The Great Bwana to Africa and leader of 299 Caucasians has put his superfantabulous doubly-blessed brain to work and declared that some of his ministers and elders that plan on travelling to Feast sites in other nations will almost certainly need to be vaccinated. If they decide to travel internationally and maybe even nationally then they need to look upon getting the vaccine as a being "living-sacrifices" for the most amazing work the COG has seen in its 2,000-year history. If the vaccine kills you or disables you in some way, that's ok because you are doing the Lord's Bob's work. The convoluted reasoning for this is appalling.
Several in North America and Africa who will be traveling to serve in other nations have had to get a vaccine in order to be let in those countries. Even before COVID, certain counties have always required certain vaccines in order to enter (like the Yellow Fever vaccine for many African nations). Regarding CCOG’s actions on this in 2021, I personally spoke with someone in each of the households who were considering international travel for CCOG and told them 1) the nation(s) they want to visit and assist at the Feast of Tabernacles would not let them in if they did not get one of the vaccines, 2) that they did not have to go if they did not want to, and 3) if they still wanted to go they would need to get the vaccine. All in that category either decided to get a vaccine or otherwise plan to do so shortly. Though I did not mention Romans 12:1to them, the Apostle Paul said Christians should be willing to be a living sacrifice–and while that does not mean we try to harm ourselves, we should be willing to suffer (Romans 8:17
), if need be, for the Kingdom of God.
Personally, I do not care for vaccines, nor believe that government officials have told the full true story about them. Yet, even before COVID have written that if one was necessary to work to fulfill Matthew 24:14and/or 28:19-20, it would be something I would be willing to do.