Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Ron and Laura Weinland: Dumb and Dumber

Since Church of God felon Ron Weinland was released from his 3 1/2 years of tribulation punishment, he and his crazy wife have been attempting to rally what few remaining troops he has left.  The two Witless Witnesses had hoped to travel to Australia this year for the Feast of Tabernacles.  That quickly fell through when Australia denied him a visa  to travel to their country.  After that humiliation, the two money moochers decided to have their members pay for their Feast travels to Europe this year.

While he was in prison he decided to write a new book detailing the exact sequence of events that was to lead up to the Great Tribualtion.  Why anyone would ever take anything he says as the truth is beyond me. But there are a lot of fools in the Church of God who do so in spite of the fact every single thing he has predicted has failed to come to pass.

Here are his predictions from 2008.  Be aware though that in Weinland's deluded mind his god has delayed the return of its creature called "jesus"  all because the membership was not ready.

December 14, 2008: The first trumpet blew (silently).  Ron and Laura “began their jobs” while in Jerusalem after a jaunt to Cairo to tour the pyramids. 
September 19, 2009: Feast of Trumpets: The end of the zeroeth “time” or 280 days into the not-so-Great Tribulation.  With 280 days being a sign of judgment, and Ron being too sick to speak that day.
February 6, 2010: Half-a-time or 140 days after Trumpets, 2009.  The PKG members are to fast, but only for one day.  Ron promises another barn-burner borer of a sermon this day.
June 26, 2011: Time.  Earliest that the European beast power will become active.
November 13, 2011: Time and half-a-time 
April 2, 2011: Times 
August 20, 2011: Times and half-a-time.  Latest that the European beast power becomes active. 
January 7, 2012: Time and Times.  The 200-million-man Asiatic horde army might not become active until this time.  Yet somehow they will be able to assemble, arm, and mobilize this army of unprecedented size in less than 140 days and have it in place in the valley of Megiddo for the last few days of the Great Tribulation 
May 22, 2012 at sunrise in Jerusalem: Ron and Laura are killed in the streets of Jerusalem 
May 26, 2012: End of Time, Times, and Half-a-Time: Day before Pentecost.  Jesus Christ to return at sundown which ends this day and begins Pentecost. 
May 27, 2012: Ron and Laura having been resurrected from the streets of Jerusalem begin their new jobs as rulers in God’s Kingdom. False Prophet Ron Weinland

Living Church of God/United Church of God: Those Were The Days My Friend, WeThought They'd Never End...

Living Church of God recently posted a picture of their University class and all of its teachers. This is the picture:

Accompanying the picture this morning was this comment:

The entire Ambassador University for LCG, Freshman, Sophomores, Jr's and Seniors, plus the football team, the basketball team, the debate club,  biology, chemistry, humanities, history, paleontology, theology, archaeology departments, and home economics for girls, plus the entire faculty, all in one wide angle shot!   :)  I can imagine they all feel that it is reminiscent of the founding days of that Great University...Ambassador College Pasadena which has now grown into Harvest Crock Church and Condos I believe. 

Even the Bricket Wood, England campus was bigger that LCG's University!

Here is United Church of God's amazing college:

Just how credible is a "college" that calls itself ABC?

Somehow Ambassador Bible Center just does not compute properly...

Then there was this about Lil'Jimmy Meredith on the COG News site:

With no Festival of Tabernacles in Hawaii this year, the LCGMeeting Planner, Jim Meredith, is left with organizing the Charlotte Family Weekend, which again will take place at the Renaissance Charlotte Suites Hotel, December 22-25. 
The festivities will begin with a dance on Thursday evening, the 22nd, and finish with a sports day and games night on Sunday the 25th. The Sabbath service will be live-streamed over the Internet.  
The family weekend is, as Jim Meredith puts it, “a weekend of spiritual rejuvenation, fun, food, and fellowship!” - so different then from the festival that the world celebrates at this time of year.

Picture of Lil'Jimmy planning the Winter Family Weekend

After spending many years doing advance planning in Hawaii for LCG's Feast by staying in the finest hotels, snorkeling, sailing, and spending tithe money on fine dining, Lil'Jimmy has to settle for the finer things in life like planning LCG's annual winter Christmas party.

No matter how hard all of the Church of God groups try, they just cannot recapture the vision Herbert Armstrong had.  Flurry has been unable to do so, even with his mini-me auditorium and prayer rock.  Dave Pack has not been able to complete his superfantabulous campus or run his church as HWA did.  Both Living Church of God and United Church of God have been relegated to little office buildings where they run one room University campuses.

Yes, those were the days by friend, we thought they'd never end...but they did.

Monday, September 26, 2016

James Malm: Since I Am The Only One With The Truth, Send Me Your Money (or maybe a salad)

One of the Chief Pharaisse's acolytes asked a question the other day on what to do with 1st tithe money if you don't agree with your own church.  Of course the Chief Pharsissee had the same response that Bob Thiel always has.  He and only he has the truth and the money belongs to him.  

The acolyte asks:

Maybe someone can help me. For many years we have always been taught to give your 1st tithe to the church. But what if you don’t agree with the churches today? What should you do with that money? Also, what is 1st tithe supposed to be used for in the New Covenant? Thank you in advance for your help.
The tithe is God’s money and it should be sent to those who are teachers of godliness and of living by every Word of God, not to some corporate church organization which does not keep God’s Word.  
Jesus said that we should render to God what is God’s Mark 12:17; He also said that we would know who is of God by their fruits of building on the sure foundation of the Word of God Mat 7.  
Look around you: Who is teaching the whole Word of God and studying through the entire Bible, feeding everyone with the solid meat of God’s Word day by day and chapter by chapter? and who is restoring those things that have been forgotten? Who is growing in understanding of God’s Word and is willing to speak the truth to all people?  
Who is covering and explaining world events of prophetic significance in detail as they happen, warning the people and presenting in depth studies in BOTH Prophecy and Sound Doctrine?  
Discern BETWEEN who is working to turn as many as possible to an enthusiastic Christ-like zeal to live by every Word of God; from those who say “obey us” regardless of the scriptures. 
This is the criteria to discern who is of God and who is not. The credentials of a godly work are not ordination by some man or bowing to some corporate entity, but the godliness of the work being done. 
Once you have discerned who is of God, then support that person; because God’s money is to do God’s work, which in the New Covenant is to teach every person to live by every Word of God as Jesus did(Mat 4:4, Mat 28). This work gratefully accepts tithes and offerings for the furtherance of the Gospel. Tax deductible in the USA. James

So there you have it.  No other man, no other church, and no other web site is doing the mind-bloggling work like Malm is.  Dave Pack and Bob Thiel are impotent little wuss's when compared to the forceful message the Church of Malm is doing in getting the word out.   Even though he bastardizes the law into something that he thinks is required for new covenant Christians and who has a writer that is of questionable repute, he feels he is the only source of truth for the entire Church of God.

I think we all should chip in and send Malm as salad....as the video above says.