God's greatest self-appointed prophet who knows everything about everything, is letting the world know that there is a Great Monarch coming along with 50 other Beasts. Oh, noes! What will we do????? Oh, wait! When has a single prophecy or prediction made by ANY COG minister or leader EVER been true?
Almost arrested, but never arrested, constantly harassed and maligned, self-appointed, homoeopathic pill pusher, and world-renowned authority on Mayan and Fatima prophecies, Elijah Amos Bob Thiel has weighed in on the Great Monarch in world history along with 50 prophecies about OTHER beasts!
The amazing power of God at work in prophecy!
The true reason for the nations!
Here are some of the shocking Beasts that are rampaging around the world at this moment
as PROOF of prophecy!
Prophetic beast attacks Laodiceans
Oh, what a tangled web we weave...the origin of the downfall of Herbert Armstrong
Herbert Armstrong's Tangled Web
Unclean meats enforced upon true believers
Collecting Americans for deportment to concentration camps! Horrific!
Foretold in Revelation!
Scorpions of Revelation attack satanic beast
You too can listen to this amazing sermon here:
Great Monarch and 50+ Beasts Prophecies
WARNING: Lot's of jazz hands and jumbled curtains!
"Since the fourth century, it has been claimed that an Emperor of the Romans, also known as the Great Monarch would rise up. He is prophesied to eliminate Islam, Protestantism, and heresies. He is also prophesied to essentially bring a Catholic-form of world peace and prosperity to the world. Although he is predicted in Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic writings, some Catholic writers have warned against him. Is the Great Monarch sent by God or is he on the side of Satan? Will he bring in utopia or tribulation? Does the Tiburtine Sibyl, where some say this leader was first predicted, have pagan origins? Does he have the true message of the gospel of the kingdom or will he and his supporters be pushing a false gospel? In this sermon, Dr. Thiel goes over predictions about the Great Monarch, Hindu & Chinese prophecies, Catholic teachings, and scriptures that seem to have a connection with the Great Monarch. Will the Great Monarch truly be Catholic or an apostate? Will he work with a pope or anti-pope. Dr. Thiel addresses those issues and also goes over a list of 50 predicted characteristics of the Great Monarch that tie in with biblical prophecies. Sadly, when people see signs and lying wonders associated with the Beast/Great Monarch, nearly all on earth will accept him, despite the biblical warnings. Dr. Thiel also goes over predictions related to his rise, name, and some physical characteristics."