Sunday, June 29, 2014

Why Are The Church of God's Too Embarrassed To Answer A Question?

The Church of God has always hidden itself under the basket.  Neighborhoods never knew about COG's in their midst and members never discussed where they attended.  Even Pasadena, with its grandiose buildings and magnificently groomed grounds tried its best to hid from the world.  It was always about Ambassador College or Ambassador Foundation.  The church was never discussed.  Even when Herbert Armstrong was traveling around the world all he could talk about was " a strong hand from someplace."

We are now in the 21st century, decades past the time the church was to have been in Petra during World War III and the Kingdom of God firmly established on earth.  One epic failed prophecy after another has left the Church of God's in disarray and with rapidly shrinking churches.  In spite of all that, they still hide themselves from the world because they are too ashamed of what they believe or teach.

From Exit and Support:

One thing I'm amazed at even at this late date is the splinter groups' continued unwillingness to answer a direct question. Just for inquiry, I contacted several of them that supposedly have "congregations" near where I live, and I was able to get almost ZERO info from them. Most of them responded, but wouldn't answer anything. They wouldn't tell me where and when they meet, they wouldn't tell me how "large" (or tiny) the congregations were, nor what to expect at a service.

I also decided to email the Restored Church of God and asked them quite forthright: "What must a person do to be saved?" I got a long email instructing me to send away for their literature so I could be familiar with their church's teachings. I emailed back and asked again and I got the same response: "Send away for our literature."

Ok, so the "one true church" that only uses the Bible (supposedly) as their source couldn't respond in the same manner Paul responded to the jailer in Acts 16: 30-31 ["Sirs, what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house."]
I responded one more time to them and reminded them of this passage. I received no further responses from them.

David C Pack's Epic Failure of 2013 Now Being Predicted to Happen August 2014

David C Pack made a complete fool of himself last October when he publicly declared that tens of thousands of current and former members would suddenly come to his personality cult and be joined as one body in the ONLY true Church of God ever to exist in 1,900 years.

Because of that incredibly HUGE embarrassment Pack has been hiding away in Wadsworth trying to restore his bruised and sullied ego.  Try as he might, that huge embarrassment continues to hang over his head.  He gathered around him his loyal 16 and agonized over why his prophecy failed and where he had made a  mistake.

In typical Pack fashion he never made a mistake.  God just changed the time table.

Now word is leaking out that Dave has set his sights on August 2014 as the time of the great reunification.  It had better happen this time because Dave has over extended himself with all his new buildings and projects that the money flow cannot keep up with the demand.

A letter sent to Exit and Support had this to say about the new date:

David Pack Still Predicting a Huge Inrush of Members:
June 26, 2014
I want to let you know that David Pack is still predicting a huge "inrush" of members, when his "unprophecy" about three splinter leaders dying together in fire is fulfilled. All eyes are now on this August, since it didn't happen last year on schedule. August is also when the ministry will gather for their yearly conference. I wonder what "new understanding" will be revealed this year? Will any of the members come back to reality, when the "prophecy which is not really a prophecy" fails again? I'm not holding my breath. --[name withheld]

The Church of God's Original Beatnik Apostle

The Beatnick Gospel by E W King.  
King certainly is setting himself apart as the most unique COG leader ever!

E W King and Donald Smack's  Beatnik Kick