Thursday, February 29, 2024

Bully pastors in the Church of God


For decades now there have been endless reports of spiritual abuse in the Churches of God. Many diehard believers fluff it off as nothing more than holding members accountable so that they can make it into the kingdom. They much prefer sticking their heads in the sand than taking a stand and holding the leaders accountable.

We have gone from Herbert Armstrong beating the podium and yelling at members that they don't understand to today's men like Gerald Flury and Dave Pack yelling at members and the youth. It is worse for the youth because they have no outlet to process this abuse. Unless they have a wise parent that takes them away from the abuse, they are stuck in an abusive cycle endlessly hearing how bad they are.

For decades church members were told that they were worms in the sight of God and unworthy to be in his presence. That is why Passover is so important to abusive leaders. They could humiliate and abuse members that their actions to this very day crucify Christ and make them unworthy.

Other times church leaders loved to quote the story about the crumbs under the table that were fit for the dogs and praised the woman for claiming that she was worthy to have those crumbs. Instead of telling members that they already have a place AT the table, instead of under it, COG leaders continue to suppress and devalue members.

Spiritual abuse is hard to point out at times, but here are some good descriptions of it:

Spiritual abuse, then, is when a spiritual leader— such as a pastor, elder, or head of a Christian organization — wields his position of spiritual authority in such a way that he manipulates, domineers, bullies, and intimidates those under him, as a means of accomplishing what he takes to be biblical and/or spiritual goals. Michael Kruger 
Spiritual abuse might include: manipulation and exploitation, accountability enforced by threats, censorship of decision-making, coercion to conform, and the inability to ask questions or voice disagreement. Beth Ann Baus 
Spiritual abuse occurs when an oppressor establishes control and domination by using Scripture, doctrine or his “leadership role” as a weapon. This form of abuse can be subtle, because it can mask itself as religious practice. Darby Strickland 
The word spiritual refers to something affecting a human spirit or soul. Abuse means to mistreat another, to deceive or do harm. When we use the word spiritual to describe abuse, we are talking about using that which is sacred—including God’s Word—to control, misuse, deceive, or damage a person created in his image. Diane Langberg 
‘Spiritual abuse is coercion and control of one individual by another in a spiritual context. The target experiences spiritual abuse as a deeply emotional personal attack. This abuse may include: manipulation and exploitation, enforced accountability, censorship of decision making, requirements for secrecy and silence, pressure to conform, misuse of scripture or the pulpit to control behaviour, requirement of obedience to the abuser, the suggestion that the abuser has a ‘divine’ position, isolation from others, especially those external to the abusive context.’9. Dr Lisa Oakely

Even the 10 Commandments, which COG leaders claim still is in force, yet never really keep, tells them to not spiritually abuse members.

However, we might also answer the question by turning to instruction from the law of God. In the structure of the Ten Commandments the first explicit duty of loving our neighbor is the fifth: “Honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12). A proper understanding of this commandment includes reciprocal responsibilities. Yes, children are to honor their parents but parents, in the spirit of the law, are to be honorable (see Ephesians 6:4). It’s also a commandment with a broad scope as it extends itself beyond the natural parent and child relationship — it really is a command that regulates many relationships in life. 
One of those relationships is that which exists between the spiritual leaders of the church and those to whom they exercise oversight. In the design of Jesus there are to be leaders in the church: “We ask you, brothers, to respect those who labor among you and are over you in the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 5:12), and “Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account” (Hebrews 13:17). These leaders stand in the place of spiritual mothers and fathers (see 1 Thessalonians 2:7-12 and 2 Corinthians 11:2). Spiritual Abuse: Seeing What We Don't Want to See

The word of the LORD came to me: ‘Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy, and say to them, even to the shepherds, Thus says the LORD GOD: Ah, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep. The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them. Ezekiel 34:1-4

So I exhort the elders among you, as a fellow elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ, as well as a partaker in the glory that is going to be revealed: shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly; not domineering over those in your charge, but being examples to the flock. And when the chief Shepherd appears, you will receive the unfading crown of glory. 1 Peter 5:1-4





Anonymous said...

Fake post trying to stir up trouble?? This blog is the bully foxes talking to the chickens.

Anonymous said...
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3 Fingers Back said...

I wish the trolls (11:15) amongst us would quit making lying comments just to get attention!

Tonto said...

The kindest and best pastors that I have known actually lived real lives, and had real careers for a long time before they became ministers. They experienced all of the nonsense that the rest of the members of the church had to live thru, and put up with. Virtually 100% of the asshole ministers came directly from AC into the ministry.

Like indoctrinated Hitler Youth, AC graduates after 4 years of being told that they were the "Master Race" , came out as demanding little KRAPS and ring leaders to sycophants and church climbers. The most abusive ministers have lived insulated, out of touch with the real world lives.

Anonymous said...

When I was in LCG, my pastor tried to boost attendance at a Family Day event by telling our congregation that if they didn't attend, they would probably also not go to the Place of Safety because of their Laodicean attitude. That's not the only reason why I stopped attending LCG, but that kind of attitude, unscriptural and bullying, was one big part of it.

Anonymous said...

Well, Tonto, they actually called us "cream of the crud"

I noticed this entitlement attitude as an AC student, long before it became a new cliche for the news media, and I had the presence of mind to reject it. They told me that people who did not want to be ministers were usually the ones who ended up being ministers, so I had to prove to them that I meant it.

Some of the horror stories I've heard over the years about my classmates are totally believable, because some were assholes the day they set foot on campus. But others started as nice enough people and allowed the college to warp
their attitudes until they believed in "authority at any cost". Reports about them are difficult to hear, because they weren't always that way.

There were also good guys who remained good guys, with strong consciences and a firm grasp of the Golden Rule. When there were cutbacks, they were often the first to go. I imagine it would have been difficult to continue attending after having been laid off.

It was a crazy, crazy, meshuggas world in which the mercenary enforcer types were considered to be the good guys, and those with a natural sense of humanity or empathy were seen as weak.

Anonymous said...

Even among some of the new ministers in UCG Cogwa who have not attended AC actually started out pretty well. But, once they became ministers their interesting and thoughtful minds became stuck in Armstrongist thought.

RSK said...

But if the blog's really run by ministurds, wouldn't that be counterproductive to try "to stir up trouble"?

Anonymous said...

Not lies. The trolls are yourselves.

Anonymous said...

Ahhh the old hatred of AC graduate Ministry "Tonto". Don't you know how famous your hatred of AC is???

NO2HWA said...

RSK said...
But if the blog's really run by ministurds, wouldn't that be counterproductive to try "to stir up trouble"?

I had to give up my ministurd ordination status once I was initiated into the Illuminati at the local Masonic Lodge. Now that I give fealty to my Jesuit overlords they feed me information to criticize false prophets running the COG.

Anonymous said...

Finally, the truth comes out! I've been saying this all along and you just confessed to it!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Ben Igalacka said...

Years ago, I noticed that many of the more eloquent commenters on the forums and blogs sounded as if they were writing Plain Truth articles. Certainly it's easy to see why some would assume that, "Hey, these guys are the ministers," But the fact is, people were fighting fire with the fire they were accustomed to in all of the church's literature. It was part of the learned culture of our shared background.

The Sundown Kid said...

There was never any difference between the ratio of decent people to total jackasses as it related to the ministry vs the lay members to AC kids. The ratio was basically the same throughout the church. Maybe the ministers were a little more hardcore in the cog experience so that made them a little more a certain way but anybody contesting that massive amounts of laymembers werent self righteous entitled kingdom freaks themselves is just wrong.

RSK said...

Feed you? Why do they need to feed you? You hold member status in GCI, PCG, LCG, RCG, UCG, COGWA and COGTE due to your chameleonic space lizard powers, Gary. You have the busiest Sabbaths of anyone!

RSK said...

Whats my name, fool?

Anonymous said...

Well that's a piece of LCG that Bob Thiel took with him into his new splinter, and re-serves it out as leftovers re-heated.

Like re-fried beans. It's Bob's re-heated Lao-Petra threat-baguette.

Paulie Fischetti said...

Aw come on! Anybody who has followed this blog for any length of time has got to realize from the passion displayed here that the leaders and celebrity posters are all Italian!

Anonymous said...

You Gary and most others here are just a bunch of hypocrites. You write:

"Even the 10 Commandments, which COG leaders claim still is in force, yet never really keep, tells them to not spiritually abuse members."

From other posts like this one, it is clear that you believe that the commandments are done away with. Not true but ... you then chastise COG leaders with Jesus own words to KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS. In the very next post, you write:

"The following scriptures accurately refer to Bwana Bob and most other COG leaders
These individuals thought they had a special relationship with Jesus, but they were gravely mistaken because they don’t honour God by obeying His law: “Now by this we know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He who says, ‘I know Him,’ and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him” (1 John 2:3-4). Christ clearly stated in Matthew 19:17, “...if you want to enter eternal life, keep the commandments.”"

Your hypocrisy is disgusting. I fully expect that "I never knew you" are words YOU personally will hear in the near future. Find something productive to do with your life. This blog is horrible.

Stretch A. Planet said...

"This blog is horrible"

Come on, now! If it weren't for this blog, how could you get that withering sneer and exhilarating feeling of self-righteousness? I mean, for you, there is that, so obviously we fill a purpose in your life, n'est ce pas?

RSK said...

What's my name, fool?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Gary is repenting.

NO2HWA said...

Of what? I'm already forgiven.

Anonymous said...

"Your hypocrisy is disgusting. I fully expect that "I never knew you" are words YOU personally will hear in the near future. Find something productive to do with your life. This blog is horrible."

Yet here you are every day checking out what you can get offended over. There is always something that makes you pucker up.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Disagree. Church members as a whole live busy decent clean lives, working hard to afford Tabernacles and keeping the ministry in the style they've become acquainted with.
Only ones with the opportunity, time and spiritual sickness to run these blogs are rebels from within the ministry.

Anonymous said...

11:53, they are not rebels, they are just sharing their opinion. Nobody is forcing you or anyone else to type this blog in your search engine. The rebels are the bully pastors that offend, the rebels are the pastors that leave a church to start their own cog drawing away other members. The rebels are splinterdom.

Anonymous said...

I remember a minister in the LCG that bragged about how well he made love to his wife, and this was in a sermon. He was a bully and everybody knew he was a bully.

Anonymous said...

Awww are the rebels from within the ministry upset they've been exposed. Awww.

Anonymous said...

Grace communion is rumoured to be involved in all this crap. What a life guys running this blog. Living the dream ?

Anonymous said...

Why not share that seriously disturbing episode to G. Weston LCG Premier Himself, in a very carefully prepared note so well written, that your account basically proves how much of a cad that minister was for bragging the private Song Of Solomon naughtiness of his & his wife's forth out from the podium?

That minister had no business sharing even minor details or insinuations of his PRIVATE marriage intimacy to be blabbed forth out to the church audience.

AND SO, now that Premier Weston needs to KNOW about it, then we can watch & expect (or DEMAND) some kind of stern corrective action FROM Weston onto his R-rated underling (who is likely still "serving" within LCG).

If no action is taken by Weston to shape up his klunky, loose LCG from running amok with such puffed up local ministerial sex braggarts, then the entire case should be pressed public until Weston does indeed get on that guy's case big-time. Go ahead, & tell Weston soon.

Anonymous said...

2 hours ago
Grace communion is rumoured to be involved in all this crap. What a life guys running this blog. Living the dream ?
In response to a comment by Unknown
Unknown commented on "Bully pastors in the Church of God"
2 hours ago
Awww are the rebels from within the ministry upset they've been exposed. Awww.

Your comments get dumber with every post. I recommend you go take some midol.

Anonymous said...

Responding to 1:29
That minister is no longer around, he was around when Mr. Meredith was in charge.

Anonymous said...

I had a friend who people would sometimes ask "Why are you and your wife even married???"

He'd lead off with, "Well, she"s not bad in the sack!"

I couldn't help but wonder about the wisdom of making that public knowledge! It's neither wise nor respectful. That attitude is most likely what caused their problems in the first place. Even if you're a big, bad Hittite, there's always a King David around!

Anonymous said...

thanks 6:16, good to know that knucklehead is no longer spouting forth his bilge to some of our stuck friends jammed up in boneheaded LCG

Anonymous said...
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