God expects a whole lot more from Christ’s disciples. What do you think?
ACOGs have always taught that both the spiritual and physical are important, but that the spiritual is more important. Whether they all live up to it is another matter. But to suggest that they teach otherwise seems to require deceitful cherry picking of their words.
Let's put this into context. You deliberately go out of your way (in your real busy life) to listen to a Pastor from Church of God give you material to write a post...with a mocking holier than thou attitude to spread criticism on this blog....whilst eagerly waiting for his next sermon.
Whilst accusing others of having no love....
What a sad life of hypocrisy hey.
"How to be spiritual by doing physical things"??? Of course physical things are important!!
Loving one another (John 13) = a physical thing.
Loving in deed and truth (1 John 3)= a physical thing.
Visiting widows and orphans (James 1)= physical things.
These 3 examples alone prove that even though Christ summarized the law into 2 great principles, less than perfect people still sometimes require additional definition in comprehending the broad category of "love"!! "LOVE" apparently was not sufficient in 1 Corinthians 9, where Paul specifically used the law of Moses to explain to the carnal Gentile Corinthians that he was in need!! I guess they still had a few things to learn!
Since the whole Bible cannot be preached in one sermon, I'm sure Bill was not trying to exhaust the full meaning of Christian love and responsibility in this one message.
All of that talk about observing God's physical commands, yet Watson refuses to obey God by wearing tassels on his clothing. What a hypocrite!
Dear Anonymous @ Sunday, January 7, 2024 at 11:07:00 PM PST,
Yes, let's put this into context. For that a little background is in order. After being disfellowshipped from the old Worldwide Church of God, I began attending Bill Watson's CGI congregation (then in Bath, Ohio) in 1986. My father was friendly with Bill and eventually became his associate in CGI's ministry (an association which continued until my father's death in December of 2021). In the meantime, my own association with CGI was intermittent. However, before completely severing ties with that organization in 2015, I had written for CGI's "The International News" for several years and had occasionally delivered sermons to two of their congregations in Arkansas.
In addition to that context, it is important to note that Bill is not just a local pastor of CGI. Bill is the principal presenter of their "Armor of God" programs, "Web Chat" programs, a regional director for that organization, and a regular contributor to "The International News." In other words, Bill Watson is an important part of CGI's leadership team and one of the primary representatives of that group in presenting their message to the world. Moreover, some of my family continues to attend services at Bill's current home congregation in Medina, Ohio. Hence, Bill is NOT some random minister of CGI that I have chosen to stalk.
Finally, I do have a full and happy life of my own. I am the proud father of two daughters and grandfather of six grandchildren. I continue to be interested in current events, nature, reading, genealogical research, my home, and my family. In the midst of all of that, I also continue to be interested in helping people (family, friends, and others) who have been ensnared by the false and harmful teachings of Herbert and Garner Ted Armstrong. Hence, my continuing interest in posting commentary here and on my own blog related to their teachings.
I found nothing wrong with Bill's sermon and was quite encouraged by it. At least he did not predict Christ was coming to Medina next Sabbath.
Love is usually a one way street within COG. Usually love really means manipulation in cog.
Who mentioned stalking ? Don't believe a word of anything you write. No one who was ever in CGI writes like you do.
In HIS beginning Herbert Armstrong had all "7 feasts" wrong and many of his splinter/split churches still have 6 wrong. There are only 3 - Ex 23:14-16
. "Feasts" in Lev 23:2
is a mistranslation, should be fixed times/set appointments based on a fixed lunar calendar from creation-Ps 104:19
,include feasts and sabbaths. 😉Passover, the 14th, is not a separate feast.
; Eze 45:21
; Mat 26:17
; Mark 14:12
; Luke 22:7
. The 15th is the NTBMO.
). 😉Atonement is not a feast but a sabbath. A fast is not a feast. (Are Trumpets and Atonement no longer required? Followers of Jesus Christ have received the atonement and the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance - Rom 5:11
; John 14:26
. The 7th day is "of the feast". The feast does not include the 8th day.
- Tishri 22. Review John 8:1-9:14
. Tishri 23 is never a sabbath.
😉Unleavened bread is Nisan 14-20 including the Passover, is one of the 3 feasts - Deut 16:2-4
😉Pentecost was corrected to Sunday from Monday by HWA's church in 1974. A 50th day after the 7th sabbath/Saturday in 50 days can only be Sunday.
😉"Trumpets" is not a feast but a sabbath/memorial. Trumpets are not specified but could be used to make noise (so God would remember Israel?-cf Num 10:10 NASB
😉Feast of Tabernacles includes the last great day, the 7th day - John 7:37
😉The 8th day is not the last great day and is not a feast: it is the sabbath of John 9:14
"At least he did not predict Christ was coming to Medina next Sabbath."
Well, of course He's not coming to Medina- Wadsworth is a few miles southeast.
Monday, January 8, 2024 at 1:09:00 PM PST,
I don't care what you believe, but for those who are interested in the truth of the matter. Check out these links (they even have my picture):
If only his followers understood the freedom that is in Christ and that they are not bound by the Old Covenant laws. All he is doing is keeping his followers enslaved. Sadly, most COG members prefer enslavement than freedom in Christ.
Hello Lonnie: I appreciate your efforts to expose the heresy of the COGs, especially CGI - it's a labor of love toward those who are being deceived.
It is fascinating to observe how Armstrongite ministers feel free to speak harshly of all "Christians, falsely so called" but they, and their minions, cannot tolerate anyone calling them out.
Don't let them get you down; you are in the right - keep up the good fight!
Trooisto said:
"It is fascinating to observe how Armstrongite ministers feel free to speak harshly of all "Christians, falsely so called" but they, and their minions, cannot tolerate anyone calling them out. "
This has been the case here all along with certain readers. They can defame and discredit Christians in other churches but when they get called out for their hypocrisy, the self-righteous indignity raises its ugly head.
Miller Lonnie, why were you disfellowshipped from wcg, on what grounds?
Thank you, Trooisto. I pray that everyone will eventually understand that Jesus Christ is our Sabbath rest - that our righteousness before God is established by the way Jesus lived his life and freely offered himself as a sacrifice for our sins - period! And that, as Christians, we demonstrate our faithfulness and love by following Christ's commandments (which also meet the expectations of the Father and the Holy Spirit).
Tuesday, January 9, 2024 at 9:10:00 AM PST,
I was disfellowshipped from WCG for dating a young lady outside of the Church (which I foolishly voluntarily shared that I was doing with the local pastor of the congregation where I was attending).
When trying to help men, who batter their wives/partners, to change their behavior, I often hear similar themes. When the men become introspective and willing to open up, they often discover and then become able to articulate that the core belief behind the action of abusing a loved one is feeling that the man is superior. His intent is to control the one he abuses, with the belief that he has the right to do so due to his superiority.
Same thing with Armstrongite ministers.
Armstrongite members are even more fascinating; they endure much abuse and feel it's acceptable - dismissing it as church government doing what is required to keep you on the right track. Some members take on the same tactics as the ministry and abuse those they can feel superior to.
While the members are controlled, and often willingly give up that control, many also exhibit a strong need to gain back control. Many are more attracted to the Armstrongite gospel of earning their salvation and cannot give up the control of being in charge of their own salvation. Many shun any portrayal of the Gospel of a Savior who does it all and a God who holds you in his grace.
Obviously, we need to speak against the abuses of Armstrongism and help the abused see the light!
It's amazing that Watson can admit in a sermon that CGI has "adjusted" the law about the Feast of Tabernacles and his congregation is okay with that. One of Watson's followers commented in this thread "I found nothing wrong with Bill's sermon and was quite encouraged by it."
Regarding changing the commands on how to keep the FOT, Watson quoted the passage about using tree branches to construct temporary dwellings and noted that “we handle it the way we do.”
Armstrongites insist that they obey the law - and - they disparage those who don't keep the same law. Yet, they have a somewhat secret way of changing that law to be whatever suits their desires. Their hypocrisy and deranged reasoning is phenomenal.
Since Armstrongites have never really kept the Law, are they really just mad at us because we don't recognize their authority to change the law to suit their desires. Or, do they really believe that they are keeping the Law?
In CGI's case, it appears they "handle it the way we do" because that's how Herbie did it - they just accepted HWA's authority to change what he wanted changed. Yet, CGI had no problem rejecting Herbie's authority when they wanted to start their own church.
CGI, and the other Armstrongite COGs, are a lawless cabal. They've re-written the law Jesus fulfilled and deny that Jesus fulfilled it.
Trooisto, your comments underscore the obvious hypocrisy of the ACOGs relative to the Law. The fact is that they aren't observing Torah Law any more than you are, or I am! They have exchanged the freedom we have in Christ for chains of slavery.
The "plain truth" is that Herbert Armstrong's corpus of doctrine is unsustainable and indefensible. The problem with the Worldwide Church wasn't just to be found with its government, administration, or a few overly zealous and/or dictatorial ministers - the THEOLOGY itself was and is hopelessly flawed and irredeemable. As the New Testament informs us repeatedly, salvation is through Jesus Christ alone, and NO ONE will be justified by the deeds of the Law.
HWA taught that he had the primacy which Jesus had granted to Peter, the ability to bind and loosen.
That gets complicated, because he also taught that he preached a gospel that had not been preached in over 1900 years.
The early chains of Bishops which began with those whom the original Apostles ordained (for lack of a better term) also believed they had inherited the primacy of Peter, and their sequence of decisions organically transformed the followers of Jesus Christ into the Catholic COG. HWA reversed 1900 years of bindings and loosings to found his Radio COG.
I'm just throwing this out to the larger audience, knowing that it is totally ludicrous. Years ago, a church member facetiously asked if it's still fornication or adultery if you use a condom.
After you have recovered your balance from the assault that question has made on your senses, the first thing that comes to mind is that the person who uses a condom has done something which prevents the natural penalties for the act, which would be unwanted pregnancy, or the transmission of an STD. But, it's actually what goes on in the mind that is the real sin. Lots of lust. In effect, you are stealing. Acting or pretending it didn't happen is lying. You couldn't make the case that you did it out of love, because it brings a full set of emotional baggage.
You must also consider the fact that that is one of the "don'ts". And one can see how that could be an eternal law, at least until everyone who's going to make it is in the Kingdom and there is no sex. The thing is, in Armstrongism, it is the "dos" that are picked and chosen. These are all from the Sinai covenant. And nobody has ever advocated strict adherence to all of them today, partially because there is no Temple, and some because of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Others would be so danged inconvenient. Those tassels, Only dining in Kosher environments. Not driving your car on the Sabbath because every time a spark plug fires, you have kindled a fire. Sending your wife to the woods during her time of uncleanness.
It seems so obvious that it is impossible to keep certain elements of the Sinai covenant, and yet scripture tells us that if you keep part of the law, you must keep all of it! HWA asked where in the Bible you find that the sabbath was abolished? Where in the Bible does it say that all these other requirements have been abolished?
The Epistle to the Galatians is the best and most succinct description as to how to resolve all of this. Now if only we could get Bill Watkins and others to separate the gilding at the edges of the pages of Galatians, so that it matches the gilding in their Bibles on the pages which contain Leviticus, maybe we'd be on to something!
I was disfellowshipped from WCG for dating a young lady outside of the Church
That's a tough pastor, most would overlook it in the hopes of bringing in a new member, because they were experiencing chronic stalemate in recruiting!
"HWA taught that he had the primacy which Jesus had granted to Peter, the ability to bind and loosen."
Probably the single biggest error of them all. It opened the door for all sorts of apostasy and perversion of God's Instructions. If the ministry declares it, then it's ok, even if it directly contradicts the scriptures. I've run into that sort of thinking so many times I've lost count.
What you bind/loose on earth will HAVE BEEN bound/loosed already in Heaven. It in no way gives any human the ability to contradict the scriptures. The Holy Spirit does not lead one on a path that goes against God's word.
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