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The Plain Truth is that the only people who eat turkey bacon are Laodiceans.
Even Herbie ate pork when overseas so he would not offend his hosts, yet COG folk act like it is a mortal sin to eat it. My first bacon was in the home of a minister back in the late 1960's. He said there was nothing wrong with eating and never taught anyone in the church to not eat it. Best COG minister I ever had!
"The Plain Truth is that the only people who eat turkey bacon are Laodiceans."
AMEN!!!!!!!!!! Real Christians never eat turkey bacon.
Points 6 and 10 contradict each other. Why are we letting such sloppy thinking get by on this board?
@ 12:39 PM, if your value system is "Herbie did it, so I can do it" then I fear for your daughters. Be better.
that's why I tried to post a non-accepted pork industry note 🐷
Herbie knew back then that the rigid stipulations the church had about clean and unclean meats was a farce.
You dont need to worry about my daughter. She has a black belt in Tae Kwon Do. Well, on the other hand, maybe you should worry about her if your mind goes immediately to the sex gutter Armstrongism always leads one to.
Just tell Herbie that your daughter is mixed race like Peggy Lipton's daughter on The Office
maybe he would've done an about face
I'm from the Echinacean era, and we don't eat bacon of any type. When I was an AC student in the '60s, once in a while they would serve Seventh Day Adventist crab meat in the Student Center dining hall. I think it was soy protein, but it raised a lot of eyebrows! Just about everyone was a Pharisee in those days, so you can imagine the discussions. Like, are we eating this because we lust after real crab?
CLEAN Animals and UNCLEAN Animals
), and after the flood Noah built an altar and offered some of every clean animal and every clean bird as a burnt offering (see Genesis 8:20-22
were given by God for the good of his own chosen people who will trust him and obey him.
) and Peter (see Acts 10:14
) never ate unclean animals. The bad people mentioned in the Holy Bible who provoke God to his face eat pig's flesh (see Isaiah 65:2-7
The first recorded human sin in the Holy Bible was Eve eating some fruit that God had forbidden her to eat and giving some of it to her husband Adam to eat too. Satan deceived Eve. It got Adam and Eve expelled from the garden of Eden and later they did die (see Genesis 3:1-24
Ever since then, for almost six thousand years, Satan has continued to deceive people into eating things that God said not to eat.
Before the great flood in Noah's time, the animals went into the ark in different numbers depending on whether they were clean or unclean (see Genesis 7:1-5
The laws about clean animals and unclean animals listed in the Holy Bible in Leviticus 11:1-47
The good guys in the Holy Bible like Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 4:14
Today, all sorts of people who profess to be Christians, from Roman Catholics to Protestants, proudly snub God and his laws, and insist on eating pigs and other animals that God has forbidden people to eat.
The Seventh Day Adventist church does not seem to distinguish between clean animals and unclean animals. Instead, it seems to lump all meat eating together as being bad. The SDA church teaches vegetarianism (which cuts out the clean animals that were made to be received with thanksgiving), and nowadays the SDA church even promotes veganism (which cuts out such things as milk and honey). Typically, some SDA doctor from India will come up with some hokey reason for why it is bad to eat (holy) cows. At the same time, many SDAs like to eat fake unclean meats made from plants. Apparently, they never think about avoiding even the appearance of evil.
Next time at FOT, don't be surprised if a brethren-ly brethren at your table tells the waitstaff : "I'll have veal please".
The baby cows briefly live a short lonely life tied to pathetic doghouse style huts before oftentimes being abruptly thrown or wheelbarrowed to the slaughterhouse which slices them up for the veal industry market demand, to supply your "whatever your heart desires" meal of veal.
Definitely avoid "beyond meat" & "impossible burger" Frankenstein DNA foods too. Try some beans or eggs or fish once in a while instead of veal.
(don't tell me there are chicks or embryos or fetuses in the eggs either, because grocers only have unfertilized eggs)
I too believe in the concept of "clean and unclean meats" but I also accept what scripture says about this corrupt world system, where the "love of money" reigns supreme.
We live in a world where most "clean meat" is probably not fit to eat, olive oil is adulterated, most cooking oil is toxic, our fruits are vegetables are loaded with pesticides, and pharmaceuticals declared to be good are not!
I accept scripture as a guide, but when it comes to "health", we are on our own. We will reap what we sow.
Never trust anyone who pushes Turkey bacon.
A wise guy in Midland WCG singles thought he was clever eating realistic porky-looking off brand bac-o-bits on his salad in front of us at Ponderosa. For a long time he let everyone think it was pork bacon bits, till he laughed it up & revealed they were Gordon Foods or Van Eerden MSG soy artificial bacon bits non-pork.
Back in the day, WCG-approved weekly food shopping took forever, because members would dutifully read the ingredients on all of the food labels, checking for unclean meats and often preservatives or other chemicals. Sometimes you could take a short cut. If you saw a K with a circle around it, it meant that the food was Kosher. Same with the Hebrew word "Pareve".
As strict as they were, they never got into the butcher tools, like the meat grinder, or deli cutter which were used for all types of meats, without washing in between. Church farmers did bleed the animals they butchered properly, but this requirement was not even considered when buying meat in the supermarket. We never had visiting ministers check our cupboards for white flour or white sugar, but that was apparently a thing in some church areas.
I was surprised, even as a teenager, that an extremely anal-retentive organization picked and chose amongst the dietary laws of the Torah. Don't get me wrong. They were strict, but not as strict as what I read in my Bible.
Did the wise A.C. profs. or faculty staff ever dine out & order common french fries 🍟or hash browns cooked in a deep fryer basket of the same oil where shrimp was too 🍤🍤🦞
I love turkey bacon and eat it at least twice a week. Then again it’s probably more accurate to call it pastrami not bacon and it contains no sulphites or nitrates too.
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